All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Unreleased - 2024-10-14
- Xschem install script: added Python shebang line
- Qucs-S install script: added Python shebang line
- Qucs-s install script: added checking for qucs-s binary
- Add vbic examples for Xyce/adms
- Add moshv lib and examples for Xyce
- Initial list of tool versions
- Added cross-platform compatibility for logger
- Added initial version of multiplier check for netlists in stdcells
- Krzysztof and Sergei are the maintainer of this repository. Add them as CODEOWNER to auto-assign them in Pull Requests.
- KLayout XSection: added initial README
- Initial version of KLayout cross-section (XS) settings
- Added HBT models for Xyce simulator
- Added smaller SRAM macros
- KLayout Pycells: added NWell to 'dpantenna' device
- Added pnpMPA measurements documentation
- Added 'Digital' IHP130 cells as submodule
- Update
- removed explicit env items, user should put his own related settings
- Updated procedure to avoid constant openning cmd window on Windows to execute task list.
- Update versions.txt
- added OpenVAF
- Klayout PyCell integration
- Added support for or'ed #ifdef defines
- Took over windows compatibility work from Andreas Krinke
- Fixed pypreprocessor issues
- Fixed misleading import
- Fixed documentation
- Add pypreprocessor IHP clone submodule
- Added evalution of names used for conditional compilation against process-chain
- Added catching of PyCell static/dynamic compilation errors for correction of file-path stack-dump
- Added diagnositc logging of process-chain as well as set defines
- Eleminate pre-definition of used defines by pre-scanning cell code
- Fixed issue from IHP open source server regarding remove of tmp-file
- Implemented 'conditional compilation' for PyCell code, see documentation in ihp-sg13g2/
- Simplified referencing python modules by setting search path
- Re-implemented clone() for shapes using deepcopy
- Implemented tagging of shapes feature from SKILL Pcell counter-part
- Fixed npn13G2L/npn13G2V to be equal to SKILL Pcell counter-part
- Introduced library code/documentation as submodule from pycell4klayout-api repo
- Added support for fgAnd, fgNot andfgSize
- Fixed dbLayerSize
- Fixed pin label creation by removing extra text generation
- Added missing self-argument in class Box
- Fix wrong assignment: re-assign pins, terms and nets from PyCell-instances to cell-instances for multi-cell instances of the same PyCell
- Fixed merge-error
- Added PyCell parameter type bool
- Added partial implementation for PyCell API class Net
- Added partial implementation for PyCell API class Path
- Added partial implementation for PyCell API class ShapeFilter
- Added support for Net's
- Added generic registering of IHP PyCell's in Klayout
- Added support for inductor2, inductor2_sc, inductor2_sp, inductor3, inductor3_sc and inductor3_sp
- Added partial implementation of class Pin from PyCell API
- Added partial implementation of class Term from PyCell API
- Added support for pins/terminals
- Added support for XOR geometric transformation
- Added support for text alignment/orientation
- Fixed dbLayerXorList from
- Added support of npn13G2L and npn13G2V
- Extended documentation
- Update KLayout DRC scripts
- fixes regression that missed DRC errors, e.g. for M1.b
- improves running the DRC on Windows
- prints message for each rule during run
- new options, increased accuracy of width and overlap checks
- fixes bug regarding µm/dbu conversion
- new options, increased accuracy of space and separation checks
- fixes incorrect DRC errors, e.g. for pSD.d, pSD.d1
- maximal DRC script supports ~75% of rules
- rename DRC script parameters for OpenROAD compatibility
- logfile -> log_file
- gdsfile -> in_gds
- outfile -> report_file
- DRC script parameter "cell" is now optional
- output number of DRC errors at the end
- DRC script no longer depends on layout dbu
- all lengths are given in micrometers
- add limits to rule descriptions, e.g., "Min. GatPoly width = 0.13"
- Improve Windows compatibility of PyCell code
- remove dependency on psutil, which is difficult to install on Windows
- Updated Qucs-S examples, for Qucs
- Use Xyce vbic build-in model instead Verilog-A model
- Change example file names
- Xyce library extension moslv
- Update
- added tool versions part
- Aligned file names
- added note on XSection in PDK contents
- updated year in Apache license header
- Added 'Digital' tool in PDK contents
- Added LVS in PDK contents section
- pmosHV Pycell: various updates to align to the implementation in commercial PDK
- Pycell4klayout-api updated to the latest version
- Sealring Pycell: area for registration
- openroad: Add missing SRAMs
- A4defa8ab added missing .lib files for recently added SRAMs. Update the export.yml with all files for these RAMs.
- Xyce HBT models: commented vbe_max, vbc_max, vce_max parameters - these are not used
- Python tool to generate export.yml
- The export.yml file communicates all exportable files, with additional meta data, to OpenROAD. It can automatically check if files changed or new exist and sync those.
- libs.ref: Don't ignore sub-directories
- The .gitignore in the root level ignores directories like lib/. This will prevent checking in new libs as Git would ignore those.
- Update
- added note on current status
- screenshot as an example
- KLayout Pycells: small typo correction in npn13G2* devices
- Update
- Added requirement to set PDK_ROOT
- Ngspice models: changed '.parameters' to '.param' in corner*.lib files
- Option list duplication removed
- Update xschemrc
- Adding
append XSCHEM_LIBRARY_PATH :${XSCHEM_SHAREDIR}/xschem_library/devices
- Adding
- Update path to standard symbols
- .spiceinit PDK env. variable added + fixes
- .spiceinit PDK env. variable added
- Update .gitmodules
- Changed SSH to HTTPS mode
- Updating custom writer for LVS runset
- Major change in ngspice model referencing, xschem testcases update, qucs-s examples updated
- Construct full lvs rule deck for SG13G2 tech
- Klayout: tech: sg13g2.lyt: Use empty lef-files
- OpenROAD-flow-scripts will search and replace for .*. Therefore, keep it empty in this syntax.
- Klayout: tech: Add map file
- This file was copied from the OpenROAD-flow-scripts repository and should be maintained and kept here.
- Klayout: tech: Add layer map
- OpenROAD requires the file to correctly place each layer. Fix this here to not overwrite manually changes in OpenROAD-Flow-Scripts.
- KLayout Pycells: updated device library name
- KLayout tech file: setting up technology specific grids, smallest (req) = 5nm
- IO cells: renamed 'liberty' folder to 'lib' to align across cellsets (stdcell, sram)
- IO cells: aligned Liberty file names
- klayout: Add macro to report layer density
- This script calculates and reports the density for multiple important layers and can help to see which layers will violatie fill rules. Based-on: Krzystof Herman
- klayout: drc: Use correct border
- The DRC report had multiple violations included which are relate to unclean calculation of the chip border. Based-on: Andreas Krinke
- klayout: Add Python script to generate Sealring files
- This script can be called in Klayout's batch mode and generates a GDS file with a sealring included. The width and height of the ring are configurable via arguments.
- Example call:
klayout -n sg13g2 -zz -r \ -rd width=1300.0 -rd height=1300.0 \ -rd output=macros/sealring.gds.gz
- DbCreateRect outside if..else
- Via stack PCell integration
- KLayout Pycells: some fixes and cleanup for npn13G2
- IO cells: renamed CDL file to align
- Dantenna and dpantenna PCells integration
- Xschem testcases *.sch files updated to support lower-case w and l
- Xschemrc res_drc function updated
- DRC checks for xschem added in xschemrc (mosfets, hbt, diode, res, mim), symbols modified, some testcases modified
- @spiceprefix added for mos devices and diodes, RF symbols added for HV mosfets
- Lv symbols modified for lvs, @spiceprofix added
- Change hv pcells name
- KLayout Pycells: updated 'Ae' text string in npn13G2* cells to be consistent w/ internal implementation
- Hv added to init
- Hv-mos pcell integration
- Lvs-symbol
- Some updates on top of #121
- Remove labels on ESD diodes so they are now recognized as regular d(p)antenna diodes
- Increase width to minimum 0.48µm to account for new rule not yet in DRC check.
- Layout rule manual updated
- Update
- OpenROAD, OpenROAD flow scripts, Qucs-S added as supported EDA tools.
- Stdcells LEF: USE ANALOG changed to USE SIGNAL
- pnpMPA: fixed pin order in model, updated xschem symbol and testbench
- libs.ref: sg13g2_io: verilog: Fix specify syntax
- The input and output definition in the Verilog specify block were positioned in the wrong order (output to input). Change and also implement the tri-state better.
- LVS rule decks: Fix GF180 remnants in log strings
- pnpMPA docs: fixed typos in file naming
- klayout: macros: Fix intentation
- klayout: Fix Metal density min/max values
- Global min./max. Metal(n) density values are 35% and 60%. The previous 25% and 75% are only valid for 800x800 chip areas.
- Fix class name in hv-pmos pcell
- Fix hv pcell integration in init file
- Qucs-S symbols: removed .INCLUDE, removed temperature sensing terminal from standard npn13G2* devices
- Pycells: removed via_stack device, it's obsolete
- Remove merged.lef from klayout setup
- Removing reference to merged.lef which does not exist.
- Delete ihp-sg13g2/ directory
- KLayout tech JSON: removed all layers definitions, these are taken from .lyp file
- KLayout DRC: removed obsolete deck file (now we have min and max in separate files)