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ADR001: Use event relations for the whiteboard elements

Status: superseded

Note Due to limitations of this design, the data model was completely replaced in ADR002.


The whiteboard widget with the collaboration features needs a reliable data source to show a consistent image to every participant. There are limitations on the data quality that the Widget API provides. It is based on the Client's (ex: Element) local timeline, which provides all available state events (ex: slides), but might only provide a limited window of room events (ex: elements) of the complete room timeline. This leads to the situation where the widget can't be sure whether all elements that are available on the homeserver are also made available by the Widget API. “Event Relationships” and “Serverside aggregations of message relationships” are features of the Client-Server API that allows us to relate events to each other and retrieve a collection of related events from the server. MSC3869 brings this feature to the Widget API and enables us to provide a reliable and deterministic way to load elements in the widget.

We want to be able to use readEventRelations of MSC3869 instead of receiveRoomEvents to read the elements. We will need to change some event structures, but we don't expect backwards compatibility since the widget is in a prototype state. We only focus on minimal changes and accept that the resulting data model is not yet optimal and that the data fetching is potentially slow.


  1. We will emit a new net.nordeck.whiteboard.slide event for every slide in a whiteboard:

    # the type of event
    type: 'net.nordeck.whiteboard.slide'
    # the room of the event
    room_id: '!my-room:…'
    # the user that created the whiteboard.
    sender: '@user-id'
    # the time of the event creation. we don't use it for anything yet.
    origin_server_ts: 0
    # the id of this event. it will be the target for all event relations.
    event_id: '<slide-event-id>'
    # empty content. can be extended in the future.
    content: {}
  2. We will store the reference to the slide event(s) in the whiteboard:

      type: 'net.nordeck.whiteboard'
      state_key: '<unique-whiteboard-id>'
      room_id: '!my-room:…'
        controllingWidget: '<widget-id>'
          - slideId: '<slide-id>'
            canCollaborate: '<true|false>'
    +       # the event_id of the slide event
    +       slideEventId: '<slide-event-id>'
        activeSlide: '<slide-id>'
      event_id: '$…'
  3. We will change the element events to relate to the slide event:

      type: 'net.nordeck.whiteboard.element'
      room_id: '!my-room:…'
      sender: '@user-id'
      origin_server_ts: 0
        whiteboardId: '<whiteboard-id>'
        slideId: '<slide-id>'
        localId: '<event-id>'
    +   # m.relates_to by MSC2674
    +   m.relates_to:
    +     # m.reference by MSC3267
    +     rel_type: 'm.reference'
    +     # the id of the slide event
    +     event_id: '<slide-event-id>'
      event_id: '<element-event-id>'
  4. We will use the m.reference relation for edits and relate them to the slide event:

    The m.replace annotation is of limited use here because it is intended that only the original author or an event should be able to edit/replace an event. While the Client-Server API doesn't enforce this rule, the matrix-react-sdk's function that is used by readEventRelations enforces the rule. So we would not be able to read the latest edits of other users.

      type: 'net.nordeck.whiteboard.element'
      room_id: '!my-room:…'
      sender: '@user-id'
      origin_server_ts: 0
          whiteboardId: '<whiteboard-id>'
          slideId: '<slide-id>'
          localId: '<event-id>'
    -     rel_type: 'm.replace'
    +     rel_type: 'm.reference'
          # the id of the slide event
          event_id: '<slide-event-id>'
      event_id: '<updated-element-event-id>'
  5. We will change the element delete events to relate to the slide event:

      type: 'net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete'
      room_id: '!my-room:…'
      sender: '@user-id'
      origin_server_ts: 0
        localId: '<event-id>'
    +   # m.relates_to by MSC2674
    +   m.relates_to:
    +     # m.reference by MSC3267
    +     rel_type: 'm.reference'
    +     # the id of the element event
    +     event_id: '<slide-event-id>'
      event_id: '$event-id'

Resulting data model:

                                        │                              │
                                   ┌───►│             ...              │
                                   │    │                              │
                                   │    └──────────────────────────────┘
                                   │    ┌──────────────────────────────┐
                                   │    │                              │
                                   ├───►│ net.nordeck.whiteboard.slide │
                                   │    │                              │
┌──────────────────────────────┐   │    └──────────────────────────────┘
│                              │   │
│    net.nordeck.whiteboard    ├───┤    ┌──────────────────────────────┐
│ (state_key: <whiteboard-id>) │   │    │                              │
│                              │   └───►│ net.nordeck.whiteboard.slide │
└──────────────────────────────┘        │                              │
                                             ▲     ▲              ▲
                                             │     │              │
                   m.relates_to: m.reference │     │              │ m.relates_to: m.reference
                                             │     │              │
                ┌────────────────────────────┴───┐ │          ┌───┴───────────────────────────────────┐
                │                                │ │          │                                       │
                │ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element │ │          │ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete │
                │                                │ │          │                                       │
                └────────────────────────────────┘ │          └───────────────────────────────────────┘
                                             ▲     │
                                             │     │
                                   (localId) │     │ m.relates_to: m.reference
                                             │     │
┌────────────────────────────────┐           │     │
│                                │           │     │
│ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element ├───────────┤     │
│        (m.new_content)         │           │     │
│                                ├───────────┼─────┤
└────────────────────────────────┘           │     │
                                             │     │
┌────────────────────────────────┐           │     │
│                                │           │     │
│ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element ├───────────┘     │
│        (m.new_content)         │                 │
│                                ├─────────────────┘


After applying the changes to the events, we need to change how we read the events:

  1. Read the whiteboard and extract the slideEventId for every slide.
  2. For each slideEventId, fetch all events that have a m.reference relation to the slideEventId.

We don't filter which events we want to receive because the filtering of events by type would only work on the server for unencrypted events since all events would be of type By fetching net.nordeck.whiteboard.element and net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete in one call, we save an additional HTTP request and potentially duplicated decryption effort on the client to filter the events.


Errors on missing events: When the slide event could not be loaded, the respective slide should be disabled and display an error. These errors can happen when:

  1. The history visibility of the whiteboard is configured so that users can't see events before they joined.
  2. The Client can't decrypt some events of a slide.

In the future, we could implement a repair feature where a moderator could rewrite all events of a slide to the room. This could resolve 1. and potentially also 2. if the keys are missing due to not receiving old keys in the room invitation. This could also solved by a redesigned event-format.

Resulting Data Model

The proposed design will result in the following data model:

Data Format

The “whiteboard widget” is a collaborative whiteboard widget for the Element messenger. Technically, it supports the following core features:

  1. Multiple Whiteboards per room (based on the widget registration for now)
  2. Multiple slides per whiteboard
  3. Multiple elements per whiteboard
  4. Elements can be edited and deleted

Additionally, the following features are available:

  1. Normal users can be forced to follow the slide of the moderator.
  2. Collaboration by normal users can be disabled for each slide.

The whiteboard uses the Matrix Widget API to store the data in a Matrix room.

User Roles / User Permissions

Normal Users: Users that can only view a single slide of the whiteboard by default. If enabled, users are able to manipulate the selected slide. If enabled, users are able to move between slides.

Moderator: A user that prepares the contents of a slide and moves the user over the contents. A moderator can enable users to be able to manipulate the selected slide. A moderator can force users to follow them.

Room Messages

The whiteboard state is stored using the following events in a Matrix room:

        │                           │
        │ im.vector.modular.widgets │
        │ (state_key: <widget-id>)  │
        │                           │
                     │ (controlling_widget)
       │                             │
       │  net.nordeck.whiteboard     │
       │ (state_key: <whiteboard-id>)│
       │                             │
                     │ (whiteboardId, slideId)
      │                                │
      │ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element │
      │    (content.localId: <id>)     │
      │                                │
           ▲    ▲
           │    │
(local_id) │    │ m.relates_to: m.replace
           │    │
           │    │            ┌────────────────────────────────┐
           │    │            │                                │
           │    ├────────────┤ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element │
           │    │            │        (m.new_content)         │
           │    │            │                                │
           │    │            └────────────────────────────────┘
           │    │
           │    │            ┌────────────────────────────────┐
           │    │            │                                │
           │    └────────────┤ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element │
           │                 │        (m.new_content)         │
           │                 │                                │
           │                 └────────────────────────────────┘
      │                                       │
      │ net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete │
      │        (content.localId: <id>)        │
      │                                       │

net.nordeck.whiteboard (State Event)

Holds the state of a single whiteboard. Each whiteboard consists of multiple slides. Each whiteboard can only be controlled from a single widget installation.


Field Type Description
controllingWidget string The ID of the widget that controls this whiteboard.
slides[] An array of slides in this whiteboard.
slides[].slideId string The ID of the slide.
slides[].canCollaborate boolean If true, the slide is read only for normal users.
activeSlide string The ID of the active slide. Moves all users to the slide.
pinnedSlide (optional) string? (unclear)


  "type": "net.nordeck.whiteboard",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "state_key": "<whiteboard-id>",
  "content": {
    "controllingWidget": "!PDjBWGtWXKXyFutGgS%3Alocalhost_%40user%3Alocalhost_1665134486418",
    "slides": [
        "slideId": "RjS_rNKuF73ytY7Uiswfr",
        "canCollaborate": true
    "activeSlide": "RjS_rNKuF73ytY7Uiswfr"
  "event_id": "$event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1665134498391

net.nordeck.whiteboard.element (Room Event)

A single element on a whiteboard slide.


* Floats can't be stored in Matrix so the values are stored as string instead. See also Signing JSON.

Field Type Description
whiteboardId string The ID of the whiteboard
slideId string The ID of the slide.
localId string The ID of this element.
type string The type of element (see below).
x string* The x position in the slide.
y string* The y position in the slide.
scale string* (unused)
rotate string* (unused)
translate.x string* (unused)
translate.y string* (unused)
strokeColor string The color of the stroke as CSS color value.
strokeWidth number The width of the stroke in pixels.
order string* The order in relation to other elements.

Additional properties when type is one of circle, ellipse, rectangle, triangle.

Field Type Description
width string* The width in pixels.
height string* The height in pixels.
fillColor string The fill color as CSS color value.
text string The text displayed in the shape.

Additional properties when type is one of line, polyline.

Field Type Description
points[] An array of points that form a line.
points[].x string* The x position in the slide.
points[].y string* The y position in the slide.


Existing elements are updated by means of message editing. A new event is created that relates to the old event with a m.replace relationship and a replacement content in the m.new_content property.


Shape Event:

  "type": "net.nordeck.whiteboard.element",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "whiteboardId": "<whiteboard-id>",
    "slideId": "RjS_rNKuF73ytY7Uiswfr",
    "localId": "ifddVRnPKj8RFMiQUu2Ii",
    "type": "rectangle",
    "x": "680",
    "y": "200",
    "scale": "1",
    "rotate": "0",
    "translate": {
      "x": "0",
      "y": "0"
    "strokeColor": "#000000",
    "strokeWidth": 2,
    "order": "1665134528491",

    "height": "320",
    "width": "440",
    "fillColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "text": ""
  "event_id": "$element-event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1665134529645

Points Element:

  "type": "net.nordeck.whiteboard.element",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "whiteboardId": "<whiteboard-id>",
    "slideId": "RjS_rNKuF73ytY7Uiswfr",
    "localId": "2TVsNeJs9hEMYCupgKqVY",
    "type": "line",
    "x": "200",
    "y": "80",
    "scale": "1",
    "rotate": "0",
    "translate": {
      "x": "0",
      "y": "0"
    "strokeColor": "#4a90e2ff",
    "strokeWidth": 10,
    "order": "1665403201815",

    "points": [
        "x": "0",
        "y": "160"
        "x": "360",
        "y": "0"
  "event_id": "$element-event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1665403202891

Updated Shape Event

  "type": "net.nordeck.whiteboard.element",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "m.new_content": {
      "whiteboardId": "<whiteboard-id>",
      "slideId": "RjS_rNKuF73ytY7Uiswfr",
      "localId": "ifddVRnPKj8RFMiQUu2Ii",
      "type": "rectangle"
      // ... other content
    "m.relates_to": {
      "rel_type": "m.replace",
      "event_id": "$element-event-id"
  "event_id": "$updated-element-event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1665134529645

net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete (Room Event)

A deletion marker of an element on a whiteboard slide.


Field Type Description
localId string The ID of this element.


  "type": "net.nordeck.whiteboard.element.delete",
  "sender": "@user-id",
  "content": {
    "localId": "ifddVRnPKj8RFMiQUu2Ii"
  "event_id": "$delete-event-id",
  "room_id": "!room-id",
  "origin_server_ts": 1665134574381