Package containing all scripts needed to quantify and characterize DNA contaminants from gene therapy vector production after NGS sequencing.
The five scripts used are :
- Quade : Fastq files demultiplexer, handling double indexing, molecular indexing and filtering based on index quality (python 2.7)
- Sekator : Multithreaded quality and adapter trimmer for PAIRED fastq files (Python2.7/Cython/C)
- fastq_control_sampler : Generate control FASTQ files (C)
- RefMasker : Hard mask homologies between fasta reference sequences identified by Blastn (python 2.7)
- ContaVect : Quantify and characterize DNA contaminants (python 2.7)
Clone the repository SSV-Conta
git clone --recurse-submodules URL
Detailed information concerning the installation of Quade, Sekator, RefMasker and ContaVect is available in each README. For ContaVect, install a version of pysam < v0.13.0.
Make a link to bin
Input : chunks of non demultiplexed raw fastq files
- In the folder where fastq files will be created, create the template : -i
After filling, run Quade -c Quade_conf_file.txt
Be careful : All the chunks path should be separated by tab or space. The version of this report doesn't include the Undetermined in the count of the pair passed and failed quality.
It can run several hours.
Output : Fastq demultiplexed (filtering based on index quality) + Quade_report
- In the folder where fastq files will be created, create the template : -i
After filling, run Sekator -c Sekator_conf_file.txt
Be careful : If necessary create the library required for the adapter trimming step :
python build_ext --inplace
and then make clean
Output : Fastq trimmed
- Run the program fastq_control_sampler
- In the folder analysis, copy and fill the template present directly in ContaVect.
Run Conf.txt
Adrien Leger @a-slide
Emilie Lecomte @emlec