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78 lines (67 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

78 lines (67 loc) · 3.09 KB


Project name: Stargazer
Target Platform: mobile devide (android, ios)
Target Audience:
Engine: Unity 2019.4.17ft LTS

Technical Note

Git commmit

  • Only commit when project is runnable and no bug detected
  • Note every change (add, edit, fixbug) on the comment
  • Always write comment when committing. Apply these notation at first of comment lines
    • Add new feature: +
      + add boss at level 1
      + add player combat system
      + add particle effect for magic1, magic4, magic9
    • Edit: -
      - edit enemy1 behaviour: from walking randomly to chase after player
      - change structure of map1-3
    • FixBug: _
      _ fixbug #9669: player not die when HP drop to 0

Naming Convention

Files & Folders

Apply prefix to prefab files: pref_filename
Animator: SpriteNameAnimator (Example: TinyCatAnimator)
Animation: SpriteName@action (Example: Bird@fly, TinyCat@sleep)


  • Capitalize
    • Classname: CapitalizeFirstLetter (Example: PlayerController, EnemyAI)
    • Class property: prefixCapitalizeFirstLetter (Example: iMaxHP)
    • Class method: CapitalizeFirstLetter (Example: SummonAncientGod(), Attack())
    • Enum (Example: enum Direction {UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT};)
      • Name: CapitalizeFirstLetter
  • Variable prefix
    • int: i
      int iNumOfEnemy, int iMagicIndex
    • uint: ui
      uint uiColorHexCode
    • long: l
      long lBossHP
    • float, double: no prefix
      float damage, float positionX
    • bool: no prefix, but name must be an affirmation, using is/isDoing/have
      bool isImpostor, bool isUsingSuperPower, bool haveGirlfriend
    • string: str
      string strGameoverMessage
    • array: a
      int[] aiPlayerId, Item[] aStoreItem, bool[] aIsVisitted, string[] astrGirlTalks
  • Member vs Local
    • Member of a class: apply prefix _m__
      public int m_iCurrentHP, private float m_maxMana
    • Static member of a class: apply prefix _s__
      private static string s_strDefaultName
  • Comment: add tag to comment
    • TODO is used to indicate planned enhancements.
      // TODO: add code to create effect here
    • FIXME is used to mark potential problematic code that requires special attention and/or review.
      // FIXME: this only world when player have ManaPoint > 5
    • NOTE is used to document inner workings of code and indicate potential pitfalls.
      // NOTE: this medthod must be call after DoSomething() is called
    • BUGFIX #bugId is used to indicate that the piece of code is added/modified in order to fix some bug.
      // BUGFIX #6996: game crash when player click

Folder Structure

References: Mastering Unity Project Folder Structure: Assets Organization
GameDesign: contain concept arts, documents, etc...
MagicBattlefield\Asset: Unity dev folder.