Releases: dynexcoin/Dynex
Releases · dynexcoin/Dynex
Dynex v.2.2.2.b
Dynex Version 2.2.2.b containing:
- dynexd (daemon) compatible with DynexSolve
- simplewallet (CLI wallet)
- connectivy_tool
- walletd (wallet daemon)
- Requirea open ports 17333 and 17336
Release notes 2.2.2.b:
- FastSync: significant speedup when syncing from zero
- Latest checkpoints added
Dynex v.2.2.2
Dynex Version 2.2.2 containing:
- dynexd (daemon) compatible with DynexSolve
- simplewallet (CLI wallet)
- connectivy_tool
- walletd (wallet daemon)
- Require open ports 17333, 17336 and SSL
a) If UPGRADING from a previous version: run "dynexd --rollback 70336" at first start (!)
b) This is a MANDATORY update, all previous nodes are NOT supported
c) You might want to delete "p2pstate.bin" in the data directory, this will speed up sync