Releases: dxatscale/sfpowerkit
Release 1.18.X
- We have incorporated Ahmed Abdo ( @abdokhaire) sfdx-build with minor refactoring from @genoud to sfpowerkit as org:manifest:build. This allow's to generate an org's manifest locally and then can be used along with source:retreive or mdapi:retrieve to fetch an entire org's metadata
- Support for adding standard valueset to unlocked packaging. Utilize the new flag --movestandardvalueSet in source:picklist:generatepatch to include standard value sets in your package diretory. It is highly recommended to use standardvalue set in a base/common package or some sort of base package, as semantically StandardValueSet is an org entity. Contributor : @manisfdcsfdx
Release 1.16.X
We have enhanced our project:diff command to generate more granular diff on items such as
- Profiles
- Permission Set
- Sharing Rules
- Custom Labels
- Workflows
That means when we compute a diff, and if we figure a change in any of the above metadata, we create a metadata file which only contains what is being added.
Further, there is lot of refactoring under the hood, to have a more clearer folder and naming structure.
Release 1.15.X
Release 1.15.X features the following
- Profile retrieve command to respect the path mentioned in the project directory
- Profile retreive command to ignore retrieval of missing profiles when folder flag is used
- Profile reconcile to ignore specific permissions if mentioned in sfdx-project.json
- Display error messages when a deployment initated by plugin fails
- Refactor connected app create to utilise jsforce rather than calling sfdx commands
- Display error messages if generate patch command fails due to any parsing error
- Apply Patch to support optional api parameter flag
- Rewrite of Custom Label Create and introduction of Reconcile Command
- Better Organization of readme
- Fixes to readme for diff commands
Bug Fixes
- Fix for issue, where selective profile retrieve fails when profile folder is empty
- Fix for profile reconcile command, wrt to forceignore
Release 1.14.X
This release features the following
Commands for operating with profile [BETA]
Profiles are often troubling when dealing with a multi environment enterprise setup. This release features three commands to help with profiles. Retrieve, Merge and Reconcile. Retrieve will help you to retrieve a profile from a target org. Typical use cases is to bring a profile with all the associated permissions from production, then you can utilize reconcile to reconcile the profile (so that unwanted production only permissions are stripped off and can be deployed to scratch orgs or sandboxes). Merge command can be utilized to bring in changes from the development environment to the retrieved profile.
So your workflow could be for example if working with a scratch org would be
1. Retrieve from Prod/SIT
2. Reconcile against Scratch Org
3. source:push
4. Modify in Scratch Org
5. Retrieve from Prod/SIT
6. Merge from Scratch Org
Deprecated Org Wide Email Create/Verify
We have removed the org wide email creation / verify command as salesforce has patched the hack that let us do the workaround. Currently no work arounds exist
Added Prettier for code formatting
We have started adding prettier for code formatting, and have started internal work on the addition of automated test cases and this is the initial part of it.
Support for Multipicklists in picklist patch
Patch for StandardValueSet not packageable
Unlocked Packaging doesn't support standard valueset as these are org wide entities. This results in picklist with standard value as the controlling field to be kept outside the packaging directory or create a picklist with default values of standardvalueset inside the packaging folder and override with org wide standardvalueset using a mdapi Deployment. This results in duplication and dependency on developers to mamage it often resulting in mistakes. This release adds support for additional flags which handles picklist, businessProcess and recordTypes to the patch
Custom Picklist, RecordType upgrade Patch
We have tried to create a workaround for these two issues
So far, we have asked our teams to rely on metadata deployment to overcome these issues, which has become quite challenging lately, as the source code has to be managed inside and outside the package folder. The two commands generatepatch and applypatch will resolve this issue by simulating a metadata api deployment
Diff on a Source Formatted Project
Delta based deployment between two git commits for a project in Soruce Format, This is useful during a transition period where the project is being moved from a metadata one repo model to a multi repo model. During the transition period, this command can be utilized to work in a single repo where the org size is more than 10,000 files
Orgwide Email Creation and Verification
Added two commands to create an org wide email and one for verification. This can be used for any tests in CI pipelines
TestSuite to Tests
This release features a command to convert test suite to tests, so that it can be used along with the mdapi:deploy for metadata deployment, to overcome the current limitation of not having apex test suite to be as argument
Migration to Accenture
This version marks, where sfpowerkit is moved into Accenture Github Repo