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@sbernard31 sbernard31 released this 24 Jul 15:32
· 260 commits to master since this release

❗☠️❗ Affected by security issue❗☠️❗

Build artifacts are available on maven central.

⚠️ This is second Milestone Release containing new Transport Layer Abstraction (GH-1025). This is massive changes and maybe not yet fully mature.

So we are still encouraging you to test this Milestone Release to provide feedback but maybe not to use it in production yet OR at least not before reading this :

  1. Transport Layer Abstraction is probably not yet fully mature.
  2. Redis store backward compatibility, see #1418.


  • Refactoring Identity Class (#1436 : which break Redis backward compatibility, #1418 (comment))
  • Handle Default version of core object is correctly. (#1434)

Many thanks to @JaroslawLegierski and @Warmek for their contributions 🙏 !

Change logs

21631ab: Upgrade frontend-maven-plugin to v1.13.4
7459ed3: NOT_FOUND for send means: Reported Object was not registered to Server
42bda55: Make sure that ReverseProxy is started at the end of start method.
b57049a: GH-1421: Fix leshanServerBuilder.setUpdateRegistrationOnNotification
b825100: -Dsurefire.failIfNoSpecifiedTests=false since version 3.0.0-M6.
7e50b83: Update yarn dependencies.
c2b09a8: Upgrade to maven plugin dependencies (especially surefire)
2a842d9: Remove deprecated usage of JsonNodeFactory.withExactBigDecimals(true)
acf1fb6: Upgrade lib dependencies (jackson 2.15.2, jedis 4.4.3, ...)
cf1a212: create Maven variable for some dependency versions (junit, mockito ...)
6a05894: Add tests about dynamic IP for observer and send operation
330617f: Expose CoapEndpoint instead of Endpoint at client side
c8606bc: Add ReserverProxy to be able to test client IP address changes.
2066961: Make LwM2mIdentitySerDes / LwM2mPeerSerDes customizable in Redis store
ec90257: ClientProfileProvider returns Profile only when registration is found
1186c01: Rename ServerIdentity in LwM2mServer at client side.
f994bc1: GH-1436: Refactoring about Identity class
a3d0931: Remove useless class which should not have been committed in 6091fc3
a356488: GH-1439: Update to recommend usage of Security Advisories.
3c25bdf: Make SecurityInfo Constructor protected to allow inheritance
b620141: GH-1434: Use LWM2M v1.1 default object version way at client side.
3786149: Make LinkFormatHelper Dynamic.
d3a6f46: Remove old Backward Compatibility code about RedisRegistrationStore
cd22391: GH-1434: Use LWM2M v1.1 default object version way at server side.
332d487: Move registration data extraction from link in a dedicated class.
b7e8a2d: Update with new eclipse policy.
8af670c: Add some "common maintenance tasks" to webapp demo README.
edcdc92: Upgrade yarn.lock for web demo.
1776acf: Update Browserslist in web demo
14b6f5c: GH-1446: Fix bad supported algorithm exception message in SecurityUtil
d47e000: Add TODO about Checking ContentFormat on notification
1008306: Add RequestCanceledException without constructor
ab21e24: Upgrade to slf4j 2.0.7
ab207af: Refactor integration tests to be able to test several transports
25e1aca: Add AssertJ 3.24.2 test dependency.
1b1d23b: Add Mockito 4.11.0 test dependency.
868f8b3: Add setTaskProvider to LeshanBootstrapServerBuilder
be79632: GH-1441: Do not show "EXE" Button for resources with NONE operations.
d5052f1: ci: use actions/setup-java temurin distribution
1ee287f: GH-1393: Added resources 13-20 in to ServerConfig
989f4e7: GH-1427 : Fix Float Attribute Parsing.
37bfbe0: Add profile to not download yarn on sourceforge by default.
10edf13: GH-1428 Upgrade to yarn 1.22.19
ca1e6bc: Fix release nightly build issue.