Diana Lin 02/03/2020
Read the datasets into R.
metadata <-
readRDS(here("assignment", "data", "gse60019_experiment_design.RDS"))
expr <-
readRDS(here("assignment", "data", "gse60019_expression_matrix.RDS"))
data were downloaded and read into R using readRDS()
How many genes are there?
num_genes <- nrow(expr)
Each row in the expression matrix corresponds to one gene. There are 14479 genes in the dataset.
How many samples are there?
num_samples <- nrow(metadata)
Each row in the metadata matrix corresponds to one sample. There are 18 samples in the dataset.
How many factors are in our experimental design? How many levels per factor? List out the levels for each factor.
In the experimental design (metadata), each column is a factor except
for sample
, which is a character, as seen
(columns <- sapply(metadata,class))
## sample organism_part cell_type time_point batch
## "character" "factor" "factor" "factor" "factor"
The number of levels of each factor are seen below:
(factors <- sapply(metadata[-1],nlevels))
## organism_part cell_type time_point batch
## 2 2 4 3
The levels for each factor are seen below:
(all_levels <- sapply(metadata[-1],levels))
## $organism_part
## [1] "epithelium_of_utricle" "sensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ"
## $cell_type
## [1] "surrounding_cell" "sensory_hair_cell"
## $time_point
## [1] "E16" "P0" "P4" "P7"
## $batch
## [1] "HWI-EAS00184" "HWI-EAS00214" "HWI-ST363"
Here is a summary of our factors:
Metadata | Number of Levels | Levels |
organism_part |
2 | epithelium_of_utricle, sensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ |
cell_type |
2 | surrounding_cell, sensory_hair_cell |
time_point |
4 | E16, P0, P4, P7 |
batch |
3 | HWI-EAS00184, HWI-EAS00214, HWI-ST363 |
The levels of the factor
actually refer to points on a continous axis. In other words, it doesn’t have to be interpreted as strictly categorical variable. In order to make graphing easier, it will be helpful to convert this variable to a numeric representation.
Create a new column in the samples metadata tibble. Call it “age” and populate it with the appropriate numeric values. Hint: Assume that the mouse gestation length is 18 days (ie. P0 = 18).
Since the mouse gestation period is 18 days, E16 becomes day 16, P0 becomes day 18, P4 becomes day 22, and P7 will become day 25.
Developmental Stage | Age |
E16 |
16 days |
P0 |
18 days |
P4 |
22 days |
P7 |
25 days |
A new column called age
is created:
metadata <- metadata %>%
age = case_when(
time_point == "E16" ~ 16,
time_point == "P0" ~ 18,
time_point == "P4" ~ 22,
time_point == "P7" ~ 25
) %>%
Find the expression profile for the gene
. Make a scatterplot with age on the x-axis and expression value in CPM on the y-axis. Color the data points by cell_type. Add in a regression line for each cell type.
Using geom_smooth()
, a linear regression line can be added for each
cell type:
# pivot to longer format
expr_long <- expr %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(-gene), names_to = "sample") %>%
rename(CPM = value)
expr_long_full <- expr_long %>%
left_join(metadata, by = "sample")
expr_long_full %>%
filter(gene == "Vegfa") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age, y = CPM, color = cell_type)) +
geom_point() +
# geom_point(position = position_jitter()) +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
ggtitle("Gene Expression of Vegfa") +
xlab("Age (days)")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
Is there sign of interaction between
? Explain using what you observed in your graph from the previous question.
There is no interaction between cell_type
and age
for Vegfa
, as
the two lines in the graph above are parallel. If there was interaction
between cell_type
and age
, the slopes of the lines would be
signficantly different. Although it is evident that cell_type
has an
effect on gene expression, there is no evidence to support that there is
an interaction between cell_type
and age
This is further shown by the code below, where
is not significant:
vegfa <- expr_long_full %>%
filter(gene == "Vegfa")
summary(lm(CPM ~ cell_type * age, data = vegfa))
## Call:
## lm(formula = CPM ~ cell_type * age, data = vegfa)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -16.8654 -11.2188 -0.9906 10.9545 24.8056
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 93.6935 29.1072 3.219 0.00618 **
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell -29.0436 39.9133 -0.728 0.47881
## age -2.5431 1.4165 -1.795 0.09421 .
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age 0.5177 1.9644 0.264 0.79599
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 13.99 on 14 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.472, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3588
## F-statistic: 4.172 on 3 and 14 DF, p-value: 0.02633
The summary(lm())
of an additive model with an interaction term shows
the same results:
summary(lm(CPM ~ cell_type + age + age:cell_type, data = vegfa))
## Call:
## lm(formula = CPM ~ cell_type + age + age:cell_type, data = vegfa)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -16.8654 -11.2188 -0.9906 10.9545 24.8056
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 93.6935 29.1072 3.219 0.00618 **
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell -29.0436 39.9133 -0.728 0.47881
## age -2.5431 1.4165 -1.795 0.09421 .
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age 0.5177 1.9644 0.264 0.79599
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 13.99 on 14 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.472, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3588
## F-statistic: 4.172 on 3 and 14 DF, p-value: 0.02633
The expression values are currently in CPM. Log2 transform them so that the distribution is more evenly spread out and can be examined more easily.
To log2 transform CPM, mutate(logCPM = log2(CPM))
is used:
# log transform all the values for limma later
expr_log <- expr %>%
column_to_rownames(var = "gene") %>%
map_dfc(log2) %>%
as.data.frame() # can't add rownames on a tibble, convert to dataframe
rownames(expr_log) <- expr$gene # add row names back
# log transform and add to the dataframe
expr_long_full_log <- expr_long_full %>%
mutate(logCPM = log2(CPM))
expr_long_full_log %>%
filter(gene == "Vegfa") %>%
ggplot(aes(x = age, y = logCPM, color = cell_type)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm") +
ggtitle("Gene Expression of Vegfa") +
xlab("Age (days)") +
## `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
Examine the distribution of gene expression across all samples using:
- Box plots
- For the box plots, samples should be on the x-axis and expression should be on the y-axis.
- Overlapping density plots
- For the overlapping density plots, expression should be on the x-axis and density should be on the y-axis.
- Lines should be colored by sample (i.e. one line per sample).
- Hint: There are a number of data manipulation steps required. Look at the
function inreshape2
Which two samples stand out as different, in terms of the distribution of expression values, compared to the rest?
According to the boxplot below, samples GSM1463879
and GSM1463880
stand out in terms of distribution, compared to the others.
expr_long_full_log %>%
ggplot(aes(x = sample, y = logCPM)) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90)) +
ylab("log2(CPM)") +
ggtitle("Boxplot of Gene Expression per Sample")
By looking at the boxplot, two samples, where the minimum (bottom of the box) is different, stand out. To find out those sample names:
diff_samples <- expr_long_full_log %>%
group_by(sample) %>%
summarize(min = min(logCPM)) %>%
arrange(desc(min)) %>%
select(sample) %>%
head(n = 2L) %>%
## [1] "GSM1463879" "GSM1463880"
# format answer into a character string
diff_samples_phrase <- glue("`{diff_samples[1]}` and `{diff_samples[2]}`")
According to the box plot, the two samples that are different
and GSM1463880
According to the overlapping density plot below, samples GSM1463879
and GSM1463880
stand out in terms of distribution, compared to the
others. These two samples in turqouise, correspond to the large peak at
y = 0.20
expr_long_full_log %>%
ggplot(aes(x = logCPM, colour = sample)) +
geom_density() +
xlab("log2(CPM)") +
ggtitle("Density Plot of Gene Expression per Sample")
Examine the correlation between samples using one or more heatmaps (i.e. samples should be on the x axis and the y axis, and the values in the heatmap should be correlations). Again, use the log2 transformed expression values. Display
, andbatch
for each sample in the heatmap. Hint: Consider usingpheatmap()
with annotations and cor to correlate gene expression between each pair of samples.
# create correlation matrix using log values
cor_expr_log <- cor(expr_log)
# metadata matrix for annotation
annotation <- metadata %>%
cluster_rows = TRUE,
cluster_cols = TRUE,
scale = "none",
clustering_method = "average",
clustering_distance_cols = "euclidean",
show_colnames = T,
show_rownames = T,
annotation = annotation,
main = "Correlation Heatmap of\nGene Expression per Sample"
Among the factors
, andbatch
, which one seems to be most strongly correlated with clusters in gene expression data? Hint: Consider usingcluster_rows=TRUE
According to the heatmap above, the factor cell_type
seems to be the
most strongly correlated with clusters in the gene expresion data. The
red boxes in the heatmap correspond to the orange boxes in cell_type
corresponding to surrounding_cell
There is a sample whose expression values correlate with the samples of the different
just as well as with the samples of the samecell_type
. Identify this sample by its ID.
vars <- map_dbl(as.data.frame(cor_expr_log), var)
min <- min(vars)
for (i in seq_along(vars)) {
if (min == vars[i]) {
answer <- names(vars)[i]
Looking at the heatmap above, it looks like the sample is either GSM1463872 or GSM1463874. The sample with the least difference between samples within cell types and across cell types means there should be very low spread among these correlation values. To determine which two of our ‘eyeballed’ samples this is, some calculations can be done. Calculating variance for each column of the correlation matrix and finding the sample corresponding to the minimum determines that this sample is GSM1463872.
Remove lowly expressed genes by retaining genes that have CPM < 1 in at least as many samples as the smallest group size (i.e use
to identify the number of samples belonging to each treatment group. The smallest group size is the smallest number in that table). Each treatment group consists of subjects belong to a unique combination ofcell_type
How many genes are there after filtering?
# find smallest group size for each treatment group
(minimum_num <- metadata %>%
select(organism_part, cell_type) %>%
table() %>%
## [1] 4
The smallest group size is 4.
To retain genes that have CPM > 1 in at least 4 samples, the dataframe is looped through, filtering for each gene and CPM > 1 in each iteration:
# use cache = TRUE to reduce knitting time
# get master list of all genes
all_genes <- expr$gene
kept_genes <- map_chr(all_genes, function(x)
if ((expr_long %>%
filter(gene == x , CPM > 1) %>%
nrow() >= 4)) {
} else {
NA # use NA, because if nothing, then it is NULL and causes problems
# remove NA values
kept_genes <- kept_genes[!is.na(kept_genes)]
# Update each copy of the dataframe
# Original expression dataframe, logged all values, filtered genes
expr_log_filtered <- expr_log[kept_genes,]
# Long format expression, with metadata, logged CPM, and filtered genes
expr_long_full_log_filtered <- expr_log_filtered %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "gene") %>%
pivot_longer(cols = c(-gene), names_to = "sample") %>%
rename(logCPM = value) %>%
left_join(metadata, by = "sample")
# Original
expr_filtered <- (expr %>% column_to_rownames(var = "gene"))[kept_genes,]
(num_kept_genes <- length(kept_genes))
## [1] 12761
12761 genes out of 14479 remain after filtering.
Use limma to fit a linear model with
and the interaction betweenage
as covariates (Hint: uselmFit
). Use the logCPM value instead of CPM to fit the linear model (Why?). Before you do this, reformat the data frame so that gene IDs are row names, and not a column (limma
requires the dataset in this format).
First, a design matrix is constructed:
# construct design matrix
design_matrix <-
model.matrix( ~ cell_type + organism_part + age + age:cell_type, data = metadata)
Next, to run lmFit()
expr_log_filtered <- as.data.frame(map_dfc(expr_filtered, log2))
rownames(expr_log_filtered) <- rownames(expr_filtered)
lm_fit <- lmFit(expr_log_filtered, design_matrix)
## Length Class Mode
## coefficients 63805 -none- numeric
## rank 1 -none- numeric
## assign 5 -none- numeric
## qr 5 qr list
## df.residual 12761 -none- numeric
## sigma 12761 -none- numeric
## cov.coefficients 25 -none- numeric
## stdev.unscaled 63805 -none- numeric
## pivot 5 -none- numeric
## Amean 12761 -none- numeric
## method 1 -none- character
## design 90 -none- numeric
Next, to run eBayes()
eb_fit <- eBayes(lm_fit)
## Length Class Mode
## coefficients 63805 -none- numeric
## rank 1 -none- numeric
## assign 5 -none- numeric
## qr 5 qr list
## df.residual 12761 -none- numeric
## sigma 12761 -none- numeric
## cov.coefficients 25 -none- numeric
## stdev.unscaled 63805 -none- numeric
## pivot 5 -none- numeric
## Amean 12761 -none- numeric
## method 1 -none- character
## design 90 -none- numeric
## df.prior 1 -none- numeric
## s2.prior 1 -none- numeric
## var.prior 5 -none- numeric
## proportion 1 -none- numeric
## s2.post 12761 -none- numeric
## t 63805 -none- numeric
## df.total 12761 -none- numeric
## p.value 63805 -none- numeric
## lods 63805 -none- numeric
## F 12761 -none- numeric
## F.p.value 12761 -none- numeric
For the gene
, what is the numeric value of the coeffcient of the age term? What does it mean?
# get coefficients.age from eb_fit
(coeff_age <- as.data.frame(eb_fit) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "gene") %>%
filter(gene == "Eva1a") %>%
## coefficients.age
## 1 -0.2104804
# get topTable for Eva1a
(topTable_Eva <- topTable(eb_fit, coef = "age", number = Inf) %>%
rownames_to_column(var = "gene") %>%
filter(gene == "Eva1a"))
## gene logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## 1 Eva1a -0.2104804 -0.2122985 -1.559729 0.1386263 0.5416442 -5.014151
# check what value coefficients.age corresponds to in topTable
for (i in seq_along(topTable_Eva)) {
if (coeff_age == topTable_Eva[i]) {
coeff_age_meaning <- colnames(topTable_Eva)[i]
The numerical value of the coefficient of age term is -0.2104804, which
represents the log2 fold change in expression for Eva1a
since it is the same value under logFC in topTable(coef = "age")
. This
means that log2FC of -0.2104804 is a 0.8642494 fold change in
gene expression, since FC = 2**(log2FC)
Using the linear model defined above, determine the number of genes differentially expressed by cell type at an FDR (use
adjust.method = "fdr"
) less than 0.05.
de_genes <-
coef = "cell_typesensory_hair_cell",
number = Inf,
adjust.method = "fdr",
p.value = 0.05,
sort.by = "logFC"
num_genes_de <- nrow(de_genes)
if (num_genes_de != 0 ) {
The number of differentially expressed genes by cell_type
at an FDR of
0.05 is 0.
Explain what you are modeling with this interaction term. For a particular gene, what does a signifcant interaction term mean?
The interaction term of age:cell_typesensory_hair_cell
shows whether
or not cell_type
has an effect on gene expression at different ages
for that particular gene. Interactiont terms in general show whether two
covariates have a combined effect on gene exprssion.
If we look back at the gene Vegfa
Q1.2, there was no interaction effect
summary(lm(CPM ~ cell_type + organism_part + age + age:cell_type, data = vegfa))
## Call:
## lm(formula = CPM ~ cell_type + organism_part + age + age:cell_type,
## data = vegfa)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -17.992 -8.652 -3.168 7.213 21.866
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 100.0137 26.1057 3.831
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell -29.0436 35.5701 -0.817
## organism_partsensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ -12.6403 5.8760 -2.151
## age -2.5431 1.2624 -2.015
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age 0.5177 1.7507 0.296
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 0.00208 **
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell 0.42891
## organism_partsensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ 0.05085 .
## age 0.06512 .
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age 0.77214
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 12.46 on 13 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 0.6106, Adjusted R-squared: 0.4908
## F-statistic: 5.096 on 4 and 13 DF, p-value: 0.01081
The coefficient estimate for Vegfa
is 0.5176608.
Looking at all genes, the interaction effect for age
and cell_type
summary(lm(CPM ~ cell_type + organism_part + age + age:cell_type, data = expr_long_full_log))
## Call:
## lm(formula = CPM ~ cell_type + organism_part + age + age:cell_type,
## data = expr_long_full_log)
## Residuals:
## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
## -59 -57 -52 -32 32212
## Coefficients:
## Estimate Std. Error t value
## (Intercept) 54.99019 7.14408 7.697
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell 0.08954 9.73409 0.009
## organism_partsensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ -0.36863 1.60801 -0.229
## age 0.14397 0.34546 0.417
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age -0.01497 0.47909 -0.031
## Pr(>|t|)
## (Intercept) 1.39e-14 ***
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell 0.993
## organism_partsensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ 0.819
## age 0.677
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age 0.975
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 410.5 on 260617 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared: 1.556e-06, Adjusted R-squared: -1.379e-05
## F-statistic: 0.1014 on 4 and 260617 DF, p-value: 0.982
The coefficient estimate for all genes for the interaction effect of
and cell_type
interaction is -0.0149722.
Looking at the top 10 genes in the interaction coefficient for limma
the logFC
is extremely low when compared to the differentially
expressed genes, meaning that there is no signficant interaction.
These are the top 10 differentially expressed genes for the interaction
coefficient for cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age
coef = "cell_typesensory_hair_cell:age",
adjust.method = "fdr",
p.value = 0.05,
sort.by = "logFC"
## logFC AveExpr t P.Value adj.P.Val B
## Gcnt4 1.0709619 -0.1126957 6.058201 1.751410e-05 0.04469949 2.821998
## Epha5 -0.7466946 3.0678260 -6.116711 1.570653e-05 0.04469949 2.910350
## Lrp8 0.6664798 3.9508720 7.784379 8.566631e-07 0.01093188 5.176694
## Gria3 -0.5294294 3.7949189 -6.705721 5.385059e-06 0.02290625 3.766070
## Cgn 0.4854159 3.2077512 6.849768 4.174838e-06 0.02290625 3.966034
These are the top 10 differentially expressed genes for the interaction coefficient for all covariates.
adjust.method = "fdr",
p.value = 0.05
## Removing intercept from test coefficients
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell
## Tmem255b 10.4340793
## Mgat5b 4.4355345
## Mmp2 0.3936364
## Lhx3 6.2926864
## Tmem178b 4.4397341
## Mreg 5.9156344
## Axl -0.4543935
## Nrsn1 9.0519787
## Grxcr1 15.7558140
## Pifo 6.6863080
## organism_partsensory_epithelium_of_spiral_organ age
## Tmem255b -1.1808584 0.14216949
## Mgat5b 0.4791814 -0.09392361
## Mmp2 -0.1578656 0.16597285
## Lhx3 -0.2550049 0.01622296
## Tmem178b 0.2843818 -0.06094066
## Mreg 0.4868227 -0.15107234
## Axl 0.2733031 0.06580783
## Nrsn1 0.2340895 0.05325315
## Grxcr1 -0.1398492 0.36910794
## Pifo -1.1828695 0.09947732
## cell_typesensory_hair_cell.age AveExpr F P.Value
## Tmem255b -0.059698589 1.37522941 260.8039 3.277652e-14
## Mgat5b 0.149652056 -0.22750631 220.6566 1.198873e-13
## Mmp2 -0.279232534 3.58656780 169.5684 9.166514e-13
## Lhx3 0.111147669 0.20857701 140.4815 3.889895e-12
## Tmem178b 0.143530007 3.79397529 130.0359 7.025434e-12
## Mreg 0.042183817 8.79518217 120.9430 1.221671e-11
## Axl -0.215813102 5.19115548 113.1285 2.031484e-11
## Nrsn1 0.004738521 2.08219510 112.0251 2.188637e-11
## Grxcr1 -0.298680710 3.05008232 111.1860 2.317346e-11
## Pifo 0.072522944 0.09701336 110.1501 2.488161e-11
## adj.P.Val
## Tmem255b 4.182612e-10
## Mgat5b 7.649410e-10
## Mmp2 3.899130e-09
## Lhx3 1.240974e-08
## Tmem178b 1.793031e-08
## Mreg 2.598291e-08
## Axl 3.175142e-08
## Nrsn1 3.175142e-08
## Grxcr1 3.175142e-08
## Pifo 3.175142e-08
Compared to other covariates that have significant effects, the
interaction effect of age
and cell_type
is minimal, as depicted in
the two topTable()
outputs above.
Below is a summary of my responses to each question that only requires a simple, (one or two word) response. Questions that require a longer explanation are not summarized in the tables below, but can still be found in their respective sections.
Question | Answer |
How many genes are there? | 14479 |
How many samples are there? | 18 |
Is there sign of interaction between cell_type and age for Vegfa ? |
No |
How many factors are in our experimental design? How many levels per factor? List out the levels for each factor. | see table |
Question | Answer |
Which two samples stand out as different, in terms of the distribution of expression values, compared to the rest? | GSM1463879, GSM1463880 |
Among the factors cell_type , organism_part , age , and batch , which one seems to be most strongly correlated with clusters in gene expression data? |
cell_type |
There is a sample whose expression values correlate with the samples of the different cell_type just as well as with the samples of the same cell_type . Identify this sample by its ID. |
GSM1463872 |
Question | Answer |
How many genes are there after filtering? | 12761 |
For the gene Eva1a , what is the numeric value of the coeffcient of the age term? |
-0.2104804 |
Question | Answer |
Using the linear model defined above, determine the number of genes differentially expressed by cell type at an FDR less than 0.05. | 0 |
Compare your results to those obtained by Scheffer et al (2015). Discuss any discrepancies. List at least three explanations for these discrepancies.
In Scheffer et al (2015), they found genes that were differentially expressed in hair cells, and genes that were differentially expressed in surrounding cells.
Among the 20,207 annotated mouse genes, only 2008 genes were not expressed (<15 total read counts). Among the remaining 18,199 genes, 5430 were found to be preferentially expressed in HCs (including the genes with no reads in the SCs) and 3230 in SCs; 9539 were expressed in both.
In my analysis, I found 0 differentially expressed genes by cell type. This is the biggest and most important discrepancy, as finding differentially expressed genes is one of the main goals of this paper. Three reasons for this discrepancy are:
While Scheffer et al. treated the time points as categorical variables of
, in my analysis, they were translated into a continuous variable, where the gestation period used was 18 days. The conversion is as follows, taking from Q1.2 above:Developmental Stage Age E16
16 days P0
18 days P4
22 days P7
25 days -
Additionally, this translation is not the conventional way of translating developmental stages into a linear, continuous variable. If the gestational period was 18 days, the conventional translation would be as defined below, where pre-natal/embryonic stages are denoted as negative numbers:
Developmental Stage Age E16
-2 days P0
0 days P4
4 days P7
7 days Using this translation, there is a clear, intuitive distinction between embryonic/pre-natal developmental age and post-natal age, as these stages are inherently different and should not be lumped together.
Furthermore, the gestational period of 18 days was instructed to be used. In the original paper, Scheffer et al. never described the gestational period of the mice they used in their experiment, and this ‘arbitrarily’ chosen gestation period could be the culprit for the discrepancies as well.
Scheffer et al. did not make any effort into sharing their processed data (i.e. after CPM normalization). The data shared were the raw RNA-seq reads deposited in the SRA. The GEO submission did not include any processed expression data, which makes their analysis minimally reproducible, so discrepancies as such are expected. To maximize reproducibility, Scheffer et al. should have provided access to both the raw RNA-seq reads, their downstream, processed data, as well as all the scripts used to process and statistically analyze their processed data.