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Ilya Radchenko edited this page Jul 21, 2014 · 10 revisions

This is a simple tutorial explaining how to integrate Bootstrap for Ember in your project.

Clone the starter-kit

Clone the Starter Kit project, this is exactly the official Ember.js starter kit but with Bower support.

git clone myproject

Install dependencies

First, lets install the minimal dependencies for the starter-kit,

bower install

Then we need the official Bootstrap and Bootstrap for Ember packages:

bower install bootstrap --save
bower install ember-addons.bs_for_ember --save

At this stage, opening index.html in the browser should run the starter kit with no errors.

Include Javascripts & css

open with your favorite editor index.html and add within the header tag:

<!--standard Bootstrap css file-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/vendor/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css">


<!--Put before the initialization of the application, respect order, bs-core.min.js must run before any other bs components -->
<!--Core of Bootstrap for Ember -->
<script src="/vendor/ember-addons.bs_for_ember/dist/js/bs-core.min.js"></script>
<!--Alert component -->
<script src="/vendor/ember-addons.bs_for_ember/dist/js/bs-alert.min.js"></script>

Register Bootstrap for Ember components [I DONT THINK WE NEED THIS ANYMORE?]

Open 'app.js' and change:

App = Ember.Application.create();


App = Ember.Application.createWithMixins(Bootstrap);

Add a component to a template

Lets add an alert component to a template that is auto dismissed after 2 seconds:

In the same file index.html, change the application template to:

<script type="text/x-handlebars">
    {{bs-alert message="A self destroyable hello world message!" type="info" dismissAfter=2 fade=true}}


Refresh the index.html page in your browser, you should see a 2 seconds fading out alert message.