#Move data from Azure DocumentDB to Azure Blob Storage using Azure Data Factory# Azure Data Factory has a built in support for data movement data across a variety of data stores. In this tutorial you will learn how to use Azure Data Factory to move data from DocumentDB to Azure blob Storage. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/data-factory-data-movement-activities/
- What is Azure Data Factory?
- Setting up Azure DocumentDB
- Setting up Azure Storage
- Creating a Data Factory Pipeline
##What is Azure Data Factory?## Data Factory is a cloud-based data integration service that orchestrates and automates the movement and transformation of data. Just like a manufacturing factory that runs equipment to take raw materials and transform them into finished goods, Data Factory orchestrates existing services that collect raw data and transform it into ready-to-use information.
Azure Data Factory has a few key entities that work together to define the input and output data, processing events, and the schedule and resources required to execute the desired data flow. ![alt tag] (./media/datafactoryEntities.JPG)
Follow this article to learn more about Azure Data Factory https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/data-factory-introduction/
##Setting up a DocumentDB## Azure DocumentDB is a fully-managed NoSQL document database service. You will learn how to create a Document DB account and load sample data to it.
- In the Azure Portal click on New --> Data + Storage --> Azure DocumentDB
- Set a name for the account, select the resource group the account will reside in (or create a new one), select the subscription and location.
![alt tag] (./media/createdocdb.JPG)
A new DocumentDB account was created. Click on the account you just created, and in the DocumentDB blade click on the key icon. Make a note of the primary connection string. We will use it later.
To create a database, click on Add Database in the DocumentDB blade and enter the database name
![alt tag] (./media/addDB.JPG)
- Now we will add a collection to the database by clicking on Add Collection in the database blade - set the collection name, pricing tier and indexing policy. For this tutorial we will use the default policy.
![alt tag] (./media/addCollection.JPG)
- Last step is pulling data into the collection. For this tutorial we will import the into the collection from a csv file using the DocumentDB Migration Tool to import data into the collection. The file can be found under the data folder in this repository ./data/raw_data.csv
![alt tag] (./media/importData.JPG)
To learn more about adding documents to DocumentDB https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/documentdb-view-json-document-explorer/
- To query the data in the collection, use the Query Explorer. Click on Query Documents in the collection blade, and write your query. To execute click on Run Query
![alt tag] (./media/queryData.JPG)
##Setting up Azure Storage## Since we will copy data from DocumentDB to Azure Storage, we will need to setup the Storage account in advance. You can either use an existing account, or create a new one for this tutorial. Following are steps to create the account from the Azure Portal. To learn more about Storage account, follow this article
- In the Azure Portal click on New --> Data + Storage --> Storage account
- Select "Resource Manager" as the deployment model and click on Create
- Set the name, type, subscription, resource group and location
![alt tag] (./media/createStorage.JPG)
###Using powershell to create Storage account### Alternatively, you can create a Storage account using powershell script:
# create a new resource group (comment out if you are using an existing resource group)
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name Test_BigData_RG -Location "North Europe"
# new azure account
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -Location "North Europe" -Name teststoragedfdemo -ResourceGroupName Test_BigData_RG -Type Standard_LRS
- In the new create Storage account, click on the key icon. Make a note of the primary connection string. We will use it later.
##Creating a Data Factory Pipeline## We will create a Data Factory account, and a pipeline that will copy the data from the DocumentDB into a blob storage. All the json scripts are located under ./src folder in this lab.
In the Azure portal click on New --> Data + Analytics --> Data Factory. Set a name, select the subscription, resource group and location and click on Create.
![alt tag] (./media/createDataFactory.JPG)
In the Data Factory blade, click on Author and deploy
Click on New data store to create the Storage linked service. Copy the following script to the editor:
{ "name": "StorageLinkedService", "properties": { "description": "", "type": "AzureStorage", "typeProperties": { "connectionString": "<replace with storage connection string>" } } }
Replace the connection string with the one you obtained in previous steps.
Repeat step 3 to create a DocumentDB linked service. This time use the following script, and click on deploy
{ "name": "DocumentDbLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "DocumentDb", "typeProperties": { "connectionString": "<replace with account connection string>;database=<replace with database name>" } } }
Replace the connection string with the one you obtained in previous steps.
Click on New dataset and copy the following script to the editor, and click on deploy
{ "name": "DocumentDbIn", "properties": { "published": false, "type": "DocumentDbCollection", "linkedServiceName": "DocumentDbLinkedService", "typeProperties": { "collectionName": "<enter collection name>" }, "availability": { "frequency": "Day", "interval": 1 }, "policy": { "externalData": { "dataDelay": "00:10:00", "retryInterval": "00:01:00", "retryTimeout": "00:10:00", "maximumRetry": 3 } } } }
Enter the collection name you created for the data
Click on New dataset and copy the following script to the editor, and click on deploy
{ "name": "BlobTableOut", "properties": { "published": false, "type": "AzureBlob", "linkedServiceName": "StorageLinkedService", "typeProperties": { "folderPath": "data", "format": { "type": "TextFormat", "columnDelimiter": ",", "nullValue": "NULL" } }, "availability": { "frequency": "Day", "interval": 1 } } }
This will create a container named data under the storage account. If you want to use a different name, simply change the value of the "folderPath" property.
Now we are ready to create the pipeline. Click on New pipeline and copy this to the editor, and click on deploy
{ "name": "DocDbToBlobPipe", "properties": { "activities": [ { "type": "Copy", "typeProperties": { "source": { "type": "DocumentDbCollectionSource", "query": "SELECT persons.id, persons.name, persons.town FROM persons", "nestingSeparator": "." }, "sink": { "type": "BlobSink", "blobWriterAddHeader": true, "writeBatchSize": 1000, "writeBatchTimeout": "00:00:59" } }, "inputs": [ { "name": "DocumentDbIn" } ], "outputs": [ { "name": "BlobTableOut" } ], "policy": { "concurrency": 3 }, "scheduler": { "frequency": "Day", "interval": 1 }, "name": "CopyFromDocDbToBlob" } ], "start": "2015-09-02T00:00:00Z", "end": "2015-09-03T00:00:00Z" }
} ```
This will copy the result of the query to a text file in the storage account.
SELECT persons.id, persons.name, persons.town FROM persons
To use any other query, change the value of the "query" property in the json script for the pipeline.
Make sure to set a valid start and end time for the pipeline. In this example, the flow will be executed once, as the frequency was set to **Day** and the time internal is only a day long.
In order to see a diagram of the flow, return to the Data Factory blade and click on Diagram
![alt tag] (./media/diagram.JPG)
The colour of each item in the diagram represents the status. To see more data double click on the item.
###Using powershell to create a Data factory pipeline### You can automate the precess of creating the data factory by executing the powershell script createdatafactory.ps1 located under ./src folder. Make sure to update all the json files with the correct connection strings and time internals before creating the pipeline.
# create resource group - uncomment if the resource group was not created yet
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name Test_BigData_RG -Location "North Europe"
# create data factory - make sure to update the json files with the correct connection string
New-AzureRmDataFactory -ResourceGroupName Test_BigData_RG -Name DFBigDatatutorialTest -Location "North Europe"
$df=Get-AzureRmDataFactory -ResourceGroupName Test_BigData_RG -Name DFBigDatatutorialTest
New-AzureRmDataFactoryLinkedService $df -File .\StorageLinkedService.json
New-AzureRmDataFactoryLinkedService $df -File .\DocumentDbLinkedService.json
New-AzureRmDataFactoryDataset $df -File .\BlobTableOut.json
New-AzureRmDataFactoryDataset $df -File .\DocumentDbIn.json
New-AzureRmDataFactoryPipeline $df -File .\DocDbToBlobPipe.json
##Results## the output of the pipeline will result in a text file, located under the storage account and containing the output of the query executed against the DocumentDB.