Jun 29, 2021
- Changed from the consensus way which the entire validator agrees to a part of the validators is elected as a voter to
consensus. The selected validator is called
- The voter to be elected has been changed so that it can be determined in the n-1 block from the one determined by the n-2 block.
- A BLS signature library was added. The ability to use the BLS signature library will be added in the next version.
- When distributing rewards in Cosmos-SDK, some ABCIs have been modified to distribute the voting power of elected voters.
- State
- Go API
- Blockchain Protocol
- [state] #7 Add round, proof in block
- P2P Protocol
- [types] #40 Add vrf interface and add a function generating vrf proof to PrivValidator
- [lib/rand] #43 Implementation of selection algorithms using categorical distributions
- [state] #44 Add genesis seed for electing proposer of first block
- [types] #48 Replace tendermint's PoS to VRF-based Random Sampling
- [rpc] #78 Add
rpc - [consensus] #83 Selection voters using random sampling without replacement
- [consensus] #92 Apply calculation of voter count
- [BLS] #81 Modify to generate at the same time as Ed25519 key generation
- [lite] #100 Lite calls
rpc when it starts up
- [circleCI] #76 Fix contract test job of circleCI
Mar 15, 2021
This release rewrite to ostracon.
Initial ostracon is based on the tendermint v0.34.8
- (tendermint) v0.34.8.
Please refer CHANGELOG_OF_TENDERMINT_v0.34.8