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Original IP payload: udp src 192.18.4/53 dst +May 5 18:16:21 dev01: %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr type 8 code 0 +May 5 18:22:35 dev01: %ASA-7-609001: Built local-host net: +May 5 18:24:31 dev01: %ASA-7-609002: Teardown local-host identity: duration 0:00:00 +May 5 18:29:32 dev01: %ASA-6-302020: Built inbound ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr +May 5 18:29:32 dev01: %ASA-6-302020: Built outbound ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr type 3 code 3 +May 5 18:29:32 dev01: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 2960892904 for out111: to fw111: duration 0:00:00 bytes 0 TCP Reset-I +May 5 18:29:32 dev01: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 1588662 for intfacename: ( to net: ( +May 5 18:29:32 dev01: %ASA-6-302012: Teardown dynamic UDP translation from fw111: to out111: duration 0:00:00 +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-4-313004: Denied ICMP type=0, from laddr on interface fw502 to no matching session +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from fw111: to out111: +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags SYN on interface out111 +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-2-302016: Teardown UDP connection 1671727 for intfacename: to net: duration 0:02:04 bytes 64585 +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-2-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 1743372 for intfacename: ( to net: ( +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-2-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 1743372 for intfacename: ( to net: ( +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src fw111: dst out111: by access-group "out1111_access_out" [0x47e21ef4, 0x47e21ef4] +May 5 18:40:50 dev01: %ASA-4-106021: Deny TCP reverse path check from to on interface fw111 +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-2-106006: Deny inbound UDP from to on interface fw111 +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags FIN PSH ACK on interface out111 +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags PSH ACK on interface out111 +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags RST on interface fw111 +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-302022: Built director stub TCP connection for fw1111: ( to net: ( +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-302022: Built forwarder stub TCP connection for fw111: ( to net: ( +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-302022: Built backup stub TCP connection for fw111: ( to net:192.1682.2.2/10051 ( +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-302023: Teardown stub TCP connection for fw111: to net: duration 0:00:00 forwarded bytes 0 Cluster flow with CLU closed on owner +May 5 19:02:58 dev01: %ASA-6-302023: Teardown stub TCP connection for net: to unknown: duration 0:00:00 forwarded bytes 0 Forwarding or redirect flow removed to create director or backup flow +May 5 19:03:27 dev01: %ASA-7-111009: User 'aaaa' executed cmd: show access-list fw211111_access_out brief +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-7-111009: User 'aaaa' executed cmd: show access-list aaa_out brief +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-106100: access-list fw111_out permitted tcp ptaaac/ -> fw111/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x38ff326b, 0x00000000] +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-106100: access-list fw111_out permitted tcp net/ -> fw111/ hit-cnt 2 300-second interval [0x38ff326b, 0x00000000] +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-302027: Teardown stub ICMP connection for fw1111: to net: duration 1:00:04 forwarded bytes 56 Cluster flow with CLU closed on owner +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-302026: Built director stub ICMP connection for fw111: ( to net: ( +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-7-710005: UDP request discarded from to net: +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-302025: Teardown stub UDP connection for net: to unknown: duration 0:01:00 forwarded bytes 48 Cluster flow with CLU removed from due to idle timeout +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-6-302024: Built backup stub UDP connection for net: ( to fw111: ( +May 5 19:02:26 dev01: %ASA-3-106014: Deny inbound icmp src fw111: dst fw111: 8, code 0) +May 5 19:02:25 dev01: %ASA-4-733100: [] drop rate-1 exceeded. Current burst rate is 0 per second, max configured rate is -4; Current average rate is 7 per second, max configured rate is -4; Cumulative total count is 9063 +May 5 19:02:25 dev01: %ASA-3-106010: Deny inbound sctp src fw111: dst fw111: +May 5 19:02:25 dev01: %ASA-4-507003: tcp flow from fw111: to out111: terminated by inspection engine, reason - disconnected, dropped packet. +Apr 27 04:18:49 dev01: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL +Apr 27 04:18:49 dev01: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL someuser@[0] +Apr 27 17:54:52 dev01: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed JAVA URL[0]_=23 +Apr 27 04:18:49 dev01: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed JAVA URL someuser@ +Apr 27 04:12:23 dev01: %ASA-6-302304: Teardown TCP state-bypass connection 2751765169 from server.deflan: to server.deflan: duration 1:00:02 bytes 245 Connection timeout +Apr 27 02:02:02 dev01: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst srv: by access-group "global_access_1" +Oct 20 2019 15:15:15 dev01: %ASA-5-106100: access-list testrulename denied tcp insideintf/somedomainname.local(27218) -> OUTSIDE/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x16847359, 0x00000000] +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-5-111004: console end configuration: OK +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-5-111010: User 'enable_15', running 'CLI' from IP, executed 'clear' +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-5-502103: User priv level changed: Uname: enable_15 From: 1 To: 15 +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-6-605004: Login denied from to FCD-FS-LAN: for user "*****" +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-6-611102: User authentication failed: IP address:, Uname: admin +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-6-605005: Login permitted from to FCD-FS-LAN: for user "admin" +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-6-611101: User authentication succeeded: IP address:, Uname: admin +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-5-713049: Group =, IP =, Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group ( Responder, Inbound SPI = 0x276b1da2, Outbound SPI = 0x0e1a581d +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-4-113019: Group =, Username =, IP =, Session disconnected. Session Type: LAN-to-LAN, Duration: 0h:32m:16s, Bytes xmt: 297103, Bytes rcv: 1216163, Reason: User Requested +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-4-722051: Group some-policy User testuser IP IPv4 Address IPv6 address 2001:4860:4860::8888 assigned to session +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-6-716002: Group another-policy User testuser IP WebVPN session terminated: User Requested. +Apr 27 02:03:03 dev01: %ASA-3-710003: TCP access denied by ACL from to outside: diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f62bdaf377f --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-additional-messages.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,4390 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "fw111" + } + }, + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "net" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "destination": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 53500, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 53500, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660240Z", + "code": 302013, + "original": "%FTD-6-302013: Built inbound TCP connection 111111111 for net: ( to fw111: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "fw111", + "mapped_source_port": 53500, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "111111111", + "source_interface": "net", + "mapped_destination_port": 53500, + "message_id": "302013" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp", + "direction": "inbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "fw111" + } + }, + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "net" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "destination": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 53500, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 53500, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660244Z", + "code": 302015, + "original": "%FTD-6-302015: Built inbound UDP connection 111111111 for net: ( to fw111: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "fw111", + "mapped_source_port": 53500, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "111111111", + "source_interface": "net", + "mapped_destination_port": 53500, + "message_id": "302015" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp", + "direction": "inbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660245Z", + "code": 302020, + "original": "%FTD-6-302020: Built inbound ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr type 3 code 3", + "kind": "event", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "message_id": "302020" + } + }, + "network": { + "protocol": "icmp", + "direction": "inbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "net" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "debug" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 7, + "duration": 0, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660246Z", + "code": 609002, + "original": "%FTD-7-609002: Teardown local-host net: duration 0:00:00", + "kind": "event", + "start": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "end": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "source_interface": "net", + "message_id": "609002" + } + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "net" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "debug" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 7, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660246Z", + "code": 609001, + "original": "%FTD-7-609001: Built local-host net:", + "kind": "event", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "source_interface": "net", + "message_id": "609001" + } + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "dev01" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 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"" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 111, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:39.660249Z", + "code": 805001, + "original": "%FTD-6-805001: Offloaded TCP Flow for connection 111111111 from fw111: ( to fw111: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "fw111", + "mapped_source_port": 111, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "111111111", + "source_interface": "fw111", + "mapped_destination_port": 111, + "message_id": "805001" + } + }, + "network": { + "transport": "tcp flow" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "fw109" + } + }, + "hostname": "dev01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "net" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-05-05T17:51:17.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "dev01" + ], 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"iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..80efe8a5553 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +Apr 17 2020 14:08:08 SNL-ASA-VPN-A01 : %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 110577675 for Outside:\Elastic) to Inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 148 (zzzzzz) +Apr 17 2020 14:00:31 SNL-ASA-VPN-A01 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny icmp src Inside: dst Outside: (type 11, code 0) by access-group "Inside_access_in" [0x0, 0x0] +Apr 15 2013 09:36:50: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src dmz: dst outside: type 3, code 0, by access-group "acl_dmz" [0xe3afb522, 0x0] +Apr 17 2020 14:16:20 SNL-ASA-VPN-A01 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny udp src Inside:\Elastic) dst Outside: by access-group "Inside_access_in" [0x0, 0x0] +Apr 17 2020 14:15:07 SNL-ASA-VPN-A01 : %ASA-2-106017: Deny IP due to Land Attack from to +Apr 17 2020 14:15:07 SNL-ASA-VPN-A01 : %ASA-3-313008: Denied IPv6-ICMP type=134, code=0 from fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a on interface ISP1 +Jun 08 2020 12:59:57: %ASA-4-313009: Denied invalid ICMP code 9, for Inside: ( to identity: (, ICMP id 295, ICMP type 8 +Oct 20 2019 15:42:53: %ASA-6-106100: access-list incoming permitted udp dmz2/ -> inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x93d0e533, 0x578ef52f] +Oct 20 2019 15:42:54: %ASA-6-106100: access-list incoming permitted udp dmz2/\\username) -> inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x93d0e533, 0x578ef52f] +Aug 6 2020 11:01:37: %ASA-session-3-106102: access-list dev_inward_client permitted udp for user redacted outside/ -> inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x3c8b88c1, 0xbee595c3] +Aug 6 2020 11:01:38: %ASA-1-106103: access-list filter denied icmp for user joe inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x3c8b88c1, 0xbee595c3] diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..931e5888a5e --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa-fix.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,754 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "Inside" + } + }, + "hostname": "SNL-ASA-VPN-A01", + 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"2020-11-30T17:49:41.632943Z", + "code": 313008, + "original": "%ASA-3-313008: Denied IPv6-ICMP type=134, code=0 from fe80::1ff:fe23:4567:890a on interface ISP1", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "icmp_type": 134, + "message_id": "313008", + "icmp_code": 0, + "source_interface": "ISP1" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 58, + "transport": "ipv6-icmp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "identity" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "Inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-06-08T12:59:57.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 0, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 8795, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + 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"destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 56575, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.632944Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-6-106100: access-list incoming permitted udp dmz2/ -\u003e inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x93d0e533, 0x578ef52f]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "106100", + "rule_name": "incoming", + "source_interface": "dmz2" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "dmz2" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2019-10-20T15:42:54.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 56575, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.632945Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-6-106100: access-list incoming permitted udp dmz2/\\\\username) -\u003e inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x93d0e533, 0x578ef52f]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "106100", + "rule_name": "incoming", + "source_interface": "dmz2" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-08-06T11:01:37.000Z", + "related": { + "user": [ + "redacted" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "error" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 49721, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 3, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.632946Z", + "code": 106102, + "original": "%ASA-session-3-106102: access-list dev_inward_client permitted udp for user redacted outside/ -\u003e inside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x3c8b88c1, 0xbee595c3]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "user": { + "name": "redacted" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "106102", + "suffix": "session", + "rule_name": "dev_inward_client", + "source_interface": "outside" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-08-06T11:01:38.000Z", + "related": { + "user": [ + "joe" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "alert" + }, + "destination": { + "geo": { + "continent_name": "Asia", + "region_iso_code": "CN-GD", + "country_name": "China", + "region_name": "Guangdong", + "location": { + "lon": 113.25, + "lat": 23.1167 + }, + "country_iso_code": "CN" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 8080, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 64321, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 1, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.632947Z", + "code": 106103, + "original": "%ASA-1-106103: access-list filter denied icmp for user joe inside/ -\u003e outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x3c8b88c1, 0xbee595c3]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "user": { + "name": "joe" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106103", + "rule_name": "filter", + "source_interface": "inside" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 1, + "transport": "icmp" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9f0a0b8b598 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11757 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11749 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 38110 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11748 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 44010 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11745 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 7652 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11744 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 7062 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11742 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:08 bytes 5738 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11738 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:08 bytes 4176 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11739 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:08 bytes 1715 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11731 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:09 bytes 45595 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11723 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:09 bytes 27359 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11715 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:09 bytes 4457 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11711 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:09 bytes 26709 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11712 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:09 bytes 22097 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11708 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:10 bytes 2209 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11746 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 10404 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11706 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:10 bytes 123694 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11702 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:11 bytes 35835 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11753 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:30 bytes 0 SYN Timeout +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11758 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11758 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 148 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11759 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11759 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 164 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11760 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11761 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11762 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11763 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11762 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 111 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11763 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 237 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11764 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11772 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11773 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11772 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 87 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11773 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 221 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11774 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11775 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11776 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11775 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 101 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11776 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 126 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11777 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11777 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 862 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11779 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11778 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 104 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11779 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 176 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11780 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11781 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11782 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11783 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11783 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 104 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11784 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11785 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11786 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11784 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 593 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11787 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11786 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 375 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11788 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11797 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11564 for outside: to inside: duration 0:05:25 bytes 575 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11797 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 5391 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11798 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11799 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11800 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11800 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 373 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11801 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11801 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 207 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11802 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11803 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11802 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 12853 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11804 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11803 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 5291 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11805 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11804 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 965 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11805 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 8605 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11806 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11806 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 3428 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11807 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11808 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11809 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11810 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11807 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 2028 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11808 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 1085 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11809 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 868 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11811 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11812 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11810 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 4439 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11813 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11811 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 914 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11812 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 871 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11814 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11815 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11814 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 384 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11816 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11816 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 94 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11817 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11815 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 945 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11813 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 13284 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11818 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11818 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 104 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11819 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 9828 for outside: to NP Identity Ifc: duration 0:58:46 bytes 58512 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11820 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11821 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11820 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 168 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11822 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11821 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 198 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11822 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 150 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11823 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11823 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 84 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11824 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11825 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11825 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 188 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11826 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11827 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11828 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11827 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 5964 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11829 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11830 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11828 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 6694 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11829 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 1493 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11830 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 893 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11831 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11832 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11833 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11833 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 150 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11831 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 2750 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11834 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11835 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11832 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 881 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11835 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 2202 TCP FINs +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11836 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11837 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11840 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11841 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 11842 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11841 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 318 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 11842 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:00 bytes 104 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11843 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305012: Teardown dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: duration 0:00:30 +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11843 for outside: to inside: duration 0:00:04 bytes 410333 TCP Reset-I +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11844 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] +Oct 10 2018 12:34:56 localhost CiscoASA[999]: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "inbound" [0x0, 0x0] diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..383be8f7a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-asa.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,19583 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "process": { + "name": "CiscoASA", + "pid": 999 + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 8256, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 1772, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + }, + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2018-10-10T12:34:56.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.981839Z", + "code": 305011, + "original": "%ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside:", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "source_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "305011" + } + } + }, + { + "process": { + "name": "CiscoASA", + "pid": 999 + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 1772, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 80, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp", + "direction": "outbound" + }, + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + }, + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2018-10-10T12:34:56.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.981841Z", + "code": 302013, + "original": "%ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 11757 for outside: ( to inside: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "inside", + "mapped_source_port": 80, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "11757", + "source_interface": "outside", + "mapped_destination_port": 1772, + "message_id": "302013" + } + } + }, + { + "process": { + "name": "CiscoASA", + "pid": 999 + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 1758, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 80, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "network": { + "bytes": 38110, + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + }, + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + }, + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2018-10-10T12:34:56.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "duration": 67000000000, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:41.981842Z", + "code": 302014, + "original": "%ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 11749 for outside: to inside: duration 0:01:07 bytes 38110 TCP Reset-I", + "kind": "event", + "start": "2018-10-10T12:33:49.000Z", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "end": "2018-10-10T12:34:56.000Z", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "302014", + 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b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a02a1136b19 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Feb 20 2020 16:11:11: %ASA-6-734001: DAP: User firsname.lastname@domain.net, Addr, Connection AnyConnect: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: dap_1, dap_2 diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f2e1bf728a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-dap-records.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "type": "firewall", + "product": "asa", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-02-20T16:11:11.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "source": { + "geo": { + "continent_name": "Europe", + "region_iso_code": "RU-MOW", + "city_name": "Moscow", + "country_iso_code": "RU", + "country_name": "Russia", + "region_name": "Moscow", + "location": { + "lon": 37.6172, + "lat": 55.7527 + } + }, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.108789Z", + "code": 734001, + "original": "%ASA-6-734001: DAP: User firsname.lastname@domain.net, Addr, Connection AnyConnect: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: dap_1, dap_2", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "user": { + "email": "firsname.lastname@domain.net" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "connection_type": "AnyConnect", + "message_id": "734001", + "dap_records": [ + "dap_1", + "dap_2" + ] + } + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..65390a6f494 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Jan 1 01:00:27 beats asa[1234]: %ASA-7-999999: This message is not filtered. +Jan 1 01:00:30 beats asa[1234]: %ASA-8-999999: This phony message is dropped due to log level. +Jan 1 01:02:12 beats asa[1234]: %ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags URG+SYN+RST on interface eth0 diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..6eaa327d828 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-filtered.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "beats", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "process": { + "name": "asa", + "pid": 1234 + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-01-01T01:00:27.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "beats" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "debug" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "beats" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 7, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.138385Z", + "code": 999999, + "original": "%ASA-7-999999: This message is not filtered.", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "message_id": "999999" + } + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "beats", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "process": { + "name": "asa", + "pid": 1234 + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-01-01T01:00:30.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "beats" + ] + }, + "log": {}, + "host": { + "hostname": "beats" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 8, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.138387Z", + "code": 999999, + "original": "%ASA-8-999999: This phony message is dropped due to log level.", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "message_id": "999999" + } + } + }, + { + "process": { + "name": "asa", + "pid": 1234 + }, + "log": { + "level": "critical" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 443, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 45321, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp", + "direction": "inbound" + }, + "observer": { + "hostname": "beats", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "eth0" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-01-01T01:02:12.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "beats" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "beats" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 2, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.138388Z", + "code": 106001, + "original": "%ASA-2-106001: Inbound TCP connection denied from to flags URG+SYN+RST on interface eth0", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "source_interface": "eth0", + "message_id": "106001" + } + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..531c241da79 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Oct 10 2019 10:21:36 localhost: %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr target.destination.hostname.local/10005 gaddr laddr Prod-host.name.addr/0 +Jun 04 2011 21:59:52 MYHOSTNAME : %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr type 8 code 0 diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..c0b37d7eaa0 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-hostnames.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2019-10-10T10:21:36.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost", + "target.destination.hostname.local", + "Prod-host.name.addr" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "destination": { + "domain": "target.destination.hostname.local" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "domain": "Prod-host.name.addr" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.208718Z", + "code": 302021, + "original": "%ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr target.destination.hostname.local/10005 gaddr laddr Prod-host.name.addr/0", + "kind": "event", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "message_id": "302021" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 1, + "transport": "icmp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "MYHOSTNAME", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2011-06-04T21:59:52.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "MYHOSTNAME" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "MYHOSTNAME" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.208720Z", + "code": 302021, + "original": "%ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr type 8 code 0", + "kind": "event", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "source_username": "type", + "message_id": "302021" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 1, + "transport": "icmp" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2742be4b533 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +<165>Oct 04 2019 15:27:55: %ASA-5-106100: access-list AL-DMZ-LB-IN denied tcp LB-DMZ/WHAT-IS-THIS-A-HOSTNAME- -> OUTSIDE/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x16847359, 0x00000000] +Jan 1 2020 10:42:53 localhost : %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr mydomain.example.net/17233 laddr +Jan 2 2020 11:33:20 localhost : %ASA-4-338204: Dynamic filter dropped greylisted TCP traffic from eth0: (source.example.net/11234) to wan: (www.example.org/80), destination malicious address resolved from dynamic list: example.org, threat-level: high, category: malware diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..24c682cb903 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-not-ip.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "OUTSIDE" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "LB-DMZ" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2019-10-04T15:27:55.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "WHAT-IS-THIS-A-HOSTNAME-" + ], + "ip": [ + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "notification" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "syslog": { + "facility": 165 + }, + "source": { + "port": 27218, + "address": "WHAT-IS-THIS-A-HOSTNAME-", + "domain": "WHAT-IS-THIS-A-HOSTNAME-" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 5, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.260025Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-5-106100: access-list AL-DMZ-LB-IN denied tcp LB-DMZ/WHAT-IS-THIS-A-HOSTNAME- -\u003e OUTSIDE/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x16847359, 0x00000000]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "OUTSIDE", + "message_id": "106100", + "rule_name": "AL-DMZ-LB-IN", + "source_interface": "LB-DMZ" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-01-01T10:42:53.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.260028Z", + "code": 302021, + "original": "%ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr mydomain.example.net/17233 laddr", + "kind": "event", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "mapped_source_host": "mydomain.example.net", + "message_id": "302021" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 1, + "transport": "icmp" + } + }, + { + "server": { + "domain": "example.org" + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "port": 80, + "domain": "example.org", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "port": 11234 + }, + "address": "", + "port": 1234, + "ip": "" + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + }, + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "wan" + } + }, + "hostname": "localhost", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "eth0" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2020-01-02T11:33:20.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "localhost", + "example.org" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "localhost" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.260029Z", + "code": 338204, + "original": "%ASA-4-338204: Dynamic filter dropped greylisted TCP traffic from eth0: (source.example.net/11234) to wan: (www.example.org/80), destination malicious address resolved from dynamic list: example.org, threat-level: high, category: malware", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "mapped_destination_host": "www.example.org", + "destination_interface": "wan", + "mapped_source_port": 11234, + "threat_level": "high", + "mapped_source_host": "source.example.net", + "rule_name": "dynamic", + "source_interface": "eth0", + "mapped_destination_port": 80, + "message_id": "338204", + "threat_category": "malware" + } + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..cc9d8449f62 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +Apr 15 2013 09:36:50: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src dmz: dst outside: by access-group "acl_dmz" [0xe3aab522, 0x0] +Apr 15 2013 09:36:50: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src dmz: dst outside: type 3, code 0, by access-group "acl_dmz" [0xe3aab522, 0x0] +Apr 15 2014 09:34:34 EDT: %ASA-session-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 24 2013 16:00:28 INT-FW01 : %ASA-6-106100: access-list inside denied udp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0xd820e56a, 0x0] +Apr 24 2013 16:00:27 INT-FW01 : %ASA-6-106100: access-list inside permitted udp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 144 300-second interval [0xe982c7a4, 0x0] +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from outside: to outside: +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 89743274 for outside: ( to outside: ( +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from outside: to outside: +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 89743275 for outside: ( to outside: ( +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from outside: to outside: +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 89743276 for outside: ( to outside: ( +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 89743275 for outside: to inside: duration 1:23:45 bytes 140 +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 666 for outside: user1 to inside: user2 duration 10:00:00 bytes 9999999 +Jun 04 2011 21:59:52 FJSG2NRFW01 : %ASA-6-302021: Teardown ICMP connection for faddr gaddr laddr +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from inside: to outside: +Apr 29 2013 12:59:50: %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 89743277 for outside: ( to inside: ( +Apr 30 2013 09:22:33: %ASA-2-106007: Deny inbound UDP from to due to DNS Query +Apr 30 2013 09:22:38: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:38: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:39: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:39: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:39: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:40: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:41: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:47: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:48: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> dmz/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:22:56: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:02: %ASA-2-106006: Deny inbound UDP from to on interface inside +Apr 30 2013 09:23:03: %ASA-2-106007: Deny inbound UDP from to due to DNS Query +Apr 30 2013 09:23:06: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:08: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:15: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:24: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in denied tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:34: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in denied tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:40: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "acl_out" [0x71761f18, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:41: %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "acl_out" [0x71761f18, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:43: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in est-allowed tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 30 2013 09:23:43: %ASA-5-106100: access-list acl_in est-allowed tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Apr 15 2018 09:34:34 EDT: %ASA-session-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -> outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0] +Dec 11 2018 08:01:24 : %ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 447235 for outside: ( to identity: ( +Dec 11 2018 08:01:24 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny udp src dmz: dst outside: by access-group "dmz" [0x123a465e, 0x4c7bf613] +Dec 11 2018 08:01:24 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny udp src dmz: dst outside: by access-group "dmz" [0x123a465e, 0x4c7bf613] +Dec 11 2018 08:01:31 : %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 447236 for outside: ( to dmz:OCSP_Server/5678 (OCSP_Server/5678) +Dec 11 2018 08:01:31 : %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 447236 for outside: ( to dmz:OCSP_Server/5678 (OCSP_Server/5678) +Dec 11 2018 08:01:31 : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 447236 for outside: to dmz: duration 0:00:00 bytes 14804 TCP FINs +Dec 11 2018 08:01:38 : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 447234 for outside: to dmz: duration 0:01:08 bytes 134781 TCP FINs +Dec 11 2018 08:01:38 : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 447234 for outside: to dmz: duration 0:01:08 bytes 134781 TCP FINs +Dec 11 2018 08:01:38 : %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags RST on interface outside +Dec 11 2018 08:01:38 : %ASA-6-106015: Deny TCP (no connection) from to flags RST on interface outside +Dec 11 2018 08:01:39 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny udp src dmz: dst outside: by access-group "dmz" [0x123a465e, 0x8c20f21] +Dec 11 2018 08:01:53 : %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 447237 for outside: ( to dmz: ( +Dec 11 2018 08:01:53 : %ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 447237 for outside: ( to dmz: ( +Dec 11 2018 08:01:53 : %ASA-6-302014: Teardown TCP connection 447237 for outside: to dmz: duration 23:59:59 bytes 11420 TCP FINs +Aug 15 2012 23:30:09 : %ASA-6-302016 Teardown UDP connection 40 for outside: to inside: duration 0:02:02 bytes 1416 +Sep 12 2014 06:50:53 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:51:01 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:51:05 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:51:05 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:51:06 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:51:17 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:52:48 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:53:00 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-2-106016: Deny IP spoof from ( to on interface Mobile_Traffic +Sep 12 2014 06:53:01 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "PERMIT_IN" [0x0, 0x0]" +Sep 12 2014 06:53:02 GIFRCHN01 : %ASA-3-313001: Denied ICMP type=3, code=3 from on interface Outside +Jan 14 2015 13:16:13: %ASA-4-313004: Denied ICMP type=0, from laddr on interface inside to no matching session +Jan 14 2015 13:16:14: %ASA-4-338002: Dynamic Filter permitted black listed TCP traffic from inside: ( to outside: (, destination resolved from dynamic list: bad.example.com +Jan 14 2015 13:16:14: %ASA-4-338004: Dynamic Filter monitored blacklisted TCP traffic from inside: ( to outsidet: (, destination resolved from dynamic list:, threat-level: very-high, category: Malware +Jan 14 2015 13:16:14: %ASA-4-338008: Dynamic Filter dropped blacklisted TCP traffic from inside: ( to outsidet: (, destination resolved from dynamic list:, threat-level: very-high, category: Malware +Nov 16 2009 14:12:35: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL +Nov 16 2009 14:12:36: %ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL +Nov 16 2009 14:12:37: %ASA-5-304002: Access denied URL http://www.example.net/images/favicon.ico SRC DEST on interface inside diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-config.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-config.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d84f1eae1eb --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "dynamic_fields": { + "event.ingested": ".*" + }, + "numeric_keyword_fields": [ + "network.iana_number", + "event.code", + "syslog.facility" + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-expected.json b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-expected.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e2d58fd43ca --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/_dev/test/pipeline/test-sample.log-expected.json @@ -0,0 +1,4618 @@ +{ + "expected": [ + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "dmz" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-15T09:36:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 63016, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360293Z", + "code": 106023, + "original": "%ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src dmz: dst outside: by access-group \"acl_dmz\" [0xe3aab522, 0x0]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106023", + "rule_name": "acl_dmz", + "source_interface": "dmz" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "dmz" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-15T09:36:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 63016, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360296Z", + "code": 106023, + "original": "%ASA-4-106023: Deny tcp src dmz: dst outside: type 3, code 0, by access-group \"acl_dmz\" [0xe3aab522, 0x0]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106023", + "rule_name": "acl_dmz", + "source_interface": "dmz" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2014-04-15T13:34:34.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "notification" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 2000, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 2241, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 5, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360296Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-session-5-106100: access-list acl_in permitted tcp inside/ -\u003e outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0x71a87d94, 0x0]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106100", + "suffix": "session", + "rule_name": "acl_in", + "source_interface": "inside" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "hostname": "INT-FW01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-24T16:00:28.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "INT-FW01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "INT-FW01" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 1039, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360297Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-6-106100: access-list inside denied udp inside/ -\u003e outside/ hit-cnt 1 first hit [0xd820e56a, 0x0]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106100", + "rule_name": "inside", + "source_interface": "inside" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "hostname": "INT-FW01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-24T16:00:27.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "INT-FW01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "INT-FW01" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 1065, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360298Z", + "code": 106100, + "original": "%ASA-6-106100: access-list inside permitted udp inside/ -\u003e outside/ hit-cnt 144 300-second interval [0xe982c7a4, 0x0]", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "106100", + "rule_name": "inside", + "source_interface": "inside" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 12834, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 4952, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360299Z", + "code": 305011, + "original": "%ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from outside: to outside:", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "source_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "305011" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "nat": { + "port": 12834 + }, + "address": "", + "port": 4952, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 443, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360300Z", + "code": 302013, + "original": "%ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 89743274 for outside: ( to outside: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "mapped_source_port": 443, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "89743274", + "source_interface": "outside", + "mapped_destination_port": 12834, + "message_id": "302013" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp", + "direction": "outbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 25882, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 52925, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360300Z", + "code": 305011, + "original": "%ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic UDP translation from outside: to outside:", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "source_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "305011" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "nat": { + "port": 25882 + }, + "address": "", + "port": 52925, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 53, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360301Z", + "code": 302015, + "original": "%ASA-6-302015: Built outbound UDP connection 89743275 for outside: ( to outside: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "mapped_source_port": 53, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "89743275", + "source_interface": "outside", + "mapped_destination_port": 25882, + "message_id": "302015" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp", + "direction": "outbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 45392, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 4953, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360302Z", + "code": 305011, + "original": "%ASA-6-305011: Built dynamic TCP translation from outside: to outside:", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "source_interface": "outside", + "message_id": "305011" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "nat": { + "port": 45392, + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 4953, + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 80, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360303Z", + "code": 302013, + "original": "%ASA-6-302013: Built outbound TCP connection 89743276 for outside: ( to outside: (", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outside", + "mapped_source_port": 80, + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "connection_id": "89743276", + "source_interface": "outside", + "mapped_destination_port": 45392, + "message_id": "302013" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp", + "direction": "outbound" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 52925, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "port": 53, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "duration": 5025000000000, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360304Z", + "code": 302016, + "original": "%ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 89743275 for outside: to inside: duration 1:23:45 bytes 140", + "kind": "event", + "start": "2013-04-29T11:36:05.000Z", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "end": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + 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"2013-04-29T02:59:50.000Z", + "action": "flow-expiration", + "end": "2013-04-29T12:59:50.000Z", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "connection", + "end" + ] + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "source_username": "user1", + "destination_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "302016", + "connection_id": "666", + "source_interface": "outside", + "destination_username": "user2" + } + }, + "network": { + "bytes": 9999999, + "iana_number": 17, + "transport": "udp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "hostname": "FJSG2NRFW01", + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2011-06-04T21:59:52.000Z", + "related": { + "hosts": [ + "FJSG2NRFW01" + ], + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "informational" + }, + "host": { + "hostname": "FJSG2NRFW01" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 6, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360305Z", + "code": 302021, + 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"name": "outsidet" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2015-01-14T13:16:14.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 80, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 33340, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360346Z", + "code": 338004, + "original": "%ASA-4-338004: Dynamic Filter monitored blacklisted TCP traffic from inside: ( to outsidet: (, destination resolved from dynamic list:, threat-level: very-high, category: Malware", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info" + ], + "outcome": "monitored" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outsidet", + "mapped_source_port": 33340, + "threat_level": "very-high", + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "rule_name": "dynamic", + "source_interface": "inside", + "mapped_destination_port": 80, + "message_id": "338004", + "threat_category": "Malware" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "ingress": { + "interface": { + "name": "outsidet" + } + }, + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2015-01-14T13:16:14.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "warning" + }, + "destination": { + "port": 80, + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "nat": { + "ip": "" + }, + "address": "", + "port": 33340, + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 4, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360347Z", + "code": 338008, + "original": "%ASA-4-338008: Dynamic Filter dropped blacklisted TCP traffic from inside: ( to outsidet: (, destination resolved from dynamic list:, threat-level: very-high, category: Malware", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "destination_interface": "outsidet", + "mapped_source_port": 33340, + "threat_level": "very-high", + "mapped_destination_ip": "", + "mapped_source_ip": "", + "rule_name": "dynamic", + "source_interface": "inside", + "mapped_destination_port": 80, + "message_id": "338008", + "threat_category": "Malware" + } + }, + "network": { + "iana_number": 6, + "transport": "tcp" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "type": "firewall", + "product": "asa", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2009-11-16T14:12:35.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "notification" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 5, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360347Z", + "code": 304001, + "original": "%ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "message_id": "304001" + } + }, + "url": { + "original": "/app" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "type": "firewall", + "product": "asa", + "vendor": "Cisco" + }, + "@timestamp": "2009-11-16T14:12:36.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "notification" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 5, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360348Z", + "code": 304001, + "original": "%ASA-5-304001: Accessed URL", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "allowed" + ], + "outcome": "allow" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "message_id": "304001" + } + }, + "url": { + "original": "http://example.com" + } + }, + { + "observer": { + "product": "asa", + "type": "firewall", + "vendor": "Cisco", + "egress": { + "interface": { + "name": "inside" + } + } + }, + "@timestamp": "2009-11-16T14:12:37.000Z", + "related": { + "ip": [ + "", + "" + ] + }, + "log": { + "level": "notification" + }, + "destination": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "source": { + "address": "", + "ip": "" + }, + "event": { + "severity": 5, + "ingested": "2020-11-30T17:49:51.360349Z", + "code": 304002, + "original": "%ASA-5-304002: Access denied URL http://www.example.net/images/favicon.ico SRC DEST on interface inside", + "kind": "event", + "action": "firewall-rule", + "category": [ + "network" + ], + "type": [ + "info", + "denied" + ], + "outcome": "deny" + }, + "cisco": { + "asa": { + "source_interface": "inside", + "message_id": "304002" + } + }, + "url": { + "original": "http://www.example.net/images/favicon.ico" + } + } + ] +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml index 3c01dd36f64..9986e1ad4e0 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ --- description: "Pipeline for Cisco ASA logs" processors: + - set: + field: event.ingested + value: '{{_ingest.timestamp}}' # # Parse the syslog header # @@ -62,7 +65,7 @@ processors: # Parse the date included in FTD logs # - date: - if: "ctx.event.timezone == null" + if: "ctx.event?.timezone == null && ctx._temp_?.raw_date != null" field: "_temp_.raw_date" target_field: "@timestamp" formats: @@ -94,7 +97,7 @@ processors: }, ] - date: - if: "ctx.event.timezone != null" + if: "ctx.event?.timezone != null && ctx._temp_?.raw_date != null" timezone: "{{ event.timezone }}" field: "_temp_.raw_date" target_field: "@timestamp" @@ -187,10 +190,11 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106007'" field: "message" pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.direction} %{network.transport} from %{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{destination.address}/%{destination.port} due to %{network.protocol} %{}" - - dissect: + - grok: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106010'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.direction} %{network.transport} src %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} %{} dst %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} %{}" + patterns: + - "%{NOTSPACE:event.outcome} %{NOTSPACE:network.direction} %{NOTSPACE:network.transport} src %{NOTSPACE:_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{NOTSPACE:source.address}/%{POSINT:source.port} (%{DATA})?dst %{NOTSPACE:_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{NOTSPACE:destination.address}/%{POSINT:destination.port}(%{GREEDYDATA})?" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106013'" field: "message" @@ -203,14 +207,16 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106013'" field: "network.direction" value: inbound - - dissect: + - grok: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106014'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.direction} %{network.transport} src %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address} %{}dst %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address} %{}" - - dissect: + patterns: + - "%{NOTSPACE:event.outcome} %{NOTSPACE:network.direction} %{NOTSPACE:network.transport} src %{NOTSPACE:_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{NOTSPACE:source.address} (%{DATA})?dst %{NOTSPACE:_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{NOTSPACE:destination.address}(%{GREEDYDATA})?" + - grok: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106015'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.transport} (no connection) from %{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{destination.address}/%{destination.port} flags %{} on interface %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}" + patterns: + - "%{NOTSPACE:event.outcome} %{NOTSPACE:network.transport} %{NOTSPACE} from %{IP:source.address}/%{POSINT:source.port} to %{IP:destination.address}/%{POSINT:destination.port} flags %{DATA} on interface %{NOTSPACE:_temp_.cisco.source_interface}" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106016'" field: "message" @@ -247,19 +253,70 @@ processors: - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106100'" field: "message" - pattern: "access-list %{_temp_.cisco.list_id} %{event.outcome} %{network.transport} %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}/%{source.address}(%{source.port}) -> %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}/%{destination.address}(%{destination.port}) %{}" + pattern: "access-list %{_temp_.cisco.list_id} %{event.outcome} %{network.transport} %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}/%{source.address}(%{source.port})%{}-> %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}/%{destination.address}(%{destination.port})%{}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106102' || ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106103'" + field: "message" + pattern: "access-list %{_temp_.cisco.list_id} %{event.outcome} %{network.transport} for user %{user.name} %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}/%{source.address}(%{source.port})%{}-> %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}/%{destination.address}(%{destination.port})%{}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111004'" + field: "message" + pattern: "%{source.address} end configuration: %{_temp_.cisco.cli_outcome}" + - set: + field: event.outcome + value: "success" + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111004' && ctx?._temp_?.cisco?.cli_outcome == 'OK'" + - set: + field: event.outcome + value: "failure" + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111004' && ctx?._temp_?.cisco?.cli_outcome == 'FAILED'" + - remove: + field: _temp_.cisco.cli_outcome + ignore_missing: true + - append: + field: event.type + value: "change" + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111004'" + - grok: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111009'" + field: "message" + patterns: + - "^%{NOTSPACE} '%{NOTSPACE:host.user.name}' executed %{NOTSPACE} %{GREEDYDATA:_temp_.cisco.command_line_arguments}" + - grok: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '111010'" + field: "message" + patterns: + - "User '%{NOTSPACE:host.user.name}', running %{QUOTEDSTRING} from IP %{IP:source.address}, executed %{QUOTEDSTRING:_temp_.cisco.command_line_arguments}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '113019'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Group = %{}, Username = %{source.user.name}, IP = %{destination.address}, Session disconnected. Session Type: %{}, Duration: %{_temp_.duration_hms}, Bytes xmt: %{source.bytes}, Bytes rcv: %{destination.bytes}, Reason: %{message}" - dissect: - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106102'" + if: '["302013", "302015"].contains(ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id)' field: "message" - pattern: "access-list %{_temp_.cisco.list_id} %{event.outcome} %{network.transport} for user %{_temp_.cisco.username} %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}/%{source.address} %{source.port} %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}/%{destination.address} %{destination.port} %{}" + pattern: "Built %{network.direction} %{network.transport} connection %{_temp_.cisco.connection_id} for %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})" - dissect: - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '106103'" + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '303002'" field: "message" - pattern: "access-list %{_temp_.cisco.list_id} %{event.outcome} %{network.transport} for user %{_temp_.cisco.username} %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}/%{source.address} %{source.port} %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}/%{destination.address} %{destination.port} %{}" + pattern: "%{network.protocol} connection from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port}, user %{client.user.name} %{} file %{file.path}" - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '302012'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Teardown %{} %{network.transport} translation from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} duration %{_temp_.duration_hms}" + - grok: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '302020'" + field: "message" + patterns: + - "Built %{NOTSPACE:network.direction} %{NOTSPACE:network.protocol} connection for faddr %{IP:destination.address}/%{NUMBER} (%{DATA})?gaddr %{IP:_temp_.natsrcip}/%{NUMBER} laddr %{IP:source.address}/%{NUMBER}(%{GREEDYDATA})?" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '302022'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Built %{} stub %{network.transport} connection for %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})" + - grok: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '304001'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{source.address} %{}ccessed URL %{destination.address}:%{url.original}" + patterns: + - "%{IP:source.address} %{DATA} (%{NOTSPACE}@)?%{IP:destination.address}:%{GREEDYDATA:url.original}" - set: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '304001'" field: "event.outcome" @@ -268,6 +325,10 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '304002'" field: "message" pattern: "Access %{event.outcome} URL %{url.original} SRC %{source.address} %{}EST %{destination.address} on interface %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '305011'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Built %{} %{network.transport} translation from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port}" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '313001'" field: "message" @@ -283,11 +344,11 @@ processors: - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '313008'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.transport} type=%{_temp_.cisco.icmp_type} , code=%{_temp_.cisco.icmp_code} from %{source.address} on interface %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}" + pattern: "%{event.outcome} %{network.transport} type=%{_temp_.cisco.icmp_type}, code=%{_temp_.cisco.icmp_code} from %{source.address} on interface %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '313009'" field: "message" - pattern: "%{event.outcome} invalid %{network.transport} code %{_temp_.cisco.icmp_code} , for %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})%{}" + pattern: "%{event.outcome} invalid %{network.transport} code %{_temp_.cisco.icmp_code}, for %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})%{}" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '322001'" field: "message" @@ -300,6 +361,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338001'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{source.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338002'" field: "message" @@ -308,6 +370,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338002'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{destination.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338003'" field: "message" @@ -324,6 +387,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338005'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{source.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338006'" field: "message" @@ -332,6 +396,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338006'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{destination.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338007'" field: "message" @@ -348,6 +413,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338101'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{source.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338102'" field: "message" @@ -356,6 +422,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338102'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{destination.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338103'" field: "message" @@ -372,6 +439,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338201'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{source.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338202'" field: "message" @@ -380,6 +448,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338202'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{destination.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338203'" field: "message" @@ -388,6 +457,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338203'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{source.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338204'" field: "message" @@ -396,6 +466,7 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338204'" field: "server.domain" value: "{{destination.domain}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338301'" field: "message" @@ -404,22 +475,92 @@ processors: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338301'" field: "client.address" value: "{{destination.address}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338301'" field: "client.port" value: "{{destination.port}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338301'" field: "server.address" value: "{{source.address}}" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '338301'" field: "server.port" value: "{{source.port}}" + ignore_empty_value: true + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '502103'" + field: "message" + pattern: "User priv level changed: Uname: %{host.user.name} From: %{_temp_.cisco.privilege.old} To: %{_temp_.cisco.privilege.new}" + - append: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '502103'" + field: "event.type" + value: + - "group" + - "change" + - append: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '502103'" + field: "event.category" + value: "iam" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '507003'" + field: "message" + pattern: "%{network.transport} flow from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} terminated by inspection engine, reason - %{message}" + - dissect: + if: '["605004", "605005"].contains(ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id)' + field: "message" + pattern: 'Login %{event.outcome} from %{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{network.protocol} for user "%{source.user.name}"' + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '609001'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Built local-host %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '609002'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Teardown local-host %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address} duration %{_temp_.duration_hms}" + - dissect: + if: '["611102", "611101"].contains(ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id)' + field: "message" + pattern: 'User authentication %{event.outcome}: IP address: %{source.address}, Uname: %{host.user.name}' + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '710003'" + field: "message" + pattern: "%{network.transport} access denied by ACL from %{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '710005'" + field: "message" + pattern: "%{network.transport} request discarded from %{source.address}/%{source.port} to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '713049'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Group = %{}, IP = %{source.address}, Security negotiation complete for LAN-to-LAN Group (%{}) %{}, Inbound SPI = %{}, Outbound SPI = %{}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '716002'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Group %{} User %{source.user.name} IP %{source.address} WebVPN session terminated: User Requested." + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '722051'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Group %{} User %{source.user.name} IP %{source.address} IPv4 Address %{_temp_.cisco.assigned_ip} %{}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '733100'" + field: "message" + pattern: "[%{_temp_.cisco.burst.object}] drop %{_temp_.cisco.burst.id} exceeded. Current burst rate is %{_temp_.cisco.burst.current_rate} per second, max configured rate is %{_temp_.cisco.burst.configured_rate}; Current average rate is %{_temp_.cisco.burst.avg_rate} per second, max configured rate is %{_temp_.cisco.burst.configured_avg_rate}; Cumulative total count is %{_temp_.cisco.burst.cumulative_count}" - dissect: if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '734001'" field: "message" pattern: "DAP: User %{user.email}, Addr %{source.address}, Connection %{_temp_.cisco.connection_type}: The following DAP records were selected for this connection: %{_temp_.cisco.dap_records->}" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '805001'" + field: "message" + pattern: "Offloaded %{network.transport} for connection %{_temp_.cisco.connection_id} from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})" + - dissect: + if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id == '805002'" + field: "message" + pattern: "%{network.transport} Flow is no longer offloaded for connection %{_temp_.cisco.connection_id} from %{_temp_.cisco.source_interface}:%{source.address}/%{source.port} (%{_temp_.natsrcip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}) to %{_temp_.cisco.destination_interface}:%{destination.address}/%{destination.port} (%{_temp_.natdstip}/%{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port})" - split: field: "_temp_.cisco.dap_records" separator: ",\\s+" @@ -429,7 +570,7 @@ processors: # Handle 302xxx messages (Flow expiration a.k.a "Teardown") # - set: - if: '["302014", "302016", "302018", "302021", "302036", "302304", "302306"].contains(ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id)' + if: '["302012", "302014", "302016", "302018", "302020", "302021", "302036", "302304", "302306", "609001", "609002"].contains(ctx._temp_.cisco.message_id)' field: "event.action" value: "flow-expiration" - grok: @@ -953,7 +1094,7 @@ processors: - set: field: "_temp_.duration_hms" value: "{{event.duration}}" - if: "ctx.event?.duration != null" + ignore_empty_value: true # # Process the flow duration "hh:mm:ss" present in some messages @@ -1226,19 +1367,33 @@ processors: - set: field: source.nat.ip value: "{{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_ip}}" - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_ip != null && (ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_ip != ctx.source.ip || ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port != ctx.source.port)" + if: "ctx?._temp_?.cisco?.mapped_source_ip != ctx?.source?.ip" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: field: source.nat.port value: "{{_temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port}}" - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port != null && (ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_ip != ctx.source.ip || ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_source_port != ctx.source.port)" + if: "ctx?._temp_?.cisco?.mapped_source_port != ctx?.source?.port" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: field: destination.nat.ip value: "{{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_ip}}" - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_ip != null && (ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_ip != ctx.destination.ip || ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port != ctx.destination.port)" + if: "ctx?._temp_?.cisco.mapped_destination_ip != ctx?.destination?.ip" + ignore_empty_value: true - set: field: destination.nat.port value: "{{_temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port}}" - if: "ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port != null && (ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_ip != ctx.destination.ip || ctx._temp_.cisco.mapped_destination_port != ctx.destination.port)" + if: "ctx?._temp_?.cisco?.mapped_destination_port != ctx?.destination?.port" + ignore_empty_value: true + + - convert: + field: "source.nat.port" + type: integer + ignore_failure: true + + - convert: + field: "destination.nat.port" + type: integer + ignore_failure: true # # Populate ECS event.code @@ -1283,6 +1438,139 @@ processors: target_field: cisco.asa.rule_name ignore_missing: true + # ECS categorization + - script: + lang: painless + params: + connection-finished: + kind: event + category: + - network + type: + - connection + - end + connection-started: + kind: event + category: + - network + type: + - connection + - start + file-detected: + kind: alert + category: + - malware + type: + - info + firewall-rule: + kind: event + category: + - network + type: + - info + flow-expiration: + kind: event + category: + - network + type: + - connection + - end + intrusion-detected: + kind: alert + category: + - intrusion_detection + type: + - info + malware-detected: + kind: alert + category: + - malware + type: + - info + source: >- + if (ctx?.event?.action == null || !params.containsKey(ctx.event.action)) { + return; + } + ctx.event.kind = params.get(ctx.event.action).get('kind'); + ctx.event.category = params.get(ctx.event.action).get('category').clone(); + ctx.event.type = params.get(ctx.event.action).get('type').clone(); + + if (ctx?.event?.outcome == null) { + return; + } + if (ctx.event.category.contains('network') || ctx.event.category.contains('intrusion_detection')) { + if (ctx.event.outcome == 'allow') { + ctx.event.type.add('allowed'); + } + if (ctx.event.outcome == 'deny') { + ctx.event.type.add('denied'); + } + if (ctx.event.outcome == 'block') { + ctx.event.type.add('denied'); + } + } + + # Configures observer fields with a copy from cisco and host fields. Later on these might replace host.hostname. + - set: + field: observer.hostname + value: "{{ host.hostname }}" + ignore_empty_value: true + - set: + field: observer.vendor + value: "Cisco" + ignore_empty_value: true + - set: + field: observer.type + value: "firewall" + ignore_empty_value: true + - set: + field: observer.product + value: "asa" + ignore_empty_value: true + - set: + field: observer.egress.interface.name + value: "{{ cisco.asa.source_interface }}" + ignore_empty_value: true + - set: + field: observer.ingress.interface.name + value: "{{ cisco.asa.destination_interface }}" + ignore_empty_value: true + - append: + field: related.ip + value: "{{source.ip}}" + if: "ctx?.source?.ip != null" + - append: + field: related.ip + value: "{{destination.ip}}" + if: "ctx?.destination?.ip != null" + - append: + field: related.user + value: "{{user.name}}" + if: "ctx?.user?.name != null" + - append: + field: related.hash + value: "{{file.hash.sha256}}" + if: "ctx?.file?.hash?.sha256 != null" + - append: + field: related.hosts + value: "{{host.hostname}}" + if: ctx.host?.hostname != null && ctx.host?.hostname != '' + allow_duplicates: false + - append: + field: related.hosts + value: "{{observer.hostname}}" + if: ctx.observer?.hostname != null && ctx.observer?.hostname != '' + allow_duplicates: false + - append: + field: related.hosts + value: "{{destination.domain}}" + if: ctx.destination?.domain != null && ctx.destination?.domain != '' + allow_duplicates: false + - append: + field: related.hosts + value: "{{source.domain}}" + if: ctx.source?.domain != null && ctx.source?.domain != '' + allow_duplicates: false on_failure: # Copy any fields under _temp_.cisco to its final destination. Those can help # with diagnosing the failure. diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/agent.yml b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/agent.yml index da4e652c53b..ae296605fa7 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/agent.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/agent.yml @@ -196,3 +196,6 @@ description: > OS codename, if any. +- name: syslog.facility + type: keyword + description: Syslog facility. diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/ecs.yml b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/ecs.yml index 1d2ea23718e..d032061a3cb 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/ecs.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/ecs.yml @@ -51,3 +51,254 @@ - name: event.duration type: long description: Duration of the event in nanoseconds. +- name: destination.address + type: keyword + description: Destination network address. +- name: destination.as.number + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. +- name: destination.as.organization.name + type: keyword + description: Organization name. +- name: destination.domain + type: keyword + description: Destination domain. +- name: destination.geo.city_name + type: keyword + description: City name. +- name: destination.geo.continent_name + type: keyword + description: Name of the continent. +- name: destination.geo.country_iso_code + type: keyword + description: Country ISO code. +- name: destination.geo.country_name + type: keyword + description: Country name. +- name: destination.geo.region_iso_code + type: keyword + description: Region ISO code. +- name: destination.geo.region_name + type: keyword + description: Region name. +- name: destination.geo.location + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. +- name: destination.ip + type: ip + description: IP address of the destination. +- name: destination.nat.port + type: long + description: Destination NAT Port +- name: destination.port + type: long + description: Port of the destination. +- name: error.message + type: text + description: Error message. +- name: log.level + type: keyword + description: Log level of the log event. +- name: log.original + type: keyword + description: Original log message with light interpretation only (encoding, newlines). +- name: network.bytes + type: long + description: Total bytes transferred in both directions. +- name: network.direction + type: keyword + description: Direction of the network traffic. +- name: network.iana_number + type: keyword + description: IANA Protocol Number. +- name: network.protocol + type: keyword + description: L7 Network protocol name. +- name: network.transport + type: keyword + description: Protocol Name corresponding to the field `iana_number`. +- name: process.name + type: keyword + description: Process name. +- name: process.pid + type: long + description: Process id. +- name: server.domain + type: keyword + description: Server domain. +- name: source.address + type: keyword + description: Source network address. +- name: source.domain + type: keyword + description: Source domain. +- name: source.geo.city_name + type: keyword + description: City name. +- name: source.geo.continent_name + type: keyword + description: Name of the continent. +- name: source.geo.country_iso_code + type: keyword + description: Country ISO code. +- name: source.geo.country_name + type: keyword + description: Country name. +- name: source.geo.region_iso_code + type: keyword + description: Region ISO code. +- name: source.geo.location + type: geo_point + description: Longitude and latitude. +- name: source.geo.region_name + type: keyword + description: Region name. +- name: source.ip + type: ip + description: IP address of the source. +- name: source.nat.ip + type: ip + description: Source NAT ip +- name: source.nat.port + type: long + description: Source NAT port +- name: source.port + type: long + description: Port of the source. +- name: url.original + type: keyword + description: Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. +- name: user.email + type: keyword + description: User email address. +- name: user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: text + norms: false + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: albert +- name: destination.user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: text + norms: false + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: albert +- name: source.user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: text + norms: false + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: albert +- name: client.user.name + level: core + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: text + norms: false + default_field: false + description: Short name or login of the user. + example: albert +- name: source.bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the source to the destination. + example: 184 +- name: destination.bytes + level: core + type: long + format: bytes + description: Bytes sent from the destination to the source. + example: 184 +- name: destination.nat.ip + level: extended + type: ip + description: 'Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet to private DMZ) + + Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' +- name: nat.port + level: extended + type: long + format: string + description: 'Port the source session is translated to by NAT Device. + + Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers.' +- name: file.path + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + multi_fields: + - name: text + type: text + norms: false + default_field: false + description: Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. + example: /home/alice/example.png +- name: observer.egress.interface.name + type: keyword + description: Interface name +- name: observer.egress.zone + type: keyword + description: Observer Egress zone +- name: observer.ingress.interface.name + type: keyword + description: Interface name +- name: observer.ingress.zone + type: keyword + description: Observer ingress zone +- name: observer.ip + type: ip + description: IP addresses of the observer. +- name: observer.name + type: keyword + description: Custom name of the observer. +- name: observer.product + type: keyword + description: The product name of the observer. +- name: observer.type + type: keyword + description: The type of the observer the data is coming from. +- name: observer.vendor + type: keyword + description: Vendor name of the observer. +- name: observer.version + type: keyword + description: Observer version. +- name: observer.hostname + type: keyword + description: Hostname of the observer. +- name: related.ip + type: ip + description: All of the IPs seen on your event. +- name: related.user + type: keyword + description: All the user names seen on your event. +- name: related.hosts + level: extended + type: keyword + ignore_above: 1024 + description: All hostnames or other host identifiers seen on your event. Example identifiers include FQDNs, domain names, workstation names, or aliases. + default_field: false +- name: source.as.number + type: long + description: Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. +- name: source.as.organization.name + type: keyword + description: Organization name. diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/fields.yml b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/fields.yml index fb495e6b7c5..5c162af7433 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/fields.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/asa/fields/fields.yml @@ -73,3 +73,75 @@ type: keyword description: | The assigned DAP records + - name: mapped_destination_host + type: keyword + - name: username + type: keyword + - name: mapped_source_host + type: keyword + - name: command_line_arguments + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The command line arguments logged by the local audit log + + - name: assigned_ip + default_field: false + type: ip + description: > + The IP address assigned to a VPN client successfully connecting + + - name: privilege.old + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + When a users privilege is changed this is the old value + + - name: privilege.new + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + When a users privilege is changed this is the new value + + - name: burst.object + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The related object for burst warnings + + - name: burst.id + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The related rate ID for burst warnings + + - name: burst.current_rate + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The current burst rate seen + + - name: burst.configured_rate + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The current configured burst rate + + - name: burst.avg_rate + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The current average burst rate seen + + - name: burst.configured_avg_rate + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The current configured average burst rate allowed + + - name: burst.cumulative_count + default_field: false + type: keyword + description: > + The total count of burst rate hits since the object was created or cleared + diff --git a/packages/cisco/data_stream/ftd/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml b/packages/cisco/data_stream/ftd/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml index 7e706a06250..071e5821d99 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/data_stream/ftd/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/data_stream/ftd/elasticsearch/ingest_pipeline/default.yml @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ processors: # Parse the date included in FTD logs # - date: - if: "ctx.event.timezone == null" + if: "ctx.event?.timezone == null && ctx._temp_?.raw_date != null" field: "_temp_.raw_date" target_field: "@timestamp" formats: @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ processors: }, ] - date: - if: "ctx.event.timezone != null" + if: "ctx.event?.timezone != null && ctx._temp_?.raw_date != null" timezone: "{{ event.timezone }}" field: "_temp_.raw_date" target_field: "@timestamp" diff --git a/packages/cisco/docs/README.md b/packages/cisco/docs/README.md index 621450d8907..389988e85e2 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/docs/README.md +++ b/packages/cisco/docs/README.md @@ -22,6 +22,15 @@ The `asa` dataset collects the Cisco firewall logs. | Field | Description | Type | |---|---|---| | @timestamp | Event timestamp. | date | +| cisco.asa.assigned_ip | The IP address assigned to a VPN client successfully connecting | ip | +| cisco.asa.burst.avg_rate | The current average burst rate seen | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.configured_avg_rate | The current configured average burst rate allowed | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.configured_rate | The current configured burst rate | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.cumulative_count | The total count of burst rate hits since the object was created or cleared | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.current_rate | The current burst rate seen | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.id | The related rate ID for burst warnings | keyword | +| cisco.asa.burst.object | The related object for burst warnings | keyword | +| cisco.asa.command_line_arguments | The command line arguments logged by the local audit log | keyword | | cisco.asa.connection_id | Unique identifier for a flow. | keyword | | cisco.asa.connection_type | The VPN connection type | keyword | | cisco.asa.dap_records | The assigned DAP records | keyword | @@ -29,17 +38,23 @@ The `asa` dataset collects the Cisco firewall logs. | cisco.asa.destination_username | Name of the user that is the destination for this event. | keyword | | cisco.asa.icmp_code | ICMP code. | short | | cisco.asa.icmp_type | ICMP type. | short | +| cisco.asa.mapped_destination_host | | keyword | | cisco.asa.mapped_destination_ip | The translated destination IP address. | ip | | cisco.asa.mapped_destination_port | The translated destination port. | long | +| cisco.asa.mapped_source_host | | keyword | | cisco.asa.mapped_source_ip | The translated source IP address. | ip | | cisco.asa.mapped_source_port | The translated source port. | long | | cisco.asa.message_id | The Cisco ASA message identifier. | keyword | +| cisco.asa.privilege.new | When a users privilege is changed this is the new value | keyword | +| cisco.asa.privilege.old | When a users privilege is changed this is the old value | keyword | | cisco.asa.rule_name | Name of the Access Control List rule that matched this event. | keyword | | cisco.asa.source_interface | Source interface for the flow or event. | keyword | | cisco.asa.source_username | Name of the user that is the source for this event. | keyword | | cisco.asa.suffix | Optional suffix after %ASA identifier. | keyword | | cisco.asa.threat_category | Category for the malware / botnet traffic. For example: virus, botnet, trojan, etc. | keyword | | cisco.asa.threat_level | Threat level for malware / botnet traffic. One of very-low, low, moderate, high or very-high. | keyword | +| cisco.asa.username | | keyword | +| client.user.name | Short name or login of the user. | keyword | | cloud.account.id | The cloud account or organization id used to identify different entities in a multi-tenant environment. Examples: AWS account id, Google Cloud ORG Id, or other unique identifier. | keyword | | cloud.availability_zone | Availability zone in which this host is running. | keyword | | cloud.image.id | Image ID for the cloud instance. | keyword | @@ -56,9 +71,27 @@ The `asa` dataset collects the Cisco firewall logs. | data_stream.dataset | Data stream dataset. | constant_keyword | | data_stream.namespace | Data stream namespace. | constant_keyword | | data_stream.type | Data stream type. | constant_keyword | +| destination.address | Destination network address. | keyword | +| destination.as.number | Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. | long | +| destination.as.organization.name | Organization name. | keyword | +| destination.bytes | Bytes sent from the destination to the source. | long | +| destination.domain | Destination domain. | keyword | +| destination.geo.city_name | City name. | keyword | +| destination.geo.continent_name | Name of the continent. | keyword | +| destination.geo.country_iso_code | Country ISO code. | keyword | +| destination.geo.country_name | Country name. | keyword | +| destination.geo.location | Longitude and latitude. | geo_point | +| destination.geo.region_iso_code | Region ISO code. | keyword | +| destination.geo.region_name | Region name. | keyword | +| destination.ip | IP address of the destination. | ip | +| destination.nat.ip | Translated ip of destination based NAT sessions (e.g. internet to private DMZ) Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers. | ip | +| destination.nat.port | Destination NAT Port | long | +| destination.port | Port of the destination. | long | +| destination.user.name | Short name or login of the user. | keyword | +| error.message | Error message. | text | | event.category | Event category (e.g. database) | keyword | | event.code | Identification code for this event | keyword | -| event.created | Date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. | date | +| event.created | The date/time when the event was first read by an agent, or by your pipeline. | date | | event.duration | Duration of the event in nanoseconds. | long | | event.end | The date when the event ended or when the activity was last observed. | keyword | | event.kind | Event kind (e.g. event) | keyword | @@ -66,6 +99,7 @@ The `asa` dataset collects the Cisco firewall logs. | event.start | The date when the event started or when the activity was first observed. | date | | event.timezone | Time zone information | keyword | | event.type | Event severity (e.g. info, error) | keyword | +| file.path | Full path to the file, including the file name. It should include the drive letter, when appropriate. | keyword | | host.architecture | Operating system architecture. | keyword | | host.containerized | If the host is a container. | boolean | | host.domain | Name of the domain of which the host is a member. For example, on Windows this could be the host's Active Directory domain or NetBIOS domain name. For Linux this could be the domain of the host's LDAP provider. | keyword | @@ -83,7 +117,53 @@ The `asa` dataset collects the Cisco firewall logs. | host.os.version | Operating system version as a raw string. | keyword | | host.type | Type of host. For Cloud providers this can be the machine type like `t2.medium`. If vm, this could be the container, for example, or other information meaningful in your environment. | keyword | | labels | Custom key/value pairs. Can be used to add meta information to events. Should not contain nested objects. All values are stored as keyword. | object | +| log.level | Log level of the log event. | keyword | +| log.original | Original log message with light interpretation only (encoding, newlines). | keyword | | message | For log events the message field contains the log message, optimized for viewing in a log viewer. For structured logs without an original message field, other fields can be concatenated to form a human-readable summary of the event. | text | +| nat.port | Port the source session is translated to by NAT Device. Typically used with load balancers, firewalls, or routers. | long | +| network.bytes | Total bytes transferred in both directions. | long | +| network.direction | Direction of the network traffic. | keyword | +| network.iana_number | IANA Protocol Number. | keyword | +| network.protocol | L7 Network protocol name. | keyword | +| network.transport | Protocol Name corresponding to the field `iana_number`. | keyword | +| observer.egress.interface.name | Interface name | keyword | +| observer.egress.zone | Observer Egress zone | keyword | +| observer.hostname | Hostname of the observer. | keyword | +| observer.ingress.interface.name | Interface name | keyword | +| observer.ingress.zone | Observer ingress zone | keyword | +| observer.ip | IP addresses of the observer. | ip | +| observer.name | Custom name of the observer. | keyword | +| observer.product | The product name of the observer. | keyword | +| observer.type | The type of the observer the data is coming from. | keyword | +| observer.vendor | Vendor name of the observer. | keyword | +| observer.version | Observer version. | keyword | +| process.name | Process name. | keyword | +| process.pid | Process id. | long | +| related.hosts | All hostnames or other host identifiers seen on your event. Example identifiers include FQDNs, domain names, workstation names, or aliases. | keyword | +| related.ip | All of the IPs seen on your event. | ip | +| related.user | All the user names seen on your event. | keyword | +| server.domain | Server domain. | keyword | +| source.address | Source network address. | keyword | +| source.as.number | Unique number allocated to the autonomous system. | long | +| source.as.organization.name | Organization name. | keyword | +| source.bytes | Bytes sent from the source to the destination. | long | +| source.domain | Source domain. | keyword | +| source.geo.city_name | City name. | keyword | +| source.geo.continent_name | Name of the continent. | keyword | +| source.geo.country_iso_code | Country ISO code. | keyword | +| source.geo.country_name | Country name. | keyword | +| source.geo.location | Longitude and latitude. | geo_point | +| source.geo.region_iso_code | Region ISO code. | keyword | +| source.geo.region_name | Region name. | keyword | +| source.ip | IP address of the source. | ip | +| source.nat.ip | Source NAT ip | ip | +| source.nat.port | Source NAT port | long | +| source.port | Port of the source. | long | +| source.user.name | Short name or login of the user. | keyword | +| syslog.facility | Syslog facility. | keyword | +| url.original | Unmodified original url as seen in the event source. | keyword | +| user.email | User email address. | keyword | +| user.name | Short name or login of the user. | keyword | ### FTD diff --git a/packages/cisco/manifest.yml b/packages/cisco/manifest.yml index fd2e7f38c34..aa946584c4d 100644 --- a/packages/cisco/manifest.yml +++ b/packages/cisco/manifest.yml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ format_version: 1.0.0 name: cisco title: Cisco -version: 0.7.4 +version: 0.7.5 license: basic description: Cisco Integration type: integration