Follow @edoardottt2 on Twitter!
TweetPro is a University project of the Programming Metodologies Course held by Prof. Roberto Navigli. It's a Java tool that analyzes Tweets and other things related to Twitter.
It contains a numerical ID, a body, an User that wrote it and counter of retweets and likes. A tweet can be retweetted. In this case is itself a tweet, with an original tweet's reference. It can have also media.
An User is identified by an unique name (@edoardottt2), an unique numeric id and by a name 'name', not unique. An User can be verified (which adds a sign of check blue to its name). An User has followers (followers), or other users who follow i tweets, and he himself is a follower of other users (following), that is users to whom the user is interested. An User can post tweets.
Like this:
"tweet": {
"id": 464731336310140929,
"text": "RT @9GAGTweets: From Hulk... hue hue hue - http:\/\/\/bNRmL7uUVf",
"user": {
"id": 534017128,
"name": "jasmine s.",
"screen_name": "jasminesaff",
"followers_count": 311,
"favourites_count": 0,
"friends_count": 245,
"verified": false,
"statuses_count": 10704,
"retweeted_status": {
"id": 464717213304627200,
"text": "From Hulk... hue hue hue - http:\/\/\/bNRmL7uUVf",
"user": {
"id": 471022109,
"name": "9GAG Tweets",
"screen_name": "9GAGTweets",
"followers_count": 251032,
"friends_count": 3,
"favourites_count": 0,
"statuses_count": 124287,
"retweet_count": 151,
"favorite_count": 46,
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"media": [
"media_url": "http:\/\/\/media\/BnMB19sIIAAJv0O.jpg",
"retweet_count": 0,
"favorite_count": 0,
"entities": {
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"media": [
"media_url": "http:\/\/\/media\/BnMB19sIIAAJv0O.jpg",
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