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Jason Gray edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 13 revisions

Raspotify works out of the box and should be discoverable by Spotify Connect on your local network, however you can configure it by editing Raspotify's config file. which passes arguments to librespot. See the librespot wiki for details and the Troubleshooting section of this wiki for troubleshooting and audio setup tips.

Pre version 0.31.4:

# /etc/default/raspotify -- Arguments/configuration for librespot

# Device name on Spotify Connect

# Bitrate, one of 96 (low quality), 160 (default quality), or 320 (high quality)

# Additional command line arguments for librespot can be set below.
# See `librespot -h` for more info. Make sure whatever arguments you specify
# aren't already covered by other variables in this file. (See the daemon's
# config at `/lib/systemd/system/raspotify.service` for more technical details.)
# To make your device visible on Spotify Connect across the Internet add your
# username and password which can be set via "Set device password", on your
# account settings, use `--username` and `--password`.
# To choose a different output device (ie a USB audio dongle or HDMI audio out),
# use `--device` with something like `--device hw:0,1`. Your mileage may vary.
#OPTIONS="--username <USERNAME> --password <PASSWORD>"

# Uncomment to use a cache for downloaded audio files. Cache is disabled by
# default. It's best to leave this as-is if you want to use it, since
# permissions are properly set on the directory `/var/cache/raspotify'.
#CACHE_ARGS="--cache /var/cache/raspotify"

# By default, the volume normalization is enabled, add alternative volume
# arguments here if you'd like, but these should be fine.
#VOLUME_ARGS="--enable-volume-normalisation --volume-ctrl linear --initial-volume=100"

# Backend could be set to pipe here, but it's for very advanced use cases of
# librespot, so you shouldn't need to change this under normal circumstances.
#BACKEND_ARGS="--backend alsa"

# The displayed device type in Spotify clients.
# Can be "unknown", "computer", "tablet", "smartphone", "speaker", "tv",
# "avr" (Audio/Video Receiver), "stb" (Set-Top Box), and "audiodongle".


# /etc/raspotify/conf -- Arguments/configuration for librespot

# A non-exhaustive list of librespot options and flags.

# Please see &
# for configuration details and a full list of options and flags.

# You can also find a full list with `librespot -h`.

# To avoid name collisions environment variables must be prepended with
# `LIBRESPOT_`, so option/flag `foo-bar` becomes `LIBRESPOT_FOO_BAR`.

# Invalid environment variables will be ignored.

# Raspotify defaults may vary from librespot defaults.
# Commenting out the environment variable will fallback to librespot's default
# unless otherwise noted.

# Flags are either on (uncommented) or off (commented),
# their values are otherwise not evaluated (but the "=" is still needed).

# Only log warning and error messages.

# Automatically play similar songs when your music ends.

# Disable caching of the audio data.
# Enabling audio data caching can take up a lot of space
# if you don't limit the cache size with LIBRESPOT_CACHE_SIZE_LIMIT.
# It can also wear out your Micro SD card. You have been warned. 

# Disable caching of credentials.
# Caching of credentials is not necessary so long as

# Play all tracks at approximately the same apparent volume.

# Enable verbose log output.

# Disable zeroconf discovery mode.

# Options will fallback to their defaults if commented out,
# otherwise they must have a valid value.

# Device name.
# Raspotify defaults to "raspotify (*hostname)".
# Librespot defaults to "Librespot".

# Bitrate (kbps) {96|160|320}. Defaults to 160.

# Output format {F64|F32|S32|S24|S24_3|S16}. Defaults to S16.

# Displayed device type. Defaults to speaker.

# Limits the size of the cache for audio files.
# It's possible to use suffixes like K, M or G, e.g. 16G for example.
# Highly advised if audio caching isn't disabled. Otherwise the cache
# size is only limited by disk space.

# Audio backend to use, alsa or pipe. Defaults to alsa.

# Username used to sign in with.
# Credentials are not required if LIBRESPOT_DISABLE_DISCOVERY is not set.

# Password used to sign in with.

# Audio device to use, use `librespot --device ?` to list options.
# Defaults to the system's default.

# Initial volume in % from 0 - 100.
# Defaults to 50 For the alsa mixer: the current volume.

# Volume control scale type {cubic|fixed|linear|log}.
# Defaults to log.

# Range of the volume control (dB) from 0.0 to 100.0.
# Default for softvol: 60.0.
# For the alsa mixer: what the control supports.

# Pregain (dB) applied by volume normalisation from -10.0 to 10.0.
# Defaults to 0.0.

# Threshold (dBFS) at which point the dynamic limiter engages
# to prevent clipping from 0.0 to -10.0.
# Defaults to -2.0.

# The port the internal server advertises over zeroconf 1 - 65535.
# Ports <= 1024 may require root privileges.

# HTTP proxy to use when connecting.

After editing restart the daemon by running: sudo systemctl restart raspotify

Please see the Configuration Migration Page to learn how to migrate your setting to version 0.31.4+ if upgrading from an older release.