This directory contains files from Ketarin for use with Chocolatey Automatic Package Updater
GPLv2 License
Source code tar.gz
Source code SVN
Ketarin is a program to scrape webpages for content matching regex patterns, store it in built-in and/or user-defined variables, and use that information to populate a local SQLite database file. Application entries may be uploaded or downloaded via an online repository or created and maintained locally. Ketarin will then download the installation file, typically an MSI or EXE, to a local folder dependent on detecting a newer version available. Ketarin may continue to attempt to run specified batch commands or c# scripts. Typically, the scripting commands are used to silently install the program, but any commandline program may be triggered upon detection of an available application update.
Ketarin's tagline is "Keep your setup packages up-to-date..."
What is it all about? Ketarin is a small application which automatically updates setup packages. As opposed to other tools, Ketarin is not meant to keep your system up-to-date, but rather to maintain a compilation of all important setup packages which can then be burned to disc or put on a USB stick. I created this application, because I couldn't find anything like it when I needed such a functionality. Since I don't want my efforts go to waste, I decided to release it to the public. Ketarin is open source, so you can also extend its functionality to fit your needs (just note that you may not use the icons that ship with it freely as well). I'd also appreciate source code contributions. Ketarin is written in C#, for the .NET Framework 2.0 and uses SQLite as database engine.
How does it work? Basically, it monitors the content of web pages for changes and downloads files to a specified location. There is a tutorial explaining it all. Currently, you can either rely on a service based on FileHippo, or you can define your own rules, even using regular expressions (for advanced users). A similar application, for monitoring web pages, is Webmon and has sometimes served as guide.
choco install chocolateypackageupdater
This will install two additional chocolatey packages: nuget.commandline and ketarin
- Configure installed chocolateypackageupdater files:
Modify xml "add" tag with keyvalue "PackagesFolder" with value of "C:\path\to\chocolaty\packages" so it looks like:
<add key="PackagesFolder" value="C:\path\to\chocolatey\packages"/>
"C:\path\to\chocolaty\packages" will be the root folder of your chocolatey packages where each sub-directory will a different package where folder-name is equal to the "packageId"
Note: packages will be published to an automatically generated sub-folder "_output" in this location by chocopkgup.exe.
- Ensure the correct ketarin.exe file is being executed:
PS C:\> (get-command ketarin.exe).Definition
Run ketarin.exe
Modify settings
Ctrl+T | (File > Settings)
Custom Column Name = Version
Custom Column Value = {version}
chocopkgup {nopush} --packagename={appname} --version={version} --pg="{packageGuid}" --url="{preupdate-url}" --urlx64="{url64}" --packagepath="{file}" --checksum="{checksum}" --c64="{checksumx64}" --debug
Add Applications to ketarin with either File > New Application, or importing any of the XML files in this repository.
Minimum Ketarin field requirements for applications
[Application tab]
- Application name
- Variables > version
- where version is a string as specified at and
Important: Application name
must be all lowercase with no spaces or special characters. To determine an appropriate name for your packages see the package naming guidelines
Create an associated folder
Create an associated nuspec file
- Task scheduler runs Ketarin according to schedule.
choco install chocolateypackageupdater
- Ketarin launches and checks for updated packages with a version greater than version in associated XML file
- If new version is available, Ketarin executes command-line program chocopkgup.exe
- Ketarin passes variables found in that application's variables to chocopkgup.exe
- ChocoPkgUp.exe reads config file and passes variables
Support forum Please note you will only get help with Ketarin here, such as with issues of proper use of regular expressions to capture version or other information. ChocolateyPackageUpdater is currently closed source and only allows passing specific variables for use in nuspec and powershell scripts. If you need help with packages not being generated please post to the Chocolatey support forum.
Regular expressions (regex) have a specific purpose of matching strings within text. Manipulating the resultant match is outside the scope of regex. For that, use Ketarin's built-in variable adjustment functions
It is useful to use variables whenever possible to minimize updating requirements when websites get updated. Ketarin has three types of variables in respect to ChocolateyPackageUpdater (chocopkgup.exe):
- main variables
- user variables
- chocopkgup variables
Not all main and user variables are accessible by chocopkgup.exe.
chocopkgup variables are found at $Env:ChocolateyInstall\tools\chocopkgup\chocopkgup.exe.config
ketarin variables variables accessible to nuspec/powershell scripts are listed at
- {{PackageName}} - Package Name (should be same as nuspec file and folder) |/p
- {{PackageVersion}} - The updated version | /v
- {{DownloadUrl}} - The url for the native file | /u
- {{PackageFilePath}} - Downloaded file if including it in package | /pp
- {{PackageGuid}} - This will be used later | /pg
- {{DownloadUrlx64}} - The 64bit url for the native file | /u64 (as of 0.6.4)
- {{Checksum}} - The checksum for the file downloaded from DownloadUrl | /c
- {{Checksumx64}} - The checksum for the 64bit file downloaded from DownloadUrlx64 | /c64
Within Ketarin, after creating a package, the following variable must exist.
- version
The following variables may exist dependent on availability:
- url64
- checksum
- checksumx64
Typically not included as of Feb 2015:
- packagefilepath
- packageguid
and output from chocopkgup -?
Usage of Chocolatey Package Updater (chocopkgupdater) chocopkgup.exe /p[ackage] VALUE /v[ersion] VALUE [ /u[rl] VALUE /p[ackages]f[older] VALUE /disablepush ] -?, --help, -h Prints out the options. -p, --pkg, --package, --packagename=VALUE REQUIRED: packagename - The name of the folder that has the package file you want the file to use. -v, --version=VALUE REQUIRED: version - The version you want the file to use. -u, --url=VALUE url - The url to the download file. --u64, --urlx64=VALUE urlx64 - The 64bit url to the download file. -c, --checksum=VALUE checksum - The checksum for the file. --c64, --checksumx64=VALUE checksumx64 - The checksum for the 64-bit url. --pf, --packagesfolder=VALUE packagesfolder - The packages folder to search for the packagename. If not specified, will use the one in the configuration. --pp, --packagepath, --packagefilepath=VALUE packagefilepath - If you pack the actual executable or zip into the package, specify it here. --pg, --guid, --packageguid=VALUE guid - The GUID of the application. --nopush, --disablepush disablepush - This switch means the file will not be pushed. -f, --force force - This instructs ChocoPkgUp overwrite an existing work package. Defaults to false. --dbg, --debug debug - This instructs ChocoPkgUp to write out all messages. Defaults to false.
Working script environment may be seen in Forms\CommandControl.cs (gh mirror)
Most work is done in the ApplicationJob class (gh mirror)
Added from main README
TODO: Integrate into this README
Location User-config Variable
-------- ----------- --------
Ketarin: Application Name {appname}
chocopkgup N/A --packagename={appname}
file.nuspec N/A {{PackageName}}
Determine an appropriate install name via package naming guidelines
Using GTK Runtime as an example, the following lists a sample usage of variables between the programs and files involved:
- Program | Ketarin | {appname} = Application Name = gtk-runtime
Note this is a user configurable variable
- Folder = C:\path\to\chocolatey-packages\automatic\gtk-runtime
- File | nuspec = C:\path\to\chocolatey-packages\automatic\gtk-runtime\gtk-runtime.nuspec
Note: If Program, Folder, and File are not equivalent, a package will not be automatically produced.
Pushed to
Installable by choco install gtk-runtime