Add VichUploaderBundle by running this command from the terminal at the root of your Symfony project:
composer require vich/uploader-bundle
Alternatively, you can add the requirement "vich/uploader-bundle": "^2.2"
to your composer.json and run
composer update
. This could be useful when the installation of VichUploaderBundle is not compatible with some
currently installed dependencies. Anyway, the previous option is the preferred way, since composer can pick the
best requirement constraint for you.
If you use Flex (you should!), the bundle is automatically enabled with a recipe and no further action is required. Otherwise, to start using the bundle, register it in your application's kernel class:
// app/AppKernel.php (your kernel class may be defined in a different class/path)
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new Vich\UploaderBundle\VichUploaderBundle(),
// ...
Three engines are currently supported:
Once the chosen persistence engine is installed and configured, tell VichUploaderBundle that you want to use it.
# config/packages/vich_uploader.yaml or app/config/config.yml
db_driver: orm # or mongodb or phpcr
Yeah, the bundle is installed! Move onto the usage section to find out how to configure and set up your first upload.