easy-js-utils is a package of helper functions.
It's recommended to install via npm:
npm install easy-js-utils --save
easy-js-utils has no external dependencies
var arrayUtils = require('easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils')
arrayUtils.countofElements(['Lemon', 'Orange', 'Strawberry', 'Strawberry', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Strawberry']);
import {countOfElements} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
countofElements(['Lemon', 'Orange', 'Strawberry', 'Strawberry', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Strawberry'])
differenceBetweenTwoArrays Returns the different elements between two arrays
import {differenceBetweenTwoArrays} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
//returns ['1']
countofElements Returns the object of the count of elements in an array by key value pairings.
import {countOfElements} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
countofElements(['Lemon', 'Orange', 'Strawberry', 'Strawberry', 'Orange', 'Banana', 'Strawberry','Banana'])
//returns { Lemon: 1, Orange: 2, Strawberry: 3, Banana: 2 }
getMaxElementInArray Returns the maximum number in an Array. If array includes different types only numbers are compared
import {getMaxElementInArray} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
getMaxElementInArray([2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 , 7, 123.456, 'test1', 'test2', false])
//returns 123.456
getMinElementInArray Returns the minimum number in an Array. If array includes different types only numbers are compared
import {getMinElementInArray} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
getMinElementInArray([2, 3, 4.1, 4.2 , 7, 123, 'test1', 'test2', false])
//returns 2
sumOfElementsInArray Returns the sum of elements in an array.
import {sumOfElementsInArray} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
//returns 6
selectRandomFromArray Returns a random element from given array
import {selectRandomFromArray} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/arrayUtils'
//returns an element from array
revertString Returns the reverted string
import {revertString} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/stringUtils'
//returns dcba
excerpt Reduces the text by word count limit. Works same in wordpress excerpt
import {excerpt} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/stringUtils'
excerpt('lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 3)
//returns lorem ipsum dolor…
highlightText Highlight the text according to given parameters
import {highlightText} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/stringUtils'
highlightText('lorem ipsum dolor sit amet')
//returns lorem <p class="highlight">ipsum</p> dolor <p class="highlight">sit</p> amet
unHighlightText Unhighlight the text according to given parameters
import {unHighlightText} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/stringUtils'
unHighlightText('<p class="highlight">lorem</p> ipsum dolor sit amet', 'p')
//returns lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
camelize Convert any string to camelcase
import {camelize} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/stringUtils'
unHighlightText('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet')
//returns loremIpsumDolorSitAmet
isValidDate Returns false if the given date is not valid with the given format
import {isValidDate} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/dateUtils'
isValidDate('05-11-2015','dd-mm-yy') //returns true
isValidDate('31-11-2015','dd-mm-yy') //returns false
addComas Returns string format of given number with separated given character
import {addComas} from 'easy-js-utils/lib/numberUtils'
addComas(123456789,'.') //returns 123.456.789
See LICENSE file.