diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/authenticator.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/authenticator.ts
index 0c9b09902cca0..177c76b56ff63 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/authenticator.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/authenticator.ts
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import { DeauthenticationResult } from './deauthentication_result';
 import { Session } from './session';
 import { LoginAttempt } from './login_attempt';
 import { AuthenticationProviderSpecificOptions } from './providers/base';
+import { Tokens } from './tokens';
 interface ProviderSession {
   provider: string;
@@ -56,11 +57,14 @@ function assertRequest(request: Legacy.Request) {
 function getProviderOptions(server: Legacy.Server) {
   const config = server.config();
+  const client = getClient(server);
+  const log = server.log.bind(server);
   return {
-    client: getClient(server),
-    log: server.log.bind(server),
+    client,
+    log,
     basePath: config.get<string>('server.basePath'),
+    tokens: new Tokens({ client, log }),
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.mock.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.mock.ts
index 85551c1219bd9..a9132258c75f1 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.mock.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.mock.ts
@@ -4,16 +4,21 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
-import { stub } from 'sinon';
+import { stub, createStubInstance } from 'sinon';
+import { Tokens } from '../tokens';
 import { AuthenticationProviderOptions } from './base';
 export function mockAuthenticationProviderOptions(
-  providerOptions: Partial<AuthenticationProviderOptions> = {}
+  providerOptions: Partial<Pick<AuthenticationProviderOptions, 'basePath'>> = {}
 ) {
+  const client = { callWithRequest: stub(), callWithInternalUser: stub() };
+  const log = stub();
   return {
-    client: { callWithRequest: stub(), callWithInternalUser: stub() },
-    log: stub(),
+    client,
+    log,
     basePath: '/base-path',
+    tokens: createStubInstance(Tokens),
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.ts
index 2a01194b48f31..af4028185381c 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/base.ts
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { AuthenticationResult } from '../authentication_result';
 import { DeauthenticationResult } from '../deauthentication_result';
 import { LoginAttempt } from '../login_attempt';
+import { Tokens } from '../tokens';
  * Describes a request complemented with `loginAttempt` method.
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ export interface AuthenticationProviderOptions {
   basePath: string;
   client: Legacy.Plugins.elasticsearch.Cluster;
   log: (tags: string[], message: string) => void;
+  tokens: PublicMethodsOf<Tokens>;
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/basic.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/basic.test.ts
index f82531f33f0d1..88ae1d76f5b57 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/basic.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/basic.test.ts
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ describe('BasicAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
     beforeEach(() => {
       const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions();
-      callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest as sinon.SinonStub;
+      callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest;
       provider = new BasicAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.test.ts
index cb7846f4c2cec..bbfa1b9f75d0e 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.test.ts
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
   let provider: KerberosAuthenticationProvider;
   let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
   let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
+  let tokens: ReturnType<typeof mockAuthenticationProviderOptions>['tokens'];
   beforeEach(() => {
     const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions();
-    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest as sinon.SinonStub;
-    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
+    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest;
+    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser;
+    tokens = providerOptions.tokens;
     provider = new KerberosAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions);
@@ -36,10 +38,12 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('does not handle `authorization` header with unsupported schema even if state contains a valid token.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization: 'Basic some:credentials' } });
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
+      const tokenPair = {
         accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
-      });
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Basic some:credentials');
@@ -48,14 +52,16 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('does not handle requests with non-empty `loginAttempt`.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = {
+        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
       const loginAttempt = new LoginAttempt();
       loginAttempt.setCredentials('user', 'password');
       (request.loginAttempt as sinon.SinonStub).returns(loginAttempt);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -85,9 +91,12 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if state is present, but backend does not support Kerberos.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'token', refreshToken: 'refresh-token' };
       callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').rejects(Boom.unauthorized());
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      let authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken: 'token' });
+      let authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(authenticationResult.error).toHaveProperty('output.statusCode', 401);
@@ -96,7 +105,7 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         .withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate')
         .rejects(Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Basic'));
-      authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken: 'token' });
+      authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(authenticationResult.error).toHaveProperty('output.statusCode', 401);
@@ -126,7 +135,7 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-    it('gets an access token in exchange to SPNEGO one and stores it in the state.', async () => {
+    it('gets an token pair in exchange to SPNEGO one and stores it in the state.', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization: 'negotiate spnego' } });
@@ -137,32 +146,35 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      callWithRequest
-        .withArgs(request, 'shield.getAccessToken')
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'some-token' });
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken')
+        .resolves({ access_token: 'some-token', refresh_token: 'some-refresh-token' });
       const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request);
-      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithRequest, request, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' },
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
+        body: { grant_type: '_kerberos', kerberos_ticket: 'spnego' },
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Bearer some-token');
-      expect(authenticationResult.state).toEqual({ accessToken: 'some-token' });
+      expect(authenticationResult.state).toEqual({
+        accessToken: 'some-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-refresh-token',
+      });
     it('fails if could not retrieve an access token in exchange to SPNEGO one.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization: 'negotiate spnego' } });
       const failureReason = Boom.unauthorized();
-      callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.getAccessToken').rejects(failureReason);
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.getAccessToken').rejects(failureReason);
       const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request);
-      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithRequest, request, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' },
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
+        body: { grant_type: '_kerberos', kerberos_ticket: 'spnego' },
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('negotiate spnego');
@@ -182,14 +194,14 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      callWithRequest
-        .withArgs(request, 'shield.getAccessToken')
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'some-token' });
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken')
+        .resolves({ access_token: 'some-token', refresh_token: 'some-refresh-token' });
       const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request);
-      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithRequest, request, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' },
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
+        body: { grant_type: '_kerberos', kerberos_ticket: 'spnego' },
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('negotiate spnego');
@@ -201,12 +213,14 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('succeeds if state contains a valid token.', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = {
+        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
       callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').resolves(user);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Bearer some-valid-token');
@@ -214,15 +228,51 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
+    it('succeeds with valid session even if requiring a token refresh', async () => {
+      const user = { username: 'user' };
+      const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      callWithRequest
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
+        .rejects(Boom.unauthorized());
+      tokens.refresh
+        .withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken)
+        .resolves({ accessToken: 'newfoo', refreshToken: 'newbar' });
+      callWithRequest
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer newfoo' } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
+        .returns(user);
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithRequest);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
+      expect(authenticationResult.succeeded()).toBe(true);
+      expect(authenticationResult.user).toEqual(user);
+      expect(authenticationResult.state).toEqual({ accessToken: 'newfoo', refreshToken: 'newbar' });
+      expect(request.headers.authorization).toEqual('Bearer newfoo');
+    });
     it('fails if token from the state is rejected because of unknown reason.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = {
+        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
       const failureReason = Boom.internal('Token is not valid!');
       callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').rejects(failureReason);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'some-invalid-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -230,25 +280,27 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       sinon.assert.neverCalledWith(callWithRequest, 'shield.getAccessToken');
-    it('fails with `Negotiate` challenge if token from the state is expired and backend supports Kerberos.', async () => {
+    it('fails with `Negotiate` challenge if both access and refresh tokens from the state are expired and backend supports Kerberos.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token' };
       callWithRequest.rejects(Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Negotiate'));
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(authenticationResult.error).toHaveProperty('output.statusCode', 401);
-    it('fails with `Negotiate` challenge if access token document is missing and backend supports Kerberos.', async () => {
+    it('fails with `Negotiate` challenge if both access and refresh token documents are missing and backend supports Kerberos.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: {} });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'missing-token', refreshToken: 'missing-refresh-token' };
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer expired-token' } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
@@ -258,9 +310,9 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: {} }), 'shield.authenticate')
         .rejects(Boom.unauthorized(null, 'Negotiate'));
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'missing-token',
-      });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(authenticationResult.error).toHaveProperty('output.statusCode', 401);
@@ -296,17 +348,19 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if token from `authorization` header is rejected even if state contains a valid one.', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer some-invalid-token' } });
+      const tokenPair = {
+        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
       const failureReason = { statusCode: 401 };
       callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').rejects(failureReason);
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer some-valid-token' } }))
+        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }))
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -314,55 +368,47 @@ describe('KerberosAuthenticationProvider', () => {
   describe('`deauthenticate` method', () => {
-    it('returns `notHandled` if state is not presented or does not include access token.', async () => {
+    it('returns `notHandled` if state is not presented.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
       let deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request);
-      deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {} as any);
-      expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-      deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, { somethingElse: 'x' } as any);
+      deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, null);
-      sinon.assert.notCalled(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.notCalled(tokens.invalidate);
-    it('fails if `deleteAccessToken` call fails.', async () => {
+    it('fails if `tokens.invalidate` fails', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
-      const accessToken = 'x-access-token';
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-      const failureReason = new Error('Unknown error');
-      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').rejects(failureReason);
+      const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
+      tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).rejects(failureReason);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
-      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-        body: { token: accessToken },
-      });
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
-    it('invalidates access token and redirects to `/logged_out` page.', async () => {
+    it('redirects to `/logged_out` page if tokens are invalidated successfully.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
-      const accessToken = 'x-access-token';
+      const tokenPair = {
+        accessToken: 'some-valid-token',
+        refreshToken: 'some-valid-refresh-token',
+      };
-      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
-      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-        body: { token: accessToken },
-      });
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.ts
index cb8ad9496f101..af6122e06e251 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/kerberos.ts
@@ -10,37 +10,13 @@ import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { getErrorStatusCode } from '../../errors';
 import { AuthenticationResult } from '../authentication_result';
 import { DeauthenticationResult } from '../deauthentication_result';
+import { Tokens, TokenPair } from '../tokens';
 import { BaseAuthenticationProvider, RequestWithLoginAttempt } from './base';
  * The state supported by the provider.
-interface ProviderState {
-  /**
-   * Access token users get in exchange for SPNEGO token and that should be provided with every
-   * request to Elasticsearch on behalf of the authenticated user. This token will eventually expire.
-   */
-  accessToken: string;
- * If request with access token fails with `401 Unauthorized` then this token is no
- * longer valid and we should try to refresh it. Another use case that we should
- * temporarily support (until elastic/elasticsearch#38866 is fixed) is when token
- * document has been removed and ES responds with `500 Internal Server Error`.
- * @param err Error returned from Elasticsearch.
- */
-function isAccessTokenExpiredError(err?: any) {
-  const errorStatusCode = getErrorStatusCode(err);
-  return (
-    errorStatusCode === 401 ||
-    (errorStatusCode === 500 &&
-      err &&
-      err.body &&
-      err.body.error &&
-      err.body.error.reason === 'token document is missing and must be present')
-  );
+type ProviderState = TokenPair;
  * Parses request's `Authorization` HTTP header if present and extracts authentication scheme.
@@ -92,8 +68,11 @@ export class KerberosAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     if (state && authenticationResult.notHandled()) {
       authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaState(request, state);
-      if (authenticationResult.failed() && isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)) {
-        authenticationResult = AuthenticationResult.notHandled();
+      if (
+        authenticationResult.failed() &&
+        Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)
+      ) {
+        authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaRefreshToken(request, state);
@@ -109,32 +88,18 @@ export class KerberosAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
    * @param request Request instance.
    * @param state State value previously stored by the provider.
-  public async deauthenticate(request: Legacy.Request, state?: ProviderState) {
+  public async deauthenticate(request: Legacy.Request, state?: ProviderState | null) {
     this.debug(`Trying to deauthenticate user via ${request.url.path}.`);
-    if (!state || !state.accessToken) {
+    if (!state) {
       this.debug('There is no access token invalidate.');
       return DeauthenticationResult.notHandled();
     try {
-      const {
-        invalidated_tokens: invalidatedAccessTokensCount,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-        body: { token: state.accessToken },
-      });
-      if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 0) {
-        this.debug('User access token was already invalidated.');
-      } else if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 1) {
-        this.debug('User access token has been successfully invalidated.');
-      } else {
-        this.debug(
-          `${invalidatedAccessTokensCount} user access tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
-        );
-      }
+      await this.options.tokens.invalidate(state);
     } catch (err) {
-      this.debug(`Failed invalidating user's access token: ${err.message}`);
+      this.debug(`Failed invalidating access and/or refresh tokens: ${err.message}`);
       return DeauthenticationResult.failed(err);
@@ -149,12 +114,14 @@ export class KerberosAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
   private async authenticateWithNegotiateScheme(request: RequestWithLoginAttempt) {
     this.debug('Trying to authenticate request using "Negotiate" authentication scheme.');
+    const [, kerberosTicket] = request.headers.authorization.split(/\s+/);
     // First attempt to exchange SPNEGO token for an access token.
-    let accessToken: string;
+    let tokens: { access_token: string; refresh_token: string };
     try {
-      accessToken = (await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'client_credentials' },
-      })).access_token;
+      tokens = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.getAccessToken', {
+        body: { grant_type: '_kerberos', kerberos_ticket: kerberosTicket },
+      });
     } catch (err) {
       this.debug(`Failed to exchange SPNEGO token for an access token: ${err.message}`);
       return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
@@ -164,14 +131,17 @@ export class KerberosAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     // Then attempt to query for the user details using the new token
     const originalAuthorizationHeader = request.headers.authorization;
-    request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
+    request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${tokens.access_token}`;
     try {
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
       this.debug('User has been authenticated with new access token');
-      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, { accessToken });
+      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, {
+        accessToken: tokens.access_token,
+        refreshToken: tokens.refresh_token,
+      });
     } catch (err) {
       this.debug(`Failed to authenticate request via access token: ${err.message}`);
@@ -245,6 +215,53 @@ export class KerberosAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
+  /**
+   * This method is only called when authentication via access token stored in the state failed because of expired
+   * token. So we should use refresh token, that is also stored in the state, to extend expired access token and
+   * authenticate user with it.
+   * @param request Request instance.
+   * @param state State value previously stored by the provider.
+   */
+  private async authenticateViaRefreshToken(
+    request: RequestWithLoginAttempt,
+    state: ProviderState
+  ) {
+    this.debug('Trying to refresh access token.');
+    let refreshedTokenPair: TokenPair | null;
+    try {
+      refreshedTokenPair = await this.options.tokens.refresh(state.refreshToken);
+    } catch (err) {
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    }
+    // If refresh token is no longer valid, then we should clear session and renegotiate using SPNEGO.
+    if (refreshedTokenPair === null) {
+      this.debug('Both access and refresh tokens are expired. Re-initiating SPNEGO handshake.');
+      return this.authenticateViaSPNEGO(request, state);
+    }
+    try {
+      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${refreshedTokenPair.accessToken}`;
+      const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
+      this.debug('Request has been authenticated via refreshed token.');
+      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, refreshedTokenPair);
+    } catch (err) {
+      this.debug(`Failed to authenticate user using newly refreshed access token: ${err.message}`);
+      // Reset `Authorization` header we've just set. We know for sure that it hasn't been defined before,
+      // otherwise it would have been used or completely rejected by the `authenticateViaHeader`.
+      // We can't just set `authorization` to `undefined` or `null`, we should remove this property
+      // entirely, otherwise `authorization` header without value will cause `callWithRequest` to fail if
+      // it's called with this request once again down the line (e.g. in the next authentication provider).
+      delete request.headers.authorization;
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    }
+  }
    * Tries to query Elasticsearch and see if we can rely on SPNEGO to authenticate user.
    * @param request Request instance.
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.test.ts
index 9868d068cce3a..78a2eee0e5408 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.test.ts
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
   let provider: OIDCAuthenticationProvider;
   let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
   let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
+  let tokens: ReturnType<typeof mockAuthenticationProviderOptions>['tokens'];
   beforeEach(() => {
     const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions({ basePath: '/test-base-path' });
     const providerSpecificOptions = { realm: 'oidc1' };
-    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest as sinon.SinonStub;
-    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
+    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest;
+    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser;
+    tokens = providerOptions.tokens;
     provider = new OIDCAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions, providerSpecificOptions);
@@ -327,10 +329,11 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('succeeds if token from the state is expired, but has been successfully refreshed.', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'valid-refresh-token' };
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer expired-token' } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
@@ -342,16 +345,11 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'valid-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'new-access-token', refresh_token: 'new-refresh-token' });
+      tokens.refresh
+        .withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken)
+        .resolves({ accessToken: 'new-access-token', refreshToken: 'new-refresh-token' });
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'valid-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Bearer new-access-token');
@@ -364,10 +362,11 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if token from the state is expired and refresh attempt failed too.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'invalid-refresh-token' };
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer expired-token' } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
@@ -376,16 +375,9 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         statusCode: 500,
         message: 'Something is wrong with refresh token.',
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'invalid-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .returns(Promise.reject(refreshFailureReason));
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).rejects(refreshFailureReason);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'invalid-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -394,6 +386,7 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('redirects to OpenID Connect Provider for non-AJAX requests if refresh token is expired or already refreshed.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ path: '/some-path', basePath: '/s/foo' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token' };
         state: 'statevalue',
@@ -408,21 +401,14 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer expired-token' } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'expired-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects({ statusCode: 400 });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.oidcPrepare', {
         body: { realm: `oidc1` },
@@ -445,29 +431,23 @@ describe('OIDCAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails for AJAX requests with user friendly message if refresh token is expired.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { 'kbn-xsrf': 'xsrf' } });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token' };
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer expired-token' } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'expired-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects({ statusCode: 400 });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-        Boom.badRequest('Both elasticsearch access and refresh tokens are expired.')
+        Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.ts
index 7d8d97335b2c1..358c0322bc3ff 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/oidc.ts
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ import Boom from 'boom';
 import type from 'type-detect';
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { canRedirectRequest } from '../../can_redirect_request';
-import { getErrorStatusCode } from '../../errors';
 import { AuthenticationResult } from '../authentication_result';
 import { DeauthenticationResult } from '../deauthentication_result';
+import { Tokens, TokenPair } from '../tokens';
 import {
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import {
  * The state supported by the provider (for the OpenID Connect handshake or established session).
-interface ProviderState {
+interface ProviderState extends Partial<TokenPair> {
    * Unique identifier of the OpenID Connect request initiated the handshake used to mitigate
    * replay attacks.
@@ -38,18 +38,6 @@ interface ProviderState {
    * URL to redirect user to after successful OpenID Connect handshake.
   nextURL?: string;
-  /**
-   * Elasticsearch access token issued as the result of successful OpenID Connect handshake and that should be provided
-   * with every request to Elasticsearch on behalf of the authenticated user. This token will eventually expire.
-   */
-  accessToken?: string;
-  /**
-   * Once the elasticsearch access token expires the refresh token is used to get a new pair of access/refresh tokens
-   * without any user involvement. If not used this token will eventually expire as well.
-   */
-  refreshToken?: string;
@@ -91,23 +79,6 @@ function isOIDCIncomingRequest(request: RequestWithLoginAttempt): request is OID
- * Checks the error returned by Elasticsearch as the result of `authenticate` call and returns `true` if request
- * has been rejected because of expired token, otherwise returns `false`.
- * @param err Error returned from Elasticsearch.
- */
-function isAccessTokenExpiredError(err?: any) {
-  const errorStatusCode = getErrorStatusCode(err);
-  return (
-    errorStatusCode === 401 ||
-    (errorStatusCode === 500 &&
-      err &&
-      err.body &&
-      err.body.error &&
-      err.body.error.reason === 'token document is missing and must be present')
-  );
  * Provider that supports authentication using an OpenID Connect realm in Elasticsearch.
@@ -154,7 +125,10 @@ export class OIDCAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     if (state && authenticationResult.notHandled()) {
       authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaState(request, state);
-      if (authenticationResult.failed() && isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)) {
+      if (
+        authenticationResult.failed() &&
+        Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)
+      ) {
         authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaRefreshToken(request, state);
@@ -406,29 +380,41 @@ export class OIDCAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       return AuthenticationResult.notHandled();
+    let refreshedTokenPair: TokenPair | null;
     try {
-      // Token should be refreshed by the same user that obtained that token.
-      const {
-        access_token: newAccessToken,
-        refresh_token: newRefreshToken,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
-      });
+      refreshedTokenPair = await this.options.tokens.refresh(refreshToken);
+    } catch (err) {
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    }
+    // When user has neither valid access nor refresh token, the only way to resolve this issue is to redirect
+    // user to OpenID Connect provider, re-initiate the authentication flow and get a new access/refresh token
+    // pair as result. Obviously we can't do that for AJAX requests, so we just reply with `400` and clear error
+    // message. There are two reasons for `400` and not `401`: Elasticsearch search responds with `400` so it
+    // seems logical to do the same on Kibana side and `401` would force user to logout and do full SLO if it's
+    // supported.
+    if (refreshedTokenPair === null) {
+      if (canRedirectRequest(request)) {
+        this.debug(
+          'Both elasticsearch access and refresh tokens are expired. Re-initiating OpenID Connect authentication.'
+        );
+        return this.initiateOIDCAuthentication(request, { realm: this.realm });
+      }
-      this.debug('Elasticsearch access token has been successfully refreshed.');
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(
+        Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
+      );
+    }
-      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${newAccessToken}`;
+    try {
+      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${refreshedTokenPair.accessToken}`;
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
       this.debug('Request has been authenticated via refreshed token.');
-      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, {
-        accessToken: newAccessToken,
-        refreshToken: newRefreshToken,
-      });
+      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, refreshedTokenPair);
     } catch (err) {
-      this.debug(`Failed to refresh elasticsearch access token: ${err.message}`);
+      this.debug(`Failed to authenticate user using newly refreshed access token: ${err.message}`);
       // Reset `Authorization` header we've just set. We know for sure that it hasn't been defined before,
       // otherwise it would have been used or completely rejected by the `authenticateViaHeader`.
@@ -437,38 +423,6 @@ export class OIDCAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       // it's called with this request once again down the line (e.g. in the next authentication provider).
       delete request.headers.authorization;
-      // There are at least two common cases when refresh token request can fail:
-      // 1. Refresh token is valid only for 24 hours and if it hasn't been used it expires.
-      //
-      // 2. Refresh token is one-time use token and if it has been used already, it is treated in the same way as
-      // expired token. Even though it's an edge case, there are several perfectly valid scenarios when it can
-      // happen. E.g. when several simultaneous AJAX request has been sent to Kibana, but elasticsearch access token has
-      // expired already, so the first request that reaches Kibana uses refresh token to get a new elasticsearch access
-      // token, but the second concurrent request has no idea about that and tries to refresh access token as well. All
-      // ends well when first request refreshes the elasticsearch access token and updates session cookie with fresh
-      // access/refresh token pair. But if user navigates to another page _before_ AJAX request (the one that triggered
-      // token refresh)responds with updated cookie, then user will have only that old cookie with expired elasticsearch
-      // access token and refresh token that has been used already.
-      //
-      // When user has neither valid access nor refresh token, the only way to resolve this issue is to re-initiate the
-      // OpenID Connect authentication by requesting a new authentication request to send to the OpenID Connect Provider
-      // and exchange it's forthcoming response for a new Elasticsearch access/refresh token pair. In case this is an
-      // AJAX request, we just reply with `400` and clear error message.
-      // There are two reasons for `400` and not `401`: Elasticsearch search responds with `400` so it seems logical
-      // to do the same on Kibana side and `401` would force user to logout and do full SLO if it's supported.
-      if (getErrorStatusCode(err) === 400) {
-        if (canRedirectRequest(request)) {
-          this.debug(
-            'Both elasticsearch access and refresh tokens are expired. Re-initiating OpenID Connect authentication.'
-          );
-          return this.initiateOIDCAuthentication(request, { realm: this.realm });
-        }
-        return AuthenticationResult.failed(
-          Boom.badRequest('Both elasticsearch access and refresh tokens are expired.')
-        );
-      }
       return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.test.ts
index badc1d6d37af7..7029ddcc17817 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.test.ts
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
   let provider: SAMLAuthenticationProvider;
   let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
   let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
+  let tokens: ReturnType<typeof mockAuthenticationProviderOptions>['tokens'];
   beforeEach(() => {
     const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions({ basePath: '/test-base-path' });
-    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest as sinon.SinonStub;
-    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
+    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest;
+    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser;
+    tokens = providerOptions.tokens;
     provider = new SAMLAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions, { realm: 'test-realm' });
@@ -253,6 +255,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('succeeds if token from the state is expired, but has been successfully refreshed.', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'valid-refresh-token' };
@@ -268,16 +271,11 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'valid-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'new-access-token', refresh_token: 'new-refresh-token' });
+      tokens.refresh
+        .withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken)
+        .resolves({ accessToken: 'new-access-token', refreshToken: 'new-refresh-token' });
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'valid-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Bearer new-access-token');
@@ -290,6 +288,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if token from the state is expired and refresh attempt failed with unknown reason too.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'invalid-refresh-token' };
@@ -302,16 +301,9 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         statusCode: 500,
         message: 'Something is wrong with refresh token.',
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'invalid-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects(refreshFailureReason);
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).rejects(refreshFailureReason);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'invalid-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -320,6 +312,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails for AJAX requests with user friendly message if refresh token is expired.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { 'kbn-xsrf': 'xsrf' } });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token' };
@@ -328,16 +321,9 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'expired-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects({ statusCode: 400 });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -348,6 +334,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('initiates SAML handshake for non-AJAX requests if access token document is missing.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ path: '/some-path', basePath: '/s/foo' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token' };
         id: 'some-request-id',
@@ -364,16 +351,9 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           body: { error: { reason: 'token document is missing and must be present' } },
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'expired-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects({ statusCode: 400 });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.samlPrepare', {
         body: { realm: 'test-realm' },
@@ -391,6 +371,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('initiates SAML handshake for non-AJAX requests if refresh token is expired.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ path: '/some-path', basePath: '/s/foo' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'expired-token', refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token' };
         id: 'some-request-id',
@@ -404,16 +385,9 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'expired-refresh-token' },
-        })
-        .rejects({ statusCode: 400 });
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken: 'expired-token',
-        refreshToken: 'expired-refresh-token',
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.samlPrepare', {
         body: { realm: 'test-realm' },
@@ -538,6 +512,11 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       it('fails if fails to invalidate existing access/refresh tokens.', async () => {
         const request = requestFixture({ payload: { SAMLResponse: 'saml-response-xml' } });
+        const tokenPair = {
+          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
+          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
+        };
         const user = { username: 'user' };
         callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').resolves(user);
@@ -546,14 +525,9 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           .resolves({ access_token: 'new-valid-token', refresh_token: 'new-valid-refresh-token' });
         const failureReason = new Error('Failed to invalidate token!');
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: 'existing-valid-token' } })
-          .rejects(failureReason);
+        tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).rejects(failureReason);
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
-          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
-        });
+        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
         sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.samlAuthenticate', {
           body: { ids: [], content: 'saml-response-xml' },
@@ -565,6 +539,11 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       it('redirects to the home page if new SAML Response is for the same user.', async () => {
         const request = requestFixture({ payload: { SAMLResponse: 'saml-response-xml' } });
+        const tokenPair = {
+          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
+          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
+        };
         const user = { username: 'user', authentication_realm: { name: 'saml1' } };
         callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').resolves(user);
@@ -572,9 +551,7 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           .resolves({ access_token: 'new-valid-token', refresh_token: 'new-valid-refresh-token' });
-        const deleteAccessTokenStub = callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken')
-          .resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+        tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
         const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
           accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
@@ -585,13 +562,8 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           body: { ids: [], content: 'saml-response-xml' },
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(deleteAccessTokenStub);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: 'existing-valid-token' },
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: 'existing-valid-refresh-token' },
-        });
+        sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
@@ -599,10 +571,15 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       it('redirects to `overwritten_session` if new SAML Response is for the another user.', async () => {
         const request = requestFixture({ payload: { SAMLResponse: 'saml-response-xml' } });
+        const tokenPair = {
+          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
+          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
+        };
         const existingUser = { username: 'user', authentication_realm: { name: 'saml1' } };
-            sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer existing-valid-token' } }),
+            sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
@@ -619,26 +596,16 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           .resolves({ access_token: 'new-valid-token', refresh_token: 'new-valid-refresh-token' });
-        const deleteAccessTokenStub = callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken')
-          .resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+        tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
-          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
-        });
+        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
         sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.samlAuthenticate', {
           body: { ids: [], content: 'saml-response-xml' },
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(deleteAccessTokenStub);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: 'existing-valid-token' },
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: 'existing-valid-refresh-token' },
-        });
+        sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
@@ -646,6 +613,11 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       it('redirects to `overwritten_session` if new SAML Response is for another realm.', async () => {
         const request = requestFixture({ payload: { SAMLResponse: 'saml-response-xml' } });
+        const tokenPair = {
+          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
+          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
+        };
         const existingUser = { username: 'user', authentication_realm: { name: 'saml1' } };
@@ -666,26 +638,16 @@ describe('SAMLAuthenticationProvider', () => {
           .resolves({ access_token: 'new-valid-token', refresh_token: 'new-valid-refresh-token' });
-        const deleteAccessTokenStub = callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken')
-          .resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+        tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-          accessToken: 'existing-valid-token',
-          refreshToken: 'existing-valid-refresh-token',
-        });
+        const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
         sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.samlAuthenticate', {
           body: { ids: [], content: 'saml-response-xml' },
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(deleteAccessTokenStub);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: 'existing-valid-token' },
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(deleteAccessTokenStub, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: 'existing-valid-refresh-token' },
-        });
+        sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.ts
index 98e85e1096190..c6209abc26bb9 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/saml.ts
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 import Boom from 'boom';
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { canRedirectRequest } from '../../can_redirect_request';
-import { getErrorStatusCode } from '../../errors';
 import { AuthenticatedUser } from '../../../../common/model';
 import { AuthenticationResult } from '../authentication_result';
 import { DeauthenticationResult } from '../deauthentication_result';
+import { Tokens, TokenPair } from '../tokens';
 import {
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import {
  * The state supported by the provider (for the SAML handshake or established session).
-interface ProviderState {
+interface ProviderState extends Partial<TokenPair> {
    * Unique identifier of the SAML request initiated the handshake.
@@ -30,18 +30,6 @@ interface ProviderState {
    * URL to redirect user to after successful SAML handshake.
   nextURL?: string;
-  /**
-   * Access token issued as the result of successful SAML handshake and that should be provided with
-   * every request to Elasticsearch on behalf of the authenticated user. This token will eventually expire.
-   */
-  accessToken?: string;
-  /**
-   * Once access token expires the refresh token is used to get a new pair of access/refresh tokens
-   * without any user involvement. If not used this token will eventually expire as well.
-   */
-  refreshToken?: string;
@@ -58,25 +46,6 @@ type RequestWithSAMLPayload = RequestWithLoginAttempt & {
   payload: { SAMLResponse: string; RelayState?: string };
- * If request with access token fails with `401 Unauthorized` then this token is no
- * longer valid and we should try to refresh it. Another use case that we should
- * temporarily support (until elastic/elasticsearch#38866 is fixed) is when token
- * document has been removed and ES responds with `500 Internal Server Error`.
- * @param err Error returned from Elasticsearch.
- */
-function isAccessTokenExpiredError(err?: any) {
-  const errorStatusCode = getErrorStatusCode(err);
-  return (
-    errorStatusCode === 401 ||
-    (errorStatusCode === 500 &&
-      err &&
-      err.body &&
-      err.body.error &&
-      err.body.error.reason === 'token document is missing and must be present')
-  );
  * Checks whether request payload contains SAML response from IdP.
  * @param request Request instance.
@@ -142,7 +111,10 @@ export class SAMLAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     if (state && authenticationResult.notHandled()) {
       authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaState(request, state);
-      if (authenticationResult.failed() && isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)) {
+      if (
+        authenticationResult.failed() &&
+        Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)
+      ) {
         authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaRefreshToken(request, state);
@@ -348,10 +320,11 @@ export class SAMLAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     // Now let's invalidate tokens from the existing session.
     try {
-      await this.performIdPInitiatedLocalLogout(
-        existingState.accessToken!,
-        existingState.refreshToken!
-      );
+      this.debug('Perform IdP initiated local logout.');
+      await this.options.tokens.invalidate({
+        accessToken: existingState.accessToken!,
+        refreshToken: existingState.refreshToken!,
+      });
     } catch (err) {
       this.debug(`Failed to perform IdP initiated local logout: ${err.message}`);
       return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
@@ -433,28 +406,38 @@ export class SAMLAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       return AuthenticationResult.notHandled();
+    let refreshedTokenPair: TokenPair | null;
     try {
-      // Token should be refreshed by the same user that obtained that token.
-      const {
-        access_token: newAccessToken,
-        refresh_token: newRefreshToken,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
-      });
+      refreshedTokenPair = await this.options.tokens.refresh(refreshToken);
+    } catch (err) {
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    }
-      this.debug('Access token has been successfully refreshed.');
+    // When user has neither valid access nor refresh token, the only way to resolve this issue is to get new
+    // SAML LoginResponse and exchange it for a new access/refresh token pair. To do that we initiate a new SAML
+    // handshake. Obviously we can't do that for AJAX requests, so we just reply with `400` and clear error message.
+    // There are two reasons for `400` and not `401`: Elasticsearch search responds with `400` so it seems logical
+    // to do the same on Kibana side and `401` would force user to logout and do full SLO if it's supported.
+    if (refreshedTokenPair === null) {
+      if (canRedirectRequest(request)) {
+        this.debug('Both access and refresh tokens are expired. Re-initiating SAML handshake.');
+        return this.authenticateViaHandshake(request);
+      }
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(
+        Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
+      );
+    }
-      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${newAccessToken}`;
+    try {
+      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${refreshedTokenPair.accessToken}`;
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
       this.debug('Request has been authenticated via refreshed token.');
-      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, {
-        accessToken: newAccessToken,
-        refreshToken: newRefreshToken,
-      });
+      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, refreshedTokenPair);
     } catch (err) {
-      this.debug(`Failed to refresh access token: ${err.message}`);
+      this.debug(`Failed to authenticate user using newly refreshed access token: ${err.message}`);
       // Reset `Authorization` header we've just set. We know for sure that it hasn't been defined before,
       // otherwise it would have been used or completely rejected by the `authenticateViaHeader`.
@@ -463,35 +446,6 @@ export class SAMLAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       // it's called with this request once again down the line (e.g. in the next authentication provider).
       delete request.headers.authorization;
-      // There are at least two common cases when refresh token request can fail:
-      // 1. Refresh token is valid only for 24 hours and if it hasn't been used it expires.
-      //
-      // 2. Refresh token is one-time use token and if it has been used already, it is treated in the same way as
-      // expired token. Even though it's an edge case, there are several perfectly valid scenarios when it can
-      // happen. E.g. when several simultaneous AJAX request has been sent to Kibana, but access token has expired
-      // already, so the first request that reaches Kibana uses refresh token to get a new access token, but the
-      // second concurrent request has no idea about that and tries to refresh access token as well. All ends well
-      // when first request refreshes access token and updates session cookie with fresh access/refresh token pair.
-      // But if user navigates to another page _before_ AJAX request (the one that triggered token refresh) responds
-      // with updated cookie, then user will have only that old cookie with expired access token and refresh token
-      // that has been used already.
-      //
-      // When user has neither valid access nor refresh token, the only way to resolve this issue is to get new
-      // SAML LoginResponse and exchange it for a new access/refresh token pair. To do that we initiate a new SAML
-      // handshake. Obviously we can't do that for AJAX requests, so we just reply with `400` and clear error message.
-      // There are two reasons for `400` and not `401`: Elasticsearch search responds with `400` so it seems logical
-      // to do the same on Kibana side and `401` would force user to logout and do full SLO if it's supported.
-      if (getErrorStatusCode(err) === 400) {
-        if (canRedirectRequest(request)) {
-          this.debug('Both access and refresh tokens are expired. Re-initiating SAML handshake.');
-          return this.authenticateViaHandshake(request);
-        }
-        return AuthenticationResult.failed(
-          Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
-        );
-      }
       return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
@@ -530,49 +484,6 @@ export class SAMLAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
-  /**
-   * Invalidates access and refresh tokens without calling `saml/logout`.
-   * @param accessToken Access token to invalidate.
-   * @param refreshToken Refresh token to invalidate.
-   */
-  private async performIdPInitiatedLocalLogout(accessToken: string, refreshToken: string) {
-    this.debug('Local logout has been initiated by the Identity Provider.');
-    // First invalidate old access token.
-    const {
-      invalidated_tokens: invalidatedAccessTokensCount,
-    } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-      body: { token: accessToken },
-    });
-    if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 0) {
-      this.debug('User access token was already invalidated.');
-    } else if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 1) {
-      this.debug('User access token has been successfully invalidated.');
-    } else {
-      this.debug(
-        `${invalidatedAccessTokensCount} user access tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
-      );
-    }
-    // Then invalidate old refresh token.
-    const {
-      invalidated_tokens: invalidatedRefreshTokensCount,
-    } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-      body: { refresh_token: refreshToken },
-    });
-    if (invalidatedRefreshTokensCount === 0) {
-      this.debug('User refresh token was already invalidated.');
-    } else if (invalidatedRefreshTokensCount === 1) {
-      this.debug('User refresh token has been successfully invalidated.');
-    } else {
-      this.debug(
-        `${invalidatedRefreshTokensCount} user refresh tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
-      );
-    }
-  }
    * Calls `saml/logout` with access and refresh tokens and redirects user to the Identity Provider if needed.
    * @param accessToken Access token to invalidate.
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.test.ts
index 5e9126aa0d288..4cb088aa00d0b 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.test.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.test.ts
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+import Boom from 'boom';
 import { errors } from 'elasticsearch';
 import sinon from 'sinon';
 import { requestFixture } from '../../__tests__/__fixtures__/request';
@@ -12,18 +13,20 @@ import { mockAuthenticationProviderOptions } from './base.mock';
 import { TokenAuthenticationProvider } from './token';
 describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-  describe('`authenticate` method', () => {
-    let provider: TokenAuthenticationProvider;
-    let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
-    let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
-    beforeEach(() => {
-      const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions();
-      callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest as sinon.SinonStub;
-      callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
-      provider = new TokenAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions);
-    });
+  let provider: TokenAuthenticationProvider;
+  let callWithRequest: sinon.SinonStub;
+  let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
+  let tokens: ReturnType<typeof mockAuthenticationProviderOptions>['tokens'];
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions();
+    callWithRequest = providerOptions.client.callWithRequest;
+    callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser;
+    tokens = providerOptions.tokens;
+    provider = new TokenAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions);
+  });
+  describe('`authenticate` method', () => {
     it('does not redirect AJAX requests that can not be authenticated to the login page.', async () => {
       // Add `kbn-xsrf` header to make `can_redirect_request` think that it's AJAX request and
       // avoid triggering of redirect logic.
@@ -47,15 +50,6 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-    it('does not handle authentication if state exists, but accessToken property is missing.', async () => {
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(
-        requestFixture({ headers: { 'kbn-xsrf': 'xsrf' } }),
-        {}
-      );
-      expect(authenticationResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-    });
     it('succeeds with valid login attempt and stores in session', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture();
@@ -107,22 +101,20 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
       const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request);
-      expect(authenticationResult.state).not.toEqual({
-        authorization: request.headers.authorization,
-      });
+      expect(authenticationResult.state).toBeUndefined();
     it('succeeds if only state is available.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
       const user = { username: 'user' };
-      const authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
+      const authorization = `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}`;
         .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization } }), 'shield.authenticate')
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -133,16 +125,18 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('succeeds with valid session even if requiring a token refresh', async () => {
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'newfoo', refresh_token: 'newbar' });
+      tokens.refresh
+        .withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken)
+        .resolves({ accessToken: 'newfoo', refreshToken: 'newbar' });
@@ -151,32 +145,28 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
       expect(authenticationResult.state).toEqual({ accessToken: 'newfoo', refreshToken: 'newbar' });
+      expect(request.headers.authorization).toEqual('Bearer newfoo');
     it('does not handle `authorization` header with unsupported schema even if state contains valid credentials.', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization: 'Basic ***' } });
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
       const user = { username: 'user' };
-      const authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
+      const authorization = `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}`;
         .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization } }), 'shield.authenticate')
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
       expect(request.headers.authorization).toBe('Basic ***');
@@ -184,20 +174,21 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('authenticates only via `authorization` header even if state is available.', async () => {
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      const authorization = `Bearer foo-from-header`;
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { authorization } });
       const user = { username: 'user' };
       // GetUser will be called with request's `authorization` header.
       callWithRequest.withArgs(request, 'shield.authenticate').resolves(user);
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      expect(authenticationResult.state).not.toEqual({ accessToken });
+      expect(authenticationResult.state).toBeUndefined();
+      expect(request.headers.authorization).toEqual('Bearer foo-from-header');
     it('fails if token cannot be generated during login attempt', async () => {
@@ -270,18 +261,18 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if authentication with token from state fails with unknown error.', async () => {
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
       const request = requestFixture();
       const authenticationError = new errors.InternalServerError('something went wrong');
-          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } }),
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, { accessToken });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
@@ -294,27 +285,22 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('fails if token refresh is rejected with unknown error', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
       const refreshError = new errors.InternalServerError('failed to refresh token');
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .rejects(refreshError);
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).rejects(refreshError);
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
@@ -325,29 +311,24 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
     it('redirects non-AJAX requests to /login and clears session if token document is missing', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ path: '/some-path' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
           statusCode: 500,
           body: { error: { reason: 'token document is missing and must be present' } },
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .rejects(new errors.BadRequest('failed to refresh token'));
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
@@ -357,28 +338,23 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-    it('redirects non-AJAX requests to /login and clears session if token refresh fails with 400 error', async () => {
+    it('redirects non-AJAX requests to /login and clears session if token cannot be refreshed', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ path: '/some-path' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .rejects(new errors.BadRequest('failed to refresh token'));
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
@@ -388,49 +364,47 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-    it('does not redirect AJAX requests if token refresh fails with 400 error', async () => {
+    it('does not redirect AJAX requests if token token cannot be refreshed', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture({ headers: { 'kbn-xsrf': 'xsrf' }, path: '/some-path' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      const authenticationError = new errors.BadRequest('failed to refresh token');
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .rejects(authenticationError);
+      tokens.refresh.withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken).resolves(null);
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
-      expect(authenticationResult.error).toBe(authenticationError);
+      expect(authenticationResult.error).toEqual(
+        Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
+      );
     it('fails if new access token is rejected after successful refresh', async () => {
       const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        .withArgs(sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: 'Bearer foo' } }), 'shield.authenticate')
+        .withArgs(
+          sinon.match({ headers: { authorization: `Bearer ${tokenPair.accessToken}` } }),
+          'shield.authenticate'
+        )
         .rejects({ statusCode: 401 });
-      callWithInternalUser
-        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
-          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: 'bar' },
-        })
-        .resolves({ access_token: 'newfoo', refresh_token: 'newbar' });
+      tokens.refresh
+        .withArgs(tokenPair.refreshToken)
+        .resolves({ accessToken: 'newfoo', refreshToken: 'newbar' });
       const authenticationError = new errors.AuthenticationException('Some error');
@@ -440,15 +414,10 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
-      const accessToken = 'foo';
-      const refreshToken = 'bar';
-      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, {
-        accessToken,
-        refreshToken,
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.authenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.refresh);
@@ -459,153 +428,66 @@ describe('TokenAuthenticationProvider', () => {
   describe('`deauthenticate` method', () => {
-    let provider: TokenAuthenticationProvider;
-    let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
-    beforeEach(() => {
-      const providerOptions = mockAuthenticationProviderOptions();
-      callWithInternalUser = providerOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
-      provider = new TokenAuthenticationProvider(providerOptions);
-    });
-    describe('`deauthenticate` method', () => {
-      it('returns `notHandled` if state is not presented or does not include both access and refresh token.', async () => {
-        const request = requestFixture();
-        const accessToken = 'foo';
-        const refreshToken = 'bar';
-        let deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request);
-        expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-        deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {});
-        expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-        deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, { accessToken });
-        expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-        deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, { refreshToken });
-        expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-        sinon.assert.notCalled(callWithInternalUser);
-        deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-          accessToken,
-          refreshToken,
-        });
-        expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(false);
-      });
-      it('fails if call to delete access token responds with an error', async () => {
-        const request = requestFixture();
-        const accessToken = 'foo';
-        const refreshToken = 'bar';
-        const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: accessToken } })
-          .rejects(failureReason);
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-          accessToken,
-          refreshToken,
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: accessToken },
-        });
+    it('returns `notHandled` if state is not presented.', async () => {
+      const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        expect(authenticationResult.failed()).toBe(true);
-        expect(authenticationResult.error).toBe(failureReason);
-      });
+      let deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request);
+      expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-      it('fails if call to delete refresh token responds with an error', async () => {
-        const request = requestFixture();
-        const accessToken = 'foo';
-        const refreshToken = 'bar';
+      deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, null);
+      expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(true);
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: accessToken } })
-          .returns({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      sinon.assert.notCalled(tokens.invalidate);
-        const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { refresh_token: refreshToken } })
-          .rejects(failureReason);
+      deauthenticateResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
+      expect(deauthenticateResult.notHandled()).toBe(false);
+    });
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-          accessToken,
-          refreshToken,
-        });
+    it('fails if `tokens.invalidate` fails', async () => {
+      const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: refreshToken },
-        });
+      const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
+      tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).rejects(failureReason);
-        expect(authenticationResult.failed()).toBe(true);
-        expect(authenticationResult.error).toBe(failureReason);
-      });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
-      it('redirects to /login if tokens are deleted successfully', async () => {
-        const request = requestFixture();
-        const accessToken = 'foo';
-        const refreshToken = 'bar';
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: accessToken } })
-          .returns({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      expect(authenticationResult.failed()).toBe(true);
+      expect(authenticationResult.error).toBe(failureReason);
+    });
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { refresh_token: refreshToken } })
-          .returns({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+    it('redirects to /login if tokens are invalidated successfully', async () => {
+      const request = requestFixture();
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-          accessToken,
-          refreshToken,
-        });
+      tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: accessToken },
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: refreshToken },
-        });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
-        expect(authenticationResult.redirected()).toBe(true);
-        expect(authenticationResult.redirectURL).toBe('/base-path/login?msg=LOGGED_OUT');
-      });
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
-      it('redirects to /login with optional search parameters if tokens are deleted successfully', async () => {
-        const request = requestFixture({ search: '?yep' });
-        const accessToken = 'foo';
-        const refreshToken = 'bar';
+      expect(authenticationResult.redirected()).toBe(true);
+      expect(authenticationResult.redirectURL).toBe('/base-path/login?msg=LOGGED_OUT');
+    });
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: accessToken } })
-          .returns({ created: true });
+    it('redirects to /login with optional search parameters if tokens are invalidated successfully', async () => {
+      const request = requestFixture({ search: '?yep' });
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
-        callWithInternalUser
-          .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { refresh_token: refreshToken } })
-          .returns({ created: true });
+      tokens.invalidate.withArgs(tokenPair).resolves();
-        const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, {
-          accessToken,
-          refreshToken,
-        });
+      const authenticationResult = await provider.deauthenticate(request, tokenPair);
-        sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { token: accessToken },
-        });
-        sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-          body: { refresh_token: refreshToken },
-        });
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(tokens.invalidate);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(tokens.invalidate, tokenPair);
-        expect(authenticationResult.redirected()).toBe(true);
-        expect(authenticationResult.redirectURL).toBe('/base-path/login?yep');
-      });
+      expect(authenticationResult.redirected()).toBe(true);
+      expect(authenticationResult.redirectURL).toBe('/base-path/login?yep');
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.ts
index 627bf764dc580..73e757b71d51d 100644
--- a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.ts
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/providers/token.ts
@@ -4,48 +4,18 @@
  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+import Boom from 'boom';
 import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
 import { canRedirectRequest } from '../../can_redirect_request';
-import { getErrorStatusCode } from '../../errors';
 import { AuthenticationResult } from '../authentication_result';
 import { DeauthenticationResult } from '../deauthentication_result';
+import { Tokens, TokenPair } from '../tokens';
 import { BaseAuthenticationProvider, RequestWithLoginAttempt } from './base';
  * The state supported by the provider.
-interface ProviderState {
-  /**
-   * Access token issued as the result of successful authentication and that should be provided with
-   * every request to Elasticsearch on behalf of the authenticated user. This token will eventually expire.
-   */
-  accessToken?: string;
-  /**
-   * Once access token expires the refresh token is used to get a new pair of access/refresh tokens
-   * without any user involvement. If not used this token will eventually expire as well.
-   */
-  refreshToken?: string;
- * If request with access token fails with `401 Unauthorized` then this token is no
- * longer valid and we should try to refresh it. Another use case that we should
- * temporarily support (until elastic/elasticsearch#38866 is fixed) is when token
- * document has been removed and ES responds with `500 Internal Server Error`.
- * @param err Error returned from Elasticsearch.
- */
-function isAccessTokenExpiredError(err?: any) {
-  const errorStatusCode = getErrorStatusCode(err);
-  return (
-    errorStatusCode === 401 ||
-    (errorStatusCode === 500 &&
-      err &&
-      err.body &&
-      err.body.error &&
-      err.body.error.reason === 'token document is missing and must be present')
-  );
+type ProviderState = TokenPair;
  * Provider that supports token-based request authentication.
@@ -77,7 +47,10 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     // if we still can't attempt auth, try authenticating via state (session token)
     if (authenticationResult.notHandled() && state) {
       authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaState(request, state);
-      if (authenticationResult.failed() && isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)) {
+      if (
+        authenticationResult.failed() &&
+        Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(authenticationResult.error)
+      ) {
         authenticationResult = await this.authenticateViaRefreshToken(request, state);
@@ -99,7 +72,7 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
   public async deauthenticate(request: Legacy.Request, state?: ProviderState | null) {
     this.debug(`Trying to deauthenticate user via ${request.url.path}.`);
-    if (!state || !state.accessToken || !state.refreshToken) {
+    if (!state) {
       this.debug('There are no access and refresh tokens to invalidate.');
       return DeauthenticationResult.notHandled();
@@ -107,46 +80,14 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
     this.debug('Token-based logout has been initiated by the user.');
     try {
-      // First invalidate the access token.
-      const {
-        invalidated_tokens: invalidatedAccessTokensCount,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-        body: { token: state.accessToken },
-      });
-      if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 0) {
-        this.debug('User access token was already invalidated.');
-      } else if (invalidatedAccessTokensCount === 1) {
-        this.debug('User access token has been successfully invalidated.');
-      } else {
-        this.debug(
-          `${invalidatedAccessTokensCount} user access tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
-        );
-      }
-      // Then invalidate the refresh token.
-      const {
-        invalidated_tokens: invalidatedRefreshTokensCount,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.deleteAccessToken', {
-        body: { refresh_token: state.refreshToken },
-      });
-      if (invalidatedRefreshTokensCount === 0) {
-        this.debug('User refresh token was already invalidated.');
-      } else if (invalidatedRefreshTokensCount === 1) {
-        this.debug('User refresh token has been successfully invalidated.');
-      } else {
-        this.debug(
-          `${invalidatedRefreshTokensCount} user refresh tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
-        );
-      }
-      const queryString = request.url.search || `?msg=LOGGED_OUT`;
-      return DeauthenticationResult.redirectTo(`${this.options.basePath}/login${queryString}`);
+      await this.options.tokens.invalidate(state);
     } catch (err) {
       this.debug(`Failed invalidating user's access token: ${err.message}`);
       return DeauthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    const queryString = request.url.search || `?msg=LOGGED_OUT`;
+    return DeauthenticationResult.redirectTo(`${this.options.basePath}/login${queryString}`);
@@ -209,16 +150,6 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       this.debug('Get token API request to Elasticsearch successful');
-      // We validate that both access and refresh tokens exist in the response
-      // so other private methods in this class can rely on them both existing.
-      if (!accessToken) {
-        throw new Error('Unexpected response from get token API - no access token present');
-      }
-      if (!refreshToken) {
-        throw new Error('Unexpected response from get token API - no refresh token present');
-      }
       // Then attempt to query for the user details using the new token
       request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
@@ -252,11 +183,6 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
   ) {
     this.debug('Trying to authenticate via state.');
-    if (!accessToken) {
-      this.debug('Access token is not found in state.');
-      return AuthenticationResult.notHandled();
-    }
     try {
       request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${accessToken}`;
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
@@ -291,44 +217,36 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
   ) {
     this.debug('Trying to refresh access token.');
-    if (!refreshToken) {
-      this.debug('Refresh token is not found in state.');
-      return AuthenticationResult.notHandled();
-    }
+    let refreshedTokenPair: TokenPair | null;
     try {
-      // Token must be refreshed by the same user that obtained that token, the
-      // kibana system user.
-      const {
-        access_token: newAccessToken,
-        refresh_token: newRefreshToken,
-      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.getAccessToken', {
-        body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
-      });
+      refreshedTokenPair = await this.options.tokens.refresh(refreshToken);
+    } catch (err) {
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
+    }
-      this.debug(`Request to refresh token via Elasticsearch's get token API successful`);
+    // If refresh token is no longer valid, then we should clear session and redirect user to the
+    // login page to re-authenticate, or fail if redirect isn't possible.
+    if (refreshedTokenPair === null) {
+      if (canRedirectRequest(request)) {
+        this.debug('Clearing session since both access and refresh tokens are expired.');
-      // We validate that both access and refresh tokens exist in the response
-      // so other private methods in this class can rely on them both existing.
-      if (!newAccessToken) {
-        throw new Error('Unexpected response from get token API - no access token present');
+        // Set state to `null` to let `Authenticator` know that we want to clear current session.
+        return AuthenticationResult.redirectTo(this.getLoginPageURL(request), null);
-      if (!newRefreshToken) {
-        throw new Error('Unexpected response from get token API - no refresh token present');
-      }
+      return AuthenticationResult.failed(
+        Boom.badRequest('Both access and refresh tokens are expired.')
+      );
+    }
-      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${newAccessToken}`;
+    try {
+      request.headers.authorization = `Bearer ${refreshedTokenPair.accessToken}`;
       const user = await this.options.client.callWithRequest(request, 'shield.authenticate');
       this.debug('Request has been authenticated via refreshed token.');
-      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, {
-        accessToken: newAccessToken,
-        refreshToken: newRefreshToken,
-      });
+      return AuthenticationResult.succeeded(user, refreshedTokenPair);
     } catch (err) {
-      this.debug(`Failed to refresh access token: ${err.message}`);
+      this.debug(`Failed to authenticate user using newly refreshed access token: ${err.message}`);
       // Reset `Authorization` header we've just set. We know for sure that it hasn't been defined before,
       // otherwise it would have been used or completely rejected by the `authenticateViaHeader`.
@@ -337,15 +255,6 @@ export class TokenAuthenticationProvider extends BaseAuthenticationProvider {
       // it's called with this request once again down the line (e.g. in the next authentication provider).
       delete request.headers.authorization;
-      // If refresh fails with `400` then refresh token is no longer valid and we should clear session
-      // and redirect user to the login page to re-authenticate.
-      if (getErrorStatusCode(err) === 400 && canRedirectRequest(request)) {
-        this.debug('Clearing session since both access and refresh tokens are expired.');
-        // Set state to `null` to let `Authenticator` know that we want to clear current session.
-        return AuthenticationResult.redirectTo(this.getLoginPageURL(request), null);
-      }
       return AuthenticationResult.failed(err);
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.test.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9ddb1a80f4956
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import Boom from 'boom';
+import { errors } from 'elasticsearch';
+import sinon from 'sinon';
+import { Tokens } from './tokens';
+describe('Tokens', () => {
+  let tokens: Tokens;
+  let callWithInternalUser: sinon.SinonStub;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    const client = { callWithRequest: sinon.stub(), callWithInternalUser: sinon.stub() };
+    const tokensOptions = { client, log: sinon.stub() };
+    callWithInternalUser = tokensOptions.client.callWithInternalUser as sinon.SinonStub;
+    tokens = new Tokens(tokensOptions);
+  });
+  it('isAccessTokenExpiredError() returns `true` only if token expired or its document is missing', () => {
+    for (const error of [
+      {},
+      new Error(),
+      Boom.serverUnavailable(),
+      Boom.forbidden(),
+      new errors.InternalServerError(),
+      new errors.Forbidden(),
+      {
+        statusCode: 500,
+        body: { error: { reason: 'some unknown reason' } },
+      },
+    ]) {
+      expect(Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(error)).toBe(false);
+    }
+    for (const error of [
+      { statusCode: 401 },
+      Boom.unauthorized(),
+      new errors.AuthenticationException(),
+      {
+        statusCode: 500,
+        body: { error: { reason: 'token document is missing and must be present' } },
+      },
+    ]) {
+      expect(Tokens.isAccessTokenExpiredError(error)).toBe(true);
+    }
+  });
+  describe('refresh()', () => {
+    const refreshToken = 'some-refresh-token';
+    it('throws if API call fails with unknown reason', async () => {
+      const refreshFailureReason = Boom.serverUnavailable('Server is not available');
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
+          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
+        })
+        .rejects(refreshFailureReason);
+      await expect(tokens.refresh(refreshToken)).rejects.toBe(refreshFailureReason);
+    });
+    it('returns `null` if refresh token is not valid', async () => {
+      const refreshFailureReason = Boom.badRequest();
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
+          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
+        })
+        .rejects(refreshFailureReason);
+      await expect(tokens.refresh(refreshToken)).resolves.toBe(null);
+    });
+    it('returns token pair if refresh API call succeeds', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'access-token', refreshToken: 'refresh-token' };
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.getAccessToken', {
+          body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: refreshToken },
+        })
+        .resolves({ access_token: tokenPair.accessToken, refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken });
+      await expect(tokens.refresh(refreshToken)).resolves.toEqual(tokenPair);
+    });
+  });
+  describe('invalidate()', () => {
+    it('throws if call to delete access token responds with an error', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken } })
+        .rejects(failureReason);
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken } })
+        .resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).rejects.toBe(failureReason);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('throws if call to delete refresh token responds with an error', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      const failureReason = new Error('failed to delete token');
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken } })
+        .rejects(failureReason);
+      callWithInternalUser
+        .withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken', { body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken } })
+        .resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).rejects.toBe(failureReason);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('invalidates all provided tokens', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('invalidates only access token if only access token is provided', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo' };
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('invalidates only refresh token if only refresh token is provided', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { refreshToken: 'foo' };
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 1 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
+      sinon.assert.calledOnce(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('does not fail if none of the tokens were invalidated', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 0 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+    it('does not fail if more than one token per access or refresh token were invalidated', async () => {
+      const tokenPair = { accessToken: 'foo', refreshToken: 'bar' };
+      callWithInternalUser.withArgs('shield.deleteAccessToken').resolves({ invalidated_tokens: 5 });
+      await expect(tokens.invalidate(tokenPair)).resolves.toBe(undefined);
+      sinon.assert.calledTwice(callWithInternalUser);
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { token: tokenPair.accessToken },
+      });
+      sinon.assert.calledWithExactly(callWithInternalUser, 'shield.deleteAccessToken', {
+        body: { refresh_token: tokenPair.refreshToken },
+      });
+    });
+  });
diff --git a/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.ts b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..15702036ce6d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/x-pack/legacy/plugins/security/server/lib/authentication/tokens.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+ * Copyright Elasticsearch B.V. and/or licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements. Licensed under the Elastic License;
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the Elastic License.
+ */
+import { Legacy } from 'kibana';
+import { getErrorStatusCode } from '../errors';
+ * Represents a pair of access and refresh tokens.
+ */
+export interface TokenPair {
+  /**
+   * Access token issued as the result of successful authentication and that should be provided with
+   * every request to Elasticsearch on behalf of the authenticated user. This token will eventually expire.
+   */
+  readonly accessToken: string;
+  /**
+   * Once access token expires the refresh token is used to get a new pair of access/refresh tokens
+   * without any user involvement. If not used this token will eventually expire as well.
+   */
+  readonly refreshToken: string;
+ * Class responsible for managing access and refresh tokens (refresh, invalidate, etc.) used by
+ * various authentication providers.
+ */
+export class Tokens {
+  constructor(
+    private readonly options: Readonly<{
+      client: Legacy.Plugins.elasticsearch.Cluster;
+      log: (tags: string[], message: string) => void;
+    }>
+  ) {}
+  /**
+   * Tries to exchange provided refresh token to a new pair of access and refresh tokens.
+   * @param existingRefreshToken Refresh token to send to the refresh token API.
+   */
+  public async refresh(existingRefreshToken: string): Promise<TokenPair | null> {
+    try {
+      // Token should be refreshed by the same user that obtained that token.
+      const {
+        access_token: accessToken,
+        refresh_token: refreshToken,
+      } = await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser('shield.getAccessToken', {
+        body: { grant_type: 'refresh_token', refresh_token: existingRefreshToken },
+      });
+      this.debug('Access token has been successfully refreshed.');
+      return { accessToken, refreshToken };
+    } catch (err) {
+      this.debug(`Failed to refresh access token: ${err.message}`);
+      // There are at least two common cases when refresh token request can fail:
+      // 1. Refresh token is valid only for 24 hours and if it hasn't been used it expires.
+      //
+      // 2. Refresh token is one-time use token and if it has been used already, it is treated in the same way as
+      // expired token. Even though it's an edge case, there are several perfectly valid scenarios when it can
+      // happen. E.g. when several simultaneous AJAX request has been sent to Kibana, but access token has expired
+      // already, so the first request that reaches Kibana uses refresh token to get a new access token, but the
+      // second concurrent request has no idea about that and tries to refresh access token as well. All ends well
+      // when first request refreshes access token and updates session cookie with fresh access/refresh token pair.
+      // But if user navigates to another page _before_ AJAX request (the one that triggered token refresh) responds
+      // with updated cookie, then user will have only that old cookie with expired access token and refresh token
+      // that has been used already.
+      //
+      // Even though the issue is solved to large extent by a predefined 60s window during which ES allows to use the
+      // same refresh token multiple times yielding the same refreshed access/refresh token pair it's still possible
+      // to hit the case when refresh token is no longer valid.
+      if (getErrorStatusCode(err) === 400) {
+        this.debug('Refresh token is either expired or already used.');
+        return null;
+      }
+      throw err;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tries to invalidate provided access and refresh token pair. At least one of the tokens should
+   * be specified.
+   * @param [accessToken] Optional access token to invalidate.
+   * @param [refreshToken] Optional refresh token to invalidate.
+   */
+  public async invalidate({ accessToken, refreshToken }: Partial<TokenPair>) {
+    this.debug('Invalidating access/refresh token pair.');
+    let invalidationError;
+    if (refreshToken) {
+      let invalidatedTokensCount;
+      try {
+        invalidatedTokensCount = (await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser(
+          'shield.deleteAccessToken',
+          { body: { refresh_token: refreshToken } }
+        )).invalidated_tokens;
+      } catch (err) {
+        this.debug(`Failed to invalidate refresh token: ${err.message}`);
+        // We don't re-throw the error here to have a chance to invalidate access token if it's provided.
+        invalidationError = err;
+      }
+      if (invalidatedTokensCount === 0) {
+        this.debug('Refresh token was already invalidated.');
+      } else if (invalidatedTokensCount === 1) {
+        this.debug('Refresh token has been successfully invalidated.');
+      } else if (invalidatedTokensCount > 1) {
+        this.debug(
+          `${invalidatedTokensCount} refresh tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    if (accessToken) {
+      let invalidatedTokensCount;
+      try {
+        invalidatedTokensCount = (await this.options.client.callWithInternalUser(
+          'shield.deleteAccessToken',
+          { body: { token: accessToken } }
+        )).invalidated_tokens;
+      } catch (err) {
+        this.debug(`Failed to invalidate access token: ${err.message}`);
+        invalidationError = err;
+      }
+      if (invalidatedTokensCount === 0) {
+        this.debug('Access token was already invalidated.');
+      } else if (invalidatedTokensCount === 1) {
+        this.debug('Access token has been successfully invalidated.');
+      } else if (invalidatedTokensCount > 1) {
+        this.debug(`${invalidatedTokensCount} access tokens were invalidated, this is unexpected.`);
+      }
+    }
+    if (invalidationError) {
+      throw invalidationError;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tries to determine whether specified error that occurred while trying to authenticate request
+   * using access token happened because access token is expired. We treat all `401 Unauthorized`
+   * as such. Another use case that we should temporarily support (until elastic/elasticsearch#38866
+   * is fixed) is when token document has been removed and ES responds with `500 Internal Server Error`.
+   * @param err Error returned from Elasticsearch.
+   */
+  public static isAccessTokenExpiredError(err?: any) {
+    const errorStatusCode = getErrorStatusCode(err);
+    return (
+      errorStatusCode === 401 ||
+      (errorStatusCode === 500 &&
+        !!(
+          err &&
+          err.body &&
+          err.body.error &&
+          err.body.error.reason === 'token document is missing and must be present'
+        ))
+    );
+  }
+  /**
+   * Logs message with `debug` level and tokens/security related tags.
+   * @param message Message to log.
+   */
+  private debug(message: string) {
+    this.options.log(['debug', 'security', 'tokens'], message);
+  }
diff --git a/x-pack/test/kerberos_api_integration/apis/security/kerberos_login.ts b/x-pack/test/kerberos_api_integration/apis/security/kerberos_login.ts
index e6b3a9445f594..b077050fd1b0d 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/kerberos_api_integration/apis/security/kerberos_login.ts
+++ b/x-pack/test/kerberos_api_integration/apis/security/kerberos_login.ts
@@ -36,16 +36,10 @@ export default function({ getService }: KibanaFunctionalTestDefaultProviders) {
   describe('Kerberos authentication', () => {
     before(async () => {
-      // HACK: remove as soon as we have a solution for https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/issues/41943.
-      await getService('esSupertest')
-        .post('/_security/role/krb5-user')
-        .send({ cluster: ['cluster:admin/xpack/security/token/create'] })
-        .expect(200);
       await getService('esSupertest')
-          roles: ['krb5-user'],
+          roles: ['kibana_user'],
           enabled: true,
           rules: { field: { 'realm.name': 'kerb1' } },
@@ -121,7 +115,7 @@ export default function({ getService }: KibanaFunctionalTestDefaultProviders) {
           .set('Cookie', sessionCookie.cookieString())
           .expect(200, {
             username: 'tester@TEST.ELASTIC.CO',
-            roles: ['krb5-user'],
+            roles: ['kibana_user'],
             full_name: null,
             email: null,
             metadata: {
@@ -275,47 +269,69 @@ export default function({ getService }: KibanaFunctionalTestDefaultProviders) {
-      it('AJAX call should initiate SPNEGO and clear existing cookie', async function() {
+      it('AJAX call should refresh token and update existing cookie', async function() {
         // Access token expiration is set to 15s for API integration tests.
         // Let's wait for 20s to make sure token expires.
         await delay(20000);
+        // This api call should succeed and automatically refresh token. Returned cookie will contain
+        // the new access and refresh token pair.
         const apiResponse = await supertest
           .set('kbn-xsrf', 'xxx')
           .set('Cookie', sessionCookie.cookieString())
-          .expect(401);
+          .expect(200);
         const cookies = apiResponse.headers['set-cookie'];
-        checkCookieIsCleared(request.cookie(cookies[0])!);
-        expect(apiResponse.headers['www-authenticate']).to.be('Negotiate');
+        const refreshedCookie = request.cookie(cookies[0])!;
+        checkCookieIsSet(refreshedCookie);
+        // The first new cookie with fresh pair of access and refresh tokens should work.
+        await supertest
+          .get('/api/security/v1/me')
+          .set('kbn-xsrf', 'xxx')
+          .set('Cookie', refreshedCookie.cookieString())
+          .expect(200);
+        expect(apiResponse.headers['www-authenticate']).to.be(undefined);
-      it('non-AJAX call should initiate SPNEGO and clear existing cookie', async function() {
+      it('non-AJAX call should refresh token and update existing cookie', async function() {
         // Access token expiration is set to 15s for API integration tests.
         // Let's wait for 20s to make sure token expires.
         await delay(20000);
+        // This request should succeed and automatically refresh token. Returned cookie will contain
+        // the new access and refresh token pair.
         const nonAjaxResponse = await supertest
-          .get('/')
+          .get('/app/kibana')
           .set('Cookie', sessionCookie.cookieString())
-          .expect(401);
+          .expect(200);
         const cookies = nonAjaxResponse.headers['set-cookie'];
-        checkCookieIsCleared(request.cookie(cookies[0])!);
-        expect(nonAjaxResponse.headers['www-authenticate']).to.be('Negotiate');
+        const refreshedCookie = request.cookie(cookies[0])!;
+        checkCookieIsSet(refreshedCookie);
+        // The first new cookie with fresh pair of access and refresh tokens should work.
+        await supertest
+          .get('/api/security/v1/me')
+          .set('kbn-xsrf', 'xxx')
+          .set('Cookie', refreshedCookie.cookieString())
+          .expect(200);
+        expect(nonAjaxResponse.headers['www-authenticate']).to.be(undefined);
-    describe('API access with missing access token document.', () => {
+    describe('API access with missing access token document or expired refresh token.', () => {
       let sessionCookie: Cookie;
       beforeEach(async () => {
@@ -331,8 +347,8 @@ export default function({ getService }: KibanaFunctionalTestDefaultProviders) {
         // Let's delete tokens from `.security-tokens` index directly to simulate the case when
-        // Elasticsearch automatically removes access token document from the index after some
-        // period of time.
+        // Elasticsearch automatically removes access/refresh token document from the index after
+        // some period of time.
         const esResponse = await getService('es').deleteByQuery({
           index: '.security-tokens',
           q: 'doc_type:token',
diff --git a/x-pack/test/oidc_api_integration/apis/security/oidc_initiate_auth.js b/x-pack/test/oidc_api_integration/apis/security/oidc_initiate_auth.js
index b99cf494fe0a5..7460b1f9e238c 100644
--- a/x-pack/test/oidc_api_integration/apis/security/oidc_initiate_auth.js
+++ b/x-pack/test/oidc_api_integration/apis/security/oidc_initiate_auth.js
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ export default function ({ getService }) {
           error: 'Bad Request',
-          message: 'Both elasticsearch access and refresh tokens are expired.',
+          message: 'Both access and refresh tokens are expired.',
           statusCode: 400