SCK is a one man effort and welcomes volunteers that find the project useful, there is no need to be a programmer to contribute to SCK, one important and missing part is documentation. So if you are not a coder, feel free to contribute to get in touch and we will figure out how to get that going.
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Submit PRs, make sure to read the Guidelines below.
Pick one of the open issues first and comment on it that you are interested in to taking it.
Open a PR and add a #issue reference to it (there will be in the PR template)
Work with me through the review process. Volunteer reviewers are welcome, please add a comment on the related issue and I'll make sure to add you.
On the technical side I suggest to follow the PEP8 style guide. There is some flexibility, since I wasn't a very good python programmer when started the project (still I am not), but let's try hard to be strict.
This project is not TDD, but minimal functional tests are required. It is OK to write code first and tests later, PRs can be opened without tests but they will be required at some point before merging, also I will give priority to review PRs wich I can test first.
In fact, writing tests for the code already existing (only if it is worth to keep) is a good first contribution and will get you to know the code.