you can run the watch to autorun compiler coffee -wc -o js/ src/*.coffee
without documentation yet, look the demo to understand the framework fast doc:
general grafics objects
method updade (recive the class context)
it is call for each iteretion of the game loop. must update the object status
method paint (recive the canvas 2d context)
it is call for each iteration of the game loop after all the objects to be update
Context (you need extends to custon yours objects and plugins)
create a game instance and the empty objects attribute (default list used by get Objects)
you need call super at the first line to run
method getObjects
it is called to get all the grafics objects
method required (recive a plugin class)
it is used to requister a plugin
attribute game
represent the game istante for this context
constructor (recive a Context instance, the canvas element and the game fps)
prepare the game loop to start
method start
start the game loop
method stop
spot the game loop