This sample shows how to run WebAssembly inside EGo using Wasmer.
By default, wasmer-go comes with a shared library. EGo only supports static linking. To this end, download the wasmer static library and tell the Go compiler to use it:
wget -O- | tar xz --one-top-level=wasmer
CGO_CFLAGS="-I$PWD/wasmer/include" CGO_LDFLAGS="$PWD/wasmer/lib/libwasmer.a -ldl -lm -static-libgcc" ego-go build -tags custom_wasmer_runtime
Then you can sign and run as usual:
ego sign wasmer_sample
ego run wasmer_sample
You should see an output similar to:
[erthost] loading enclave ...
[erthost] entering enclave ...
[ego] starting application ...
Results of `sum`: 3
Note that executableHeap
is enabled in enclave.json
so that Wasmer can JIT-compile the WebAssembly.