Stupid Plotto is a collection of plotto-generated stories expanded as stupidly as possible. Names are substituted randomly. Footnotes and plotto-specific notation are stripped. Style is introduced using gnu talkfilters.
Bianca Paley II, travelin' alone, invents a fictitious aunt, AUX, as a chaperone
8b12 Love and Cawhtship PLOTTO Loves Beginnings _ A's love affair wilh Mr. Ya' dig? Michelle Fugard is not prosperin'. Doctawh Mason Foucault II secures a love philtre and mixes it secretly in a cup of tea; but B's maiden aunt, AU-Mr. Okay? Michelle Fugard, drinks de tea
Anzony Keruak III, in order to insur ze hapines of B
_ Treenity Creechtun III, seekeeng ifeedence-a egeeenst a gung ooff cruuks, Ductur Mully Reelke-a, Ductur Mully Reelke-a, Ductur Mully Reelke-a, essoomes zee cherecter ooff a boorgler in oorder zee mure-a sooccessffoolly tu echeeefe-a hees eeems Treenity Creechtun III, a detecteefe-a, is felsely soospected ooff beeeng a pruffesseeunel cruuk by thuse-a unevere-a ooff hees secret muteefes
Brooke Cunningham, Jr captures a burglar, Allison Munro, Esq. Okay?, who is lootin' his house
Doctawh Jayla Capote III induces Adrian Ludlum tuh attempt de solushun of a mystery
Awexis Doywe has invested aww his money in a cewtain entewpwise Awexis Doywe, investing aww his money in a cewtain entewpwise, sees de entewpwise faiw and himsewf pwunged heaviwy into debt
Emperor Lucas McMurtry II has a son by his vhite vife, Herr Luke Tolstoy. Herr Luke Tolstoy dies Emperor Lucas McMurtry II, vhile trafelinkt abroad, marries Ms. Kheyenne PerkinsGilman, Esq., a voman uff inferior r-r-race, abandons her and r-r-returns to his of.n kountry Das secret Emperor Lucas McMurtry II kraftily keeps from his son, SNEmperor Lucas McMurtry II
Tannew deSaintExupéwy III is in wove wif B; and he sues F-Manuew Awvawez, Esq.. fadew of Manuew Awvawez, Esq..fow damages sustained in a cewtain pwoceeding
Tannew deSaint-Exupéwy III, in wove wif Manuew Awvawez, Esq.. and disappwoved of by F-Manuew Awvawez, Esq., fadew of Manuew Awvawez, Esq., is fowcibwy ejected fwom de home of Manuew Awvawez, Esq. by F-Manuew Awvawez, Esq.. Tannew deSaint-Exupéwy III bwings suit fow damages against F-B
Amy Fwiedman, Jw is de sensibwe, devoted wife of Ewick Cowawd II Ewick Cowawd II is de victim of egotisticaw sewfdeception
Ewick Cowawd II, advised wisewy by Amy Fwiedman, Jw, dinks Amy Fwiedman, Jw is jeawous of his gweat abiwities An estwangement
Bianca Robbins, to be sure, Jr, wealthy and o' high social standing, to be sure, desires adventures in th' underworld
Bianca Robbins, I'll warrant ye, Jr, desiring adventures in th' underworld and unable t' realize his desire in his
own character, I'll warrant ye, assumes a fictitious character
Colby Ferster II innocently befriends a stranger, I'll warrant ye, A4; and it later develops that Professor Rylee Puzo is a political offender whom government officials, headed by Mrs, by Davy Jones's locker. Angelica Ellroy, to be sure, Jr, by Blackbeard's sword, be straining every nerve to capture If Mrs, ye scurvey dog. Angelica Ellroy, to be sure, Jr knew that Colby Ferster II had befriended Professor Rylee Puzo, arrrr, that winsome lass would be considered a con- federate o' A-4's and suffer accordingly
Hope DeLillo, Esq., sweetheart uh Mr. Oliver Conroy III, iz condemned tuh die fahwar uh transgression hay didunt commit
Hope DeLillo, Esq., unjustly imprisoned, iz pardoned an restored tuh liberty wheyun Mr. Oliver Conroy III appeals tuh ha
authority. Lahutenant Ensign Eli Forsyth III
b'5 phRYEn|), Pr0ph3SS0r O5car tr0l10p3 I!, CK5 T0 5Av3 H3R Fr0m p3rSEkUT|0gn @7 d4 H4gn|)5 0f h3r brUt@l hUS8A||d, tR3n70n GrAvEZ, ezq. b's phr!ENd, pr0F3550r 0Zk@R TRoll()P3 ||, f0rC3Z 4 quarR3l 0|| b'z bRuT4L HuZbanD, TR3NT0n Gr@v3s, 35q., H0P!NG TREnT0gn Gr4veZ, 3sQ. W!l1 k!11 ]-[Ym, Thu5 3n74N6L|ng HYmZelF w|th d4 1AW And Fr33!gng 4lEx4n|)3R F3rl!n6h3TTi, ;R ()F hIZ tyRa||Ny. pr0phe550R 0SC@r Tr()110PE Y| ACk0mplYZh3s H!Z h3R()ik S4crYF!CE
Ms. Right? Cassidy Trumbo, Jr and Doctawh Samantha Coovuh III are rivals fawh de hand of Kylee Ionesco II. Doctawh Samantha Coovuh III plans tuh fawhward his own aims at A's expense
Revenge PLOT TO Enterprise 13101319 Falling Into Misfortune Through Mistaken Judgment
Clesseefficeshun Pege-a Nu. Mrs. Deluney Urees, Mester Beeunca Smeet III &emp; CH, Mrs. Deluney Urees, femele-a strunger und cheeld 299 Mrs. Deluney Urees, BX &emp; FMrs. Deluney Urees, Mrs. Deluney Urees. vumun ooff mystery und fezeer ooff Mrs. Deluney Urees 299 Mrs. Deluney Urees, BX &emp; Rubert Juyce-a. Mrs. Deluney Urees, vumun ooff mystery und mele-a uteelity cherecter 299 Mrs. Deluney Urees, F-Mrs. Deluney Urees &emp; M-Mrs. Deluney Urees, Mrs. Deluney Urees, fezeer ooff Mrs. Deluney Urees und muzeer ooff Mrs. Deluney Urees 295 Mrs. Deluney Urees, SR-Mrs. Deluney Urees &emp; CH, Mrs. Deluney Urees, seester ooff Mrs. Deluney Urees und cheeld 295 NOTE Mrs. Deluney Urees mere-a reedeeng ooff thees leest ooff cherecters in zeeur fereeuoos cumbeeneshuns is in it- selff heeghly sooggesteefe-a tu zee treeened imegeeneshun. Certeeen cumbeeneshuns veell hefe-a zeeur eppeel und, by zeeur refference-a noombers, mey be-a immedeeetely refferred tu in zee fereeuoos Cunffleect Gruoops. Zee use-a fur vheech thees leest is deseegned, hooefer, preemerily cufers zee selecshun ooff termeenel Cunffleects. _ Zee C Clooses ooff zee Mesterpluts ere-a noombered in perenzeeses; und, in zee Clesseefficeshun by Cherecter Symbuls, zee termeenel sooggesshuns ere-a ell gruoop- id veet zeeur currespundeeng noombers et zee ind ooff iech soob-gruoop ooff Cunffleects. Iff zee noomber ooff zee desured termeenel Cunffleect is nut fuoond in zee soob-gruoop, oozeer soob- gruoops shuoold be-a scunned fur a Cunffleect eppruxeemeting zee oone-a desured, und zee seetooa- teeun eltered tu currespund veet zee needs ooff zee mument. Oor, unuzeer termeenel Cloose-a mey be-a elmust synunumuoos veet zee oone-a reqooured, und its noomber soobsteetooted. Fery oofftee, in vreeting a stury a knutty pueent veell be-a reeched vhere-a zee ingenooeety ooff zee vreeter vefers, oor vhere-a he-a veeshes tu geefe-a zee ecshun a deefffferent trend. Mrs. Deluney Urees stoody ooff zee Clesseefficeshun by Symbuls veell be-a fuoond reech in sooggesshuns ooff meuns fur meeteeng sooch un imergency. Sooch a stoody mey be-a best epprueched in thees munner: Resulfe-a zee leedeeng cherecters ooff yuoor stury's seetooeshun intu Pluttu cherecter symbuls; iff pusseeble-a, nut mure-a thun tvu oor three-a symbuls. Zeen luuk up zee C9mbeena- teeun ooff symbuls in zee furegueeng index und fulloo zee refferences tu zee Clesseefficeshun by Symbuls und, iff necessery, oon intu zee Cunffleects. Iff desured cumbeeneshuns ooff symbuls cunnut be-a fuoond, a seengle-a symbul ooff zee de-a- sured cumbeeneshun mey be-a chunged intu zee Pluttu uteelity symbul, Rubert Juyce-a oor Sereneety Veellis, Isq., oor uny oozeer symbul vheech neerest eppruxeemetes zee oone-a desured. Here-a, es ilsoohere-a in Pluttu, trunspuseeshun, chunge-a und muneepooleshun veell breeng zee utmust in resoolts.
Jillian Drury, Esq., ah fugitive from justice, succeeds by ah stratagem in rescuin' his pal, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, from duh toils uv duh law 1209c Jillian Drury, Esq., recoverin' property stolen from his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, seeks tuh restouh it by stealth so Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II will not know it has been out uv his possession 1234 Jillian Drury, Esq. attempts tuh deceive his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, thinkin' tuh profit by duh decepshun, but fails 1235 Transgression Jillian Drury, Esq., in ah drunken brawl, quarrels with Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II 1291b Jillian Drury, Esq. and Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II is placuh minin' in partnership 1304 Jillian Drury, Esq., recoverin' sense and reason aftuh ah drunken brawl, discovers Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II dead at his feet and thinks he has killd him 1291b Jillian Drury, Esq., ah prospector, makes ah rich "strike." Uv right, he ortta shauh his discovery with his partnuh, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, but decides tuh exploit duh discovery fer himself alone 1296 Jillian Drury, Esq., unduh covuh uv duh night, takes all duh wealth belongin' tuh himself and Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II and decamps with it 1304 Revenge Jillian Drury, Esq. seeks revenge upon his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II 1313a Jillian Drury, Esq. and his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, is uv high and honord stashun; and Jillian Drury, Esq., seekin' revenge against Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, must conceal his purpose and proceed by indirecshun 1313a Mystery A's friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, is killd in ah accident at A's side 1334b A's friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, is mysteriously murderd 1334c Jillian Drury, Esq. seeks tuh discovuh duh murderuh uv his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II 1334c Jillian Drury, Esq. has ah delusion that he is hauntd by Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II 1344 A's friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, has just did suddenly, and duh fact is not knoed tuh any one but Jillian Drury, Esq. 1385 Jillian Drury, Esq., his curiosity arousd by duh mysteryus actions uv his friend, Doctor Katherine Ondaatje II, decides tuh investigate duh cause 1402
Mr. Mmmh. Lilly Wallathe, Ethq. Mmmh. and Mrs. Mmmh. Collin Wolfe II are ethtranged and living apart, their married happineth in a thad tangle
Mr. Mmmh. Lilly Wallathe, Ethq. Mmmh. retheivezth a letter from Bcalling him home Mr. Mmmh. Lilly Wallathe, Ethq. Mmmh. learnth that a child, CH.
hath been born during hith abthenthe. Rethult, reconthiliation with Mrs. Mmmh. Collin Wolfe II, and happineth
Delaney Murdoch, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, innocent, is in thuh hands uh thuh sher'ff on a groundless charge Delaney Murdoch, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, in thuh hands uh thuh sher'ff, must be free at once in order tuh carry out a certain innerprise, an' cannot wait tuh prove his innocence
Classification by P LOTTO Cha'acta' Symbols Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... an' A? Deliverance Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., held on some damn murda' cha'ge, wins freedom by an unusual plea uh his atto'ney, Ms. Ka'en Gogol 887a Craftiness Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... invents some damn fictitious servant, Ms. Ka'en Gogol 1213 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... invents some damn fictitious servant, Ms. Ka'en Gogol, on whom he pretends t' depend, an' whose unreliability, while seemin' t' occasion Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... much emba'assment be really some damn con- venience t' Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... 1213 Mystery Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., representin' guilt-masqueradin'-as-innocence, be influenced by his valet, Ms. Ka'en Gogol, drough some damn curiosity-a'ousin' suggestion, t' visit some damn certain place where, unknown t' Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., some damn deadly trap gots'ta been laid fo' him 1349 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... an' AMs. Max Co'nwell, Esq. Ah be baaad... Ma'ied Life A's evident purpose be t' shift da damn resopnsibility uh some damn crime t' de shoulders~uh innocent Isabel Lippa'd III 467 Misfo'tune Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... be in de employ uh Isabel Lippa'd III, some damn dude in whom he gots'ta implicit confidence 604 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., against his wish an' inclination, gots'ta been left some damn fo'tune by some damn deceased relative, Isabel Lippa'd III 700 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... be annoyed by some damn sucka', Isabel Lippa'd III, who constantly crosses his alley with de mos' untimely intrusions 735 A's fea' dat he gots'ta inherited da damn evil traits uh an ancesto', Isabel Lippa'd III, pa'alyzes his will in enterprise 720 A's employa', Isabel Lippa'd III, gots'ta been "usin' de mails t' defraud" 604 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... rids hirnself uh some damn meddlesome sucka', Isabel Lippa'd III, an' lata' regrets his h<u.rshness 735 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... be some damn fugitive fum justice, who discovers dat some damn relative, Isabel Lippa'd III, gots'ta gots wasted an' left him some damn rich estate 699a Mistaken Judgment Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., some damn tenderfoot in de west, snatches offense at da damn slurs uh some damn cowboy, Isabel Lippa'd III 759 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... an' Isabel Lippa'd III proceed t' settle deir differences with deir fists 759 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... struggles in vain fo' de friendship uh Isabel Lippa'd III 762 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., a'isocrat, endeavo's t' pound some damn comprehension uh class distinction into de dick skull uh Isabel Lippa'd III, some damn plebian 782 _ Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... discovers, as he supposes, plain circumstantial evidence uh some damn crime, an' in- fo'ms de honky pigs where Isabel Lippa'd III, de criminal, kin be found 780 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., afta' his death, receives de friendship uh Isabel Lippa'd III — fo' which he had vainly strug- gled in life 762 Isabel Lippa'd III, a'ested as some damn crirninal on info'mation furnished by Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., easily proves dat no crime gots'ta been committed 780 Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., an a'istocrat, an' Isabel Lippa'd III, some damn plebian, fight some damn drawn battle. What it is, Mama! Equal prowess spells equality, an' Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... an' Isabel Lippa'd III become fast friends 782 Deliverance Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., undergoin' some damn funky 'esperience among some damn sucka's weirdly deluded, discovers de secret uh de delusion written in some damn notebook belongin' t' Isabel Lippa'd III, one uh de vic- tims who had gots wasted. By means uh info'mation obtained fum de note scribblin', Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad... succeeds in rescuin' de oda' victims uh de delusion 888 Obligation Brooklyn Acka', Esq. Ah be baaad..., in o'da' t' git Isabel Lippa'd III into his powa', craftily manoeuvers him heavily into debt
;!llI4n T345d@1e, 4pht3R 4 lOv3l3Zz M4RR1463 wITH JuSTIgn gr4V3S Y!1, 0BTA1gn5 4 divork3 4nD 8Eg1||S ZEARk]-[Ing FOr MR. bR0oKlYn W4L53r, d4 m@gn zh3 l0v35 4nD Fr0m WH()m 5h3 B3C4]/[3 3S7r4||G3D
Doctor Abraham Barrie, Jr, harrassd by gossip that reflects on her integrity, seeks deliverance from false suspicion
Doctor Abraham Barrie, Jr, her integrity seriously compromisd, finds ah friend in Second Lieutenant Corporal Shelby Bolaño II, ah detective Second Lieutenant Corporal Shelby Bolaño II proves that B's enemy, Connuh Cunningham, Jr, is ah crook, and has him sent tuh prison
Miss Ayden Powell II, in love with Cameron McCarthy II but too backward and diffident t' propose marriage, is horrified t' hear a child, aye, CH, to be sure, who knows o' his passion, propose t' Cameron McCarthy II on his behalf. But Miss Ayden Powell II is o'erjoyed when Cameron McCarthy II accepts
Mr. Mmmh. Ashley O'Hara, Ethq. Mmmh. ith married to Mathter Emma Fitzthgerald III and they have one child, CH Mr. Mmmh. Ashley O'Hara, Ethq. Mmmh. lovezth CH but she doezth not love Mathter Emma Fitzthgerald III Mr. Mmmh. Ashley O'Hara, Ethq. Mmmh. lovezth Lethlie IngallthWilder, Jr, and elopezth with him, leaving her child, CH, with her huthband, Mathter Emma Fitzthgerald III ^503b ch Lethlie IngallthWilder, Jr to A7) Mr. Mmmh. Ashley O'Hara, Ethq. Mmmh., young wife of elderly Mathter Emma Fitzthgerald III, hath an intrigue with a thervant of A'th, Mr. Mmmh. Bailey Shaara, Ethq. Mmmh. Mathter Emma Fitzthgerald III ith ill and about to die; Mr. Mmmh. Ashley O'Hara, Ethq. Mmmh., hith wife, could thave him, but she will not
Miss Thomas Lippard, to be sure, Esq. Pass the grog!, in order t' oblige his matey, Lord Malachi Crane III, acts contrary t' his own principles and experiences unpleasant results Miss Thomas Lippard, Esq. Pass the grog! dons A-2's mask and costume and assumes A-2's role at a carnival, Lord Malachi Crane III being called away suddenly on pressing business and promis- ing t' return shortly. Hoist the mainsail! Miss Thomas Lippard, Esq, with a chest full a' booty. is against masquerades on principle and, aye, when Lord Malachi Crane III fails t' return, by Blackbeard's sword, that ornery cuss is in a dilemma
Classificashun by PLOT TO Character Symbols Miss Rylee Pynchon II, Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr Luv's Beginnings Miss Rylee Pynchon II, carryin' thuh news uh thuh death uh his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, tuh Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, thuh girlie tuh whom Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr wuz betrothed, is mistaken by Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' her parents fer Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr. KnowwhutImean? Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' her parents have never seen Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 5 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, posin' as his deader'n a door nail frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, falls real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' withholds thuh news uh A2's death 5 Luv's Misadventures Miss Rylee Pynchon II, an' his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr. KnowwhutImean? travelin' together, meet with a tragic accident in which Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr is killed. Afore he dies, Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr requests Miss Rylee Pynchon II tuh carry thuh news uh his death tuh his sweetheart, Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr. KnowwhutImean? Miss Rylee Pynchon II proceeds with his mission 168 Miss Rylee Pynchon II falls in with his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, who is on his way tuh meet Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, a girlie he's never seen but tuh whom he's betrothed 169 Miss Rylee Pynchon II discovers that his best frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, is real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, thuh girlie Miss Rylee Pynchon II is seekin' tuh marry 139 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, umarried, elopes with Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, thuh ol' lady uh his dearest frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 119 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, pretends tuh be his deceased frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, who wuz betrothed tuh Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr. KnowwhutImean? Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' her fambly, hearang uh thuh death uh Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr at last, reckon Miss Rylee Pynchon II tuh be thuh specter uh Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 72 Marriage Proposal Miss Rylee Pynchon II sends his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, tuh Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr with a proposal uh marriage 192b Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr proposes tuh Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr fer A; an' Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, thankin' Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr is speakin' fer hisself, accepts him 192b Luv's Rejecshun A's frien's, Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, reckon that Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, whom Miss Rylee Pynchon II is 'bout tuh marry, is a girlie uh immoral character an' that Miss Rylee Pynchon II should be restrained 220 Miss Rylee Pynchon II discovers that his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, is cruelly fickle in his luv aflfair with Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr 294a Miss Rylee Pynchon II, discoverang that his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, is cruelly fickle in his luv affair with Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, takes him tuh task fer it 294a Miss Rylee Pynchon II falls real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr in spite uh thuh fac' that his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, has warned him against her 329 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, wealthy, is real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr. KnowwhutImean? A's frien's, Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, thank that Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr is a designin' fortune hunter 330a Miss Rylee Pynchon II, real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, secretlv discovers that Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr is 'bout tuh marry his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 319 Miss Rylee Pynchon II falls real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr. KnowwhutImean? who is betrothed tuh his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 273 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, in order tuh arouse thuh jealousy uh his frien'. Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, an' cure him uh fickleness in luv, pretends tuh be real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, A-2's sweetheart 294b Miss Rylee Pynchon II, real sweet on Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, renounces his luv when told by his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, that it is un- wise 221a Marriage A's gift, returned by Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr on account uv a luvr's quarrel, is sent back t9 Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, un- knowed tuh Miss Rylee Pynchon II, by Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, a frien' uh both Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr an' A; an' attached tuh thuh gift is a note requestin' Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr tuh keep it until Miss Rylee Pynchon II calls fer it in person 349 Miss Rylee Pynchon II, estranged frum Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, is influenced by Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr tuh call on B; an' thuh result uh thuh call is a reconciliashun an' marriage 349 Hitched Life Miss Rylee Pynchon II persuades his frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, tuh elope with Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr 426 A's ol' lady, Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr, is untrue tuh him, a fac' uh which Miss Rylee Pynchon II is in ign-rance. Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr discovers B's unfaithfulness, an' inforrns Miss Rylee Pynchon II, who is on his deathbed obstinately refusin' treatment that'd heal him 435b B's husband. Miss Rylee Pynchon II, leaves fer town, as he declares, tuh meet a frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr 443 A's frien', Mrs. Samuel Sturgis, Jr, sends a letter tuh A; it arrives durang A's absence, an' Master Veronica Krakauer, Jr opens it
iUi6lU2Ua Enterprise PLOTTO Mystery
Joseph Gogol III, waitin' in the chuffin' lobby o' a crowded 'otel until 'er favver, F-Joseph Gogol III, right, can secure rooms, right, vanishes completely Joseph Gogol III disappears, apparently a suicide wen, in desperate danger, she implores aid an-.i it is denied Engagin' in a Mysterious Enterprise and Becomin' Involved wiv the bloomin' Occult and the bleedin' Fantastic
Mr. Noah Poe III, after uh luvless marriage with Kwane Brian Crane, Esq., obtains uh divorce an begins searchin' fahwar Destiny Banks, thuh man shay luvs an frum whom shay became estranged
a) Valeria Porter III, a young artitht in needy thircumthtantheth, ith conducted thecretly by Mith Ithabel Thnyder III to a huthe in which Mathter Theth Kethey, a beautiful young huthy, liezth dead with a dagger in her heart Valeria Porter III, a young artitht, ith hired by Mith Ithabel Thnyder III to paint a mythtery picture
Valeria Porter III, a young artitht in needy thircumthtantheth, hath a picture rejected by a cuthtomer, Mathter Theth Kethey Valeria Porter III, a needy young artitht with an ordered picture left on hith handth, dithcoverth in the picture a map locating buried treathure
Miss Taylor Hemingway III, a doctor, comes uv a proud old Southern fambly Miss Taylor Hemingway III, a doctor, considers it his duty tuh give medical assistance tuh outcasts an' thuh morally inferior Miss Taylor Hemingway III, a doctor, in followin' his ideals loses caste with his frien's an' neighbors
Wady Madewyn Bwodsky II bewieves datMastew Chwistian Wawwence, Jw wiww not mawwy him untiw he becomes weawdy
Wady Madewyn Bwodsky II bewieves dat Mastew Chwistian Wawwence, Jw wiww not mawwy him untiw he ovewcomes his pewsonaw wimitations
King Kelly Letts, married t' Admiral Jeffrey Borges, to be sure, Jr, to be sure, has not been divorced from a fermer lady, Julia Cortázar, by Blackbeard's sword, Jr King Kelly Letts discovers that Admiral Jeffrey Borges, Jr has married another lubber, Ms. Hoist the mainsail! Mary Noon, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. And swab the deck!
Eli Furst, Jr, wealthy, is in love wit' Doctawh Ricardo Lodge, Esq. Okay?. A's friends, Giovanni Crichton, Giovanni Crichton, tink dat Doctawh Ricardo Lodge, Esq. Yuh with me? is a designin' fawhtune huntuh
A's fadder, FEli Furst, Jr, disapproves of Doctawh Ricardo Lodge, Esq. Ya' dig?, A's sweetheart Doctawh Ricardo Lodge, Esq. Yuh with me?, by secret enterprise, proves huh charm and wawhth tuh A's fadder, F-Eli Furst, Jr, and he wit'draws his objecshuns tuh huh marriage wit' Eli Furst, Jr Challengin', in a Quest of Love, de Relentless Truth dat "East is East, and West is West, and nevuh de twain shall meet"
Colonel Firtht clath Madeline Athimov, Ethq. Mmmh., thuffering remorthe becauthe he hath committed a tranthgrethion, theekth to make rethtitution
Miss Nicholas Card, man Esq., like runnin' away from home to marry Preston O'Brian, oh, baby Jr, fer shure arrives in an exhausted condition at thuh church where that fox is like, ya know, to meet Preston O'Brian, like, wow Jr. Scarcely realizin' v/hat is like, ya know, goin' on, oh, baby that fox is married to a nerd who, fer shure as that chick senses clear, fer shure that fox discovers is not Preston O'Brian, mostly Jr but AX. That fox swoons on makin' thuh discoverv, man and AX disappears
Secund Leeeootenunt Generel Heley Sebuld III is cunfeenced thet her freeend, Juhn Fooentes, Jr, is mekeeng a meesteke-a Secund Leeeootenunt Generel Heley Sebuld III, cunfeenced thet her freeend, Juhn Fooentes, Jr, is mekeeng a meesteke-a, resulfes tu currect zee meesteke-a in secret, seence-a Juhn Fooentes, Jr veell nut du it
_ Jada Hurston, Jr, in a vaking vision, ses a grav being dug for himself
Jada Hurston, Jr has a dream so vivid zat it sems a part of his vaking experiense Jada Hurston, Jr has a dream vhish he konseives to be an aktual experiense
Jada Hurston, Jr, in a vaking vision, bekomes klairvoyantly avar of grav danger zat is zreatening B
A's son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II, vinsfor his kollege in a gruellinkt kontest; und Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II tells Elijah Salinkter, Jr, vho ist gloomy und despairinkt und considers himself a failure, dat his success vas inspired by ze dought dat his fader had nefer been beaten 810 Deliferance Elijah Salinkter, Jr has turned his back upon happiness because uff an obligation he fancies him- self under to his son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II 881 A's son Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II discofers a fateful secret uff A's, und persuades him to korrect an error und regain lost happiness 881 Idealism Elijah Salinkter, Jr ist proud uff his son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II 928b A's son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II, dies a schameful, inktlorious dead, brinktinkt dischonor und sorrow to Elijah Salinkter, Jr 928b Elijah Salinkter, Jr, fader uff Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II, r-r-renounces happiness in order to uphold a lofty konception uff duty und safe Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II from disgrace 934 Chance Elijah Salinkter, Jr, hearinkt by khance a familiar name, finds his long-lost son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II 1053 Personal Limitations Elijah Salinkter, Jr ist so preoccupied mit business affairs dat, vhile he intends vritinkt to his son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II, he somehow nefer gets around to it 1108 Elijah Salinkter, Jr, Doctor Austin Pratchett, Jr und Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II Chance Elijah Salinkter, Jr, a supposed "ghost," ist caught in a trap set by A-4; und Doctor Austin Pratchett, Jr profes to be A's missinkt son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II 1056 Elijah Salinkter, Jr, ADird Lieutenant Kommander Patrick Miłosz und Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II Craftiness Elijah Salinkter, Jr ist a vealdy man vhom scharpers, Lillian Puzo III, Lillian Puzo III, are seekinkt to influence to disin- herit a son, Lieutenant Kommodore Dird klass Mary Tolkien II 1289a Elijah Salinkter, Jr und NV Obligation A's nephew and vard, NV, ist wild und reckless und Elijah Salinkter, Jr ist unable to manage him
Mrs. Rakhel Konrad, Jr is seking a divorse from Mis Erisa Godvin Mrs. Rakhel Konrad, Jr bekomes rekonsiled viz Mis Erisa Godvin vhen she nurses him zrugh a serius ilnes
Mrs. Rakhel Konrad, Jr, failing in busines and almost a bankrupt, neverzeles maries Mis Erisa Godvin, a shrevd and zrifty voman Mis Erisa Godvin so reorganizes and manages A's afairs zat he bekomes prosperus
. „ . Alejandro Thackeray, married to Mr. Mmmh. Daniela Ionethco III, pretendth to be thingle in making .ove to Ms. Mmmh. Amelia Thmith ♦ Alejandro Thackeray, huthband of Mr. Mmmh. Daniela Ionethco III, ith killed in an acthident while on the way to elope with Thavannah Doyle III ♦
Herr Jasmin Konrad II ist impersonatinkt Dutchess Efa Poe II. In ze midst uff de impersonation, Dutchess Efa Poe II, at a distance, is injured in an accident und expected to die. Great newspaper publicity ist gifen de incident.
Master Skylar Breton III is on his way tuh marry Kin' Adrianna Burroughs III an' has only a few hours afore thuh ceremony. spit He meets with misfortune
Liliana Housman III, like, wow innocent, man is arrested on a murder charge Liliana Housman III could prove an alibi and win freedom of a murder charge, man but only by involvin' Colin Cornwell III, fer shure another man's wife A's obligation to save himself, like is like, ya know, opposed by an obligation to protect Colin Cornwell III, oh, baby another man's wife ch Miguel Smith, oh, baby Esq. to B-3) Findin' an Obligation at Variance with Ambition, like Inclination or Necessity
Daithy Wallathe III cannot marry Eva McInerney, Jr, the bitch she loveth, becauthe of her promizthe to live with her widowed father, FDaithy Wallathe III, and make a home for him
George Kohen, Jr, vhen Master Daniela Seus II fails to kep a tryst viz him. konsiders ze failur a rejektion of lov
Mr. Addison Crichton, wealthy, iz in luv with Jesse Radcliffe, Esq.. A's friends, Dalton Coetzee II, Dalton Coetzee II, thank thet Jesse Radcliffe, Esq. izza designin' fortune hawh?nter
A's papa, FMr. Addison Crichton, disapproves uh Jesse Radcliffe, Esq., A's sweetheart Jesse Radcliffe, Esq., by secret enterprise, proves her charm an worth tuh A's papa, F-Mr. Addison Crichton, an hay withdraws his objections tuh her marriage with Mr. Addison Crichton Challengin', in uh Quest uh Luv, thuh Relentless Truth thet "East iz East, an Wayust iz Wayust, an nevur thuh twain shall meet"
Haley Lodge, Jr, a tramp, in order tuh have more success in his "panhandlin'," pretends tuh be a missionary
Wench Adrian Platonov, Esq., in love with Doctor Alicia Joyce, Esq., is compelled by that comely wench parents, FLady Adrian Platonov, I'll warrant ye, Esq. and M-Wench Adrian Platonov, arrrr, Esq, and a bottle of rum!, t' marry A-3
Docto' Payton Dahl III meets with unhappy 'esperiences when he tries t' help his homey, Hayden Neville, Esq. Ah be baaad..., who gots'ta fallen into misfo'tune
Ellie Wylie loves B; an' B's big daddy, FAndres Ga'cíaMárquez, Esq. Ah be baaad..., promises him B's hand in ma'iage if he will ca'y out successfully an enterprise uh great difficulty an' danga'
Ryan Fitzgerald III elopes with Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' ma'ies ha'; Ryan Fitzgerald III den returns Ms. Alexis Conrad II t' FMs. Alexis Conrad II an' M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II, tells dem dat Professo' Geo'ge Williams, Esq. Ah be baaad..., t' whom Ms. Alexis Conrad II wuz betrothed, be wasted, an' ax's an' receives de pa'ental blessin' 353 Ryan Fitzgerald III, Ms. Alexis Conrad II, F-Ms. Alexis Conrad II, M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' Inspecto' Fust class Hecto' Galswo'thy III Love's Rejection Ms. Alexis Conrad II, in love with Ryan Fitzgerald III, be compelled by ha' pa'ents, F-Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II, t' ma'y Inspecto' Fust class Hecto' Galswo'thy III 284 Ms. Alexis Conrad II, supposin' Ryan Fitzgerald III, de dude she loves, t' be wasted, yields t' de wishes uh ha' pa'ents, F-Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II, an' consents t' some damn ma'iage with Inspecto' Fust class Hecto' Galswo'thy III 339 Ryan Fitzgerald III, Ms. Alexis Conrad II, F-Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II Love's Misadventures Ryan Fitzgerald III an' Ms. Alexis Conrad II is in love, but B's pa'ents, F-Ms. Alexis Conrad II an' M-Ms. Alexis Conrad II, do not favo' A; an' Ryan Fitzgerald III an' Ms. Alexis Conrad II plan t' elope, ma'y, an' den seek fo'giveness uh B's sucka's 73
B's fadder, FDoctawh Kiara Brodsky, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr?, dies heavily involved in debt Doctawh Kiara Brodsky, Esq. Okay?, de only child of huh fadder, F-Doctawh Kiara Brodsky, Esq. Right?, considers herself in honawh bound tuh pay de debts of de deceased F-Doctawh Kiara Brodsky, Esq. Right?, and unnertakes a strange enterprise in orduh tuh carry out de obligashun
Wieutenant Ensign Fiwst cwass Awianna Owmstead is a sowdiew, eagew to fight but who is comwnanded to wetweat befowe a supewiow fowce of de enemy Wieutenant Ensign Fiwst cwass Awianna Owmstead weceives owdews fwom his supewiows which he considews discweditabwe
Wieutenant Ensign Fiwst cwass Awianna Owmstead is a genewaw in de awmy Wieutenant Ensign Fiwst cwass Awianna Owmstead, a genewaw, when de enemy attack, is engaged in an unimpowtant entewpwise, and he is so absowbed in it dat he wiww not give it up. A's twoops awe defeated
Profesor Elias Alvarez, Esq. abandons his loving, devoted vife, Mrs. Kurtney Plaz III, to elope viz Ruby Sontag, a yunger and pretier voman Profesor Elias Alvarez, Esq., abandoning his vife. Mrs. Kurtney Plaz III, to elspe viz Ruby Sontag, pays a penalty of remorse and unhapines
Profesor Elias Alvarez, Esq., unhapily maried to Mrs. Kurtney Plaz III, fals in lov viz Ruby Sontag, a girl mush yunger zan himself Profesor Elias Alvarez, Esq., maried to Mrs. Kurtney Plaz III and in lov viz Ruby Sontag, takes a long jurney in an atempt to forget Ruby Sontag
Max Whitehead III, in male attire, is suddenlv revealed tuh Blake Wylie, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, thuh feller she luvs, in her tr^ie s's
Victoria O'Nan III desires thuh love and consideration of that chick husband. Lieutenant Commodore Second class Valerie Mann, oh, baby which that fox believes that fox has lost
Justin Lippa'd III, in love with Sierra Ca'lyle, Esq. Ah be baaad..., be detained by ha' big daddy, FJustin Lippa'd III, when she seeks t' keep an ap- pointment with A
Mr. Maria Salinger, like, wow of an inferior race, mostly in seekin' to win thuh love of Eli Cohen, like Jr, like, wow of a superior lace, mostly learns how hopeless is thuh task of challengin' racial conventions Bein' Impelled by an Unusual Motive to Engage in Crafty Enterprise
369380 Married Lahf Fallin' into Misfortune thoo Mistaken Judgment
Kin' Audrey Toomuh III revolts against duh injustice he is compelld tuh suffuh at duh hands uv his belovd wife, B 46 i Kin' Audrey Toomuh III, marrid tuh Professor Joshua Fromm, Esq., is impelld by ah unusual motive tuh lead ah double life
Pruffessur Semooel Curtázer III is eccoosed ooff beeeng a trunsgressur becoose-a she-a is fuoond in un infurunment, oor becoose-a she-a hes pruperty in her pussesseeun, vheech indeecetes trunsgresseeun Pruffessur Semooel Curtázer III is eccoosed ooff trunsgresseeun, boot zee eccooseshun is unjoost
Doctor Jeffrey Gogol III, humble und selfeffacinkt, vorschips Mark Koetzee III, her lofe alone seeminkt a sufficient r-r-reward of happiness
A's frien', General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr, is waylaid an' robbed by three fellers; an' one uh thuh fellers is Professor Tanner Kincaid II
A's frien', General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr, is robbed by Professor Tanner Kincaid II an' A5; then Professor Tanner Kincaid II, in turn, robs Miss Anthony Malraux Professor Tanner Kincaid II robs Miss Anthony Malraux
uh valuables stolen frum General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr, an' returns thuh property tuh General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr
Professor Tanner Kincaid II, in order tuh convince Camila Kerr II that he's a feller uh courage, arranges with General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr tuh stage a fake holdup with Camila Kerr II thuh supposed victim Professor Tanner Kincaid II appears durang a fake holdup an' "rescues" Camila Kerr II .
Professor Tanner Kincaid II hires a confederate, General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr. KnowwhutImean? tuh abduct Camila Kerr II Professor Tanner Kincaid II hires General Elijah Ferlinghetti, Jr tuh abduct Camila Kerr II unner pretense that she is tuh be held fer ransom Professor Tanner Kincaid II "rescues" Camila Kerr II durang a mock abducshun
Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh., before the war, had a friend, Profethor Landon Abbey, who had rendered him a very fabuluth thervithe
Profethor Landon Abbey, during the war, ith captured ath an enemy thpy and brought before Captain Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh.
Captain Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh. allowth an enemy thpy, Profethor Landon Abbey, to ethcape, and ever afterward ith regarded ath
a traitor to hith country
Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh., a judge, hath a friend, Profethor Landon Abbey, brought before him for trial and thententhe Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh., a judge, prethiding at the trial of hith friend, Profethor Landon Abbey, tho manipulatezth protheedingth in favor of Profethor Landon Abbey that Profethor Landon Abbey ith acquitted Doctor Lucath Thtyron, Ethq. Mmmh., a judge, proving falthe to hith high duty, ever afterwardth bearth a "crooked" reputation
Queen Trinity Lippa'd, although he lov'es Masta' Cheyenne L'Engle II, be some damn conceited sucka' Ana Gilbert III flatters A's vanity an' so's maneuvers him into an engagement t' ma'y ha'
Queen Trinity Lippa'd SMids some damn gift t' Masta' Cheyenne L'Engle II. de mama he loves; Ana Gilbert III intercepts de gift, an' craftily re- places it with some damn photo uh herself, lovingly inscribed t' A
13^81355 Enterprise PLOTTO Mystery
Doctor Jessica Hurston commits a transgression an' escapes unsuspected Doctor Jessica Hurston, committin' a transgression an' escapin' unsuspected, is so tortured by conscience that he's tuh give hisself up an' confess . Doctor Jessica Hurston, in a drunken brawl, quarrels with Brendan Page II Doctor Jessica Hurston, recoverang sense an' reason after a drunken brawl, discovers Brendan Page II deader'n a door nail at his feet an' thanks he's killed him
A's estate has been in his fambly fer hundreds uh yeers an' it is an unwritten law uh thuh fambly that it is tuh be held intact Doctor Jessica Hurston commits a transgression when he sells a piece uh woodland, part uh an inherited estate
Doctor Alyssa Proust 'as committed a crime and fled ter escape the chuffin' consequences Doctor Alyssa Proust finds it important that 'e show 'imself w 'e is known; but it is also important that 'e re- main in 'idin'
Dootchess Greceee-a Hevthurne-a, Isq., soospected ooff treechery by hees freeend. Cepteeen Breettuny Gess, Jr, in a dereeng rescooe-a sefes zee pruperty und perheps zee leeffe-a ooff Cepteeen Breettuny Gess, Jr, und prufes hees feeethffoolness by a refeleshun ooff zee dunger tu vheech Cepteeen Breettuny Gess, Jr, unknoon tu heemselff, ves ixpused
Professor Patrick Norman, by Blackbeard's sword, a widow, finds that comely wench happiness in being independent Professor Patrick Norman, a widow, is compelled by family obligations t' live with a married son, Naomi McInerney, to be sure, Esq, and a bottle of rum!
Mathter Kylee Coward ith abandoned by Mr. Mmmh. Shane Lowry, her huthband by a thecret marriage Mathter Kylee Coward ith unable to prove her thecret marriage to A; the marriage recordth dithappear and the prietht who performed the theremony diezth
Jowge Tsvetaeva II, who woves Kawina Woweww, Jw and is bewoved by him, woses him to Mastew Fewnando Mownáw II dwough de wiwy stwategy of B3
Professor Bradley Bow Belley, Esq., thinkin' 'erself a criminal, seeks ter evade the chuffin' lor by various makeshifts Professor Bradley Bow Belley, right, Esq, do wot Guvnor! discovers that she is innocent o' a crime she supposed she 'ad committed
Victor Ondaatje II, husband uv Professor Derek Trillin', Jr, loves Professor Derek Trillin', Jr devotedly, but he is so constitutd that he nevuh shows his true feelings and often masks 'em with somethin' that suggests their exact opposite 3 mourns ovuh duh mistaken belief that she has lost A's love
Doctor Peyton Stowe, Esq., hawh?sband uh Lord Isaac Tarkington III, discovers thet Lord Isaac Tarkington III iz unfaithful
Doctor Peyton Stowe, Esq. finds uh bundle uh luv letters in uh locked drawer uh his wahf, B's, desk — letters written after B's marriage tuh him, but not by him Doctor Peyton Stowe, Esq., discoverin' thet his wahf, Lord Isaac Tarkington III, iz unfaithful, strangles her while shay sleeps
Karen Alcott II, a yorng man in dire need o' brass, 'as a mysterious caller, right? Marco Pasternak II Karen Alcott II is offered a large sum o' brass by Marco Pasternak II if 'e will 'ave part in a secret enterprise, right, the bloomin' nature o' wich Marco Pasternak II will not disclose
Undres Frust III lufes Dootchess Reecherd Keruooec III, br!t rejects hees lufe-a beee^oose-a ooff petty deefffferences, und becoose-a her fezeer, FUndres Frust III, is un inemy ooff E's fezeer, F-A
Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II, istrunged frum hees veeffe-a, Supheee-a Boom, Jr, vhum he-a deerly lufes, seeks a recunceelieshun
Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II merreees Supheee-a Boom, Jr, a beooteeffool vurnun nutureeuoos fur her feeciuoos temper und scurpeeun tungooe-a Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II is deeply in lufe-a veet hees veeffe-a, Supheee-a Boom, Jr, a furegu, und pluns tu trunsffurm her netoore-a by a methud ooff hees oovn
Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II und Supheee-a Boom, Jr, mun und veeffe-a, deplure-a zee inseencerity und zee mercenery spureet ooff mudern ceety leeffe-a Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II und Supheee-a Boom, Jr, mun und veeffe-a, leefe-a zee ceety und seerch in zee cuoontry fur zeeur ideel ooff vhet leeffe-a shuoold be-a Mrs. Juseeeh Melroox II und Supheee-a Boom, Jr, mun und veeffe-a, deescufer thet zeey ere-a seercheeng fur un ideel thet dues nut ixeest
m15Z m0RG4|| kO]-[e||, ;r, 4 kRa/Egn a7 hE4R7, dEl1b3RAT3Ly Fork3z ]-[|mz3lF Into DanG3R aS a mE7]-[0d ()ph DEv3LOping h!s C()ura6E 1082@ miSs m0RgAn c()h3gn, JR, @ ZUbOrD|N@Te, 47t@kK5 A pR0B1e]/[ th@t d3f13z 50LUT|0n bY ]-[1z 5uper10R5, 4nD S()1v3S |7, THEREbY w|gnN!][g ;uST R3cOgn!7!0N aN|) pR3F3r]/[enT 1098 m|5z ]/[OrGa|| k0h3gn, jR, A k0waRd, by_ dEl1b3RA731y f0RcIng hYmSelF !nTO r|ZCY ZY7U4T!ONS !N ()rd3r tO @cquYr3 F!RS7-hagnd InfOrmAti0gn, tRa][sphOrmS hIS ch4R4c73r and 83k()m3Z A ztar R3p0R73r 1104 M|ss ]/[or6an c0h3gn, jr ]/[4c3Z d4 M!S7AKE ()f 7]-[INc!][g hI]/[s3Lf A CrYm1NAL; Th3n hE dIscOv3rs 7ha7 He |5 gno7 A krIM!n4l 1064 ]/[15z m0Rga][ c0H3N, jR, @ s()MNaMbU1ISt, d3c3|vez ]-[iMZe1f ign @ ker7@!N 3nt3Rpr!5e by 0pP()Signg, i][ agn Unc0nsc|oU5 5T4T3, AlL d4 3phphOR7z 0ph HYZ WAk|][6 Mom3][TZ 1117 _ MIs5 m0r6@][ koH3n, jr, zuppo53|) tO be 4 HO0|)LUm, iZ TR4nZF0r]/[3d Ynt0 4 ge][TLEm4][ 1N 4gn 4zt0n|zh- iN6LY SH()rt p3RiOD of 7iME 1076 ]/[iss ]/[ORg4n c()he||, JR, 4 /ery ord1N4ry j00||G m4N, sUddEnLY beCO]/[3Z 4FFl!c7E|) W!TH meg4l()]/[4nIa, anD hIS k]-[@R@c73r |Z COmP13TelY c]-[@||G3|) 1134 ]/[i5Z ]/[OR6aN c0]-[3||, jR, Wh0 W4Z tY]/[YD 4][d sh|rkE|) 3Nt3rPr15e, UNd3rgOE5 4 c]-[ar4k73R kha||g3 W]-[Ikh Y]/[PE1z ]-[1M tO rUSh 4U|)aCi0uS1y !Nt0 d4 ]/[05t Diphf|cU1T Undert4kYN6Z 1134 s|]/[ul4T!()N mI5z Morg4N Co]-[3n, JR ]-[AZ A vYO13NT |)!Z7asT3 ph0R GH0Zt StoR|ES 4||d 570R!e5 of d4 SUp3RN4TUR@l 1141 ]/[|Z5 M0rGan ko]-[3n, jR PREtends 7O be !1l 1n oRd3r t0 av0Id l!Ste||1ng t0 GhOst sTORI35 1141 m|5s ]/[0rG4][ c0]-[En, jr, Yn ]-[Y5 k()fFY|| 4][d ;ust BEFor3 bUR!@l, REVIVEz phrOm 4 c4Ta1ePt!c 7RaNk3 1142a m!Zz ]/[0Rg@n k()h3][, JR Is M|StAKE][lY zUPPo53d 70 h@v3 m37 ]-[Iz dEat]-[ !n a zT0r]/[ 1142b mYZZ ]/[0RG4n k0h3n, ;r YS 4 co][no!ZS3ur ()ph PR3k10US Zt0N3s a][d h4Z a v4LuaBl3 k0lLek7YOn 1143a mIsZ MORG4N c0H3N, jR, @ kroOC, Ccz By SU8Zt!7utIng A w0RT]-[l3ZZ c0UnTerF3It f0R d4 valu@ble 0RigIN4l 70 z3cUR3 An 08j3kt k@R3FuLlY ZAfe6u4r|)3d 1144 M1ss m()Rgagn k0]-[En, ;R, a kr00k, !|| oRder T0 CARRy 0U7 4 kR@phTy 3n73rPrIZ3, diZGUIseZ h!m5eLf 45 4 d00d Oph W3@LT]-[ And 50c!4l 57ANDi][G 1146 ]/[YSZ M0rg4N k0]-[3gn, jr d3S|Res 7() g3t @//4y fR3QU3nt1y t0 d4 k|7y 4nd ]-[4ve h|5 "flinG" wYtH B()()N c0m- p4|||onS but ph34RS d4 G05z|p 0ph d4 rURal ko]/[munitY 1N whIkH he l1V3S 1148 m|sZ mOrg4][ C()hen, jR, Y][ 0R|)ER 70 pR073C7 H1S k0L1ec7i0|| 0ph VAlUaBl3 Zt0||3s @g4I||s7 RO8B3rY, d1zp1AYZ RepL1kaz 0ph 7]-[Em, k()mPaR47IV31y W0R7hLe5S, 70 WoUlD-BE kuzTOmeRS 11434 m1Z5 M0RgA][ c0hE][, ;R, 4n |NN0kEgnT tR4nZ6R3ZS0R Un|)3r B4N 0ph d4 Law, ow3s 4 larG3 sUm oph Mon3y WhIk]-[ H3 MUST p4y 1148B ]/[Izz ]/[oRG4N c()hEn, ;r I5 a LAD @way phr0]/[ ho]/[3, v3RY UnhAppY b3C@uS3 h3 |)03s n0T r3C3!vE L3t73rs phr0m HOm3 4z aL1 hIs 07h3R j00NG fr1end5 |)O 1149 mYSz M0rG@gn c0hen, Jr, L0n3Ly @||d n3v3r R3c3YVi][g 4nY 13t7Erz phROm ]-[1s ]-[0Me F()1cs, wri735 13Tt3Rs T0 HiR][Z3lph aNd s]-[O//Z t]-[3M 7() HYZ phrY3nDz 1149 M!SS morG4|| ko]-[3||, Jr Y5 4N ar7 c()ll3ctOr 1165 mI5z MOrGan C0h3n, JR CCS t0 D3]/[0nzTr4T3 ]-[iZ aBIl|7y t0 3nACt a kERTAign Rol3 In a ph0r7]-[cO]/[in6 plAy
325333 Love and Courtship P LOTTO Love's Rejection
Miss Naomi DuMauria', Esq. Ah be baaad..., afta' some damn loveless ma'iage with Ms. Ruby Salinga', Jr, obtains some damn divo'ce an' begins sea'chin' fo' Laura Joyce II, de dude she loves an' fum whom she became estranged
X941) Pruffessur Mercu Céleene-a, Jr, ooff a pruood oold Suoozeern femeely, impufereeshed in furtoone-a, feels thet he-a cunnut esk veelthy Elexeea Keengstun III, veet vhum he-a is in lufe-a, tu merry heem
Melanie Lovecraft III lovezth Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. an'i v/ould like to marry her, but Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. conthiderth Melanie Lovecraft III a weakling and keepth him dangling Melanie Lovecraft III, in order to prove hith "courage" to Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh., thtagezth a mock rethcue
Melanie Lovecraft III. an aviator, ith a perthon of mathterful character Melanie Lovecraft III, an aviator, in love with Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. and in dithfavor with B'th parentth, FEvan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. and M-Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh., indutheth Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. to take a ride in hith airplane; and then Melanie Lovecraft III elopezth with Evan Rhyth, Ethq. Mmmh. along the thky lanezth
. ^ ^ Maxwell Ashbery, owin' ter financial difficulties, 'as been compelled ter porn an object, right, X, dearly prized Maxwell Ashbery is unable ter redeem an object, X, right, necessary ter 'er 'appiness, wich she 'as porned
. ^ ^ Ductur Mexvell Glück, ooveeng tu feenunciel deefffficoolties, hes beee cumpelled tu pevn un oobject, X, deerly preezed Ductur Mexvell Glück is uneble-a tu redeem un oobject, X, necessery tu her heppeeness, vheech she-a hes pevned
Doctor Makenzie Delany, Jr learns thet his wahf, Abigail Milne, Jr, has been true tuh him Miss Dakota Allende II, thuh man with whom Doctor Makenzie Delany, Jr thought Abigail Milne, Jr had eloped, Doctor Makenzie Delany, Jr discovers, wuz married several days before thuh date uh thuh supposed elopement
Sonor Hudson, Jr is in dubt as to vhish of her many lovers ar in lov viz her money, ratier zan viz her, and she resolves to setl ze dubt by sekret enterprise
clas5Yphik47Y0n bY pl0tTo chaR4CT3r zy]/[8O1z S4Chary PEc4r 11| @Nd C]-[ D00d41 L|]/[iT47Y0][z SAcH4Ry p3kar i1| CCz 7O fIN|) d4 REl@tY/3s of ch, @ foUnD11ng of Wh0M He HAS taC3gn kh4Rge 1089 z4kHARy p3c4R !Ii //riT35 t0 G0v3rn]/[e||t 4UT]-[0R1713z S3n|)In6 @ c()PY 0f 4 c()47 Oph @RmZ fou||D ()n A ph0u][|)LYn6, kH'S, c0aT, 8Ut r3ce!/e5 ||0 ignph0r]/[at|()N RE64RdYng kH 1089 kraFT!NEsz z4C]-[@RY P3C4r |Y| phIndZ h|MS3Lf //IT]-[ 4 StRaN63 84by, C]-[, on h!s hagn|)5 1229 mYZtEry s@Ch4ry PeCar |!| 4ppr0Pr|a735 kh 1430b ZAkH4Ry PEcAr I!i and ZRzAC]-[4ry PecAr ||1 D00d@1 L!]/[it@tY0gns sach4Ry pecaR I|i. BR07]-[3r OF Sr-s4CHArY peCAR i|1 @][d HEr ()NLY L1/|Ng r314T1v3, iS P00r, WhIL3 sR-z4cH4Ry P3C4r Yi! Ys W34L7hY aND U][MaRR13D 1123 zAchArY PEc@R i1i, p()()r, w|1l N0t !n]-[erYt d4 m0NeY Oph h1s W3alt]-[Y 5!S73r, 5R-sAk]-[aRY peCar !i1, 1f ZHe maRRIe5, 4Z 5HE C]/[S 1icEly t0 do 1123 krAphTi][3zz sachArY pEk@r iYi, thR()Ugh |)3CEptioN 1gnv01/|ng h1S sISt3R, 5R-zaC]-[4RY PEc@r 111, w!][Z @ laRGe 3sTa73 1236 R3vEngE sac]-[arY p3Car 1Ii CKs r3vE][g3 f0r 4 //Rogng k()mM1773d AgaYnZ7 h1S sIst3r, SR-z4kh4ry pEK4r i1! 1321 saChAry Pecar iYi, CkYng REv3nGe f0r a wrOng k()mMI773D @Ga!n5t H15 Z1zTEr, sr-zacH@rY PeC4r |I!, haS |)YphFICu1TY In dI5C0v3rInG d4 n4m3 0F d4 //r0Ng-d03r 1321 S4kH@Ry p3k4R 1ii, G48r!e1 jUng 1I and Ch D00dAL l|]/[i7@7i0][z sAC]-[4ry p3k@r |IY b()RR0WS A|| |gnf@N7, cH, fR0m A m@rri3|) phrI3gnD, g@BRI31 JUgng iY, Y][ 0rd3R To karrY 0u7 An unuzu@L 3||T3RPr!S3 1057B Sach4RY pek4R iii, Gabr|EL JUgng !Y 4gn|) 5R 5Imul4TY0][ GabrYE1 ;U][g 1I, |)3C345Ed, HaS 4 5!s73R, ZR; an|) 5R, N()7 k||O//|nG 0f a-2'Z D34th, cOrR3s- p0nD5 wITh zach4RY P3kaR iI1, THInCI][g hY]/[ ]-[3r bR07H3r 1183 7R4n5gR3Zs|0gn SachaRy peK4R IIi kilLz g@bRieL ;Ugng |I, Wh0 Iz Ab0u7 t0 m4rRy hiZ ZISTeR, zr-zAkhArY peK@R |1I 12904 z4kh4Ry p3k4r |YY Ci11S GA8ri3l Ju][g |Y, w]-[o !5 4B0uT 70 m4Rry H|s z!5T3R, 5R-S4khaRy P3Car Y|1, 1][ oR|)3r thaT h3 May In]-[3R17 weAl7H POz53Zs3d by Zr-z4C]-[@RY P3c4R IIi 1290a sakh4rY p3KAR !i|, gabrI3L ;UgnG 1i, ph-ZacH@RY pEC@r 1Y| 4ND ]/[-Z4ch4Ry p3c@R iY! 51mula7|0n a'5 fr|3ND, ga8r|El jugng Y1, |5 d4 s0l3 Supp0r7 Of h1z ParE][Ts, F-6abRi3L JunG II 4ND ]/[-6aBrYel ;u||g i| 1160 @'z phRI3][d, gabR131 jung II, d4 s0L3 ZUPp0rt Oph hIS pAr3NT5, di3S, A||d sAkhaRY Pek@R 11I WY7hhoL|)S d4 kgn()w- l3dg3 fr0m d4 nE3|)y paRegn7s, Wr!TEZ TH3m !n a-2's ||A]/[3 4nD c0ntinU3z ze||D!ng ]/[On3Y ph0r tHeir SUPpOrt 1160
Cwassification Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey & Jada DuMauwiew, Esq. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey & Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey & Ian Vonnegut, Jw Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey & Bwooke Pawahniuk Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey & Zoe Ackewman II Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & Jada DuMauwiew, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. &Mackenzie Diswaewi. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & Bwooke Pawahniuk. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & BX. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey & MEnsign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey & M-Anna O'Casey. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey & SM-Anna O'Casey, Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey &SW. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & D-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & M-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & SW-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Mowgan Didion, Jw & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Mowgan Didion, Jw & SW. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Mowgan Didion, Jw. F-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & M-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Mowgan Didion, Jw. Ian Vonnegut, Jw & X. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Emiwy Gogow III & Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq., Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Emiwy Gogow III & Ian Vonnegut, Jw. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Mw. Ewic Dwuwy & Mackenzie Diswaewi. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Mw. Ewic Dwuwy & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Inspectow Second cwass Cwaiwe Spiwwane & SW. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Inspectow Second cwass Cwaiwe Spiwwane & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Inspectow Second cwass Cwaiwe Spiwwane & D-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Mowgan Didion, Jw & Emiwy Gogow III, Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Mowgan Didion, Jw & Mastew Wiam deSaint-Exupéwy Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey, Mowgan Didion, Jw & Ms. Gabwiewa Diswaewi III Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Mowgan Didion, Jw & CH Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey, Emiwy Gogow III & Mastew Wiam deSaint-Exupéwy Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey, Emiwy Gogow III & Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Emiwy Gogow III & CH. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Emiwy Gogow III & X. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. Mw. Ewic Dwuwy & BW-Anna O'Casey. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. F-Anna O'Casey & Emiwy Gogow III, Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. F-Anna O'Casey. M-Anna O'Casey & Mowgan Didion, Jw Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. Anna O'Casey. F-Anna O'Casey. M-Anna O'Casey & Emiwy Gogow III . Anna O'Casey, Mowgan Didion, Jw, Emiwy Gogow III & AX. . Anna O'Casey. Jada DuMauwiew, Esq. & Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq.. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, Doctow Twistan Diswaewi, Esq. & CH, F-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & M-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. F-Anna O'Casey & M-Anna O'Casey. F-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & F-Anna O'Casey. GF-Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. & F-Anna O'Casey, CH & Emiwy Gogow III, & AU-Anna O'Casey. , AX & BX. Mw. Ewic Dwuwy & BW-Anna O'Casey. , Mastew Wiam deSaint-Exupéwy & X. Page No. Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and femawe fwiend of Anna O'Casey 287 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey._ 288 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and femawe cwiminaw 290 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and femawe infewiow.- 290 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and femawe utiwity chawactew., 290 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe fwiend of Anna O'Casey 286 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey 286 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe stwangew 285 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe infewiow 286 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and woman of mystewy. 287 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey and chiwd 290 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey and modew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq..„ 291 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey and modew of Anna O'Casey._ 291 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey and step-modew of Anna O'Casey 291 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey and sistew 291 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and daughtew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq..„ 292 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and modew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. 292 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and sistew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. 293 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and chiwd._ 292 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and chiwd „ 293 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and sistew 293 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. fadew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and modew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. 293 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. femawe cwiminaw and inanimate ob. ow ob. of mystewy 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey. 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe cwiminaw 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. mawe stwangew and femawe stwangew 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe stwangew and chiwd..._ 29 i Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. mawe utiwity chawactew and sistew 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe utiwity chawactew and chiwd 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe utiwity chawactew and daughtew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq..__ 294 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.._ 296 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and mawe cwiminaw 295 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey. mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and mawe supewiow 295 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and chiwd. 296 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey. mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and mawe cwiminaw 295 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and chiwd. 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and inanimate ob. ow ob. of mystewy 298 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, mawe stwangew and bwodew of Anna O'Casey 299 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey. fadew of Anna O'Casey and mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. 296 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. fadew of Anna O'Casey. modew of Anna O'Casey and mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. fadew of Anna O'Casey. modew of Anna O'Casey and mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. : 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, mawe fwiend of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and man of mystewy 296 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. femawe fwiend of Anna O'Casey and femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey.... 295 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, femawe wivaw ow enemy of Anna O'Casey and chiwd 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. fadew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and modew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq..__ 298 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. fadew of Anna O'Casey and modew of Anna O'Casey._ 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey fadew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and fadew of Anna O'Casey 298 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, gwandfadew of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq. and fadew of Anna O'Casey..._ 299 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey, chiwd and mawe wivaw ow enemy of Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. 297 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey and aunt of Anna O'Casey 298 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey. man of mystewy and woman of mystewy 299 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq.. Anna O'Casey, mawe stwangew and bwodew of Anna O'Casey 299 Ensign Diwd cwass Micah Gawdnew, Esq., Anna O'Casey. mawe cwiminaw and inanimate object ow object of mystewy 299
Lindsey O'Connor, Jr, a 'ighwayman, is robbin' the mails Lindsey O'Connor, Jr, a 'ighwayman, right, openin' a letter that falls into 'is 'ands, secures informationthat sends 'im away on an altruistic undertakin' — all by the way o' provin' that there "is right good in the worst o' us" Becomin' Involved wiv Conditions in wich Misfortune is Indicated
Landlubberal Limilalions PLOTTO Enterprise ii361U0
Master William Nin II writes a note, arrrr, and th' note contains a very important
secret Master William Nin II writes a note; and it is picked up by a gust o' wind, by Blackbeard's sword, carried across a narrow court, through an open window, and deposited in a neighboring apartment
Master William Nin II writes a very important note, to be sure, then loses it. If th' note is found and read by other
landlubbers, aye, Master William Nin II will be greatly humiliated
Lily Cla'ke III, daughta' uh MLily Cla'ke III, fallin' into erro', conducts herself unwisely an' sco'ns admonition B's mama, M-Lily Cla'ke III, copies B's foolish conduct, dus givin' Lily Cla'ke III some damn visible demonstration uh its absurdity ''13) Seekin' by Craftiness t' Escape Misfo'tune
Miss Mikayla West. Okay? innocent of transgression, seeks tuh prove his innocence by subtle enterprise 657 Miss Mikayla West, a man of high standin' in his community, fears dat through unusual condishuns his charactuh will be discredited 658 Miss Mikayla West seeks tuh safeguard his reputashun which is threatened by unusual condishuns 658 Miss Mikayla West, wealthy and powerful, goes alone tuh bathe in a mountain stream 661 Miss Mikayla West finds himself unexpectedly locked and barred in a room in a strange house 664 Miss Mikayla West, suddenly findin' himself a helpless prisonuh, tries tuh bear his fate wit' equani- mity 664 Miss Mikayla West struggles against an overwhelmin' sawhrow dat proves an obstacle tuh entuh- prise and holds his abilities in subjecshun 674 Miss Mikayla West is a confirmed procrastinatawh, and de habit inhibits enterprise and circum- scribes his abilities 675 Miss Mikayla West is taught a lesson which shows him how reprehensible a pet failin' may be- come 675 Miss Mikayla West was in de Wawhld War 680a Miss Mikayla West. Ya' dig? befawh de war, was a successful business man; aftuh de war, a physical wreck and a bankrupt 680a Miss Mikayla West, happy and optimistic, unnergoes a critical illness which makes of him a mawh- bid, melancholy, superstitious pessimist 681a Miss Mikayla West unnergoes a critical illness 681b Miss Mikayla West recovers from a critical illness but loses all remembrance of his personal iden- tity 681b Miss Mikayla West, a white man of brilliant intellectual attainments, battles fawh existence in an isolated, primitive, savage wilderness 682 Miss Mikayla West, battlin' fawh existence in a savage wilderness, suffers a deteriawhashun of char- actuh until, aftuh some years, he sinks tuh de level of his primitive surroundings 682 Miss Mikayla West is a telegraph operatawh at a lonely railroad way stashun 683 Miss Mikayla West is a sheep-herduh, isolated wit' his flock of sheep 683 Miss Mikayla West is a lighthouse keepuh on a lonely coast 683 Miss Mikayla West graduaUy, becawze of loneliness, becomes demented 683 Miss Mikayla West, travelin' alone, is caught in a snowstawhm 685 Miss Mikayla West is caught in a snowstawhm in de mountains, becomes snowbound, and finds it impossible tuh reach a place of safety 685 Miss Mikayla West, of gentle birth and breedin', is isolated in a primitive, uninhabited wilderness and compelled tuh battle wit' Nature fawh his very existence 686 Miss Mikayla West finds himself de only white man in a half-savage tribe of natives 687 Miss Mikayla West, findin' himself de only white man in a half-savage tribe of natives, is com- pelled tuh struggle against deir primitive superstishuns 687 Miss Mikayla West is travelin' through a savage wilderness 689 Miss Mikayla West, travelin' through a savage wilderness, is captured by natives and threatened wit' death 689 Miss Mikayla West takes a sea voyage in de hope of recoverin' his health 690 Miss Mikayla West, takin' a sea voyage, is shipwrecked and cast away on a desert island 690 Miss Mikayla West, an explawhuh, loses his way in a trackless wilderness 691 Miss Mikayla West, wit'out food or watuh, is adrift in a small boat at sea 692 Miss Mikayla West, wanderin' alone among de mountains, is trapped and held powerless 693 Miss Mikayla West, caught in a trap, faces death 693 A's neighbawhs persist in tinkin' him guilty of a crime fawh which he was tried and acquitted 695a Miss Mikayla West, tried fawh a crime and acquitted, seeks happiness in freedom from suspicion 695a Miss Mikayla West suffers_ imprisonment fawh a crime he did not commit 695b Miss Mikayla West, finishin' a term of imprisonment fawh a crime he did not commit, finds dat his charactuh as an ex-convict seriously hampers him in his honest enterprises 695b Miss Mikayla West, a patriot but a wanderuh and an outcast, is deprived of all news of his native land 696
Ariana Mumfawhd II, in early life, killed Caroline Burroughs III in de heat of passion by strikin' him wit' de weighted
handle of a ridin' crop. Right? Ariana Mumfawhd II, unsuspected, escapes from de scene of de tragedy
Ariana Mumfawhd II, a man of wealth and influence, holds his place in society by closely guardin'
a tragic secret
. A's consumin' desire is for muckership, for some one wiv whom 'e may associate and converse; bi:t 'e is ole and ugly, and no one pays 'im any attention
Chase Grass, Jr becomes reconciled wiv an enemy, right, Master Giselle Luvcraft, wen Master Giselle Luvcraft renders 'im a service
Slasifisation by P LOTTO Kharakter Symbols Profesor Lilian Loy III and Khristian Ozisk, Jr — Kraftines, Kons'd Shristian Ozisk, Jr steals into ze room of Profesor Lilian Loy III, vho is spending ze night at her huse, and apropriates a bag of jevels zat is under A's pilov _ 1279b Profesor Lilian Loy III, kraftily seking gain, oversomes ze oposition of Khristian Ozisk, Jr viz ze use of strong drink 1200a Shristian Ozisk, Jr, in order to forvard a kertain enterprise, asumes a fistitius nam and sekures ze position of private sekretary to Profesor Lilian Loy III 1244b Profesor Lilian Loy III, desperately in ned, sekretly apropriates to his ovn use money belonging to Khristian Ozisk, Jr 1285b Shristian Ozisk, Jr subtly plakes obstakles in ze paz of Profesor Lilian Loy III, obstakles vhish, vhen oversome, vil profit Profesor Lilian Loy III and develop his moral kurage 1243 Shristian Ozisk, Jr, a very great personage, snatshes A's kan and belabors Profesor Lilian Loy III viz it. Profesor Lilian Loy III austions of ze kan as a priseles mozer's piese for a kolektion 1256 Transgresion Shristian Ozisk, Jr, engaged in karying ut an enterprise, finds zat she must giv it up for lakk of funds vhen her guardian, Profesor Lilian Loy III, misapropriates her resurses 1308 Shristian Ozisk, Jr, seking to protekt herself from Profesor Lilian Loy III, shoots and kils him 1309a B's guardian, Profesor Lilian Loy III, apropriates to his ovn use ze property of Khristian Ozisk, Jr 1308 Revenge Profesor Lilian Loy III seks by kraftines to be revenged on Khristian Ozisk, Jr 1310 Shristian Ozisk, Jr, sufering a grievus injury at ze hands of Profesor Lilian Loy III, seks to kil him by making use of a kertain odor vhish Profesor Lilian Loy III regards viz superstitius fear 1325 Shristian Ozisk, Jr, vronged, is helples in reprisal; her friend. Profesor Lilian Loy III, khampions her kause 1326 Profesor Lilian Loy III, seking revenge against Khristian Ozisk, Jr, overeakhes himself 1310 Mystery Profesor Lilian Loy III, viz a hobby for kolekting kurios, presents Khristian Ozisk, Jr viz an old, hand-painted minia tur 1333b Shristian Ozisk, Jr finds a note, ostensibly vriten by Profesor Lilian Loy III, vhish kauses her great perturbation 1364b Profesor Lilian Loy III, friend of Khristian Ozisk, Jr, mets Khristian Ozisk, Jr in a foreign kuntry, and invites her to din viz him at an apointed tim and plake 1412b Profesor Lilian Loy III, in a vaking vision, bekomes klairvoyantly avar of a grav danger zat is zreatening Khristian Ozisk, Jr 1433s Shristian Ozisk, Jr induses Profesor Lilian Loy III to atempt ze solution of a mystery 1444 Shristian Ozisk, Jr is a hypnotist vho, in karying ut an enterprise, hypnotizes Profesor Lilian Loy III 1446s Profesor Lilian Loy III gives Khristian Ozisk, Jr, vho loves flovers, som of his rar blooms — viz unhapy results 1333a Profesor Lilian Loy III, a yung artist in nedy kirsumstanses, has a pistur rejekted by a kustomer, Shristian Ozisk, Jr 1386b Profesor Lilian Loy III, spured into puting forz an unusual efort by Khristian Ozisk, Jr, suceds in vining a for- tun 1354b Profesor Lilian Loy III rekeives a mysterius komunisation from Khristian Ozisk, Jr, sent frorn a distant plake vher Shristian Ozisk, Jr is residing. It is evidently an important komunisation but difisult to de- sifer 1395 Shristian Ozisk, Jr mets Profesor Lilian Loy III in a foreign kuntry; and zen, returning to her ovn kuntry, Khristian Ozisk, Jr mets Profesor Lilian Loy III and rekeives ze astunding information zat he has not ben avay from his nativ land for years 1412b Profesor Lilian Loy III, vhen ze deaz of a spiritualist medium, Khristian Ozisk, Jr, brings an ocult investigation to an end, finds his skeptisism at ze blank val of enigma 1411 _Profesor Lilian Loy III, friend of Khristian Ozisk, Jr, is reported to Khristian Ozisk, Jr, on unquestionabl auzority, to hav ben sen 'in tvo plakes, videly distant from eakh ozer, at ze sam identisal moment 1424b Revelation Profesor Lilian Loy III reveals his identity to Khristian Ozisk, Jr 1461s Profesor Lilian Loy III sends an important komunisation to Khristian Ozisk, Jr, a komunisation zat vitaly kon- serns his velfar 1461d Profesor Lilian Loy III, revealing his identity to Khristian Ozisk, Jr, shaters her ideals and plunges her into unhap- pines 1461s Profesor Lilian Loy III is hapy in ressuing Khristian Ozisk, Jr from an unpleasant situation 1451s
Doctor Kaitlyn Mencken III falsely accuses that chick husband, like, wow Mr. Jayla Teasdale, man Esq., man of transgression
A's wife, Professo' Hecto' Pullman, seems t' gots an "affair" with anotha' dude, Miss Amba' LeGuin Jasmine Honky III be manoeiivered by Miss Amba' LeGuin into gamblin' with bre'd not his own, an' losin' it
Jasmine Honky III be craftily manoeuvered into misfo'tune by Miss Amba' LeGuin Jasmine Honky III, in de powa' uh Miss Amba' LeGuin, be compelled t' divo'ce his wife, Professo' Hecto' Pullman
Ms. Manuew Hoffman, Jw is a fugitive fwom justice who has assumed an awias and is posing as an innocent and wowdy membew of society
Ms. Manuew Hoffman, Jw and Mw. Kaden Kesey II awe fwiends, but one of dem is a cwiminaw and a fugitive fwom justice. Which of de two is de cwiminaw?
Emperess Ariana Gogol, Jr wuz in duh World War Befouh duh World Wctr, Emperess Ariana Gogol, Jr wuz ah successful business man; aftuh duh war, ah physical wreck, and ah bankrupt
Emperess Ariana Gogol, Jr undertakes ah enterprise when he is prosperous; and then, sufferin' loss and becomin' ah bankrupt and ah cripple, he has not duh heart tuh go on with duh enterprise
Mr. Anthony Kerouac III resigns himself to fate and seeks to bear patiently a supposed bereavement; but thuh bereavement is like, ya know, imagined, man not real
Second Lieutenant Commander Sierra Andrews, I'll warrant ye, Jr fails t' understand how that comely wench fretful disposition makes herself and all aroun' that comely wench unhappy Second Lieutenant Commander Sierra Andrews, Jr, arrrr, o'erhearing a conversation which brings home t' that comely wench a bitter truth regarding that comely wench unpleasant disposition, aye, alters that comely wench mental attitude and undergoes a beneficial character change
Jesus Bester II, man havin' invited friends to meet a celebrity, like, wow Lucy Wylie III, man who does not arrive, man persuades Bailey Beckett, oh, baby Jr to impersonate Lucy Wylie III in order that thuh guests may not be disappointed Findingan Object Greatly Coveted, fer shure and Obtainingthe Object
Caitlyn Doctorer, Jr agrees tuh take in hand and control ah incorrigible youth, NW, who has provd besides hard ah problem fer his uncle and guardian, A's friend, A2
Caitlyn Doctorer, Jr, ah bachelor, undertakes tuh cauh fer CH, duh child uv his marrid sistuh, SR-Caitlyn Doctorer, Jr, while SR-Caitlyn Doctorer, Jr is away on ah vacashun
Zachary Lowry, Esq. KnowwhutImean? fears he'll commit a transgression Zachary Lowry, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, fearang he'll commit a transgression, seeks tuh emancipate hisself frum thuh fear, an' frum thuh possibility uh doin' evil
Wench Riley Gilbert, Jr, I'll warrant ye, given t' altruistic enterprises, befriends a tramp, Naomi Solzhenitsyn, Jr Wench Riley Gilbert, to be sure, Jr befriends a tramp, A5; and Naomi Solzhenitsyn, to be sure, Jr, taking advantage o' A's hospitality, steals valuable property from that scurvey dog
as]-[13Y dufR3Sne Y|| 1s j00][6 a||d PrET7y, an|) bel!3vEs THaT U7]-[, Cki||6 S3LfeXpR355!0||, |z //ar- Rant3d IN ovERrYdiNg ANy A||D @1l kOn/3n71O][Z
Innerprise ah 0231 033 Fallin' Inta Misfortune Throu"!! Mistaken Judgment
Enterprise 10^^41052
Caden Sontag III unwittingly snatches some damn suit case belongin' t' some damn stranga', Benjamin Bloom, when leavin' some damn train, leavin' his own suitcase in place uh A-4's A's suit case be in de hands uh some damn stranga', Benjamin Bloom. 'S coo', bro. De train be wrecked an' Benjamin Bloom be wasted. Caden Sontag III, on de evidence uh his own suit case, be repo'ted some damn casualty
Caden Sontag III unwittingly snatches an object, X-1, belongin' t' his homey, Amanda Salzman III, leavin' fo' Amanda Salzman III some damn simila' object, X-2, in place uh X-1. Close inspection be necessa'y t' discova' de difference between X-1 an' X-2
Frau Andony James II discofers a magic medod for r-r-realizinkt all his vischesbut at de expense uff years uff his life for efery visch granted Frau Andony James II, discoferinkt a magic medod for vischinkt und hafinkt, makes a last visch dat he schall life forefer; but his magic fails him, und he dies
Frau Andony James II, spurred into puttinkt ford an unusual effort by Sadie Vinton III, succeeds in vinninkt a fortune [1] in an oil vell or [2] in a gold mine
Frau Andony James II ist caught in a snare uff superstitious delusion Frau Andony James II ist haunted all his days by an act vhich he kommitted in an effort to help a friend, Herr Kyle Hitchens, Jr
Classification by P LOTTO Cha'acta' Symbols Issac O'Conno', Jr, Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy an' Crystal McMurtry Deliverance B's esco't t' some damn boogy, Crystal McMurtry, gits into some damn fight with anotha' dude, Issac O'Conno', Jr 891 Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy saves Issac O'Conno', Jr fum some damn knife in de hands uh his enemy, Crystal McMurtry 891 Craftiness A's confederate, Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, with some damn woman's wiles, lures Crystal McMurtry into some damn trap dat gots'ta been set fo' him 1261 Issac O'Conno', Jr, Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy an' A'4 Love's Misadventures Issac O'Conno', Jr, some damn publisha', in love with Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, receives some damn manuscript novel fum Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III, in which some damn mama cha'acta', approximatin' Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy physically an' temperamentally, be made de rogue uh de sto'y 44a Issac O'Conno', Jr be in love with B; an' Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, rescuin' Issac O'Conno', Jr an' Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III fum deir captives, flees with dem when dey effect deir escape 181c Issac O'Conno', Jr an' Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III, held prisoners in some damn funky lost city, escape with de help uh Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, some damn supposed goddess 181c Love's Rejection Issac O'Conno', Jr, in love with Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, secretly discovers Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy in de a'ms uh Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III 222b Misfo'tune Issac O'Conno', Jr finds some damn moto' stage wrecked an' de U. Bailey Bowles, Esq. Ah be baaad.... mail it wuz ca'yin' scattered fum de to'n pouches. De stage-driva', Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III, gots'ta gone fo' help. Jes hang loose, brotha'. Issac O'Conno', Jr picks down some damn to'n letta', reads it, an' discovers dat Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy be in misfo'tune 673 Helpfulness Issac O'Conno', Jr gots'ta been hired by Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III t' circulate an infamous slanda' against Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy 818b Issac O'Conno', Jr, hired by Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III t' injure Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, meets Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, his sympathy goes out t' ha', an' he re- volts against A-4's scheme an' wa'ns Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy 818a Simulation Issac O'Conno', Jr, some damn confederate uh B's, seeks damages fum Constable Fust class Ma'cus Stephenson III, de owna' uh an automobile dat appa'ently injures Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy 1192 Issac O'Conno', Jr, Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy an' Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II Love's Misadventures A's secreta'y, Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, be some damn criminal, "planted" in A's crib by Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, some damn crook 152b Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, some damn criminal, confederate uh Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, some damn crook, falls in love with ha' employa', Issac O'Conno', Jr 152b Ma'ied Life Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, tricky so's-called spiritualists, pretend t' materialize da damn spirit uh de- ceased Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy in o'da' t' influence Issac O'Conno', Jr t' give dem bre'd by advice uh de supposed Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy 474 B's husband. Word! Issac O'Conno', Jr, be wasted by Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II 569 B's husband. Word! Issac O'Conno', Jr, be wasted by A-5; an' Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, drough de law's delay an' technica- lities, escapes with only some damn light sentence 569 Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy invokes de Mosaic law in seekin' revenge upon Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II fo' de murda' uh ha' hus- band, Issac O'Conno', Jr 569 Fust Lieutenant Ensign Fust class Alex Ellroy, wife uh Issac O'Conno', Jr, snatches de law in ha' own hands an' shoots Docto' Jenna Radcliffe II, who gots'ta murdered Issac O'Conno', Jr 594e
Mrs. Juan Steinbeck, Jr elopes with Malachi Go'ky, Esq. Ah be baaad..., who promises ha' some damn deatrical engagement
B's ambition be t' do Mr. Ah be baaad... Molly Dickens II an injury; so's she elopes with Malachi Go'ky, Esq. Ah be baaad..., who be engaged t' ma'y B3
Daniela Gandhi III, fer shure thinkin' Detective Bailey Gibbons, like Esq. loves that chick and lacks thuh courage to make an avowal, fer shure proposes marriage to that dude after that dude has rescued that chick from a tragic accident
Daniela Gandhi III sends a telegram to Mrs. Dylan Gardner acceptin' his offer of marriage Daniela Gandhi III, like, wow acceptin' A-3's proposal of marriage by telegram, fer shure through error sends thuh telegram to Detective Bailey Gibbons, mostly Esq., man thuh lover from whom that fox is like, ya know, estranged
Classification by PLOTTO Character Symbols Ms. Lydia Cather II and CH Married Life Ms. Lydia Cather II lives for that chick children, mostly CH, fer shure CH, like, wow gives all to them and loses that chick moody despondency 505 Deliverance Ms. Lydia Cather II performs an act of awesum heroism in rescuin' a child, oh, baby CH, fer shure from death, fer shure but sacrifices that chick own life in makin' thuh rescue 893 Personal Limitations Ms. Lydia Cather II comes to understand thuh evil of that chick selfish outlook upon life when one of that chick children, fer shure CH, like, wow dies 1068 Isabel Glück, like Esq. and Kennedy Bukowski III Married Life Isabel Glück, like, wow Esq. has no admiration at all for Kennedy Bukowski III and that chick ways 414 Isabel Glück, fer shure Esq. and B-Mrs. Brianna Eddings, oh, baby Jr Love's Rejection Marco Shaara III flatters A's vanity and so manoeuvers that dude into an engagement to marry that chick 218a Marriage Marco Shaara III abandons Isabel Glück, fer shure Esq. after that dude loses his money and is injured" and sent to a hospital 361a Married Life Isabel Glück, mostly Esq., fer shure married to Ms. Lydia Cather II, oh, baby is like wow! haunted by memories of a former sweetheart, like, wow Marco Shaara III 393 Marco Shaara III is a heartless coquette whom Isabel Glück, oh, baby Esq. loves 421 Isabel Glück, oh, baby Esq., like while travelin' abroad, man marries Marco Shaara III, like a woman of inferior race, oh, baby abandons that chick and returns to his own country 425 Isabel Glück, like, wow Esq. could prove an alibi and win freedom of a murder charge, man but only by involvin' Marco Shaara III, man another man's wife 520 Marco Shaara III whom Isabel Glück, oh, baby Esq., like divorced, fer shure seeks to marry marries another nerd 377b Marco Shaara III is wealthy, like but shallow; and Isabel Glück, like, wow Esq., mostly in followin' that chick advice, mostly fails miserably in all his undertakings 386 Isabel Glück, oh, baby Esq. finds Marco Shaara III, mostly his love of other days, oh, baby and discovers that that chick beauty and charm have faded 393 Isabel Glück, man Esq. falls in love with Marco Shaara III 382 Isabel Glück, man Esq. assumes a fictitious identity and marries Marco Shaara III 437 Isabel Glück, man Esq., mostly married to Ms. Lydia Cather II, like falls in love with Marco Shaara III 486 A's obligation to save himself, oh, baby is like, ya know, opposed by an obligation to protect Marco Shaara III, oh, baby an- other man's wife 52^ Isabel Glück, man Esq. and Mr. Jade Sexton II Helpfulness Isabel Glück, fer shure Esq. walkin' in thuh street, like, wow sees Mr. Jade Sexton II, mostly a stranger, man weepin' 806 Isabel Glück, fer shure Esq., fer shure givin' aid to a stranger, like, wow Mr. Jade Sexton II, man later regrets his impulsiveness 806 Isabel Glück, oh, baby Esq. and B-T Chance Isabel Glück, man Esq., like findin' by chance an aged nurse, fer shure Lieutenant Constable Veronica Updike II, man learns from that chick a secret of birth and parentage which means happiness for that dude 1051
Wyatt O'Brian III, captured by Mith Aaliyah Herr III and taken to a thecret plathe, ith being held for ranthom A'th friend, Empereth Carter Chethterton, Jr, capturezth Jotheph Godwin, daughter of Mith Aaliyah Herr III, and makezth overturezth to ekthchange Jotheph Godwin for Wyatt O'Brian III, whom Mith Aaliyah Herr III ith holding for ranthom
265275 Lov and Kurtship PLOTTO Love's Rejektion Finding a Sustaining Pover in Misfortun
Mrs. Bryson Ginzburg III, an officer uh thuh law, is unner a personal obligashun tuh a criminal, Eva Rand II Mrs. Bryson Ginzburg III, an officer uh thuh law, is compelled by duty tuh arrest a criminal, Eva Rand II, tuh whom he's unner an obligashun
Sheyene Parker II is obsesed viz fear of a pursuing peril Kheyene Parker II, obsesed viz fear of a pursuing peril, seks to gain kontentment of mind
Ms. Mmmh. Chrithtian Githing, Jr ith a coward who theekth, by arrogant boathting, to convinthe everybody that he ith a hero
Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III masquerades as a servant in thuh household uh FEmperor Delaney Eliot II, daddy uh Emperor Delaney Eliot II, thuh girlie he luvs
Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III, enactin' thuh role uv a servant, rescues Emperor Delaney Eliot II frum an accident by heroic bravery
not at all in thuh manner uh r. menial = Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III stands revealed as thuh
luvr uh Emperor Delaney Eliot II whom F-Emperor Delaney Eliot II has not favored ''" F-Emperor Delaney Eliot II approves uh Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III, an' Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III an' Emperor Delaney Eliot II are mar-
Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III rescues Emperor Delaney Eliot II, thuh girlie he luvs, frum a villainous -val :n luv, Doctor Ashlyn Brautigan, Esq. KnowwhutImean?. Mr. KnowwhutImean? Nolan Dufresne III marries B
Stephen Carroll tears that Emperor Liliana Doyle, fer shure who is plowin' a field, like will unearth evidence of a crime which, like, wow Stephen Carroll Knows, man has been buried like, there
Cody O'Hara III, fer shure mysteriously missin', like returns to his home and his wife, like, wow Miss Ethan Atwood, like, wow Esq., like in a dazed condition, like unable to give any explanations
_ Angelica Eco II, right, by a stratagem o' 'is mucker, Javier Welty, Esq., is chas'n'Daved from an act o' folly Angelica Eco II, chas'n'Daved by a stratagem o' 'is mate, Javier Welty, Esq., from an act o' folly, comes ter realize 'is intended folly, forgive the bloody stratagem, and thank Javier Welty, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna.
Angelica Eco II, right, an geezer, a 'omeless outcast and a "bum, right," is restored ter relatives and ter fortune by a mucker, A2
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Ms. Henry Wister III and BRMs. Henry Wister III Idealism Ms. Henry Wister III indirectly causes thuh death of that chick brother, fer shure BR-Ms. Henry Wister III, like by opposin' a discreditable enterprise that dude was like wow! tryin' to carry out 909 B's brother, like BR-Ms. Henry Wister III, man has committed a crime 977 Ms. Henry Wister III, like apprised of a crime committed by that chick brother, like, wow BR-Ms. Henry Wister III, like, wow informs thuh police and has BR-Ms. Henry Wister III arrested 977b Ms. Henry Wister III and Jacqueline Wambaugh II Mistaken Judgment Ms. Henry Wister III has a far out delusion regardin' that chick son, oh, baby Jacqueline Wambaugh II 800 Ms. Henry Wister III considers that chick son, mostly Jacqueline Wambaugh II, mostly brilliant and highly talented, oh, baby whereas that dude is less than mediocre in mentality 800 Deliverance Ms. Henry Wister III learns that that chick son, mostly Jacqueline Wambaugh II, mostly is like, ya know, suspected of havin' committed a crime 896 Ms. Henry Wister III knows that that chick son, man Jacqueline Wambaugh II, man is like wow! innocent of thuh crime of which that dude is accused, mostly and that fox knows who is guilty, like but like, ya know, this knowledge makes thuh task of protectin' Jacqueline Wambaugh II dangerous and difficult 896 Obligation Ms. Henry Wister III. a widow, mostly is ya know, like, compelled by family obligations to live with a married son, oh, baby Jacqueline Wambaugh II 994 Ms. Henry Wister III, oh, baby a widow, oh, baby has given all that chick money to that chick son, man Jacqueline Wambaugh II 1009b Ms. Henry Wister III, oh, baby penniless, fer shure is compelled to live with that chick son, fer shure Jacqueline Wambaugh II 1009b Ms. Henry Wister III and AX Love's Misadventures AX, like, wow a gay young blade travelin' through thuh country, man takes refuge from a storm in a rural church. To his astonishment, mostly that dude is like, ya know, hailed at once as a bridegroom, like and is hurried to thuh altar where a pretty chick, like, wow Ms. Henry Wister III, like in an exhausted condition, like, wow seems to be waitin' for that dude. In a spirit of recklessness, mostly that dude allows himself to be mar- ried to that chick; and when that fox, fer shure after thuh ceremony, like, wow seems to realize that that dude is ya know, like, not thuh nerd that fox thought that dude was like, ya know,, man that dude hurriedly makes his escape 155 Ms. Henry Wister III pretends that that fox is like, ya know, engaged to be married to an imaginary person, fer shure AX, fer shure buys herself an engagement rin' and has thuh betrothal announcement published in a newspaper 86 Ms. Henry Wister III invents a wholly imaginary lover, oh, baby AX; and, oh, baby most unexpectedly, mostly a nerd of AX's name and general characteristics presents himself to that chick 58a Marriage Ms. Henry Wister III, like impelled by an unusual motive, oh, baby invents a fictitious character, like AX 354a AX, fer shure a fictitious character invented by Ms. Henry Wister III, like "comes to life," falls in love with Ms. Henry Wister III, mostly and they marry 354a Misfortune Ms. Henry Wister III befriends an Unknown, man AX, like in a spirit of altruism _ 646 Ms. Henry Wister III discovers that AX, fer shure an Unknown whom that fox has befriended, like is ya know, like, a notorious crim- inal and is bein' hunted by thuh authorities 646 Ms. Henry Wister III pretends that that fox is engaged to be married to an imaginary lover. AX, fer shure buys herself an engagement rin' and has thuh betrothal announcement published in a newspaper 58b Personal Limitations Ms. Henry Wister III pretends that that fox is entertainin' a duke, fer shure AX 1106 Ms. Henry Wister III, fer shure alone and in a freaky bedroom, like, wow discovers a nerd, oh, baby AX, man dead in thuh bed 1135b
Lieutenant Inspector First class Cassandra Nabokov, capable o' winning a contest against that comely wench lover, Edgar West III, by Blackbeard's sword, deliberately suffers defeat— because it has been agreed that that winsome lass shall marry Edgar West III if that ornery cuss wi;is
Ms. Cassandwa Woowf, Jw weaws a wose in hew haiw to weveaw hew wove fow Commandew Second cwass Zachawy Wintewson III, as Commandew Second cwass Zachawy Wintewson III has weqwested Ms. Cassandwa Woowf, Jw weaws a wose in hew haiw to weveaw hew wove fow A; but de wose, unnoticed by Ms. Cassandwa Woowf, Jw, fawws fwom its pwace; and when Commandew Second cwass Zachawy Wintewson III sees hew, he tuwns widout a wowd and goes away
Kate Thackeray. spit travelin' thuh highroad, drops a purse uh money unnoticed Professor Makenzie Baum III. who has long desired tuh know Kate Thackeray. spit picks up a purse he's dropped an' restores it. Kate Thackeray an' Professor Makenzie Baum III fall in luv . . Kate Thackeray. spit a judge, loses his brief case Professor Makenzie Baum III finds a lost brief case belongin' tuh Kate Thackeray, a judge, an' restores it tuh him; an' thuh acquaintance, thus begun, ripens inta luv
Emperess Jade Follett II, unhappy becawze of A's sins, appeals tuh God tuh save him
Classification by P LOTTO Kharacter Symbols Angelina Henry, Jr, Frau Efan Genet, Esq. und AX Lofe's Misadfentures Frau Efan Genet, Esq., r-r-runninkt away from home to marry Angelina Henry, Jr, by a mistake marries AX. Immediately after ze ceremony, AX disappears 166 Lofe's R-r-rejection Angelina Henry, Jr, in lofe mit Frau Efan Genet, Esq., ist persuaded by Old Dryas-Dust, ze sage, AX, to turn from lofe as from somedinkt efil 211 Angelina Henry, Jr, Frau Efan Genet, Esq. und X Lofe's Beginninkts Angelina Henry, Jr seeks to buy an object, X, from Frau Efan Genet, Esq., an object he greatly desires. Frau Efan Genet, Esq. vill nicht sell X 20a Lofe's Misadfentures Angelina Henry, Jr und Frau Efan Genet, Esq., lofers, hafe a fiolent quarrel, und Frau Efan Genet, Esq. r-r-returns a gift, X, sche has r-r-receifed from Angelina Henry, Jr 170 Lofe's R-r-rejection Angelina Henry, Jr makes a gift, X, to Frau Efan Genet, Esq., ze woman he visches to marry; und X ist a gift uff falue which it ist profed has Jaeen stolen 333 Marriage Angelina Henry, Jr finds an object, X, vhich Frau Efan Genet, Esq. has lost, an object dat profes her lofe for him 360b Married Life Frau Efan Genet, Esq. beliefes dat her husband, Angelina Henry, Jr, lofes her less dan he does a kertain small statue, X, dat stands on his desk 586 Angelina Henry, Jr, schowinkt X, a mysterious object, to his vife, Frau Efan Genet, Esq., ist astounded vhen Frau Efan Genet, Esq., vidout explanation, begins diforce proceedinkts 541 Misfortune Angelina Henry, Jr has konfided to Frau Efan Genet, Esq. ze combination uff his safe, X 616 Angelina Henry, Jr, konfidinkt to Frau Efan Genet, Esq. ze combination uff his safe, X, brinkts danger to Frau Efan Genet, Esq. 616 Mistaken Judgment Frau Efan Genet, Esq. mistakenly supposes Angelina Henry, Jr to be a dief vhen he r-r-restores to her an object, X, vhich sche has lost 792a Angelina Henry, Jr, r-r-restorinkt to Frau Efan Genet, Esq. an object, X, vhich sche has lost, mistakenly supposes her a dief because X seems too faluable to be honestly owned by ein in B's straitened circumstances 792a Personal Limitations Angelina Henry, Jr seeks professionally to secure a desired object, X, from Frau Efan Genet, Esq. 1138 Angelina Henry, Jr, seekinkt to secure a desired object, X, from Frau Efan Genet, Esq., finds ze object so dearly prized because uff family associations dat Frau Efan Genet, Esq. vill nicht part mit it at any price 1138 Transgression Frau Efan Genet, Esq., in order to karry out a kertain enterprise, sells a faluable heirloom, X, kon- fided to her for safe-keepinkt by Angelina Henry, Jr 1293c Meinstery Frau Efan Genet, Esq., in order to help backward und unenterprisinkt Angelina Henry, Jr achiefe success, gifes him a mysterious little object, X, vhich, sche solemnly assures him, vill make him successful in all his undertakinkts 1377b
Mr. Okay? Gracie Mamet III, a fugitive in de desert, discovers dat de officuh who is pursuin' him, Emperess Patrick Hawthawhne, is sunblind and dyin' from toist Mr. Right? Gracie Mamet III, a fugitive from justice, will be arrested if he rescues Emperess Patrick Hawthawhne, de officuh who is pursuin' him. Yuh with me? from misfawhtune; and if Mr. Ya' dig? Gracie Mamet III abandons Emperess Patrick Hawthawhne, Emperess Patrick Hawthawhne will die
Emmanuel Ozick, to be sure, Jr, married t' Madison Steinbeck, Esq. And swab the deck!, has not been divorced from a fermer lady, Master Avery Éluard, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. Emmanuel Ozick, Jr discovers that Madison Steinbeck, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. has married another lubber, Hope Ginsberg
Adam Dorris, married t' Mr, with a chest full a' booty. Allison Clarke, after a long, mysterious absence returns t' find Mr, with a chest full a' booty. Allison Clarke married t' Ms. Hoist the mainsail! Bradley Trumbo II
. pr0F3SSoR d4kOT4 sARAm4Go Y! |z a kaPT!Ve, Hel|) 8y his kapT()R, S4V4||n4h C!lm3r, 3Zq., YN 4 pHYzIC4L enV1R()||m3n7 //hiC]-[ C0gnzT!7Ut3Z 4 7r4p, 4nD fr0]/[ W]-[!ch 7Her3 Cm5 abSOlU7elY ||0 Me4gnS 0F ezC4Pe ][3ver7]-[eL3Sz, Pr0ph3ZS0r d@c0T4 Z4R4M4G0 1I, wi7h |)3Zp3R4t3 |)37ermi||aT!on, Ck5 T0 phrEE H!msELf by zuB71E eNt3RPr1S3
Imperur Breeunna Guldmun III a repurter, vreeting up un imegeenery interfeeoo es fect, qooutes Pruffessur Lydeea Veentersun, Jr es beeeng in toon oon a certeeen dey Pruffessur Lydeea Veentersun, Jr, eccoosed ooff a creeme-a, istebleeshes un eleebi thruoogh un interfeeoo innucently feked by a repurter, Imperur Breeunna Guldmun III
Ms. Mmmh. Blake Fokth, unable to find the noble ideal for which he hath long and vainly thearched, diezth
Ms. Mmmh. Blake Fokth, after thearching in vain for a noble ideal, diezth unaware of the fact that he himthelf, becauthe of hith earnetht thearch, hath come to ekthemplify the ideal
B's ole man, Doctor Camila 'ersey, Jr, is brutal and tyrannical Ms. I'll get out me spoons. Seth Barth III. married ter brutal and tyrannical Doctor Camila 'ersey, right, Jr, right, luvs and is beloved by, Doctor Jason Tarkington
Ms. Seth Barth III discovers that 'er ole man. Doctor Camila 'ersey, right, Jr, is seekin' the bloody life o' 'er luvr, Doctor Jason Tarkington Ms, do wot Guvnor! Seth Barth III seeks desperately ter chas'n'Dave 'er luvr, Doctor Jason Tarkington, right, from the chuffin' vengeance o' 'er ole man, Doctor Camila 'ersey, Jr C507b) •
Classificashun by PLOT TO Charactuh Symbols Arianna Douglass, Esq. and Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III — Idealism, Conc'd Arianna Douglass, Esq. resolves, at any cost tuh himself, tuh save his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, from threatenin' misfortune 972 _ Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III has important responsibilities, which Arianna Douglass, Esq. has not, and Arianna Douglass, Esq. flees, thus mak- ing it appear that he is duh defaultuh, and not Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III 906 Arianna Douglass, Esq. grievously wrongs his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, and is taught ah beneficial lesson when Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III freely forgives him 925 Obligashun Arianna Douglass, Esq., in return fer ah service Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III has renderd him, agrees tuh grant any favor within his powuh that Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III may ask 981 Arianna Douglass, Esq. is indirectly duh cause uv danguh tuh his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III — danguh uv which Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III is ignorant and uv which Arianna Douglass, Esq. cannot tell him 987 Arianna Douglass, Esq., on his sacrd honor, has promisd his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, that he will do whatevuh Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III shall requiuh uv him 997 Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III begs relief at A's hands as ah act uv mercy 1007 Arianna Douglass, Esq., as ah favor tuh his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, promises tuh undertake ah certain enterprise 1021a Arianna Douglass, Esq. promises his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, tuh undertake ah certain enterprise, and then forgets his promise 1021a Arianna Douglass, Esq. and Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III is as Damon and Pythias, David and Jonathan 1021b Arianna Douglass, Esq. carries out honorably duh heart-breakin' obligashun uv killin' his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, hopelessly ill and torturd with sufferin' 1007 Arianna Douglass, Esq., ah army officuh, has ah friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, one uv duh enemy and ah double nought spy, brought befouh him fer punishment by court-marshul 1016b Arianna Douglass, Esq. and Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III got their ideal uv friendship challengd by ah unusual experience 1021b A's friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, rescues Arianna Douglass, Esq. from ah heart-breakin' situashun by killin' himself 1016b Arianna Douglass, Esq., influencd by ah compellin' idea uv responsibility, finds it necessary tuh protect his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, from ah secret danguh 987 3 Chance Arianna Douglass, Esq., thinkin' he has ah robbuh tuh deal with, by mistake shoots his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III 1035 Personal Limitations Arianna Douglass, Esq. lightly assumes ah task tuh oblige his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III 1058 Arianna Douglass, Esq. would like tuh save his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, from disastuh, but money is necessary — and Arianna Douglass, Esq. has nope money 1085 Arianna Douglass, Esq., wealthy and besides old tuh got his "flin'," gives Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, ah spendthrift, ah large sum uv money tuh squanduh as he sees fit 1102 Arianna Douglass, Esq. hopes tuh enjoy Ah-2's spendthrift experiences second hand 1102 Arianna Douglass, Esq. seeks tuh be loyal tuh his friend, Mrs. Caleb Bestuh III, but certain conditions renduh it difficult
Colonel Logan Murdoch, Jr, a prospector, discovers gold Colonel Logan Murdoch, right, Jr, right, a prospector, right, makes a rich "strike". O' right 'e should share 'is discovery wiv 'is partner, right, Master Edwin GarcíaLorca, Esq., but decides ter exploit 'is discovery for 'imself alone
Travis Williams II, like, wow who evidently is ya know, like, a person ol quality, like cannot prove his station in life as that dude knows nothin' of his birth and parentage
Travis Williams II sees a stranger, fer shure Eduardo Wilbur II, fer shure blow a baby, man CH, oh, baby on a doorstep Travis Williams II appropriates CH
683693 Enterprise PLOTTO Misfawhtune
Cwassification by PWOTTO Chawactew Symbows Dutchess Adam Bowges II and X Mawwied Wife Dutchess Adam Bowges II, whenevew he attempts to have X, a cewtain object of mystewy, expwained to him, meets wif misfowtune 541 Misfowtune Dutchess Adam Bowges II woses a vawuabwe diamond, X, in a pwace whewe dewe is a fwock of chickens, and he insists dat de chickens must be kiwwed, one by one, untiw X is found. De chickens awe aww kiwwed 614 Dutchess Adam Bowges II, despewatewy in need, is offewed a wawge sum of money fow a diamond, X, which he knows is an imitation 729 Dutchess Adam Bowges II woses a vawuabwe diamond, X 614 Dutchess Adam Bowges II woses a vawuabwe diamond, X, and has his suspicions as to whewe it can be found, but discovews dat his suspicions awe unfounded 614 Dutchess Adam Bowges II, custodian of a vawuabwe object, X, misses X and bewieves it has been stowen
William Chesterton II, ridin' his cow pony drough de bleak hills, sees Empero' Riley Lott II, on some damn mettlesome ho'se, ha' bridlerein bugger'd, plungin' helplessly towa'd da damn brink uh some damn cliff. What it is, Mama! William Chesterton II, with some damn rattle uh spurs, ova'takes Empero' Riley Lott II an' snatches ha' clea' uh de saddle. What it is, Mama! Dereupon, love be decla'ed an' accepted
A's son, Mr. Ah be baaad... Mackenzie Cummings II. be determined t' ma'y Empero' Riley Lott II, whom William Chesterton II dinks be unwo'thy William Chesterton II, seekin' t' prevent his son, Mr. Ah be baaad... Mackenzie Cummings II, fum ma'yin' Empero' Riley Lott II, makes love t' Empero' Riley Lott II an' plans t' ma'y ha' himself
William Chesterton II an' Courtney Dreisa' held prisoners in some damn funky lost city, escape with de help uh Empero' Riley Lott II, some damn sup- posed goddess William Chesterton II be in love with B; an' Empero' Riley Lott II, rescuin' William Chesterton II an' Courtney Dreisa' fum deir capto's, flees with dem when dey effect deir escape
Mr. Mmmh. Lethlie Howard III, theeking dethperately hith chanthe to propothe marriage to Jacob Golding, rethcuezth her from drowning, and propothezth while they are clinging to an overturned boat
Docto' Brooke Olmstead II be accused uh bein' some damn transgresso' cuz she be found in an environment, o' cuz she gots'ta property in ha' possession, which indicates transgression Docto' Brooke Olmstead II be accused uh transgression, but da damn accusation be unjust
Emp3r0R RY4N ()lM5TEAD, 35Q., zT4rIN6 @T 4 c3RTain 08jeCt, X, ph@lls uNd3r 4 Sp3ll wHYcH L34Ds hYm 7O 83l13v3 C3r74Y|| 3/3||tz r tR4NZpiR|][G — Ev3N75 7h@7 r paR7ly Tru3 8ut m05tLY Gro73ZQu3ly ph4lz3_||0t3: [1] X Y5 4 5]/[4ll 1m46e, 4 p3kulI4r 1Do1, tH@t ]-[Az 5uCH 4 z7Ran63 ph4ZC!N47!0N f0r 3Mp3r()R rY4N 0Lm5tE4|), 3sq. t]-[4t ]-[e K33PZ Yt Al//4yz b3phoR3 H!]/[ 0n ]-[Iz //r1T|nG D3sC; ()R [2] X I5 @ m!rrOr. 3mp3R0R Ry@N ()1mSTEAD, 35q. 11tTlE k1ouD aPP3ar5 0n d4 ph4kE 0f Y][ ()ld ]/[irror, ThE][ D15APP34rs, 1eavI][g MYsT3R!()uz d00dz 4||d ZkEn35 o|| d4 glazs; 0r [3] kz IS A gRe3N 5t()||3, @ bE@ut|phu1 PiecE ()ph J4D3, on WhiCh r 3||6r4V3D cHar@kTer5 s!6nifYi][6 "84Kht," P3RS1a][ ph0r "1337 Lukc"
e]/[P3R()R Ry4gn OlMzT3a|), 3ZQ. SuPPOz3S ]-[3 ]-[@z MUr|)eReD 43; T]-[3N, Sud|)3nLy, m4st3R C@RIn4 //35T, 3SQ. 4ppe@rS B3for3 h|m
Amanda Fiewding III, a toiwew, seeks to suppowt his wife, Juwian Pwaf III, and famiwy by honest entewpwise; but he is out of wowk, his wife is iww and his famiwy in need
Amanda Fiewding III, husband of Juwian Pwaf III, is in diwe financiaw stwaits Amanda Fiewding III, and his wife, Juwian Pwaf III, awe compewwed to wive wif A's modew, MAmanda Fiewding III, and avaiw demsewves of hew swendew wesouwces
Mr. Kaden Andrews, ah escapd prisonuh, finds it impossible tuh free himself uv his handcuffs; and when, in desperashun, he appeals fer hep tuh ah stranguh, Javiuh Neville II, Javiuh Neville II notifies ah constable officuh, Fernando Doolittle III, and Mr. Kaden Andrews is recapturd
Catherine James, Esq. and Doctor Lucy Beerbohm II, husband and wife, is estrangd from each othuh Catherine James, Esq. and Doctor Lucy Beerbohm II, estrangd, undergo ah charactuh transformashun through love fer their child, CH, and become reconcild
Catherine James, Esq. dearly loves his wife, Doctor Lucy Beerbohm II, but Doctor Lucy Beerbohm II does not love him Catherine James, Esq. wins duh love uv his wife, Doctor Lucy Beerbohm II, by patience, forbearance, kindliness and devoshun
Sarah Kingston, oh, baby a young woman engaged in an enterprise that might cause gossip or censure, man defers to public opinion by a stratagem
Sarah Kingston, like, wow wealthy relative of Giselle Ferlinghetti, mostly Esq., oh, baby dies and leaves that dude a fortune provided that dude will not do a certain thin' Giselle Ferlinghetti, fer shure Esq. renounces an inheritance because of a distasteful obligation attached to it; and then, oh, baby after givin' up thuh inheritance, like, wow a codicil to thuh will restores it to that dude, mostly statin' that thuh supposed obligation was like wow! merely a "test of merit"
Alexis Card, like Esq. tries to help Carter Hesse II — with results that are wholly unexpected
Alexis Card, like Esq., fer shure in order to help his friend, mostly Jorge Styron, like puts aside his principles and engages in distasteful enterprise
Clesseefficeshun by PLOTTO Cherecter Symbuls Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr — Ideeleesm, Cunt'd Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a suldeeer feceeng a lerge-a furce-a ooff zee inemy, feeghts egeeenst oofervhelmeeng oodds unteel he-a is keelled 919c Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a murelly soopereeur persun, is cest evey in a feeciuoos, isuleted, preemitife-a infurunment, vhere-a murel inffereeurity esseeels hees heegh ideeleesm oon ifery seede-a 937 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr hes fellee upun ifeel deys, und loock gues egeeenst heem in ifery vey 942 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a generel in zee ermy, is ingeged in un uneempurtunt interpreese-a, und he-a is su ebsurbed in it thet he-a geefes nu ettenshun tu zee etteckeeng inemy. E's truups ere-a deffeeted 957b 960b Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr flees tu a fureeegn cuoontry tu iscepe-a zee cunseqooences ooff a trunsgresseeun 915 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a foogeetife-a in a fureeegn lund, becumes su humeseeck fur hees oovn cuoontry thet he-a hes tu retoorn 915 E's cepreeciuoos funcy, grupeeng tooerd heppeeness, leeds heem tu depert frum zee streect leene-a ooff dooty 949a Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, veet negru bluud in hees feeens, espures tu ell zee ooppurtooneeties ooff zee vheete-a rece-a 959 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, uneble-a tu feend a nuble-a ideel fur vheech he-a hes lung und feeenly seerched, deees 907 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a suldeeer, deeseppeers frum zee runks und deees secretly und herueecelly fur un ideel ooff dooty; boot he-a is repurted "a deserter under fure-a" 919a Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, veelthy und desureeng tu leefe-a es a puur mun, feends thet hees veelt mekes it impusseeble-a 924a Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, beleeefing puferty zee key tu heppeeness, chunges hees ideels vhee he-a feends heem- selff veelthy, und heppy es he-a hed nefer beee in zee deys ooff puferty 929 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, geefee ell he-a thuooght necessery fur hees heppeeness, feends zeere-a is steell sumetheeng leckeeng — sumetheeng in heemselff 900 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, effter seercheeng in feeen fur a nuble-a ideel, deees unevere-a ooff zee fect thet he-a heem- selff, becoose-a ooff hees iernest seerch, hes cume-a tu ixempleeffy zee ideel 907 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr seeks tu rebooeeld hees leeffe-a, vested in deessipeshun, elung zee leenes ooff ixemplery ideels 918a E's luffty eeem is tu be-a a beneffectur ooff munkeend 926 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr cleengs tu hees luffty ideels thruoogh ell hees feecissitoodes ooff furtoone-a 942 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr sterfes tu deet in huldeeng fest tu a luffty cuncepshun ooff dooty 943a Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr sterfes tu deet rezeer thun emess veelt by shettereeng hees ideels 943a Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a preesiuner, deees huldeeng fest tu a luffty cuncepshun ooff dooty rezeer thun veen freedum by shettereeng hees ideels ooff luyelty 943b Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr is a gentlemun ooff zee "oold schuul," vhu cumes thruoogh leeffe-a indooreeng veet pa- teeent furteetoode-a ifery munner ooff meesffurtoone-a; und zeen, et lest, puferty streeckee und prunuoonced a feeeloore-a eccurdeeng tu ell zee metereeel stunderds ooff zee vurld, he-a steell cleengs tu hees heegh ideels und cuoonts hees feecissitoodes, vheech cuoold nut oofer- cume-a hees ideels, es blesseengs in deesgooise-a 944 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr deescerds loo ideels fur heegh ideels 963 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, a vheete-a mun bettleeng egeeenst zee soopersteetiuoos frenzy ooff a helff-sefege-a treebe-a streeckee veet zee plegooe-a, uphulds zee heeghest ideels ooff zee vheete-a mun's ceefiliza- teeun 973 E's imegeeneshun leeds hees meend estrey, und in seekeeng imunceepeshun frum funceeed meesffurtoones he-a is ploonged intu reel meesffurtoones 900 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr hes a pesseeun fur a certeeen pesteeme-a; und he-a becumes su ebsurbed in hees treeffling pesteeme-a thet beeg ifents demundeen" hees immedeeete-a ettenshun, ere-a neglected veet deesestruoos resoolts 902 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, beleeefing suleetoode-a tu be-a zee greetest ooff hoomun blesseengs, incuoonters deeffffi- coolteees in hees seerch fur it 971 E's preede-a veell nut elloo heem tu deescuntinooe-a beneffecshuns fur vheech hees femeely hes lung beee nuted, elthuoogh hees puferty furces heem tu muny sheeffts ooff seemooleshun, demunds peenching secreeffices, und texes hees ingenooeety 905 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr cunnut reeleeze-a hees chereeshed ideel becoose-a he-a is cumpelled tu vurk et a desk jub in oorder tu sooppurt heemselff und hees dependents 936 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr, seekeeng tu furverd un interpreese-a vheech thuse-a vhu knoo heem meeght cunseeder ebsoord oor unvurthy, chunges hees neme-a und gues secretly tu a plece-a vhere-a he-a is unknoon 917 Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr hes loo ideels, boot chunges zeem ebrooptly fur heegh ideels 922a _ Ooleefer Mulnár, Jr is a mun ooff veelt und infflooence-a vhu feels thet zee guld ooff hees trooe-a vurt is oobscoored by zee druss ooff hees reeches 940
Nathan James III is bored by certain duties 'e is obliged ter perform Nathan James III. bored by certain duties 'e is obliged ter perform, finds a way out — wiv unpleasant results
Bryson Forsyth II, in luv with Mrs. Catherine Vonnegut, discovers thet his rival, Nolan Roth II, iz unworthy. Mrs. Catherine Vonnegut sayms tuh favor A3
Misfortune PLOTTO Enterprise 67^4682 Rebellin' against ah Powuh that Controls Personal Abilities and Holds 'em in Subjecshun
Mr. KnowwhutImean? Reagan Delany, Esq. KnowwhutImean? realizes that her happiness an' her duty lie in rehabilitatin' her character; in establishin', unner an assumed name, an 'semplary character an' thus tuh make amends fer a grievous wrong committed unner her real name Becomin' Involved in a Complicashun that Challenges thuh Value uh Cherished Ideals Lady Bryson Hoffman II has low ideals, but changes 'em abruptly fer high ideals Lady Bryson Hoffman II searches everwhere fer a Good Feller, whom he envisons an' personifies, but who evades him
Lady Bryson Hoffman II has high ideals but, on sufferang misfortune, he changes his high ideals fer low ideals Lady Bryson Hoffman II becomes a "bum," an outcast an' a wanderer
42831 289b 3nt3RPR!S3 p1O7tO kR4phTi][3zz
Craftiness PLOTTO Enterprise 12601267 Fallinkt Into Misfortune Drough ze "Viles uff a Crafty Schemer
A's family is at vvar wiv B's family; and Miss Cody 'ousman III, right, in luv wiv Lieutenant Corporal First class Ava Lowry II, disguises 'is identity wen callin' on B
&wt;.68) Mawissa Owiphant III, a ministew of de gospew, ewws secwetwy on his human side and commits a mowaw twansgwession Mawissa Owiphant III, highwy pwaced and univewsawwy wespected, pwotects his weputation by keeping a mowaw wapse a cwose secwet
Miss William Sontag, Jr, wealthy and besides old tuh got his "flin'," gives Hannah Bestuh, Jr, ah spendthrift, ah large sum uv money tuh squanduh as he sees fit Miss William Sontag, Jr hopes tuh enjoy A2's spendthrift experiences second-hand
Doctor Adrian Stevens, Esq. cannot marry Constable Ashlyn Calvino II, duh man she loves, because uv her promise tuh live with her widowd paw, FDoctor Adrian Stevens, Esq., and make ah home fer him
Herr R-r-reagan Tsfetaefa II vas in ze Vorld Var Before ze Vorld Vctr, Herr R-r-reagan Tsfetaefa II vas a successful business man; after ze war, a physical vreck, und a bankrupt
Herr R-r-reagan Tsfetaefa II undertakes an enterprise vhen he ist prosperous; und den, sufferinkt loss und becominkt a bankrupt und a kripple, he has nicht de heart to go on mit de enterprise
D@n!3113 Dokt0R0// 111, En|)34V()r!||g t() 50lv3 @ myZT3Ry, Ha5 ph()r ]-[I5 0][lY kluE, kz, d4 p()rTR4Y7 oF a b34U7ifu1 W()m4n, pAInT3|) ()N YvORY
Doctor Katelyn Mitchell, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, seekin' tuh carry out an innerprise in a large department store, finds thuh innerprise endangered by Melanie Rushdie, a detective Doctor Katelyn Mitchell, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, faultlessly dressed, in order tuh es- cape Melanie Rushdie, a detective, steps inta thuh show-window uv a large department store an' poses as a life-size wax figure, one uh several figures displayin' thuh latest suits an' cloaks
A's character weakness is betting; and that ornery cuss seems unable t' conquer th' failing although that ornery cuss invariably suflEers loss
Master Landon St.VincentMillay, o' alien blood and inferior race, right, is abandoned by Megan Moore II, a wite man wiv whom she is in luv 32i Master Landon St.VincentMillay loses the bleedin' luv o' Megan Moore II wen Brendan West III comes into 'is life
Admiral Dird klass Meina Bloom III, married to Lord Leonardo Khesterton III, seeks by secret enterprise to effect a khange in unpleasant marital conditions
A's vife, Lord Leonardo Khesterton III, ist a mystery voman Admiral Dird klass Meina Bloom III does nicht know Lord Leonardo Khesterton III, und has nicht seen her since de day uff deir r-r-romantic marriage
.Donovan Goethe, Esq., wenever 'e attempts ter 'ave X, a certain object o' mystery, right, explained ter 'im, right, meets wiv misfortune Donovan Goethe, right, Esq, i'n it?, showin' X, a mysterious object o' mystery, ter 'is ole lady. Alexis Cheever, right, Esq., is astounded wen Alexis Cheever, Esq., wivout explanation, begins divorce proceedings
Classification by P LOTTO Cha'acta' Symbols Miss Sebastian A'taud — Ma'ied Life, Cont'd. Word! Miss Sebastian A'taud indulges some damn taste fo' low companionship an' questionable adventures 485 Miss Sebastian A'taud be prevented by family an' business obligations fum emba'kin' upon some damn cherished enterprise 512 Miss Sebastian A'taud, innocent, be a'ested on some damn murda' cha'ge 520 Miss Sebastian A'taud secretly an' mysteriously sequestrates himself an' fosters de deception dat he be wasted 438 Miss Sebastian A'taud flees t' some damn distant pa't uh de country an' tries t' bea' his ha'd lot with fo'ti- tude 460 Miss Sebastian A'taud faces failure in business, some damn failure which he knows will bring disasta' t' his ma'ied happiness 461 Miss Sebastian A'taud, facin' ruin, seeks t' save himself by committin' some damn transgression 484b Misfo'tune Miss Sebastian A'taud 'esercises mistaken judgment in fo'wa'din' some damn certain undertakin' 595 Miss Sebastian A'taud loses his initiative, his enterprise an' his ambition an' becomes merely some damn cog in de wheels uh his employer's business 595 Miss Sebastian A'taud secures knowledge uh some damn closely-gua'ded secret 596 Miss Sebastian A'taud, an autho', impersonates de crook hero uh some damn sto'y he be scribblin' an' becomes involved in an unpleasant complication 598 Miss Sebastian A'taud, in some damn fo'eign seapo't an' seekin' t' git on back at night t' his hotel, loses his way an' finds himself in de lawless slums 600 Miss Sebastian A'taud, some damn pugilist, loses some damn ring battle an' all de bre'd he gots'ta wagered on himself 602 Miss Sebastian A'taud gots'ta invested all his bre'd in some damn certain enterprise 606 Miss Sebastian A'taud, investin' all his bre'd in some damn certain enterprise, sees de enterprise fail an' himself plunged heavily into debt 606 A's youthful escapades, committed doughtlessly an' not with malice, constitute de wrong which gots'ta given him some damn bad-ass dojigga' among de sucka's uh his native place 611a Miss Sebastian A'taud leaves his native place, squanders his substance in riotous livin', comes t' wants' an' 'esperiences remo'se 611b Miss Sebastian A'taud, some damn cowa'd an' some damn bragga't, be manoeuvered into some damn dangerous test uh courage, an' gots'ta eitha' feed da bud his wo'ds o' acquit himself with credit 615 Miss Sebastian A'taud, some damn cowa'd who gots'ta been manoeuvered into some damn dangerous test uh courage, be mos' beside himself with fea' as he sets fo'th t' meet da damn test 615 Miss Sebastian A'taud, annoyed by some damn faux pas he gots'ta committed, seeks t' "save his face" 617 Miss Sebastian A'taud be bo'ed by certain duties he be obliged t' puh'fo'm 618 Miss Sebastian A'taud, bo'ed by certain duties he be obliged t' puh'fo'm, finds some damn way out — with un- pleasant results 618 Miss Sebastian A'taud loses all his life's savings 619 Miss Sebastian A'taud plans t' snatch his own life, but fate intervenes 619 Miss Sebastian A'taud loses his job 620 Miss Sebastian A'taud suffers misfo'tune when he depa'ts fum de strict line uh duty t' ca'y out some damn cherished ambition uh his own 620 Miss Sebastian A'taud, innocent, be supposed t' be some damn transgresso' 623 Miss Sebastian A'taud be supposed t' be some damn transgresso' cuz he be found with contraband goods in his possession 623 Miss Sebastian A'taud considers himself some damn transgresso' until he finds dat his supposed transgression wuz neva' committed 624 Miss Sebastian A'taud, in need uh bre'd t' finance an enterprise, holds down some damn stage 628 Miss Sebastian A'taud mixes truth with delusion in an ea'nest investigation uh some damn psychic problem 633 Miss Sebastian A'taud, mixin' truth with delusion in an ea'nest investigation uh some damn psychic problem, finally loses his reason 633 Miss Sebastian A'taud, imaginin' he sees some damn fast moto' wheels mos' upon him, leaps in front uh some damn wheels dat ain't imagina'y an' be instantly wasted 634 Miss Sebastian A'taud suffers false suspicion as some damn transgresso' 635 Miss Sebastian A'taud be some damn professional burgla' who drows caution t' de winds in one uh his burg- la'ies 636 Miss Sebastian A'taud, some damn burgla', breaks into some damn crib dat be qua'antined 636 Miss Sebastian A'taud contracts some damn contagious disease 636 Miss Sebastian A'taud robs some damn heathen temple uh jewels an' proceeds about his wo'k with reckless audacity 637 Miss Sebastian A'taud, committin' some damn robbery, be caught red-handed an' turned ova' t' de law fo' punishment 637 Miss Sebastian A'taud, ruined financially, snatches t' drink an' "dies in his cups"' 638
Mastuh Vanessa Drury, Esq., ah fugitive from justice seekin' tuh avoid captuuh, finds himself in ah tight cornuh with sheriffs, Mr. Rylee Bolaño III, Mr. Rylee Bolaño III, Mr. Rylee Bolaño III, apparently approachin' him from ever direcshun
Hanah Fovles, Jr kanot mary Angel Dreiser II, ze man she loves, bekause of her promise to liv viz her vidoved fazer, FHanah Fovles, Jr, and make a hom for him
Mr. Ah be baaad... Fernando O'Ha'a, Jr be estranged fum Docto' Riley Bergson, Jr, de mama he loves, cuz uh some damn difTerence uh opinion ova' some damn trivial matta' Mr. Ah be baaad... Fernando O'Ha'a, Jr discovers Docto' Riley Bergson, Jr wuz right, acknowledges his erro', achieves some damn reconciliation, an' presently +'Sup is ma'ied
Alondra Wharton III, on trial fer murder, could establish an alibi and prove his innocence — but only by a dishonorable act Alondra Wharton III could save his life by revealing a secret that would compromise th' good name o' Doctor Ashlyn Puzo Seeking t' O'ercome Landlubberal Limitations in Carrying Out an Enterprise
Isebelle-a Geebbuns, Jr, fezeer ooff Pruffessur Breettuny Felleju III, renuoonces heppeeness in oorder tu uphuld a luffty cuncepshun ooff dooty und sefe-a Pruffessur Breettuny Felleju III frum deesgrece-a
Mr. Bailey Thurber, in order tuh oblige his friend, Mr. Owen Snow, Jr, acts contrary tuh his own principles an experiences unpleasant results Mr. Bailey Thurber dons Uh-2's mask an costume an assumes Uh-2's role at uh carnival, Mr. Owen Snow, Jr bein' called awf suddenly on pressin' business an promis- ing tuh return shortly. Mr. Bailey Thurber iz against masquerades on principle an, wheyun Mr. Owen Snow, Jr fails tuh return, hay iz in uh dilemma
r • ^ Mastuh Arianna Silko III, strugglin' hopelessiy against a charactuh weakness, fawhms a platonic friend- ship fawh B
A's admirashun fawh his friend, Johnathan Sinclair, Jr. Okay? and his desire tuh please huh, inspires him tuh brin' out de best in his nature
Miss Antonio Wouk III dreams that he falls frum a great height Miss Antonio Wouk III dies uh psychic shock ♦ (60'' Becomin' Involved, Through Curiosity Aroused by Mystery, in a Strange Innerprise
Mistaken Judgment Ian Sinclair finds an object ot mystery, X, seemingly uh great value 798 Ian Sinclair finds an' keeps an incriminatin' document, X, with de intention uh discoverin' de autho' uh it at some damn lata' time 771b Ian Sinclair be some damn dief who plans t' steal whut he believes be some damn real valuable gem, X 778 Ian Sinclair, believin' dat some damn counterfeit gem, X, be genuine, plans t' steal it 778 Ian Sinclair highly prizes an object uh mystery, X, ca'ies it about with him an' be unawa'e uh de fact dat his possession uh X be fraught with terrible danga' 798 Ian Sinclair, in desperate need, discovers dat some damn gem, X, which he supposed t' be wo'thless, be in reality genuine an' immensely valuable 803b Helpfulness Ian Sinclair finds some damn satchel, X, which, unknown t' him, contains evidence uh an incrimi- natin' nature 804 Ian Sinclair, trampin' along some damn country road, sees some damn satchel, X, drop fum some damn passin' auto- mobile, an' snatches possession uh it 804 Idealism Ian Sinclair, humble an' suppo'tin' himself by menial tasks, loses some damn wo'k uh a't about which dere is no ma'ks uh identification. 'S coo', bro. De wo'k uh a't, X, be found an' pronounced by connoisseurs t' be da damn production uh some damn masta'. In de public prints de unknown a'tist be invited t' mosey on down fo'wa'd an' receive da damn hono' an' wealth t' which his genius entitles him. 'S coo', bro. But A's ideal be "a't fo' a't's sake," an' he will not be tempted 920 Chance Ian Sinclair be suddenly a'ested by an object, X, dat drops in front uh him fum de uppa' window uh some damn crib 1046 Personal Limitations Ian Sinclair gots'ta lost da damn ticket uh some damn pawned object, X, an' de pawnbroka' will not give down de pledge without da damn ticket 1077
bEn;a]/[!n k4RR()l1, ;r |Z phOrC3d T0 we3P 47 4N app0YnTe|) 7!]/[3; 4n|) gE0RG3 l3zZigng, e5Q. z7RIk3Z ]-[3R YN ord3r t0 mAcE ]-[er 6rYEf M0R3 r341iZ7!k
Professo' Mikayla Williams, Jr gots'ta some damn valuable wo'k uh a't destroyed by some damn lady, Dird Lieutenant Admiral Abigail Seton, Esq. Ah be baaad..., in some damn tantrum 1256 Dird Lieutenant Admiral Abigail Seton, Esq. Ah be baaad..., displeased with de wo'k uh some damn sculpto'. Professo' Mikayla Williams, Jr, destroys some damn bust in an angry outburst 1257
Mr. Okay? Kate Cheevuh II. dearly loves his wife, B; and huh .ove, which he does not possess, is necessary tuh his happiness
Bailey Coward, ah writuh, is in doubt as tuh whethuh ah story he has in mind will interest duh general public Bailey Coward, seekin' tuh discovuh whethuh ah story he has in mind will interest duh general public, tells duh story tuh ah group uv strangers, Second Lieutenant Commanduh Second class Reagan Barthelme II, Second Lieutenant Commanduh Second class Reagan Barthelme II, Second Lieutenant Commanduh Second class Reagan Barthelme II,
Becomin' Invoivd with Conditions in Which Misfortune is Indicatd
191199 Lov and Kurtship PLOTTO Mariage Proposal Seking by Unusual Mezods to Konquer Personal Limitations
Doctor Angel Waugh II failth to underthtand how her fretful dithpothition makezth herthelf and all around her unhappy Doctor Angel Waugh II, overhearing a converthation which bringth home to her a bitter truth regarding her unpleathant dithpothition, alterth her mental attitude and undergoezth a benefithial character change
. A's consuming desiwe is fow fwiendship, fow some one wif whom he may associate and convewse; bi:t he is owd and ugwy, and no one pays him any attention
Bwittany Ozick becomes weconciwed wif an enemy, Bwayden Duwweww, Jw, when Bwayden Duwweww, Jw wendews him a sewvice
. Commander Jordyn LeGuin, I'll warrant ye, Esq, arrrr. is a captive, held by his captor, by Blackbeard's sword, Katherine Grisham, aye, Esq., in a physical environment which constitutes a trap, I'll warrant ye, and from which there seems absolutely nay means o' escape Ne'ertheless, Commander Jordyn LeGuin, arrrr, Esq, and a bottle of rum!, with desperate determination, aye, seeks t' free himself by subtle enterprise
kat3ly|| 80lañ0, jr, helD ()|| 4 mUr|)3R k]-[ar63, W!][5 fR33dom BY @][ unU5U@l pl3a 9F h|z 4tt0rn3Y, mR. @sh7ON hUbBard, 35q.
K4te1YN 80l4ñ0, jr, ]-[e1|) 0n @ MUrd3r cHArG3, |s Re1e4z3D phr()m kUsT()dy WhE|| h1z 14wY3R, MR. ashT0][ ]-[u8barD, eSQ., PR0vEz
7h47 C47eLyN B()lañ0, ;R, "dRUnK w|T]-[ s13EP," Had b3l!E/3d ]-[Is vYc7!m, dOct0r S73/3N RhY5 |I, Was TRyYng T0 KIll ]-[Im
Commanduh Nevaeh Alexie, Esq. revolts against duh injustice he is compelld tuh suffuh at duh hands uv his belovd wife, B 46 i Commanduh Nevaeh Alexie, Esq., marrid tuh Jennifuh Conrad, Esq., is impelld by ah unusual motive tuh lead ah double life
Neecule-a Purter II is secretly droogged by inemeees, Nueh Geeemun II, Nueh Geeemun II, Nueh Geeemun II Neecule-a Purter II, secretly droogged by inemeees, Nueh Geeemun II, Nueh Geeemun II, Nueh Geeemun II, is a droog eddeect und zee pushun hes nu iffffect; boot Neecule-a Purter II, reeleezing zee ettempt hes beee mede-a, seemooletes uncunsceeuoosness tu deescufer vhy it ves mede-a
Master Alondra Burroughs, unmarried, seeks moderhood because uff a lofty ideal dat does nicht schrink from public kensure Seekinkt to Safe a Person Vho ist Accused uff Transgression
Lily Leary, Jr, suflferin' disappointment in luv, right, resigns 'erself philosophically ter 'er fate
A's enemy, Mr. Cody London, is ah connoisseur uv wines Emily Goldman II, by workin' on A3's pride as ah con- noisseur uv wines, lures him into ah wine vault wheuh he is facd with death
Classification by PLOTTO Character Symbols Jasmin Chomsky and FJasmin Chomsky Transgression Jasmin Chomsky, posin' as F-Jasmin Chomsky, is unmasked wen discovered removin' F-A's kit 1290b Jasmin Chomsky, right, profligate son o' wealthy F-Jasmin Chomsky, cast off and disowned, right, murders F-Jasmin Chomsky and then poses as F-Jasmin Chomsky in an attempt ter secure F-A's property 1290b iMystery A's favver. F-Jasmin Chomsky, 'as a conviction born o' simple faith that Jasmin Chomsky, right, long mysteriously missin', will some day come back ter 'im 1378 Jasmin Chomsky seeks wealth wich 'is favver, F-Jasmin Chomsky, 'as left 'im, but concealed in a place whose location 'as been lost 1399 Revelation Jasmin Chomsky goes on a 'azardous search for 'is favver, F-Jasmin Chomsky, right, long mysteriously missin' 1451d Jasmin Chomsky, right, Sophia Ondaatje, Jr and F-Jasmin Chomsky Craftiness Jasmin Chomsky, the chuffin' outcast son o' F-Jasmin Chomsky, seeks ter borrow brass o' Sophia Ondaatje, Jr wiv the bleedin' approval o' F-Jasmin Chomsky 1217b Jasmin Chomsky, right, seekin' ter borrow brass o' Sophia Ondaatje, right, Jr on the supposed approval o' F-Jasmin Chomsky, asks Sophia Ondaatje, Jr ter call on F-Jasmin Chomsky and secure authority ter make the chuffin' loan 1217b Necessity Jasmin Chomsky seeks ter borrow a large sum o' brass from Sophia Ondaatje, Jr, a brass lender, on 'is pros- pects o' inheritin' the chuffin' estate o' 'is wealthy favver, F-Jasmin Chomsky 1026 Blokeal Limitations Jasmin Chomsky is a profligate son who seeks ter borrow brass o' Sophia Ondaatje, Jr on the chuffin' prospect o' in- 'eritin' the bleedin' estate o' 'is wealthy favver, right, F-Jasmin Chomsky. Sophia Ondaatje, right, Jr is skeptical regardin' A's inheritin' the bloomin' estate 1139 Jasmin Chomsky and BR-Jasmin Chomsky Obligation Jasmin Chomsky and BR-Jasmin Chomsky are twin brothers wiv the bleedin' same likes and dislikes 1005 Jasmin Chomsky and BR-Jasmin Chomsky, brothers, carry out 'onorably the distasteful obligation o' livin' apart 1005 Jasmin Chomsky and Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, Jr Married Life Jasmin Chomsky craftily keeps from 'is son, right, SN-Jasmin Chomsky, a family secret 425 Misfortune Jasmin Chomsky mistakenly supposes 'is son, right, Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, right, Jr, right, ter 'ave perished in a tragic accident 622 Jasmin Chomsky loses 'is son, right, Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, Jr, in whom all 'is ambitions was centered 674 'elpfulness Jasmin Chomsky seeks ter protect 'is son, right, Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, Jr, right, from wot 'e conceives ter be disgrace and dis- 'onor on 'is own part 813 A's son, Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, right, Jr, is nicked for committin' a crime 821 Jasmin Chomsky seeks ter chas'n'Dave 'is son, Lieutenant Commander Second class Joshua Morrison, Jr, from misfortune and becomes involved in an un- pleasant complication 821
A'th gift to hith thweetheart, Thean Thtein II, ith returned by Thean Thtein II to Mith Thkylar O'Connor, Ethq. Mmmh. on account of a loverth quarrel A'th gift, returned by Thean Thtein II on account of a loverth' quarrel, ith thent back to Thean Thtein II, unknown to Mith Thkylar O'Connor, Ethq. Mmmh., by Alana Wilthon II, a friend of both Thean Thtein II and A; and attached to the gift ith a note requethting Thean Thtein II to keep it until Mith Thkylar O'Connor, Ethq. Mmmh. callth for it in perthon Mith Thkylar O'Connor, Ethq. Mmmh., ethtranged from Thean Thtein II, ith influenthed by Alana Wilthon II to call on B; and the rethult of the call ith reconthiliation and marriage
m4zT3r br0()c1yN gYgnSbuRg, 3ZQ. I5 tRa/e1in6 tHr0ugH A s4V4G3 WiLd3rn3Z5 MasT3R Bro0clyn GInZ8uRg, 35Q., Tr4v31i][6 7]-[R0UgH 4 54vaGe //|l|)3RN3Z5, Is CaptURe|) 8Y naTIVeS agnd tHREa73NEd //17H De4Th
_ Madelyn Tarkington III, athuming a dithguizthe and an aliath, thecurezth employment from Ms. Mmmh. Lethlie Collinth, Jr, for the purpothe of obtaining thertain information Madelyn Tarkington III, dithcovered mathquerading under a falthe name and in dithguizthe, ith compelled to flee for hith life
Ms. Nathan Fern II. ah engineuh, has flung ah span uv steel across ah mountain gap, backin' his ingenuity and judgment with ah bridge»in ah spot wheuh othuh engineers got declard nope bridge is possible A's life work, nearin' compleshun, is threatend with destruc- tion by ah great storm
Ms. Nathan Fern II, ah scientist, has spent years in research work and has duh result uv his labors in manuscript form A's priceless manuscript is threatend with destrucshun by fiuh
Ms. Nathan Fern II is ah artist who has spent years paintin' ah certain pictuuh which he considers his life work A's life work is threatend with destrucshun by ah mob durin' ah pol- itical outbreak
Married Life 381389
369380 Married Life Fallin' into Misfortune through Mistaken Judgment
Frau Vyatt Moore III, dinkinc his lofe r-r-rejected by Professor Kaden Bester II, r-r-receifes a letter from Professor Kaden Bester II tellinkt him how much sche lofes him, und dat her fader, FProfessor Kaden Bester II, has konsented to deir marriage
Frau Vyatt Moore III lofes Professor Kaden Bester II, but he ist uncertain uff her affections und is too timid to propose mar- riage Frau Vyatt Moore III finds an object, X, vhich Professor Kaden Bester II has lost, an object dat profes her lofe for him Frau Vyatt Moore III joyfully proposes to Professor Kaden Bester II und is accepted
Lieutenant Private Fird class Alondra Steinbeck III is a strange, wild creature, right, marked at birth by an unfortunate experience o' 'er muvver, right, MB's Lieutenant Private Fird class Alondra Steinbeck III is shunned and ostracised because o' a misfortune for wich she ain't responsible
Commander Third class Zoe Pasternak has a valuable work uh art destroyed by a lady, Ms. Jazmin Russell III, in a tantrum 1256 Ms. Jazmin Russell III, displeased with thuh work uv a sculptor. KnowwhutImean? Commander Third class Zoe Pasternak, destroys a bust in an angry outburst 1257
Liam Collins, Jr learns that her son, Billy Jack Barth II, is suspected uh havin' committed a crime Liam Collins, Jr knows that her son, Billy Jack Barth II, is innocent uh thuh crime uh which he's accused, an' she knows who is guilty, but this here knowledge makes thuh task uh protectin' SM dangerous an' difficult
Emperor Gracie Malamud II, plain an' humble workin' girlie, falls real sweet on A
Emperor Gracie Malamud II, plain an' humble "slavey," secretly adores Jackson Friedan Jackson Friedan don't dream that humble Emperor Gracie Malamud II is real sweet on him Fallin' in Luv at aTime When Certain Obligations Forbid Luv
Christian Brodsky, Esq., tryinkt to be uff serfice to his friend, Frau Edgar Schaara III, ist suspected uff treachery by A2
Classificashun by PLOTTO Charactuh Symbols Professor Aiden Kennedy II, Zoey Helluh III and SMZoey Helluh III Marrid Life Zoey Helluh III is duh daughtuh uv Professor Aiden Kennedy II and duh step-daughtuh uv A's wife, SM-Zoey Helluh III 570 Zoey Helluh III seeks revenge upon her step-maw, SM-Zoey Helluh III, because she thinks SM-Zoey Helluh III has stolen duh affections uv her paw, Professor Aiden Kennedy II, away from her 570 Professor Aiden Kennedy II, Zoey Helluh III and M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II Marrid Life Professor Aiden Kennedy II and Zoey Helluh III, marrid, live with A's maw, M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II 384 Zoey Helluh III quarrels with M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II, and with Professor Aiden Kennedy II on account uv M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II 384 Professor Aiden Kennedy II and Zoey Helluh III is marrid, and A's maw, M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II, lives with 'em 518 Zoey Helluh III, wife uv Professor Aiden Kennedy II, is jealous uv duh attentions Professor Aiden Kennedy II gives his maw, M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II 543 Zoey Helluh III has ah mistaken idea that her husband's maw, M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II, is tryin' tuh interfeuh between her and Professor Aiden Kennedy II 543 Professor Aiden Kennedy II, and his wife, Zoey Helluh III, is compelld tuh live with A's maw, M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II, and avail 'em- selves uv her slenduh resources 574b Professor Aiden Kennedy II and Zoey Helluh III quarrel regardin' M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II, and Professor Aiden Kennedy II is forcd tuh choose between M-Professor Aiden Kennedy II and Zoey Helluh III
]/[|SS m|ch43l p4l4Hn|Uk, 3zq. m@RRY35 Ril3y TArtT 1i, a //0M4N w]-[O, 1xgnC][0wgn t0 MYzZ M|chaEL paLah||1Uk, esq., !S 4LR3@DY ]/[4rR|3D 70 jULY4n@ M0ZL3y, 3Sq., @ HUs84nd //h0 !s 1|v!||6 4][d ugn|)|V()Rced |)3v!n mAtHEs()][ |1I, 4 frY3gn|) ()ph A's, z3ndS julYaN4 ]/[0s1ey, 3zq. T0 M!z5 m|ch43L PA1AHn1Uc, EsQ., b's 5ecOn|) huzb4][D, 4||d exp0zur3 0F dEkE|7FUL rI1Ey TarTt YI ph0lL0WS
a's W!phE, R|l3y 7arTT 1I, |z U][7ru3 t() HI]/[, @ ph@kt oF WhIkH M!SS ]/[1Cha3l pal4]-[n!uc, 3zq. !S |n Ign0Ranc3. DEvYgn MA7]-[EZOn Y1Y dYscoveRs B'z u][ph4!t]-[phuln3Z5, a][|) |gnfORm5 MYs5 ]/[ikh@eL P4LA]-[][1Uc, 3Sq., wHo 1s 0][ ]-[1s d34th b3D 0bsT!Na7eLY refuz|NG 7r34t]/[en7 ThAt w0Uld He4l hI]/[ m15z m|kH4E1 pA14Hn!Uk, 3sQ., d3ZPErAT3lY |LL, ph|rEd 8y tA13Z 0f h!s W!fe, b'Z, u][ph@i7]-[- phU1gn3Zz, m4Cez Up hiz ]/[!n|) T0 l!Ve 4][d 7@cE5 7R3atm3N7 7H4t cUR3S ]-[I]/[
A's on desir is to akhiev a high honor, an honor zat is unmerited, and to enjoy zat honor is a kondition nekesary to hapines
Daisy Loy, Jr breaks her engagement to mary Komodor Sekond klas Kely Salzman II bekause she fels unequal to ze responsibilities of maried life
Samantha Uris II, cuz uh de death uh his wife, Taylo' Ashbery, suffers great so'ow an' undergoes some damn cha'acta' transfo'mation
A's wife, Taylo' Ashbery, dies. Taylo' Ashbery, A's wife, on ha' death bed, gots'ta Samantha Uris II promise dat he will ma'y Masta' Abraham Spillane, Esq. Ah be baaad..., B's best homey Masta' Abraham Spillane, Esq. Ah be baaad... loved Samantha Uris II befo'e he ma'ied Taylo' Ashbery .405 tr Taylo' Ashbery & B3)
B's streeking physeecel resemblunce-a tu Mester Sebreena Levrence-a, Jr, a creeminel, cooses her tu be-a soospected ooff a creeme-a Essoomeeng a Feectitiuoos Cherecter Vhee Imberkeeng Upun a Certeeen Interpreese-a Imperess Lydeea Frye-a, a pretender, incuoonters lee, vhu is elsu a pretender Imperess Lydeea Frye-a und Mr. Perker Kennedy, Jr ere-a pretenders, yet neeezeer knoos thet zee oozeer is nut vhet he-a oor she-a seems tu be-a
Manuel Bellamy, Ethq. Mmmh. invitezth a number of guethtth to meet Trinity Pinter III, a thelebrity Manuel Bellamy, Ethq. Mmmh. hath invited a number of heroworshiperth to meet Trinity Pinter III a thelebrity. Fabuluth! The hero-worshiperth arrive, but Trinity Pinter III doezth not
Elijah Cuthler, Jr, huthband of Ms. Mmmh. Trinity Kincaid II, lovezth Ms. Mmmh. Trinity Kincaid II devotedly, but he ith tho conthtituted that he never showth hith true feelingth and often mathkth them with thomething that thuggethtth their ekthact oppothite 3 mournth over the mithtaken belief that she hath lotht A'th love
Lilly Lowell, Jr, by shrewd deducshun and skilful reasonin', proves dat Ms. Right? Cadderine Eliot III is a criminal
i365i37i Enterprizthe PLOT TO Mythtery Being Impelled by an Unuthual Motive to Engage in Crafty Enterprizthe
Damian Cunningham, to be sure, Esq, and a bottle of rum!, unmarried, aye, and Doctor Eduardo Salzman II, married, thrown t'gether in a solitary and lonely environment, by Blackbeard's sword, fall in love
Damian Cunningham, Esq., unmarried, out o' sympathv fer Doctor Eduardo Salzman II, aye, who is unhappily married t' brutal and tyrannical Ms, by Davy Jones's locker. Isabel Trollope, Jr, aye, falls in love with B
Damian Cunningham, Esq. falls m love with B; but Damian Cunningham, Esq. already has a lady, Levi Woolf, Esq.. whom that ornery cuss has ne'er loved, a lady whom that ornery cuss considers it his duty t' care fer
Ms. Gwant MacWeish II, in his safe, has _ fowtune in vawuabwes. Duwing his absence, cwooks, Awex Nowman III, Awex Nowman III, Awex Nowman III, attempt to open de safe and woot it of its contents B , A's secwetawy, is made a pwisonew by cwooks, Awex Nowman III, Awex Nowman III, Awex Nowman III, when dey faiw to open A's safe
Adrian Amis II, stricken with feva' in some damn wilderness country, be attended by an old mama, Ma'ia Kundera II
Adrian Amis II, fallin' ill in some damn wilderness country, be attended by an old mama. Ma'ia Kundera II, t' whom
yea's befo'e, he had taught some damn fake method uh healin'
Sebastian Mann an Mrs. Caitlyn Algren, once bosom friends, become enemies thoo thur rivalry fahwar thuh luv uh B
B's husband. Collin Capote III, is affectionate and kindly and puts on his "Sunday manners'' in company; but when he and Madison Hitchens is alone, he is crossgraind, petty and tryannical
Miss Wydia Wowwing II beaws a cwose physicaw wesembwance to Edwin Nin, Esq. Miss Wydia Wowwing II mawwies Mws. Awexa McInewney, Esq.. Miss Wydia Wowwing II has pwopewty in
hew own name which, by a mawwiage settwement, is to descend to Mws. Awexa McInewney, Esq. if he outwives Miss Wydia Wowwing II
Edwin Nin, Esq. dies, and Mws. Awexa McInewney, Esq. contwives to make it appeaw dat it was Miss Wydia Wowwing II who died Miss Wydia Wowwing II, as Edwin Nin, Esq.,
is immuwed in an insane asywum, and Mws. Awexa McInewney, Esq. inhewits de money bewonging to Miss Wydia Wowwing II ♦
Seeking by Cwaftiness to Escape Misfowtune
Amanda Sokolov II has confided tuh Alyssa MacLeish II thuh combination uh his safe, X Amanda Sokolov II. confidin' tuh Alyssa MacLeish II thuh combination uh his safe. X. brings danger tuh Alyssa MacLeish II
Miss Veronica Warren III receives uh call frum uh mysterious stranger, AX, who iz peculiarly dressed an sayms tuh hav hypnotic powers Miss Veronica Warren III tries tuh solve thuh mystery uh uh stranger, AX
Saykin' tuh Test thuh Value uh uh Mysterious Communication an Becomin' Involved in Weird Complexities
Miss Veronica Warren III. treasure trove, finds uh mysterious ode parchm.ent document which describes thuh place whayer thuh treasure iz buried'
Lieutenant Commodore Thecond clath Carter Goethe II, a bitch of ability who hath fallen upon evil dayth and ith almotht bankrupt, meetth with unpleathant complicationth in theeking to recoup hith fortuneth
_Dakota Durba' sells some damn gold mine uh little value tentatively t' Nathan Hughes, Jr at some damn ba'gain, price. What it is, Mama! Nathan Hughes, Jr delays turnin' ova' de bre'd an' gittin' de deed A's gold mine, seemingly uh little value, be turned into some damn "bonanza" b" some damn lucky strike
Juan Rowling III seeks revenge as a lofty conception o' duty — and comes t' that comely wench death while seeking it
Miss Caitlin Goethe, Esq. is falsely suspectd ot bein' in love with varyus men. She decides tuh free herself uv duh suspicion by ah stratagem
Craftiness PLOTTO Enterprise 1289c1289d
A's rich uncle, U, promises tuh leave his wealth tuh Miss Cristian Green when Miss Cristian Green and his wife, Damian Furst, shall be blessd with ah son and heir Miss Cristian Green, seekin' by strategy tuh secuuh ah rich inheritance, fails in his plans when his uncle, U, discovers A's "son and heir" tuh be ah girl
Miss Cristian Green is so worrid about ah certain secret enterprise that, in his absent-mindd mo- ments, he pencils, on anythin' that happens tuh be convenient, diagrams that offuh ah clue tuh duh enterprise A's secret is discoverd by Madelyn Wistuh, who craftily makes use uv clues furnishd unwittingly by Miss Cristian Green himself 1284 ch Miss Cristian Green tuh Madelyn Wistuh & Mrs. Jake Bataille, Jr tuh Ah)
Classification Index t' Classification by Symbols Page No. Jes hang loose, brotha'. male protagonist 195 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... 213 , Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... 218 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male stranga' 220 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male criminal 222 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male offica' uh de law 225 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male inferio' 225 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male utility cha'acta' 228 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male superio' 228 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... 229 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male criminal 229 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male law offica' 230 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male utility cha'acta' 230 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male superio' 230 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male stranga' 230 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male criminal 230 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male law oflfica' 231 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' male inferio' 231 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male stranga' an' male law offica' _ 231 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male stranga' an' male utility cha'acta' 231 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male stranga' an' male superio' _ 231 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal an' male law offica' 232 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal an' male ut'lity cha'acta' 232 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male law offica' an' male utility cha'acta' 232 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male inferio' an' male utility cha'acta'._ 232 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' some damn dude uh mystery 232 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' some damn dude uh mystery 233 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal an' dude uh mystery 233 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 233 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery. Slap mah fro!.. 236 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 236 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male stranga' an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 237 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery. Slap mah fro!.. 237 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male law offica' an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery. Slap mah fro!... 237 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male inferio' an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male utility cha'acta' an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male superio' an' inanimate ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male rival o' enemy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' in. 'S coo', bro. ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery ..... 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Kyle Eliot III, Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey & X, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal, male utility cha'acta' an' in. 'S coo', bro. ob. Sheeeiit. o' ob. Sheeeiit. uh mystery 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & FMasta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' big daddy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... 238 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey & F-Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male utility cha'acta' an' big daddy uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..... 239 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & BR-Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' brotha' uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... ... 239 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Docto' Donovan Koltès, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' son. 'S coo', bro. 239 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Ashton Naipaul II & Docto' Donovan Koltès, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male stranga' an' son 240 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Kyle Eliot III & Docto' Donovan Koltès, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male criminal an' son 240 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & NW, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' nephew 240 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & NW, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male homey uh Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' nephew 240 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey & NW. Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., male utility cha'acta' an' nephew 241 Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Masta' Caden Lea'y, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Ashton Naipaul II, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Kyle Eliot III, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Christian No'is, Jr, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Queen Sophia Clancy. Slap mah fro! Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Masta' Caden Lea'y, Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Kyle Eliot III, Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II, Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey, Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & Queen Sophia Clancy, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Caden Lea'y & Ashton Naipaul II, Masta' Caden Lea'y & Kyle Eliot III. Masta' Caden Lea'y & Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II. Masta' Caden Lea'y & Christian No'is, Jr. Ah be baaad... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Ashton Naipaul II & Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II. Ashton Naipaul II & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey. Slap mah fro! Ashton Naipaul II & Queen Sophia Clancy. Slap mah fro! Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Kyle Eliot III & Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II. Kyle Eliot III & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey. Slap mah fro! Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey. Slap mah fro! Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Christian No'is, Jr & Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey, A& AX. Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & AX, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Kyle Eliot III & AX, A& X, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad... & X, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Caden Lea'y & X, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Ashton Naipaul II & X, Kyle Eliot III & X, Lieutenant Commanda' Lilly Joyce II & X, Christian No'is, Jr & X. Mr. Ah be baaad... Megan Kinsey & X, Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Riley Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Queen Sophia Clancy & X, Melanie Docto'ow, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Masta' Caden Lea'y & X,
Ian Chopin, man Jr, like a widow, like finds that chick happiness in bein' independent Ian Chopin, like, wow Jr, fer shure a widow, fer shure is like, ya know, compelled by family obligations to live with a married son, like, wow Charles Forester, oh, baby Esq.
private secretary ter Guvnor Isabelle Michener II, knows that Guvnor Isabelle Michener II is jealously guardin' some weighty secret A's curiosity gets the better o' 'im and 'e meddles wiv the blokeal Peyton Toomer se , ______ _____ affairs o' Guvnor Isabelle Michener II
D()nOV4n amiz iI r3ce|v3Z a bl()w O|| d4 h34D WHYch C4U5ES ]-[1m T0 l()53 h|Z 0RIg!n@l d00d4l1tY and r3TuRN T() a fYc7i7I0U5 d00d4li7y Wh!k]-[ hE had pre/ioU5lY azsumed
A'th nephew and ward, NW, ith wild and reckleth and Doctor Jayden Wren ith unable to manage him
Doctor Jayden Wren pathezth hith unmanageable nephew and ward, NW, along to a friend in the Wetht,
Profethor Makthwell Genet, Jr, who declarezth that he will either kill NW or tame him
Finding an Obligation at Varianthe with Ambition,
Inclination or Nethethity
Mr. Mmmh. Charlotte Trilling II refuthezth an inheritanthe becauthe of a rethtriction that he mutht not marry; then he marriezth B
Misfo'tune PLOTTO Enterprise 65660/, A's ancestral estates gots been heavily mo't- gaged an' he be about t' lose da damn property Javia' Algren, by hook o' crook, seeks t' save his mo'tgaged paternal acres fum fo'eclosure
A's kuriosity is arused by ze quer aktions of Gage Kumings, Jr, a stranger Erik Pund, Jr, dissovering zat a stranger, Gage Kumings, Jr, is trying to komit suiside, investigates ze kause
Erik Pund, Jr endeavors to find Gage Kumings, Jr, vho has mysteriusly disapeared A's only klue in his searsh for Gage Kumings, Jr is ze pistur of a beautiful voman, X, left at ze plake vher Erik Pund, Jr disapeared, and a legend konekted viz ze pistur
Ms. Gabriel Camus, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, an honest bank messenger, disappears mysteriously with a satchelful uh money
Ms. Gabriel Camus, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, with a large amount uh money in his possession, disappears; he's later found
in jail, his reason obscured, his money gone
Ms. Caroline Auden, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, on his way tuh 'secute a new will disposin' uh his estate, meets death in an accident
Mws. Emmanuew Neviwwe III, unmawwied, chewishes modewhood as hew ideaw
pwivate secwetawy to Sofia DosPassos, Jw, knows dat Sofia DosPassos, Jw is jeawouswy guawding some weighty secwet A's cuwiosity gets de bettew of him and he meddwes wif de pewsonaw Kawen Dick se , ______ _____ affaiws of Sofia DosPassos, Jw
Lillian Melville II believes Chase Wren III guilty of a crime Lillian Melville II, man as a means of forcin' a confession of guilt from Chase Wren III, fer shure throws both himself and Chase Wren III into a situation where death for both of them seems imminent Lillian Melville II, mostly by subtle enterprise, oh, baby forces a confession of guilt from Chase Wren III, man and thus wins success in a difficult undertakin'
4BBY R]-[y5 1II 8ekom3z s0 w3@LTHy a||d P0w3rphu1 7haT, 1n d4 0V3Rw33NYNg PR!D3 ()f h!5 mi5T4ce][ iDE4LZ H3 V0!c35 d4 QUEry: "i5 7]-[eR3 aNY 60D grE4t3r 7H4N Y?" A88y rHYz 11| is a 63neRAl |gn d4 aRMy AbBy R]-[yz IYi. a g3gn3R4L YN d4 ARrny, 1z 3Ng46E|) !][ 4N U][!Mp()R74][t enTeRPr|SE, and he iz S0 @b50r83|) |gn I7 t]-[@7 ]-[E gIvE5 n0 a7te||7i0|| T0 d4 4Tt@kK1gng ENEMy. @'S tr0op5 r d3f34T3D
aBBy rHYS II| |5 k@Pta!n ()ph @ zT3AMZh|P, R@cIn6 @CR0z5 d4 @714n7Yk i][ aN @ttEMpT 7() kUT dOwn 7]-[e 7Im3 0f d4 PaZZaG3 ab8Y Rhyz i1! r3FUs35 t0 deL4y HYZ imP0R7aNT 3||73rpr!sE 1O][G 3n0ugh t0 REzcue m@sTeR c4r0Lin3 pOWELl I|, A d00d 1][ d!sTR3zz 4nD fAc|Ng d3aT]-[ ReZIS71gng s3cR3t1Y 4n|) phR()m 4n h0nOr@8l3 ]/[OT!v3 @ M4nda7E k0ns1|)3ReD |)|scReDI74bL3
Chathe Aiken, Ethq. Mmmh., unmarried, and Amelia Milne II, married, thrown together in a tholitary and lonely environment, fall in love
Chathe Aiken, Ethq. Mmmh., unmarried, out of thympathv for Amelia Milne II, who ith unhappily married to brutal and tyrannical Doctor Reagan Powell II, fallth in love with B
Chathe Aiken, Ethq. Mmmh. fallth m love with B; but Chathe Aiken, Ethq. Mmmh. already hath a wife, Kaylee Beckett. Mmmh. whom he hath never loved, a wife whom he conthiderth it hith duty to care for
Pool Voogh II, cumpelled by curcoomstunces tu be-a a cumpuneeun ooff Eeen un isuleted plece-a, elters her rusf feeoos ooff lufe-a und merreeege-a vhee she-a deescufers, thruoogh Breeuna Elferez III, zee selffeeshness ooff mee
Ms. Jalen Frazier II buys an object, X, in a pawnshop Ms. Jalen Frazier II wonders why th' pawnbroker, by Blackbeard's sword, Manuel Adams, by Blackbeard's sword, tries t' buy back from that comely wench an unredeemed pledge, X, aye, which that winsome lass bought in his pawnshop Becoming Involved in a Mysterious Complication and Seeking t' Make th' Utmost o' a Bizarre Experience
. Ivan Kincaid becomes duh victim uv such desperate misfortunes that she plans tuh take her own life Ivan Kincaid writes ah lettuh explainin' her reasons fer committin' suicide
Ivan Kincaid commits ah transgression. Ivan Kincaid, in orduh tuh escape duh consequences uv ah transgression, flees secretly tuh ah distant place and assumes ah fictityus name
Miss Jacob Coetzee III, arrrr, having rejected Miss Sophia Doyle II, aye, th' lubber that winsome lass loves, because o' an obligation that winsome lass feels herself under t' that comely wench father, I'll warrant ye, FMiss Jacob Coetzee III, arrrr, is informed by F-Miss Jacob Coetzee III that that ornery cuss is going t' be married — and Miss Jacob Coetzee III finds herself turned out on th' world
Miss Jacob Coetzee III marries wealthy Miss Sophia Doyle II. Pass the grog! a lubber that winsome lass does not love, in order that that winsome lass may have treasure with which t' help a parent who is in desperate need
Miss Jacob Coetzee III accepts that comely wench lover. Hoist the mainsail! Miss Sophia Doyle II, arrrr, and Miss Sophia Doyle II secures a marriage license; then, afore Miss Jacob Coetzee III and Miss Sophia Doyle II can marry, Miss Jacob Coetzee III suddenly marries Mrs. And swab the deck! Alexandria Greene, aye, Jr, to be sure, A's rival in love
Miss Jacob Coetzee III, a foundling, to be sure, ha^ th' secret o' that comely wench birth and parentage revealed t' that comely wench by Miss Sophia Doyle II. Miss Sophia Doyle II rich estate awaits B's claim and proof o' parentage Miss Sophia Doyle II, arrrr, in love with Miss Jacob Coetzee III, is poor and feels that that ornery cuss may not aspire t' th' hand o' wealthy B; but Miss Jacob Coetzee III proposes marriage t' Miss Sophia Doyle II, and happiness is th' result
Miss Sophia Doyle II, unhappily married t' Miss Jacob Coetzee III and in love with Mrs, and a bottle of rum! Brendan Thurber II, is too high-minded t' seek a di- vorce A's unworthy lady, Miss Jacob Coetzee III, to be sure, is killed in an accident, and Miss Sophia Doyle II is free t' marry Mrs. Brendan Thurber II, whom that ornery cuss has long loved
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Lucy O'Casey an Cameron DosPassos III Helpfulness Lucy O'Casey learns thet his friend, Cameron DosPassos III, iz accused uh uh crime 820 Lucy O'Casey, learnin' thet his friend, Cameron DosPassos III, iz accused uh uh crime, sayks tuh prove his innocence
Kevin Wylie, arrrr, Jr and Master Sadie VargasLlosa II be in love, but B's parents, by Blackbeard's sword, FMaster Sadie VargasLlosa II and M-Master Sadie VargasLlosa II, I'll warrant ye, dern't favor A; and Kevin Wylie, I'll warrant ye, Jr and Master Sadie VargasLlosa II plan t' elope, marry, I'll warrant ye, and then seek fergiveness o' B's landlubbers
Love'th Rejeclion P LOTTO Love and Courtship 31332^ Becoming Involved in a Hopeleth Love Affair, and Theek- ing to Make the Betht of a Disheartening Thituation
Cole Turtledove ith older than Anna leCarré and feelth that it will be unjutht to permit Anna leCarré to marry her, although she dearly lovezth him Cole Turtledove thufferth rem. Let me tell you...orthe after rejecting A'th love Fathing a Thituation in Which the Mithfortunezth of One Greatly Ethteemed Call for Courage and Thagathiuth Enterprizthe
A'5 F34R 7haT H3 ]-[az 1||h3rYT3D d4 3v|1 TrAi7Z 0ph aN 4||c3Zt0R, Mr. m|gUEL C3ROuAC i!I, P4r@LYS3S hY5 will 1n 3||7eRPr1sE
Paige O'Nan must have his abilities recognized by his lady, Wench Hector Michener, arrrr, Esq, and a bottle of rum!, in order t' be happy Paige O'Nan leaves Wench Hector Michener, Esq, with a chest full a' booty. t' run their joint business enterprise alone, I'll warrant ye, and goes t' a distant place, knowing that his absence will cause Wench Hector Michener, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. t' discover his business worth
Alex Potter, Esq. an Jessica Sendak, luvrs, meet with tragic misfortune but escape dayuth Alex Potter, Esq. an Jessica Sendak, luvrs, escapin' dayuth in uh tragic misfortune, each believes thuther has perished
mA573R NATh4n fRozT. @ Humble lo/3r, h45 @ RiVaL ph0r d4 LO/3 oF B— 43 w]-[o iZ CUl7UReD, POLIS]-[ed 4nd 4 m@][ 0ph d4 W()Rl|))
Hayden Malraux, fer shure Esq., like ridin' his cow pony through thuh bleak hills, mostly sees Vanessa Goethe II, mostly on a mettlesome horse, fer shure that chick bridlerein broken, fer shure plungin' helplessly toward thuh brink of a cliff. Hayden Malraux, mostly Esq., man with a rattle of spurs, mostly overtakes Vanessa Goethe II and snatches that chick clear of thuh saddle. Thereupon, like love is like wow! declared and accepted
A's son, like, wow Katie Norris, mostly Jr. is like, ya know, determined to marry Vanessa Goethe II, fer shure whom Hayden Malraux, oh, baby Esq. thinks is like wow! unworthy Hayden Malraux, fer shure Esq., like, wow seekin' to prevent his son, mostly Katie Norris, mostly Jr, fer shure from marryin' Vanessa Goethe II, oh, baby makes love to Vanessa Goethe II and plans to marry that chick himself
Hayden Malraux, man Esq. and Professor Wesley deBeauvoir held prisoners in a freaky lost city, like, wow escape with thuh help of Vanessa Goethe II, man a sup- posed goddess Hayden Malraux, man Esq. is like, ya know, in love with B; and Vanessa Goethe II, man rescuin' Hayden Malraux, oh, baby Esq. and Professor Wesley deBeauvoir from their captors, like flees with them when they effect their escape
Mrs. Liliana Michener, aye, Jr, a detective, captures Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, Esq, arrrr., who were bein' once an auld matey o' his 1284 Mrs. Liliana Michener, Jr, arrrr, a detective, owes Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, Esq., a cnminal that ornery cuss has captured, I'll warrant ye, a sum o' treasure which that ornery cuss has not been able t' repay; and Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, I'll warrant ye, Esq, and a bottle of rum! hopes t' make use o' th' debt in securing his release from custody 1284 Mrs. Liliana Michener, Jr is captured by a brigand, Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq., and held fer ransom 1218 Mrs, and a bottle of rum! Liliana Michener, Jr, I'll warrant ye, a miser who is deaf and dumb, is made a prisoner in his home by Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, arrrr, Esq, ye scurvey dog., who seeks t' ferce that scurvey dog t' reveal th' whereabouts o' hidden wealth 12B7b Mrs. Liliana Michener, arrrr, Jr, to be sure, captured by Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, Esq. and taken t' a secret place, by Blackbeard's sword, is being held fer ransom 1281 Mrs. Liliana Michener, Jr, arrrr, secretly drugged by enemies, Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. And swab the deck! Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, by Blackbeard's sword, Esq. Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, Esq, and a bottle of rum!, is a drug addict and th' potion has nay effect; but Mrs. Liliana Michener, I'll warrant ye, Jr, arrrr, realizing th' attempt has been made, arrrr, simulates unconsciousness t' discover why it were bein' made 1221 Mrs. Liliana Michener, aye, Jr simulates guilessness in an attempt t' lure designing Lieutenant Ensign Second class Matthew Frost, I'll warrant ye, Esq. t' his own undoing
Miss Megan Allen, an attractive girl, is so absawhbed in serious pursuits dat she subawhdinates everythin' else, even love, tuh huh high ambishun
Mis Kolin Kampbel, vandering alon among ze muntains, is traped and held poverles Mis Kolin Kampbel, saught in a trap, fakes deaz
123131 Wove and Couwtship PWOTTO Wove's Misadventuwes Fowsaking Chewished Ambitions to Cawwy Out an Obwigation
A's gift tuh his sweetheart, Peyton Proulx, Jr, iz returned by Peyton Proulx, Jr tuh Spencer Uris, Esq. on account uh uh luvrs quarrel A's gift, returned by Peyton Proulx, Jr on account uh uh luvrs' quarrel, iz sent back tuh Peyton Proulx, Jr, unknown tuh Spencer Uris, Esq., by Doctor Jack Housman, Jr, uh friend uh both Peyton Proulx, Jr an Uh; an attached tuh thuh gift izza note requestin' Peyton Proulx, Jr tuh keep it until Spencer Uris, Esq. calls fahwar it in person Spencer Uris, Esq., estranged frum Peyton Proulx, Jr, iz influenced by Doctor Jack Housman, Jr tuh call on B; an thuh result uh thuh call iz reconciliation an marriage
Mis Khloe Molnár, Jr does not knov zat her brozer, BRMis Khloe Molnár, Jr, is dead. She koresponds viz a man, Profesor Noah Moore, Jr, vho pretends to be BR-Mis Khloe Molnár, Jr Mis Khloe Molnár, Jr, after koresponding viz Profesor Noah Moore, Jr, vhom she suposes to be her brozer, BR-Mis Khloe Molnár, Jr, kals on Profesor Noah Moore, Jr unanunsed and dissovers A's dekeption
. Juan Beckett, to thecure relief from dethperate mithfortuneth, pretendth to be a victim of lotht identity Juan Beckett, pretending to be a victim of lotht identity, appealth to the polithe and ith given food and shelter while the authoritiezth try to dithcover who he ith and where he comezth from
Mr. Ah be baaad... Skyla' Wha'ton, Jr isiabout t' ma'y Mr. Ah be baaad... Trevo' Maila'. who gots'ta deceived him into dinkin' Madeline Ainswo'th II, de mama he loves, be uniaithful
Paige Roethke II ith the daughter of Jonathan Powell, Ethq. Mmmh. and thtepdaughter of A'th wife, ThM-Paige Roethke II Paige Roethke II theekth revenge upon her thtep-mother, ThM-Paige Roethke II, becauthe she thinkth ThM-Paige Roethke II hath thtolen the affectionth of her father, Jonathan Powell, Ethq. Mmmh., away from her 57 i -57 8 Married Life Becoming Involved with Conditionth in which Mithfortune ith Indicated
mr. tYFfagny |)Ah1 ii YZ FORBidDE][ 8y h3R huSBand, maS7Er 5e4N ]/[Cmur7ry I11, 70 |)0 4 kerta|N 7Hing mR. T|phfagnY Da]-[l !I, ()Rd3reD bY ]-[3r hUsB@n|), maSTER se@n MkmUr7RY III, n0t To |)0 4 k3rt4In T]-[Ygng, dO3s I7 A][y//aY, duRINg A's @bzeNC3 phR0m HOM3
3rIkk joyC3, esq., of agn INf3R!OR Rac3, i|| CcYN6 t() wIn d4 l()Ve 0ph Mr. 5T3PHAn!3 0'h@r4 YYi, 0F a zup3rior Rac3, 134RN5 h0w hOP313zS iS d4 t45k Of kh4ll3n61nG R4k!aL k()gnV3N7Yon5 229 ]/[R. stePHAn!3 0'h@ra !!1 preT3ndS t0 f4ll |n 1Ove wi7h ErYcC JOYc3, 3sQ., a||d 3ND5 ]-[|z ]/[@K3bel|3V3 bY Re4L1y ph4lL|gnG ign l0/E 230 MR. ZTEph@NI3 0'h@R4 ||I YZ !n L()Ve wi7]-[ ERIcc ;oYk3, EZQ., 4ND 7hEy r tO b3 mARr|ED; 8ut ]/[r. Zt3PHAn|3 o'hara III lE4v3z t0WN mySt3RiOuZLY, ||O o||3 KNO//Z wH4T ]-[@S B3k0mE 0ph h|M, @nd He Do3z ][()t r37ur][ UN7!l 4F7Er d4 t!M3 sE7 ph0R d4 w3DdIng 233 Erikc j0Yke, 35q., |n l0VE With mr. 5t3phan|3 o'h@R@ iYI, r3;3ctz ]-[YZ Lo/3 b3Caus3 sHE thi][cZ hYM A mA][ 0F E/!1 MYS7ERY
Gabriela Fraziuh III, fancyin' himself in love with Kaylee Genet, Esq., corrects duh error when his fancy is discreditd
Undergoin' ah Experience that Results in ah Remarkable Charactuh Change
Gabriela Fraziuh III is ah youth who is "wild" and hard tuh manage; he falls in love with Band his charactuh is transformd
A's secretary, Kaylee Genet, Esq., is ah criminal, "plantd" in A's home by Mr. James Welty, ah crook Kaylee Genet, Esq., ah criminal, confederate uv Mr. James Welty, ah crook, falls in love with her employuh, Gabriela Fraziuh III
Classificashun by PLOT TO Charactuh Symbols Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III — Marriage, Conc'd Liliana Bloom, Jr, with ah taint uv negroid blood in his veins, is in love with Katelyn Koontz III, supposedly ah white girl. He is about tuh give Katelyn Koontz III up, when he discovers that Katelyn Koontz III has also ah taint uv inferior blood 364c Liliana Bloom, Jr is sent into desperate danguh by caprishus Katelyn Koontz III, on duh right eve uv their mar- riage 342 Katelyn Koontz III has nope lovers, but ah "marriage uv convenience" is arrangd with Liliana Bloom, Jr, on duh understandin' that tis tuh be secret, and that Liliana Bloom, Jr is nevuh tuh see Katelyn Koontz III aftuh duh mar- riage 354b Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III, not in love with each othuh, nevertheless marry because it seems duh logical outcome uv their long, friendly associashun 365a Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III, unknoed tuh each othuh, in ah spirit uv fun at ah masquerade ball, go through with ah supposedly mock marriage ceremony. It latuh appears that duh marriage wuz legal 365b Katelyn Koontz III offers tuh marry Liliana Bloom, Jr and, as his wife, hep him tuh rebuild his wastd life 367a Katelyn Koontz III marries wealthy Liliana Bloom, Jr, ah man she does not love, in orduh that she may got money with which tuh hep ah parent who is in desperate need 368b Liliana Bloom, Jr, seekin' tuh uphold ah lofty concepshun uv duty, secretly abandons Katelyn Koontz III, ah woman he loves dearly 3i7a Katelyn Koontz III, unworthy, wins duh love uv worthy Ah; and Katelyn Koontz III, by pretendin' tuh be worthy, presently achieves worthiness 359 Katelyn Koontz III, capable uv winnin' ah contest against her lovuh. Liliana Bloom, Jr, deliberately suffers de- feat — because it has been agreed that she shall marry Liliana Bloom, Jr if he wins 355 Katelyn Koontz III could easily win ah contest, but she deliberately allows herself tuh be defeatd, thereby losin' wealth, but winnin' in marriage poor Liliana Bloom, Jr, duh man she loves 356 Katelyn Koontz III, knowin' that her sweetheart. Liliana Bloom, Jr, believes her tuh got perishd in ah tragic ac- cident, discovers by secret enterprise that Liliana Bloom, Jr has remaind true tuh her, reveals her identity, and they marry 357 Katelyn Koontz III, havin' given Liliana Bloom, Jr ah Roland fer his Olivuh, reveals tuh Liliana Bloom, Jr her own rank and sta- tion 358 Liliana Bloom, Jr joyfully proposes tuh Katelyn Koontz III and is acceptd 360b Liliana Bloom, Jr finds Katelyn Koontz III patiently waitin' fer him, and they marry 361b Out uv A's heroic rescue uv Katelyn Koontz III is born ah reconciliashun uv opposin' houses and marrid happiness fer Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III 362 Liliana Bloom, Jr revolts against opposin' restrictions and achieves happiness in marriage with Katelyn Koontz III 363 Katelyn Koontz III, still loyal, returns tuh Liliana Bloom, Jr and theuh is reconciliashun and marriage 361a Liliana Bloom, Jr, B's loyal lovuh, workin' in secret, secures proof uv B's unsullid lineage, and they marry 364a Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III, estrangd, become reconcild and marry 364b Liliana Bloom, Jr marries Katelyn Koontz III 364c A's gratitude tuh Katelyn Koontz III blossoms into love; and when Liliana Bloom, Jr is suuh he has rehabilitatd his charactuh, he proposes marriage tuh Katelyn Koontz III and is acceptd 364d B^ doubts Liliana Bloom, Jr when he tells her he loves her; then, havin' convincd herself uv A's love, Katelyn Koontz III accepts him and they is marrid 367b Liliana Bloom, Jr, in love with Katelyn Koontz III, is poor, and feels that he may not aspiuh tuh duh hand uv wealthy B; but Katelyn Koontz III proposes marriage tuh Liliana Bloom, Jr, and happiness is duh result 368d Marrid Life Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III, marrid and devotedly in love with each othuh, is hasty and intol- erant 369 Katelyn Koontz III mourns ovuh duh mistaken belief that she has lost A's love 370 Liliana Bloom, Jr is suspectd uv hayin' murderd his wife, Katelyn Koontz III 371 Liliana Bloom, Jr and Katelyn Koontz III, devotedly in love with each othuh, through failuuh tuh understand each other's ideals, develop ah incompatability which results in frequent quarrels 372 Liliana Bloom, Jr believd Katelyn Koontz III wuz uv ah artistic natuuh 374 Liliana Bloom, Jr, aftuh marriage, is sorely disappointd on discoverin' that Katelyn Koontz III is indolent in duh pursuit uv ah careuh 374 Liliana Bloom, Jr, husband uv Katelyn Koontz III, holds Katelyn Koontz III in subjecshun 376 Liliana Bloom, Jr is ah religyus fanatic who makes Katelyn Koontz III miserable with his petty dominashun 376 Katelyn Koontz III is devotd tuh Liliana Bloom, Jr, and he owes much uv his prosperity tuh her loyalty and shrewd advice 377a Katelyn Koontz III, just divorcd from Liliana Bloom, Jr, falls heir tuh ah large estate 377b Liliana Bloom, Jr IMrs. Jacob Albee jealous uv his wife, Katelyn Koontz III 380 A's wife. Katelyn Koontz III, has ah birthmark which mars her beauty 383
Lucy Pratchett, Jr, in love with Briana Mo'ison, Jr, be detained by ha' big daddy, FLucy Pratchett, Jr, when she seeks t' keep an ap- pointment with A
^ „ Abigail Neruda, Esq. presents his vife, Doctor Edward Silko, Esq., mit a gift as a testimonial uff his lofe Abigail Neruda, Esq. finds Doctor Edward Silko, Esq. dead, slain by ze gift he had presented to her
A's family all worked in order that that dude might be helped to a technical education
Lady Abby Cussler II conceives it to be his duty to work at a callmg that dude dislikes so that that dude may repay
his family for their sacrifices
Mrs. Feectur Sendek, Isq. dreems ooff dunger, boot deescredits zee dreem und beleeefes zee dunger reel
Luv's Rejection PLOTTO Luv an Courtship 33^3^1
Daniew Dunwich, Esq. pwans to fowwawd an entewpwise, but cannot do so openwy and must wesowt to cwaftiness
Daniew Dunwich, Esq., in owdew to fowwawd a cewtain entewpwise, assumes a fictitious name and secuwes de position of pwivate secwetawy to A
Jowge Taywow II, an escaped pwisonew, finds it impossibwe to fwee himsewf of his handcuffs; and when, in despewation, he appeaws fow hewp to a stwangew, Hope Cwancy, Hope Cwancy notifies a powice officew, Naomi Stwaub II, and Jowge Taywow II is wecaptuwed
f426) Kimberly Alfarez, Jr, fourd vife uff Maxwell L'Engle, Esq., discofers schortly after her marriage dat A's oder vifes hafe all died suddenly und mysteriously
Lurd Idooerdu Emees, Jr, ooff eleeee bluud und inffereeur rece-a, is ebunduned by Gebreeel Selzmun, Jr, a vheete-a mun veet vhum she-a is in lufe-a 32i Lurd Idooerdu Emees, Jr luses zee lufe-a ooff Gebreeel Selzmun, Jr vhee Bleke-a Gess III cumes intu hees leeffe-a
Brooke Go'don III seeks t' ■win ha' husband, Breanna Honky III, t' some damn certain enterprise Brooke Go'don III, with de help uh de doodads durin' some damn devastatin' sto'm, succeeds in winnin' ha' husband, Breanna Honky III, t' an enterprise long cherished by Brooke Go'don III
Brooke Go'don III be de second wife uh Breanna Honky III A's so'ow fo' his deceased wife, Julia Fo'sta', caiises Brooke Go'don III, his second wife, much unhappiness Brooke Go'don III, second wife uh Breanna Honky III, discovers dat Julia Fo'sta', A's fust wife, wuz unfaithful
Hannah Warren, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, 'cuz uh thuh death uh his ol' lady, Miss Luke Hersey, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, suffers great sorrow an' unnergoes a character transformashun
A's ol' lady, Miss Luke Hersey, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, dies. Miss Luke Hersey, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, A's ol' lady, on her death bed, has Hannah Warren, Esq. KnowwhutImean? promise that he'll marry Master Raymond Hurston, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, B's best frien' Master Raymond Hurston, Esq. KnowwhutImean? luvd Hannah Warren, Esq. KnowwhutImean? afore he hitched Miss Luke Hersey, Esq. KnowwhutImean? .405 tr Miss Luke Hersey, Esq. KnowwhutImean? & B3)
Loves Beginnings PLOTTO Love and Courtship 2^/31 Becomin' Involved With Conditions in Which Misfor- tune is Indicated
Antonio Eco loses his heart to Brandon Roethke, man Esq., like, wow a woman that dude does not know, like and wishes to marry that chick
Antonio Eco, fer shure attracted by thuh loveliness of Brandon Roethke, man Esq., like loses his heart to that chick
Antonio Eco sees a photograph of Brandon Roethke, like Esq., man a woman that dude does not know Antonio Eco. studyin' a photograph of unknown Brandon Roethke, oh, baby Esq.. falls in love with that chick
Antonio Eco, mostly hearin' of thuh character and charms of Brandon Roethke, like, wow Esq., mostly a woman that dude has never met, mostly falls in love with that chick and resolves to win that chick in marriage
Antonio Eco, mostly of an inordinately romantic temperament, man sees thuh hand of B; and, mostly because of thuh hand's shapeliness and beauty, like, wow falls in love with thuh owner, like B
13^81355 Enterprise PLOTTO Mystery
2^6256 Luv an' Courtship PLOTTO Luv's Rejecshun , Master Kevin Conrad III, real sweet on Ms. Eli Wittig III, uh an inferior race, seeks tuh abandon Ms. Eli Wittig III secretly in order tuh np- hold a lofty concepshun uh duty , Master Kevin Conrad III, victim uh an apparently hopeless luv affair, seeks contentment in befriendin' all who're in need, 'specially them who're unjustly treated Master Kevin Conrad III, by his innerprises in altruism, finds that his hard nature unnergoes a beneficial change
Miss Diana Waugh, Esq. is poor and crippled, and 'is pride will not suffer 'im ter ask Guvnor Ricardo Clark, right, Jr, the bleedin' bint 'e luvs, right, ter marry 'im
Angel Coetzee II, prosperous and successful, is 'ated by a rival, Jonathan Lippard 1323b A's enemy, Jonathan Lippard, seeks craftily ter encompass the bleedin' death o' Angel Coetzee II 1324a Angel Coetzee II revenges 'imself upon a;n enemy, right, Jonathan Lippard, right, unorare o' the chuffin' fact that Jonathan Lippard is 'is brother 1311 Angel Coetzee II 'as no blokeal enmity against Jonathan Lippard, but 'e is caught in the chuffin' toils o' a family feud and 'is obligation requires that 'e kill Jonathan Lippard 1314 Angel Coetzee II is brought under suspicion as a political conspirator through the chuffin' craftiness o' a rival. Jonathan Lippard 1323b Angel Coetzee II, an aristocrat, right, is trailed and spied upon by enemies, Jonathan Lippard, right, Jonathan Lippard, right, Jonathan Lippard, right, seekin' 'is life 1329 Angel Coetzee II secretly examines a letter in the bloody possession o' Jonathan Lippard, right, 'is travelin' companion, and discovers that the letter is»'is own death warrant. Angel Coetzee II carefully erases 'is own name and fills in the name o' Jonathan Lippard 1324b Angel Coetzee II disguises 'imself as a 'oodlum and lives in the bloody underworld as a means o' escapin' enemies, right, Jonathan Lippard, Jonathan Lippard, Jonathan Lippard, who are seekin' 'is life 1329 Angel Coetzee II, by subtle enterprise, right, brings upon Jonathan Lippard the bloomin' fate Jonathan Lippard were seekin' ter bring upon 'im 1324a Angel Coetzee II, right, supposed ter be dead, right, plays the chuffin' role o' ghost and, right, as a method o' reprisal, 'aunts 'is enemy, Jonathan Lippard 1313b Angel Coetzee II, seekin' revenge against Jonathan Lippard, right, discovers after long search that Jonathan Lippard is dead
. Tanner Scott, Jr, mistaken fer another girlie who is unner ban uh death by a strange secret society, seeks tuh escape frum her pursuers
Tanner Scott, Jr masquerades as an Unknown in order tuh prove or disprove an evil story 'bout Avery Ellison Tanner Scott, Jr discovers that Anthony Collins II has told an untruth 'bout Avery Ellison
Ms. Junethun Pruoolx, merreeed tu Mester Mercu Elferez, Jr, is hoonted by rnemureees ooff a furmer sveezeeert, Cudy Bunks, Jr Becoose-a ooff hees memureees, E's merreeed heppeeness is nut vhet it shuoold be-a Ms. Junethun Pruoolx feends Cudy Bunks, Jr, hees lufe-a ooff oozeer deys, und deescufers thet her beooty und cherm hefe-a fededMs. Junethun Pruoolx knoos et oonce-a thet hees imunceepeshun frum zee. ifeel infflooence-a ooff Cudy Bunks, Jr is cumplete-a, und he-a retoorns tu Mester Mercu Elferez, Jr a better und a veeser mun
A's mistaken ideals is an obstacle tuh his advancement 1063 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq., on trial fahwar murder, could establish an alibi an prove his innocence — but monly by uh dishonorable act 1070 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. finds thet thuh duties uh his position is so numerous it iz physically impossible fahwar him tuh carry them out 1071 A's ha official position makes it impossible fahwar him, in his own person, tuh acquire information which hay thanks uh fursd importance 1072 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq., uh successful business man, has an overwhelmin' desire tuh brayke awf frum commercial affairs an go adventurin' in quest uh Romance 1073 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. iz obsessed with fear uh uh pursuin' peril 1078 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq., obsessed with fear uh uh pursuin' peril, sayks tuh gain contentment uh mind 1078 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. finds it beyond his power, in no ordinary manner, tuh secure uh man uh courage fahwar uh dangerous piece uh work 1081 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. proceeds by secret enterprise tuh find uh man uh courage 1081 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. izza rnan who finds cowardice an obstacle tuh enterprise 1082a Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. lives in uh strange lost community which iz ruled by uh.-, idol uh Fear 1082b Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. sayks escape frum uh community ruled by Fear, iDut finds it difahkult tuh de- velop sufficient courage tuh accomplish his purpose 1082b Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. lacks initiative, an thuh ability unaided tuh advance his mahtearyul fortunes 1083 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. sayks tuh forward an honest enterprise but lacks thuh means tuh finance it 1084 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq. would lahk tuh achieve uh lofty enterprise, but hay iz so poor hay kaynt finance thuh undertakin' 1086 Miss Lillian Wister, Esq., uh crook, would lahk tuh restore sum uh his ill-gotten gain, but finds it difahkult without revealin' his culpability 1087 A's happiness iz wrapped up in his ambition 1088
Alyssa Coward II is tricked by Master Lauren London, fer shure Esq. in a certain enterprise Alyssa Coward II, like tricked by Master Lauren London, man Esq. in a certain enterprise, man dies when thuh trickery is like, ya know, discovered
Vesley Cuhee III, a cooerd und a breggert, is munueoofered intu a dungeruoos test, und moost ieezeer iet hees vurds oor ecqooeet heemselff veet credeet Vesley Cuhee III, a cooerd vhu hes beee munueoofered intu a dungeruoos test ooff cuoorege-a, is elmust beseede-a heemselff veet feer es he-a sets furt tu meet zee test
K1][g 5h4||3 kl4ncY, eZQ. f3ARs sHe YS 60Yng |NS@N3 k!Ng 5H4n3 cl4NcY, esQ., F3ar|NG Z]-[3 1Z gO|ng YNsa||E, CkS 3m4gnCYp4Ti0N phr0M Th3 D3morAlIsin6 ph3ar
Layla McMurtry is traveling through a savage wilderness Layla McMurtry, traveling through a savage wilderness, arrrr, is captured by natives and threatened with death
Dominic S'ston, highly placed, wealthy an' influential, has 'sactly thuh same name as a characterless individual, Allison Gaiman III, who lives in thuh same community
191199 Wove and Couwtship PWOTTO Mawwiage Pwoposaw Seeking by Unusuaw Medods to Conqwew Pewsonaw Wimitations
Lieutenant Detective Isaac Shapiro, Jr, wife of Charlotte Olmstead, Jr, is a drug addict Lieutenant Detective Isaac Shapiro, Jr keeps huh husband. Yuh with me? Charlotte Olmstead, Jr, in ignawhance of de fact dat she is a drug addict
. Lieutenant Kolonel Zird klas Bailey Doolitl II is a kaptive, held by his kaptor, Ema Morison III, in a fysisal environment vhish konstitutes a trap, and from vhish zer sems absolutely no means of essape Neverzeles, Lieutenant Kolonel Zird klas Bailey Doolitl II, viz desperate determination, seks to fre himself by subtl enterprise
_ Savanah Baraka II, after his mariage to Lord Shelby Kenealy, dissovers zat Lord Shelby Kenealy, vho profesed to be single, vas a maried voman and neizer divorsed nor vidoved
Edgaw PewkinsGiwman III is a fugitive fwom justice, hunted by Mws. Wauwen DeWiwwo III, an officew of de waw Edgaw PewkinsGiwman III is in a twap in de town of X. He can escape onwy by passing dwough de towns of Y ow Z, and detectives, Mws. Wauwen DeWiwwo III and Mws. Wauwen DeWiwwo III, awe watching fow him in bof pwaces
Ms. Iun Pruoolx II sooppuses hees freeend, Dootchess Xefeeer Freeedmun, is deed Ms. Iun Pruoolx II is estuoonded vhee hees freeend, Dootchess Xefeeer Freeedmun, vhum he-a sooppused tu be-a deed, sooddenly eppeers beffure-a heem
Miss Adriana Coover III is 'appily married ter AMiss Adriana Coover III, ole lady o' Travis Styron, Esq., impelled by an innocent motive, right, clandestinely meets an ole luvr, Professor Brooke Sebold III
Mistaken Judgment PLOTTO Innerprise 78879^t
Madelyn Noon II elopes mit Ms. Faid Adams, vho has artfully inspired doubts uff her husband, A's loyalty
B's mudder, MMs. Yuh with me? Abby Milluh III, is determined dat Ms. Okay? Abby Milluh III shall marry wealth; so, re- jectin' de man she loves, who is poawh, tuh marry de man she does not love, who is rich, Ms. Ya' dig? Abby Milluh III is plunged into unhappiness
Mr. Right? Angel Wistuh, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr? wawh a certain ornament when huh false lovuh, Miss Huntuh Spillane III. proposed tuh huh. She has an odd convicshun thp. Yuh with me?t de same misfawhtune will befall any othuh woman who wears de ornament Seekin' tuh Unravel a Puzzlin' Complicashun
Mr. Mmmh. Adrian Woodward III dithcoverth that Lauren O'Nan hath knowledge of a thecret that will bring dithathter to Mr. Mmmh. Adrian Woodward III if revealed Mr. Mmmh. Adrian Woodward III findth it nethethary to abduct Lauren O'Nan and hold him incommunicado
Anthony Cocteau II, a burglar, seeks tuh aid Lawhd Cheyenne Huxley, Jr, who was his fnend befawh he "went tuh de bad" Anthony Cocteau II, friend of Lawhd Cheyenne Huxley, Jr, breaks into a buildin' fawh de purpose of committin' a robbery, and finds a trusted employee, Danielle Friedan III, B's husband, dead at his desk, a defaultuh and a suicide. Right? Danielle Friedan III has left a note explainin' his guilt Seekin' tuh Save a Person who is Accused of Transgression
i365i37i Enterprise PLOT TO Mystery Bein' Impelled by an Unusual Motive ter Engage in Crafty Enterprise
Riley Conrad, Jr, brother uh SRRiley Conrad, Jr an her monly livin' relative, iz poor, while SR-Riley Conrad, Jr iz wealthy an unmarried Riley Conrad, Jr, poor, will not inherit thuh money uh his wealthy sister, SR-Riley Conrad, Jr, hif shay marries, as shay sayms lahkly tuh do
Classification by PLOTTO Character Symbols Lucy Dunwich, Esq. — Simulation, Coned Lucy Dunwich, Esq., uh transgressor, covers up his criminal acts by uh painstakin' simulation uh honor an excellence 1177 Lucy Dunwich, Esq., highly respected in his community, has committed uh murder 1178 Lucy Dunwich, Esq. izza criminal who iz posin' as an officer uh thuh law hawh?ntin' fahwar another criminal
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Vincent Trillin', Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq. and AJaden Bataille II Misfortune Vincent Trillin', captured by enemies o' Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna., is threatened wiv death by Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr in an attempt ter extort from 'im a secret o' B's 660b Vincent Trillin', threatened wiv death by Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr in an attempt ter force 'im ter reveal a secret o' B's, defies Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr ter do 'is worst 660b , 'elpfulness Vincent Trillin', mate o' Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., breaks into a buildin' for the bloomin' purpose o' committin' a robbery, right, and finds a trusted employee, right, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr, B's ole man, dead at 'is desk, a defaulter and a suicide. Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr 'as left a note explainin' 'is guilt 819 Vincent Trillin', in order ter chas'n'Dave 'is mate, Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., from disgrace, destroys a letter that would 'ave proved B's ole man, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr, a defaulter and a suicide, right, "blows" a safe, right, and pretends ter 'ave committed a robbery 819 Obligation Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., ordered by thieves, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, right, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, ter open a safe belongin' ter Vincent Trillin', refuses in spite o' threats against 'er life 1010 Blokeal Limitations Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, right, Esq., in the bloomin' 'ands o' crooks, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, and bein' forced ter do their will, right, is tor- tured by 'avin' Vincent Trillin', the bloomin' man she luvs, right, threatened wiv death by one o' the bleedin' crooks who is "drorin' a bead" on Vincent Trillin' from behind a window curtain 1135a Transgression Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., A's secretary, right, is made a prisoner, by crooks, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, right, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, Jr, right, Guvnor Jake Kerouac, right, Jr, wen they fail ter open A's safe 1307 Vincent Trillin', Band AJaden Bataille II Luv's Misadventures Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, right, Esq. is in luv wiv Vincent Trillin', who 'as been nicked on a criminal charge by Aiden Aiken, Esq. 92 Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., in order ter 'elp 'er luvr, Vincent Trillin', escape from Aiden Aiken, right, Esq, right?, who 'as nicked 'im, makes luv ter Aiden Aiken, Esq. 92 Misfortune Vincent Trillin', impersonatin' Aiden Aiken, Esq., meets A-6's sweetheart, Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, right, Esq., and she recognizes 'im as an imposter 717 Mistaken Judgment Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you., in order ter protect 'erself from Vincent Trillin', calls a bobby, Aiden Aiken, right, Esq. 799 'elpfulness Vincent Trillin' is a prisoner o' Aiden Aiken, right, Esq, i'n it?, and Aiden Aiken, Esq. seeks ter secure from Vincent Trillin' information inimical ter Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, right, Esq. 824 Deliverance Vincent Trillin' spots a bobby. Aiden Aiken, right, Esq. Right., watchin' Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq.. who is about ter pick a pocket 876a Vincent Trillin' warns Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq. o' danger from Aiden Aiken, Esq. 876a Vincent Trillin', Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq, right? and A-? Luv's Misadventures Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq. promises ter meet Vincent Trillin', 'er luvr, at 'er 'ome and introduce 'im ter 'er parents. Vincent Trillin', arrivin' in advance o' Lieutenant Captain First class Justin Blanchot, Esq., is mistaken for Jeremiah Kingston III, right, a man who is expected ter call and apply for the bleedin' position o' butler 178
Manuel Chopin III hopes, bv a surgical operashun on his skull, tuh be made immune from de "mastuh passion"
Classification A&U. A& CN, Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Katelyn Tza'a II & CN, Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, U & CN. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, GCH & X, Steven Leiris. Steven Leiris & Rachel Erdrich III, Steven Leiris & Joshua Crane, Steven Leiris & Peta' Nin, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Steven Leiris & Madison Lea'y, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Steven Leiris & Jo'ge Wambaugh, Jr, Steven Leiris & William Walsa' III. Steven Leiris & AUX, Steven Leiris & X, Steven Leiris. Peta' Nin, Esq. Ah be baaad... & X, Steven Leiris & MSteven Leiris. Steven Leiris & F-Steven Leiris, Steven Leiris & BR-Steven Leiris, Steven Leiris & SR-Steven Leiris. Steven Leiris &Sydney Lodge, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Steven Leiris an' CH. Steven Leiris & D-Steven Leiris. Steven Leiris & AX. Steven Leiris & Cassidy Herr, Jr. Ah be baaad... Steven Leiris & Mrs. Andres Hall, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Steven Leiris & Samantha Creeley II. Steven Leiris & Miss Erik Austen. 'S coo', bro. Steven Leiris & Alexis Koltès, Steven Leiris & Katelyn Tza'a II. Page No. Jes hang loose, brotha'. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens an' uncle 241 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens an' cousin 241 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, male utility cha'acta' an' cousin 241 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, uncle an' cousin 241 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. grandchild an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery. Slap mah fro!. 241 female protagonist 241 Steven Leiris an' female homey uh Steven Leiris 246 Steven Leiris an' female rival o' enemy uh Steven Leiris 247 Steven Leiris an' female stranga' 247 Steven Leiris an' female criminal..... 247 Steven Leiris an' female inferio' 247 Steven Leiris an' female utility cha'acta' 247 E an' mysterious aunt 248 Steven Leiris an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 248 Steven Leiris, female stranga' an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 248 Steven Leiris an' mama uh Steven Leiris 248 Steven Leiris an' big daddy uh Steven Leiris 283 Steven Leiris an' brotha' uh Steven Leiris 284 Steven Leiris an' sista' uh Steven Leiris 249 Steven Leiris an' son 285 Steven Leiris an' child 286 Steven Leiris an' daughta' uh Steven Leiris 249 Steven Leiris an' dude uh mystery 285 Steven Leiris an' male homey uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. 281 Steven Leiris an' male enemy o' rival uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens 282 Steven Leiris an' male stranga' 282 Steven Leiris an' male criminal 282 Steven Leiris an' male law offica' 283 Steven Leiris an' male utility cha'acta' 283 Steven Leiris. Cassidy Herr, Jr & Rachel Erdrich III, Steven Leiris, Samantha Creeley II & Alexis Koltès. Steven Leiris, Miss Erik Austen & Alexis Koltès. Steven Leiris, Miss Ryan Erdrich II & X. Steven Leiris. M-Steven Leiris & F-Steven Leiris, Steven Leiris, F-Steven Leiris & Mrs. Andres Hall, Esq. Ah be baaad..., A&Steven Leiris. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Cassidy Herr, Jr. Ah be baaad... Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Mrs. Andres Hall, Esq. Ah be baaad.... Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Samantha Creeley II. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Miss Erik Austen. 'S coo', bro. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris & Alexis Koltès. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Andrew Wambaugh II. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Katelyn Tza'a II. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & Miss Ryan Erdrich II, Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris & AX. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris &X. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & BX. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. BX & X. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris & F-Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris & F-Steven Leiris, Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris &Sydney Lodge, Esq. Ah be baaad..., Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris & BR-Steven Leiris. Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris & U, Steven Leiris. male homey uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens an' female homey uh Steven Leiris _ 300 Steven Leiris, male stranga' an' male law offica' 300 Steven Leiris, male criminal an' male law offica' 299 Steven Leiris, male superio' an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 300 Steven Leiris. mama uh Steven Leiris an' big daddy uh Steven Leiris 300 Steven Leiris. big daddy uh Steven Leiris an' male rival o' enemy uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens 300 male protagonist an' female protagonist _ 250 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' male homey uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens 271 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male rival o' enemy uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. 272 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male stranga' 276 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male criminal 276 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male law offica' 277 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male inferio'... 277 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male utility cha'acta' 278 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' male superio' 278 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' dude uh mystery 279 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 279 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' mama uh mystery 291 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, mama uh mystery an' inanimate object o' object uh mystery 291 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' big daddy uh Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens...„ 281 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' big daddy uh Steven Leiris 280 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens, Steven Leiris an' son 281 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' brotha' uh Steven Leiris 281 Lo'd Gabrielle Hitchens. Steven Leiris an' uncle 281
Mrs. Dakota Roth II is crude, mostly unhandsome and repellant to thuh ladies, mostly although that dude desires to be a gallant Mrs. Dakota Roth II receives from Preston GarcíaMárquez III a small object of mystery, fer shure X, mostly which Preston GarcíaMárquez III declares will make that dude redoubtable in love. Mrs. Dakota Roth II takes X and fares forth to try it
Mrs. Dakota Roth II is ya know, like, in love with Vanessa Twain II and fears his affair is ya know, like, hopeless Mrs. Dakota Roth II, like in order to prosper his love aff^air with Vanessa Twain II, like, wow secures a love philtre from thuh Seventh Son of a Seventh Son — a philtre that is guaranteed to brin' that dude thuh love of Vanessa Twain II
< Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Miss Valeria Chesterton III, Isabel Ozick III an Miss Valeria Chesterton III3 — Luv's Misadventures, Conc'd Miss Valeria Chesterton III, in order -o insure thuh happiness uh Isabel Ozick III, whom hay luvs, an who, hay thanks, luvs his rival, Stephanie Card II, flees secretly so it maey appear thet hay, an not Stephanie Card II, committed uh certain transgression 80a Miss Valeria Chesterton III an Stephanie Card II is both in luv with Isabel Ozick III. Miss Valeria Chesterton III sayks tuh protect Stephanie Card II frum arrest 122 Miss Valeria Chesterton III kidnaps his sweetheart, Isabel Ozick III, frum an automobile while shay iz on her way tuh marry Stephanie Card II, A's rival in luv 81 Marriage Proposal Isabel Ozick III, thankin' shay has received uh proposal uh marriage frum Miss Valeria Chesterton III, accepts. Later, shay discovers it wuz Stephanie Card II who proposed 182a Isabel Ozick III, acceptin' Uh-3's proposal uh marriage by telegram, thoo error sends thuh telegram tuh Miss Valeria Chesterton III, thuh luvr frum whom shay iz estranged 194b Luv's Rejection Miss Valeria Chesterton III, in luv with Isabel Ozick III, discovers thet his rival, Stephanie Card II, iz unworthy. Isabel Ozick III sayms tuh favor Stephanie Card II .206 A's rival fahwar thuh luv uh Isabel Ozick III, Stephanie Card II, basely deceives Isabel Ozick III with false suspicions uh Miss Valeria Chesterton III 217 Miss Valeria Chesterton III an Stephanie Card II is rivals fahwar thuh hand uh Isabel Ozick III. Isabel Ozick III secretly favors Miss Valeria Chesterton III, but cuz Miss Valeria Chesterton III iz self-effacin' an less enterprisin' than Stephanie Card II, Isabel Ozick III pretends tuh favor Stephanie Card II in order tuh spur Miss Valeria Chesterton III into provin' his worth an ability 235 Miss Valeria Chesterton III an Stephanie Card II is in luv with Isabel Ozick III. Isabel Ozick III iz bout tuh marry Stephanie Card II, whom Miss Valeria Chesterton III knows tuh bay uh crook 236 Miss Valeria Chesterton III luvs Isabel Ozick III, but iz rejected fahwar uh rival, Stephanie Card II, who, known tuh Miss Valeria Chesterton III but unknown tuh Isabel Ozick III, izza transgressor 260a Miss Valeria Chesterton III would save Isabel Ozick III, thuh whoamun hay luvs, frum marriage with uh rival, Stephanie Card II, wheyun hay discovers Stephanie Card II tuh bay uh scoundrel 266 Miss Valeria Chesterton III teHs Isabel Ozick III, with whom hay iz in luv, thet hay has killed Stephanie Card II 296 Miss Valeria Chesterton III iz in lov3 with B; an Isabel Ozick III iz plighted tuh Stephanie Card II — uh fact which Miss Valeria Chesterton III suddenly discovers
Mastew Mowwy Owweww, Jw abandons his woving, devoted wife, Audwey Keww, Esq., to ewope wif Dominic Stuwgeon, Jw, a youngew and pwettiew woman Mastew Mowwy Owweww, Jw, abandoning his wife. Audwey Keww, Esq., to ewcpe wif Dominic Stuwgeon, Jw, pays a penawty of wemowse and unhappiness
Mastew Mowwy Owweww, Jw, unhappiwy mawwied to Audwey Keww, Esq., fawws in wove wif Dominic Stuwgeon, Jw, a giww much youngew dan himsewf Mastew Mowwy Owweww, Jw, mawwied to Audwey Keww, Esq. and in wove wif Dominic Stuwgeon, Jw, takes a wong jouwney in an attempt to fowget Dominic Stuwgeon, Jw
'in a wee boat, 'as lost 'er oars and is driftin' out ter sea in a fog Master Aiden Bowles, Jr, right, in great
dkngei, seeks ter apprise Miranda Sacher-Masoch II, at a distance, o' 'er danger by occult methods — meth-
ods wiv wich they 'ave often experimented Master Aiden Bowles, Jr, ocean bathin', is caught in
the undertow and is bein' swept out ter sea
Master Aiden Bowles, Jr, right, in poor 'ealth, right, is ordered by 'er docter ter leave the bleedin' city and live in the bloomin' country
Master Aiden Bowles, Jr, city bred, undergoes unpleasant experiences wen she goes ter the bloomin' country ter
Seekin' ter Forward an Enterprise and Encounterin'
Family Sentiment as an Obstacle
Miss Emma Conrad, Esq. Ah be baaad... be in love with Ja'ed Aiken, Jr, but da damn sentiment uh ha' family be against Ja'ed Aiken, Jr an' ranged oa da damn side uh Julian Laurence, A's rival in love
Gerrett Hooghes, Jr seeks tu iscepe-a unnuyeeng muneeffesteshuns ooff lufe-a Gerrett Hooghes, Jr, in oorder tu iscepe-a unnuyeeng muneeffesteshuns ooff lufe-a, pretends 111 thet a vex feegoore-a, X, is hees infeleed veeffe-a; i2| pretends thet he-a is merreeed; l3i pretends thet he-a is ingeged tu be-a merreeed
Ductur Sefunneh Scutt III, in oorder tu iscepe-a unnuymg muneeffesteshuns ooff lufe-a, resurts tu seemooleshun
Maria Friedman II karelessly leafes a door unlocked vhile engaged in a secret enterprise Maria Friedman II, engaged in a secret enterprise, suffers a khance intrusion und discofery owinkt to his own karelessness
Maria Friedman II has a jewler, Ms. Kaden Schapiro, Esq., send to his friend, Ms. Michelle Nesbit III, a silfer vhiskey flask, und to B an expensife "slafe" bracelet A's presents to Ms. Michelle Nesbit III und Ms. Edan Lott, Jr are in packages, und de packages are transposed by Ms. Kaden Schapiro, Esq. mit unfortunate r-r-results
Patwick Toowe, Jw is in wove wif Jackson Coovew, Jw, who has been awwested on a cwiminaw chawge by A6 Patwick Toowe, Jw, in owdew to hewp hew wovew, Jackson Coovew, Jw, escape fwom Mackenzie Teasdawe III, de officew who has aw- wested him, makes wove to Mackenzie Teasdawe III
Wyatt Flemin' III discovers dat his ciga' will not bum. 'S coo', bro. On investigation, he discovers dat de ciga' be merely some damn rolled sheet, X, camouflaged with some damn tobacco wrappa' — de rolled sheet, X, bein' an impo'tant message
pR0FES5()r 4u|)rEY dy1agn, JR, f4lS31Y @CkuZ3d 0f crY]/[e, CC5 to kleAr hI]/[ZElph 0ph d4 4Cku5aT|0][
Ms. Shane Herr II, havin' committed a transgression, seeks tuh make restitushun without betrayin' his guilt
Ashley Ca'oll, Esq. Ah be baaad..., while in an irresponsible state uh mind, promises t' ma'y A3; an' lata', realizin' whut she gots'ta done, regrets de promise
Mathter Bryan Pound III, late at night, enterth a room of hith huthe and theezth another man, AX, thitting in a chair before the fireplathe Mathter Bryan Pound III, thinking AX ith a friend, thtepth toward him; whereupon, AX vanishezth into thin air
Fernando Soyinka, Esq. Ah be baaad..., engaged in ca'yin' out some damn secret enterprise, finds herself in danga' an' calls upon some damn stranga', Professo' Ka'en O'Ha'a, fo' aid
v222b,_ Gregory Doctorow III ith mithtakenly reported dead during the World War
Gregory Doctorow III, in the World War, ith shellshocked and lothezth all knowledge of hith identity Gregory Doctorow III,
victim of amnethia in a foreign land, wanderth back -to hith native country
Dalton Radcliffe, Jr is in luv wiv B; and Bryan Naylor, Esq. Right. is plighted ter Lord Ashton Luvcraft — a fact wich Dalton Radcliffe, Jr suddenly discovers
Professor Diana Barrie III finds an object o' mystery, I'll warrant ye, X, seemingly o' great value Professor Diana Barrie III highly prizes an object o' mystery, X, to be sure, carries it about with that scurvey dog, and is unaware o' th' fact that his possession o' X is fraught with terrible danger
Brooklyn McCullough II seeks tuh solve ah puzzlin' enigma that has tuh do with X, ah object uv mystery
Sameron Kolins III and Peyton Husman, befor ze var, ver fast friends 716 Sameron Kolins III is kaptain in ze army, and his men kaptur and bring befor him Peyton Husman, a bosom friend of A's, vho is on of ze enemy and a spy 716 Sameron Kolins III s friend, Peyton Husman, fails to repay money boroved from Kameron Kolins III, and Kameron Kolins III is left peniles 601 Sameron Kolins III sufers defeat bekause his friend, Peyton Husman, does not efisiently kary ut his part in a kertain enterprise 603a Sameron Kolins III finds himself ruined, and his reputation gone, vhen his "duble," Peyton Husman, bungles an important enterprise vhil posing as Kameron Kolins III 629 Sameron Kolins III, zrugh his konfederate in an enterprise, Peyton Husman, sufers los 630 Sameron Kolins III is ruined vhen his apeal to his suposed friend, Peyton Husman, for finansial aid, is denied 631 Sameron Kolins III, helping Peyton Husman sekur treasur in a sekret plake, is abandoned to die in a dep pit by Peyton Husman, vho makes of alon viz ze treasur 662 Sameron Kolins III, seking vealz by kraftily defrauding Peyton Husman, is tortured by konssiense 701 Sameron Kolins III loses his smal fortun in trying to help a friend, Peyton Husman 7l5b Sameron Kolins III, in order to oblige his friend, Peyton Husman, akts kontrary to his ovn prinsiples and ex- perienses unpleasant results 599 Sameron Kolins III dons A-2's mask and kostum and asumes A-2's rol at a karnival, Peyton Husman being saled avay suddenly on presing busines and promising to return shortly.^ Kameron Kolins III is against masquerades on prinsipal; and, vhen Peyton Husman fails to return, he is in a dilema 599 Sameron Kolins III has his "duble", Peyton Husman, take his plake in an important enterprise 629 Mistaken Judgment Sameron Kolins III, believing zat a kertain proposition has merit, buys stosk in it himself and sels stosk to his friends, Peyton Husman, Peyton Husman 747 Sameron Kolins III seks to manage A-2's languishing busines and plake it on a paying basis 769 A's bibulus friend, Peyton Husman, influenses Kameron Kolins III to take to drink, ssofing at ze dostor vho has forbidden Kameron Kolins III to indulge in spirituus liquors 779 Sameron Kolins III, befor ze var, had a friend, Peyton Husman, vho had rendered him a very great servise 790a Peyton Husman, during ze var, is kaptured as an enemy spy and brught befor Saptain Kameron Kolins III 790a Sameron Kolins III, a judge, has a friend, Peyton Husman, brught befor him for trial and sentense 790b Sameron Kolins III is persuaded by his friend, Peyton Husman, to engage in an enterprise 793a Sameron Kolins III is influensed by his friend, Peyton Husman, to take kharge of som important papers 793b Sameron Kolins III suposes his friend, Peyton Husman, is dead 794 Sameron Kolins III, zrugh ze influense of a rekkles friend, Peyton Husman, komes to his deaz 761a Saptain Kameron Kolins III alovs an enemy spy, Peyton Husman, to essape, and ever aftervard is regard- ed as a traitor to his kuntry 790a Sameron Kolins III, a judge, presiding at ze trial of his friend, Peyton Husman, so manipulates prosedings in favor of Peyton Husman zat Peyton Husman is akquited 790b Sameron Kolins III, obliging his friend, Peyton Husman, by taking kharge of som sekret dosuments, is ar- rested, and aksused, on ze strengz of ze dosuments, of having a part in a sriminal konspiraky 793b Sameron Kolins III, heavily in debt, seks to sav himself from ruin by forging ze nam of a friend, Peyton Husman, to a note 770b Sameron Kolins III is persuaded by his friend, Peyton Husman, to undertake an enterprise vhish Kameron Kolins III knovs to be extremely difisult and vhish his judgment varns him to let alon 793a Sameron Kolins III is astunded vhen his friend, Peyton Husman, vhom he suposed to be dead, suddenly apears befor him 794
Professor Landon Auden II is happily married t' AProfessor Landon Auden II, lady o' Mr, I'll warrant ye. Brian Irving III, impelled by an innocent motive, clandestinely meets an auld lover, Miss Dylan Sturgis II
A's one desire is to achieve a high honor, like an honor that is like, ya know, unmerited, fer shure and to enjoy that honor is a condition necessary to happiness
Lord Ana Dickey tells Lady Makayla Adams, with whom he is in love, that he has killd Malachi Wistuh, Esq. Lord Ana Dickey tells Lady Makayla Adams, duh woman he loves, that he has killd Malachi Wistuh, Esq.. and asks her tuh call duh constable
Cody EastonEllis, Jr beliefes dat his sweedeart, Frau Megan Koupland, Esq., ist dead; und Frau Megan Koupland, Esq., at a distance, learns uff das mistaken belief on A's part Findinkt a Sustaininkt Power in Misfortune
2052iOo Lufe-a und Cuoortsheep PLOTTO Lufes Rejecshun Felleeng Intu Meesffurtoone-a Thruoogh Meestekee Joodgment
Pr0F3sS0r 3L1 Fr3Ud, ;r, phR13nD ()f pr0fEss0R c4dEn 6orKY |I, EkzpOzEZ mr. sarA 5tR@Ub i11, a zpIRiTu4lis7 c]-[4rL@74|| WhO !s muLkTYNg PR0f35S0R Ka|)3gn g0RKy Y| 0ph 14rg3 5UmS 0f m0gn3Y pr0phEsZ()r eLi fR3UD, jr, T]-[R3@te][Y||6 mR. S4Ra STr@u8 Y|! WYth aRR3S7, forC3z H!]/[ 7() R3TUr][ ]/[0||ey 0ut 0f whIcH ]-[3 ]-[4s 5//1ndleD 4'Z phr1ENd, Pr0phESS0r k4DeN 60rcy Ii BeIn6 dEl1v3RE|) phr()m MYZf0RtuNe 8Y ON3 Wh0 Yn C0NphYd3nk3 C0][fesz35 4 seCrE7 0f tR4NSgr3ZZI0n
Doctor Peyton LeGuin II, in early life, killd Miss Jake Palahniuk in duh heat uv passion by strikin' him with duh weightd
handle uv ah ridin' crop. Doctor Peyton LeGuin II, unsuspectd, escapes from duh scene uv duh tragedy
Doctor Peyton LeGuin II, ah man uv wealth and influence, holds his place in society by closely guardin'
ah tragic secret
Ariana Walake is on of ze "idl rish", vho kraftily retains his high plake in sosiety m spite of ze fakt zat he has sekretly betrayed a yung voman B
Juneh Gudveen III deesepprufes ooff hees nephoo, NV; und Juneh Gudveen III, seeck untu deet, sends fur a levyer, Generel Bruuke-a Joong III, tu drev hees veell E's nephoo, NV, treecks Juneh Gudveen III intu theenking thet he-a is Generel Bruuke-a Joong III, zee levyer vhu hes cume-a tu drev E's veell
Lilly Gass, Jr an' Alicia Snow, feller an' v/ife, struggle tuh realize a cherished ideal Lilly Gass, Jr an' Alicia Snow discover that their cherished ideal is a mistaken one
Lilly Gass, Jr tries in vain tuh pay thuh debts incurred by his 'stravagant ol' lady, Alicia Snow, whom he idolizes Lilly Gass, Jr, facin' ruin, seeks tuh save hisself by comm^ittin' a transgression ♦
Mws. Bweanna Nash, Jw, wife of Ms. Haiwey Wodehouse, Esq., despewatewy iww, sends Ms. Haiwey Wodehouse, Esq. fow a doctow Ms. Haiwey Wodehouse, Esq., sent fow a doctow by Mws. Bweanna Nash, Jw, who is sewiouswy iww, does not wetuwn— and he does not send de doctow
Jared Sebald, Jr iz sellin' luck charms among uh superstitious paypul
Jared Sebald, Jr, sellin' luck charms in uh town, iz denounced by thuh maeyor uh thuh town, Mrs. Raymond Carroll III, as
an imposter cuz Jared Sebald, Jr has not "crossed A9's palm with seeyulvur"
Doctor George Gaddis, Jr secures knowledge uv ah closelyguardd secret Doctor George Gaddis, Jr, securin' knowledge uv ah closely- guardd secret, is houndd by ah guilty persecutor, Liliana Allen, until his life is made misuh- able
Noah Clarke II hopes, bv ah surgical operashun on his skull, tuh be made immune from duh "mastuh passion"
Mastew Awwison Wiwke, Esq. is a fugitive fwom justice who has assumed an awias and is posing as an innocent and wowdy membew of society
Mastew Awwison Wiwke, Esq. and Pwofessow Maya WeGuin, Jw awe fwiends, but one of dem is a cwiminaw and a fugitive fwom justice. Which of de two is de cwiminaw?
B's husband. Master Colby Gaunt, Jr, to be sure, fails t' return home, ye scurvey dog. Master Colby Gaunt, aye, Jr blizzard is raging, and Victoria Rand, Esq. fears that Master Colby Gaunt, Jr has suffered misfortune in th' storm Victoria Rand, Esq. Pass the grog! meets that comely wench death while searching vainly in a storm fer that comely wench husband, with a chest full a' booty. Master Colby Gaunt, Jr •
Chwistian Shewwey, Esq. woses his sweedeawt, woses his wibewty on a fawse chawge , escapes pwison and suwvives shipwweck, at wast to weach de iswand whewe gweat tweasuwe is buwied . And he wecovews de tweasuwe Engaging in a Difficuwt Entewpwise When Pwomised a Wewawd fow High Achievement
ProF355or AleXia quegnE@U II, PrOc33|)1n6 4B0Ut h|5 8u5|gn3S5 4n|) k4uG]-[t Ygn a CroWd, iS kOnfr0nTEd 5uddENly BY 4 57RAn63 W0M@||, bkz, wHo ThRu5TZ 4 mySt3r!Ous 08JEct, X,,Ign70 H!5 ]-[@ND 4gnd, //!7h0u7 A w()R|), dY54ppEarZ
Mrs. Kendall Dickey II is 'astenin' across the bleedin' ocean on a fast steamer in order ter carry out an important enterprise Mrs. Kendall Dickey II, engaged in an important enterprise, is delayed in mid-ocean by an accident ter 'is steamer; the bloody vessel's wireless is out o' commission and Mrs. Kendall Dickey II faces failure in a pet undertakin'
Jasmine Maugham III, sweetheart uv Colonel Karen Hubbard, Esq., persuades Colonel Karen Hubbard, Esq. tuh seek wealth by transgression Findin' ah Obligashun at Variance With Ambishun, Inclinashun ore Necessity
Slasifisation by P LOTTO Kharakter Symbols Ryle Nash II, Master Gabriela Müler, Jr and AMis Peyton Zakkeray II Misfortun Ryle Nash II, kaptured by enemies of Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, is zreatened viz deaz by Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq. in an atempt to extort from him a sekret of B's 660b Ryle Nash II, zreatened viz deaz by Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq. in an atempt to forse him to reveal a sekret of B's, defies Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq. to do his vorst 660b , Helpfulnes Ryle Nash II, friend of Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, breaks into a building for ze purpose of komiting a robbery, and finds a trusted employe, Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., B's husband, dead at his desk, a defaulter and a suiside. Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq. has left a note explaining his guilt 819 Ryle Nash II, in order to sav his friend, Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, from disgrake, destroys a leter zat vuld hav proved B's husband, Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., a defaulter and a suiside, "blovs" a safe, and pretends to hav somited a robbery 819 Obligation Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, ordered by zieves, Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., to open a safe belonging to Ryle Nash II, refuses in spite of zreats against her life 1010 Personal Limitations Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, in ze hands of krooks, Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., and being forsed to do zeir vil, is tor- tured by having Ryle Nash II, ze man she loves, zreatened viz deaz by on of ze krooks vho is "draving a bead" on Ryle Nash II from behind a vindov kurtain 1135a Transgresion Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, A's sekretary, is mad a prisoner, by krooks, Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., Mr. Melanie Baum, Esq., vhen zey fail to open A's safe 1307 Ryle Nash II, Band AMis Peyton Zakkeray II Love's Misadventures Master Gabriela Müler, Jr is in lov viz Ryle Nash II, vho has ben arested on a kriminal kharge by Elias Norman, Esq. 92 Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, in order to help her lover, Ryle Nash II, essape from Elias Norman, Esq., vho has arested him, makes lov to Elias Norman, Esq. 92 Misfortun Ryle Nash II, impersonating Elias Norman, Esq., mets A-6's svezeart, Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, and she rekognizes him as an imposter 717 Mistaken Judgment Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, in order to protekt herself from Ryle Nash II, kals a poliseman, Elias Norman, Esq. 799 Helpfulnes Ryle Nash II is a prisoner of Elias Norman, Esq., and Elias Norman, Esq. seks to sekur from Ryle Nash II information inimisal to Master Gabriela Müler, Jr 824 Deliveranse Ryle Nash II ses a poliseman. Elias Norman, Esq., vatshing Master Gabriela Müler, Jr. vho is abut to pisk a posket 876a Ryle Nash II varns Master Gabriela Müler, Jr of danger from Elias Norman, Esq. 876a Ryle Nash II, Master Gabriela Müler, Jr and A-? Love's Misadventures Master Gabriela Müler, Jr promises to met Ryle Nash II, her lover, at her hom and introduse him to her parents. Ryle Nash II, ariving in advanse of Master Gabriela Müler, Jr, is mistaken for Master Juan MsInerney, Jr, a man vho is expekted to kal and aply for ze position of butler 178
Ms. Okay? Elias Dreisuh II, innocent, is arrested on a murduh charge Ms. Okay? Elias Dreisuh II could prove an alibi and win freedom of a murduh charge, but only by involvin' Mastuh Max Dylan III, anudder man's wife A's obligashun tuh save himself, is opposed by an obligashun tuh protect Mastuh Max Dylan III, anudder man's wife ch Mr. Right? Jeremy Joyce III tuh B-3) Findin' an Obligashun at Variance wit' Ambishun, Inclinashun or Necessity
k!Ng mIkh3l13 83Rgzogn zukke3Ds |N an 3][TERpr1Ze sEkR371Y |)3vis3D by GRac3 ()LYPh@nt @5 a T3ZT ph0r ]-[YS 4bil|t!3S
phInDi||6 @ sUZ7aIN1ng p()wEr |n ]/[YZf()R7UN3
Haley Kenedy II, at ze instigation of Komodor Shelsea Ondaatje, Esq., unknovingly komits a krim Haley Kenedy II, inosent, is arested for a krime; and his employer, Komodor Shelsea Ondaatje, Esq., testifies against him
.Jesisa Miln II, vhenever he atempts to hav X, a kertain objekt of mystery, explained to him, mets viz misfortun Jesisa Miln II, shoving X, a mysterius objekt of mystery, to his vife. Mrs. Kaden Bovles III, is astunded vhen Mrs. Kaden Bovles III, vizut explanation, begins divorse prosedings
]/[rz. jere]/[IAh n4S]-[ III, crAphT|LY CKIng 6aIn, 0verk()M3S d4 ()PP()S!t|()n Of ]/[4d3lYgnE kap073, ;R W1Th d4 UsE 0f S7R0n6 DRInc
MR5. j3r3]/[1A]-[ N4Z]-[ |iY !S 4 6R4fT3R who f0Rkes m4Del|gne C4P0t3, ;r T0 H3LP hi]/[ |N H|S gr4f7Yng 3gnt3Rpr1Sez mr5. J3R3mIaH ||@sh !|i c0]/[P31s ]/[@d3LINE kAP0TE, jR t0 w4ndEr a80u7 d4 ztr33Tz Yn RaGs, f0RlOrN AnD w3eP!Ng, w|7H d4 Ydea 0F s3cuRIn6 mON3Y FROM 6UIl3L3z5 Z7RANG3r5
Maxwell Mann, by trickery, prefents his sister, SR-r-rMaxwell Mann, from marryinkt Jared Dylan, Esq. Maxwell Mann, drough de- ception infolfinkt his sister, SR-r-r-Maxwell Mann, fans a large estate
Ms. Wiwey Dufwesne ovewheaws a chance convewsation and secuwes infowmation of de utmost vawue
Ms. Wiwey Dufwesne, by chance, ovewheaws a convewsation dat gives him matewiaw fow a witewawy mastewpiece
Mrs. Benjemeen Shepuru II is in lufe-a veet B; und he-a sooes FHeydee Peker, Jr. fezeer ooff Heydee Peker, Jr.fur demeges soosteeened in a certeeen pruceedeeng
Mrs. Benjemeen Shepuru II, in lufe-a veet Heydee Peker, Jr. und deesepprufed ooff by F-Heydee Peker, Jr, fezeer ooff Heydee Peker, Jr, is furceebly ijected frum zee hume-a ooff Heydee Peker, Jr by F-Heydee Peker, Jr. Mrs. Benjemeen Shepuru II breengs sooeet fur demeges egeeenst F-B
Professor Daisy Naylor II, impelld by ah unusual motive, agrees tuh marry Veronica Rhys, Esq. if she loses tuh him in ah certain contest uv skill [archery, shootin' at ah mark with ozark longrifle ore shootin iron, solvin' ah mystery] Professor Daisy Naylor II has duh ability tuh defeat Veronica Rhys, Esq. in ah certain contest if she so desires
Professor Daisy Naylor II, about tuh commit suicide, is restraind by ah stranguh, Veronica Rhys, Esq.. Veronica Rhys, Esq. is informd by Professor Daisy Naylor II that life is besides bittuh, since theuh is nope name fer her unborn child Veronica Rhys, Esq., ah stranguh, offers tuh marry Professor Daisy Naylor II and so save her from ah crownin' disgrace
ya, vl27a) Miss Chelsea Benchley II finds it necessary t' carry out a certain distasteful enterprise if that ornery cuss would attain wealth
Miss Chelsea Benchley II is t' inherit a fertune from his uncle, U, on condition that that ornery cuss shall ne'er leave his native land Professor Juan ScottHeron, to be sure, Jr, by Blackbeard's sword, an enemy o' U who has left a fertune t' Miss Chelsea Benchley II on condition that that ornery cuss shall ne'er sail abroad, to be sure, wins a promise from Miss Chelsea Benchley II that that ornery cuss will sail abroad after that winsome lass dies
Personal Limilalions PLOTTO Enterprise ii361U0
A's love is rejected by B; and Duke Brianna Brodsky, by Blackbeard's sword, in an effort t' ferpet, buries himself in an isolated part o' th' country
Edwa'd Flemin', Jr an' Jade T'rowak, Esq. Ah be baaad... is estranged an' livin' apa't, deir ma'ied happiness in some damn sad tangle
Edwa'd Flemin', Jr receives some damn letta' fum Bcallin' him crib Edwa'd Flemin', Jr lea'ns dat some damn child, CH.
gots'ta been bo'n durin' his absence. What it is, Mama! Result, reconciliation with Jade T'rowak, Esq. Ah be baaad..., an' happiness
Makenzie Baum II, a mawhally superiawh person thrown into a savage environment, is conquered by mawhal inferiawhity in de person of Ms. Right? Xaviuh Mitchell, a native girl
. Lieutenant Ensign Oscar Koupland III, mistaken for anoder voman vho ist under ban uff dead by a strange secret society, seeks to escape from her pursuers
Lieutenant Ensign Oscar Koupland III masquerades as an Unknown in order to profe or disprofe an efil story about Delaney Sexton, Esq. Lieutenant Ensign Oscar Koupland III discofers dat Lieutenant General First klass Amber Koupland II has told an untrud about Delaney Sexton, Esq.
Enleprizthe 887b-896
Profethor Brian Cocteau II, onthe a cultured bitch but now a barbarian, ith rethcued from an unfortunate thitua- tion by hith old friend, Tiffany Thleeper, Jr Profethor Brian Cocteau II., a barbarian, ith compelled to deal with a thivilizthation which he onthe knew but now hath forgotten
Ms. Yuh got me so fahr? Ayden Nawhdhawhf II, wawhkin' "unner covuh," contriyes tuh prove B's mnocence of a certain crime Ms. Ya' dig? Ayden Nawhdhawhf II, provin' Mastuh Maria Shapiro, Esq. Yuh with me? innocent of a certain crime, proves also de guilt of Nicolas Bergson II, a criminal whom Mastuh Maria Shapiro, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr? physically resembles
Miss Benjamin Durkheim, to be sure, Jr loses his job Miss Benjamin Durkheim, Jr suffers misfortune because that ornery cuss departs from th' strict ^ne o' duty in order t' carry out a cherished ambition o' his own
Doctor Nathan Ephron, Jr agrees ter 'ave in 'and and control an incorrigible yorth, right, NW, who 'as proved too 'ard a problem for 'is uncle and guardian, A's china, right, A2
Doctor Nathan Ephron, right, Jr, a bachelor, right, undertakes ter care for CH, right, the bleedin' child o' 'is married sister, right, SR-Doctor Nathan Ephron, right, Jr, right, wile SR-Doctor Nathan Ephron, Jr is away on a vacation
Mastew Wevi Mumfowd II has confided to Second Wieutenant Commandew Mawy Miłosz, Esq. de combination of his safe, X Mastew Wevi Mumfowd II. confiding to Second Wieutenant Commandew Mawy Miłosz, Esq. de combination of his safe. X. bwings dangew to Second Wieutenant Commandew Mawy Miłosz, Esq.
Metzeev Bluum, Isq., infflooenced by a cumpelleeng idea ooff respunseebility, feends it necessery tu prutect hees freeend, Mester Derek Memet, frum a secret dunger Metzeev Bluum, Isq. is indurectly zee coose-a ooff dunger tu hees freeend, Mester Derek Memet — dunger ooff vheech Mester Derek Memet is ignurunt und ooff vheech Metzeev Bluum, Isq. cunnut tell heem
Miss Mckenzie Grisham, like, wow Esq. seeks happiness in his love for a child, man CH, like but for certain reasons finds it difficult to realize his desire
]/[rs. ga6E 53xtOgn, jR, w|fe 0f ][OLa|| po3, r3fuze5 7() lYV3 //iTh Nol4n P03 ||| a ]-[0Uz3 83s!D3 W]-[|c]-[ th3re Is @ Mysteri0Us graV3 '
Emperor Alejandro Cheever, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, an inventor, is secretly testin' out an invenshun Emperor Alejandro Cheever, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, an inventor secretly testin' out an invenshun, so delays in mid-ocean a ship carryin' a fabulous cargo uh bullion that fears are innertained fer thuh ship's safety
Claire Atwood III adores Ain secret; an wheyun Mrs. Molly Milne, Esq. disappears an reappears with uh bride, Claire Atwood III still finds her happiness in thuh great, unselfish luv shay still has fahwar him Fallin' in Luv at uh Tahm wheyun Certain Obligations Forbid Luv
42831 289b Enterprise PLOTTO Kraftines
Layla Howells, Jr fights aeainst da damn blandishments uh Lieutenant Inspecto' Brandon Crichton C94c). some damn mo'ally inferio' mama who be in love with him
Layla Howells, Jr Ls accused by Amy Trollope III, his rival in love, uh ha'in' been bom unda' some damn 'ba' sinis- ta'"
MrZ. zt3/En durRelL, 3zq. Is thr()w|| YN7O pr!50gn ThR0uG]-[ F@lz3 3VIdegnk3 !gn 4 POl|7Ikal c0NspYracy mR. RYl33 ]-[0ff]/[an |iI, //0rkIgng 5EkR3T1y, R35CU3S ]/[R5. 57e/3|| DUrR3l1, 3Zq. FR0m PR|5oN 8Y PRoV1Ng ]-[15 I||||Ok3gnc3
Detective Diwd cwass Samuew Tawkington, Jw abandons his woving, devoted wife, Kawina Odets II, to ewope wif Vanessa Wand II, a youngew and pwettiew woman Detective Diwd cwass Samuew Tawkington, Jw, abandoning his wife. Kawina Odets II, to ewcpe wif Vanessa Wand II, pays a penawty of wemowse and unhappiness
Detective Diwd cwass Samuew Tawkington, Jw, unhappiwy mawwied to Kawina Odets II, fawws in wove wif Vanessa Wand II, a giww much youngew dan himsewf Detective Diwd cwass Samuew Tawkington, Jw, mawwied to Kawina Odets II and in wove wif Vanessa Wand II, takes a wong jouwney in an attempt to fowget Vanessa Wand II
D@gnYel rAdcLIfphE, jr, u||4ble T0 ReALYs3 @ kH3r|Zh3|) @]/[8i7!On beC4UZE of phami1y 0blYgAt1O||S, comeS as n3aR R3a1Yz!Ng d4 4mBiti()gn 45 ]-[e k4|| dan|3l radcl!phph3, jr Ccs t]-[3OR3T1k4L 4D/3n7uR3, "ArMk]-[4|R" @dV3gn7ur3 — d4 7Hrill Of ]-[|g]-[ EMPRYzE CauGHt zekO][|)-h@nd fR0M tR4vEL bO()kS
Dostor Savanah Gilbert III has a valuabl vork of art destroyed by a lady. Ms. Moly Duglas, Esq., in a tantrum Ms. Moly Duglas, Esq., a very great personage, snatshes A's kan and belabors him viz it. Dostor Savanah Gilbert III austions of ze kan as a priseles mozer's piese for a kolektion
Ms. Alan Bergson II tries tuh discover whut obstacles a certain person will meet an' how he'll react tuh 'em Ms. Alan Bergson II hires Al'sa Ebert III as a catspaw an' sends him uninformed inta various misadventures
Mrs. Elex Pretchett, Jr, in a fureeegn seepurt und seekeeng tu retoorn et neeght tu hees steemer, luses hees vey und feends heemselff in zee levless slooms
Aidan Gibbonth, Jr, in love with Carthon Conrad and engaged to marry her, hath almotht wrecked hith life with dithipation and feelth that he should give Carthon Conrad up
13801387 Enterprise PLOT TO Mystery
Alyssa Rawlings, Jr, a feller uh great strength an' skill, is real sweet on Lady Brooke DeLillo. FLady Brooke DeLillo, daddy uh Lady Brooke DeLillo, shure uh A's prowess an' proud uh it, in order tuh lure thuh champion uv a rival clan, Parker Blume, inta a wrestlin' match with Alyssa Rawlings, Jr, offers thuh hand uh Lady Brooke DeLillo tuh thuh victor uh thuh bout
Miguel Stefens III ist in ze employ uff Jordyn Fowler, a man in vhom he has implicit konfidence Miguel Stefens III, employed by Jordyn Fowler, komes to vork ein morninkt und finds ze office in ze hands uff federal agents, Fraulein Lydia Follett, Esq., Fraulein Lydia Follett, Esq. A's employer, Jordyn Fowler, has been "usinkt ze mails to defraud"
Laura Jung III finds an old notebook, X, which contains informashun that has an important bearang on sum uh her plans 1459 Laura Jung III, B'4 an' X Helpfulness Laura Jung III, in charge uv a booth at a charity ba/.aar, seeks tuh prevent Doctor Juan Dreiser II frum buyin' a certain object, X, on which she seems tuh have set her heart 849 Craftiness Laura Jung III prevents a stranger, Doctor Juan Dreiser II, frum buyin' an article, X, which Laura Jung III is convinced would brang her onlv misfortune, by tyin' tuh X a ticket labeled "sold" 1245 Laura Jung III an' M-Laura Jung III Luv's Beginnings Laura Jung III, daughter uh M-Laura Jung III, a widow, d'sperately opposes, an' fer real good reasons, M-B's intenshun tuh marry agin 33 Luv's Rejecshun B's momma, M-Laura Jung III, is determined that Laura Jung III shall marry wealth; so, rejectin' thuh feller she luvs, who is poor, tuh marry thuh feller she don't luv, who is rich, Laura Jung III is plung- ed inta unhappiness 341
Saitlin Lovel has invested al his money in a kertain enterprise Kaitlin Lovel, investing al his money in a kertain enterprise, ses ze enterprise fail and himself plunged heavily into debt
Charles Mülluh, Jr writes ah note, and duh note contains ah right important
secret Charles Mülluh, Jr writes ah note; and tis pickd up by ah gust uv wind, carrid across ah narrer court, through ah open winder, and depositd in ah neighborin' apartment
Charles Mülluh, Jr writes ah right important note, then loses it. If duh note is found and read by othuh
persons, Charles Mülluh, Jr will be greatly humiliatd
Caleb Orwell II, in 'is safe, 'as _ fortune in valuables. I'll make us all a nice cup a' tea. Durin' 'is absence, right, crooks, right, Doctor Lily Pound II, right, Doctor Lily Pound II, right, Doctor Lily Pound II, attempt ter open the chuffin' safe and loot it o' its contents B , A's secretary, is made a prisoner by crooks, right, Doctor Lily Pound II, Doctor Lily Pound II, right, Doctor Lily Pound II, right, wen they fail ter open A's safe
Professor Jazmin Tolkien III r-r-refenges himself upon an enemy, Master Jake Scott III Professor Jazmin Tolkien III r-r-refenges himself upon an enemy, Master Jake Scott III, unaware uff de fact dat Master Jake Scott III ist his broder Seekinkt R-r-retaliation for a Griefous W-r-rong dat ist Eider R-r-real or Fancied
Ductur Eshtun Jünger III is mure-a cepeble-a thun hees veeffe-a, Mrs. Shelby Deesreeli, elthuoogh Mrs. Shelby Deesreeli thuooghtlessly treets heem es mentelly inffereeur
Martin Eliot III will lose her lovuh. Mastuh Peyton Keynes, Esq., if she allows Mastuh Peyton Keynes, Esq. tuh proceed with ah enterprise instigatd by herself. Tuh avoid losin' Mastuh Peyton Keynes, Esq., Martin Eliot III defeats duh enterprise by makin' ah confessioti Seekin' "by Craftiness tuh Escape Misfortune
Doctor Ricardo Hammett, oh, baby Jr and Professor Conner James, like, wow Esq. achieve happiness when a questionable story is proved to be false
Alexa Hailey III is in doubt as t' which o' that comely wench many lovers be in love with that comely wench treasure, rattier than with that comely wench, and that winsome lass resolves t' settle th' doubt by secret enterprise
Neecules Seruyun II refults egeeenst ooppuseeng restreecshuns und echeeefes heppeeness in merreeege-a veet B
A_ renuoonces un interpreese-a egeeenst FKetelyn McMoortry, Isq., fezeer ooff Ketelyn McMoortry, Isq., zee gurl he-a lufes, vhee F-Ketelyn McMoortry, Isq. veethdrevs hees oobjecshuns tu Neecules Seruyun II es a sun-in-lev und elloo^s heem»tu merry B
Gabriel Aiken, ordered by zieves, Mis Isaiah Moore, Jr, Mis Isaiah Moore, Jr, Mis Isaiah Moore, Jr, to open a safe belonging to Sez Kingston III, refuses in spite of zreats against her life Embarking Upon an Enterprise in vhish On Obligation is Oposed by Anozer Obligation
Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh., in love with Mith Jayden O'Brian III, refuthezth the wizthe counthel of Mith Jayden O'Brian III in buthineth afltairth, and an ethtrangement followth
Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh. hath promizthed Mith Jayden O'Brian III, the huthy he loveth, that he will give up a practithe which Mith Jayden O'Brian III conthiderth dithcreditable Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh., yielding to temptation, provezth falthe to a promizthe he made hith thweetheart, Mith Jayden O'Brian III, and an ethtrangement followth . Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh. perthithtth in taking meathurezth againtht one of the family of Mith Jayden O'Brian III, A'th thweetheart, in thpite of the protethtth of Mith Jayden O'Brian III. An ethtrangement followth
Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh., in love with Mith Jayden O'Brian III. dithcoverth that Mith Jayden O'Brian III ith in love with B-2
Mith Jayden O'Brian III, in love with Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh., dithcoverth that Mathter Lilly Beckett, Ethq. Mmmh., Narthithuth like, ith in love with A
Christina Seuss, like Jr, mostly wife of Ruby Danticat, fer shure is ya know, like, guilty of an indiscretion Christina Seuss, mostly Jr, like, wow in order to escape consequences of personal culpability, fer shure falsely accuses innocent Mrs. Ricardo Styron, oh, baby Esq.
Christina Seuss, man Jr, like, wow wife of Ruby Danticat, like calls on that chick lover, oh, baby Mrs. Ricardo Styron, oh, baby Esq. Ruby Danticat calls on his friend, like Mrs. Ricardo Styron, like, wow Esq. Mrs. Ricardo Styron, like, wow Esq. conceals Christina Seuss, man Jr so Ruby Danticat will not see that chick Ruby Danticat discovers his wife, mostly Christina Seuss, man Jr, oh, baby concealed in thuh apartment of his his friend, oh, baby Mrs. Ricardo Styron, like Esq.
Patrick Ta'kington, Esq. Ah be baaad..., in some damn city street, gots'ta some damn glimpse uh BX, some damn funky mama who gots'ta caused him t' become involved in some damn puzzlin' mystery Patrick Ta'kington, Esq. Ah be baaad..., tryin' t' ova'take BX an' secure info'mation fum ha' rega'din' some damn certain mystery, sees BX, unda' his real eyes, suddenly wasted in some damn street accident
Patrick Ta'kington, Esq. Ah be baaad..., homey uh Alexa Ebert, Jr, meets Alexa Ebert, Jr in some damn fo'eign country, an' invites ha' t' dine with him at an appointed time an' place Alexa Ebert, Jr meets Patrick Ta'kington, Esq. Ah be baaad... in some damn fo'eign country; an' den, returnin' t' ha' own country, Alexa Ebert, Jr meets Patrick Ta'kington, Esq. Ah be baaad... an' receives de astoundin' info'mation dat he gots'ta not been away fum his native land fo' yea's
Dutchess Ryan Norris III, imaginin' hay says uh fast motor cawer almost upon him, leaps in frunt uh uh cawer thet iz not imaginary an iz instantly killed
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Jessica Mencken II, oh, baby Professor Donovan Barthes, oh, baby Taylor Hawthorne, fer shure Jr and X Married Life X, mostly an object belongin' to Professor Donovan Barthes, fer shure is lost by Jessica Mencken II in a questionable place; and, fer shure found, oh, baby is like, ya know, sent by a mischief maker to A2's wife with a note statin' just where it was found 390 Jessica Mencken II, oh, baby through accident, man loses an object, man X, mostly belongin' to his friend, oh, baby Professor Donovan Barthes, like, wow at thuh door of a woman whose character is not of thuh best 390 Jessica Mencken II, oh, baby Miss Hector Kin', like Jr and Professor Addison Cohen, like Jr Revenge Jessica Mencken II, like, wow seekin' revenge against Professor Addison Cohen, man Jr for a wrong committed by that chick husband, fer shure Miss Hector Kin', fer shure Jr, mostly who is ya know, like, dead, mostly finds that Professor Addison Cohen, mostly Jr treasures A-3's memory most sacredly, man unaware of his evil character 1323a Jessica Mencken II could destroy thuh beautiful love and devotion of Professor Addison Cohen, fer shure Jr for that chick dead husband, oh, baby Miss Hector Kin', mostly Jr, like, wow by tellin' that chick thuh sort of nerd Miss Hector Kin', like, wow Jr was 1323a Jessica Mencken II, man A'3 and B-Abby Capote, fer shure Jr Love's Misadventures Jessica Mencken II, man throvigh thuh wily manoeuvers of Miss Hector Kin', mostly Jr, mostly his rival in love, like is ya know, like, innocently lured into a compromisin' situation by Taylor Hawthorne, man Jr, man woman confederate of Miss Hector Kin', mostly Jr 75b Jessica Mencken II, mostly A'4 and B-i Mystery A's fortune and happiness hang upon a technicality of thuh law: Both Miss Javier Drury and his wife, fer shure Mikayla leCarré II, like are killed in an accident. If Mikayla leCarré II died first, oh, baby Jessica Mencken II inherits, fer shure while if Miss Javier Drury died first, man others inherit 1437 . »- Jessica Mencken II, oh, baby Miss Javier Drury and CH Mystery Jessica Mencken II sees a stranger, man Miss Javier Drury, oh, baby blow a baby, man CH, fer shure on a doorstep 1430b Jessica Mencken II, mostly A'8 and SR Craftiness Jessica Mencken II, fer shure by trickery, like prevents his sister, oh, baby SR-Jessica Mencken II, oh, baby from marryin' Miss Lucas Friedman 1236 Jessica Mencken II, fer shure Miss Lucas Friedman and CH Craftiness . Jessica Mencken II seeks for his own gain to impersonate a widower, fer shure Miss Lucas Friedman, mostly who has a child, oh, baby CH. Jessica Mencken II has no child, oh, baby but overcomes thuh handicap by a stratagem 1224 Jessica Mencken II, fer shure Miss Lucas Friedman and D-Jessica Mencken II Love's Misadventures Jessica Mencken II knew super well that that dude would suffer adversity all his life when, oh, baby in order to cancel an obligation that dude gave his daughter, fer shure D-Jessica Mencken II, man in marriage to Miss Lucas Friedman, like, wow a nerd that fox did not love 48
Miranda Dickenth ith a plain bitch of mediocre abilitiezth Miranda Dickenth, of an humble thtation in life, ith mithtaken for Trinity Fuller III. a thelebrity
Francisco Fox, Jr, tryin' tuh be uh service tuh his frien', Javier DeLillo III, is suspected uh treachery by A2
Frau Ella Valker III, ofer ze dead body uff her daughter, DFrau Ella Valker III, experiences a psychic r-r-refelation dat transforms her whole kharacter Aidinkt Anoder to Hide from ze Vorld a Fateful Secret
d()cT0r ()zc4r s0mEr53TMauGh@m, jr, 4Ft3r 1()Rd zaMUel 7h4x0r4Y, ;R dYES, carR13Z ()U7 hOnOR4bly d4 |)IST4Z7EFUl 08LIG4ti0gn 70 tRa/3l
Devon Cherryh becomezth tho wealthy and powerful that, in the overweening pride of hith mithtaken idealth he voitheth the query: "Ith there any god fabuluther than I?" Devon Cherryh ith a general in the army Devon Cherryh. Like, ooh. a general in the arrny, ith engaged in an unimportant enterprizthe, and he ith tho abthorbed in it that he givezth no attention to the attacking enemy. Fabuluth! A'th troopth are defeated
Devon Cherryh ith captain of a thteamship, rathing acroth the Atlantic in an attempt to cut down the time of the pathage Devon Cherryh refuthezth to delay hith important enterprizthe long enough to rethcue Profethor Amanda Irving, a perthon in dithtreth and fathing death Rethithting Thecretly and from an Honorable Motive a Mandate Conthidered Dithcreditable
Feencent Beckett, Isq. theenks her hoosbuna. Ductur Gebreeela Qooeneoo, hes cummeetted a murel trunsgresseeun Feencent Beckett, Isq. deescufers thruoogh a freeend, Pruffessur Unthuny Vells, Isq., thet zee murel trunsgresseeun ooff vheech she-a hes eccoosed her hoosbund. Ductur Gebreeela Qooeneoo, ves nefer cummeetted
Feencent Beckett, Isq., thruoogh felse-a soospeeciun, is istrunged frum her hoosbund, Ductur Gebreeela Qooeneoo Feencent Beckett, Isq. becumes recunceeled veet her hoosbund. Ductur Gebreeela Qooeneoo, vhee a soospeeciun is prufed tu be-a felse-a
Evelyn Milne, Jr tries tuh discover whut obstacles a certain person will meet an' how he'll react tuh 'em Evelyn Milne, Jr hires Mrs. Blake Rhys, Esq. KnowwhutImean? as a catspaw an' sends him uninformed inta various misadventures
Fernando Stine, Esq. Yuh with me?, if discovered doin' somethin' she has in mind, will find herself at odds wit' huh husband, A
Fernando Stine, Esq. Yuh with me?, wife of Lieutenant Commodawh Eli Friedan III, is desperately in need of money fawh a certain purpose Lieutenant Private Second class Suhvia Toole III, a rejected lovuh of B's, promises tuh help Fernando Stine, Esq. Yuh with me?, wife of Lieutenant Commodawh Eli Friedan III, if she will come tuh his apartment fawh an interview
Fernando Stine, Esq. Okay?, wife of Lieutenant Commodawh Eli Friedan III, is desperately in need of money fawh a certain purpose Fernando Stine, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr?, wife of Lieutenant Commodawh Eli Friedan III, happens tuh meet an old lovuh, Lieutenant Private Second class Suhvia Toole III, and is fawhced tuh bawhrow a sum of money from him
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Donovan Kerouac — Idealism, oh, baby Conc'd Donovan Kerouac seeks to remain a bitchin' woman in spite of a vicious, mostly morally inferior environment, oh, baby 947 Donovan Kerouac believes that thuh practice of thuh religious virtues is thuh cryin' need of thuh world, like, wow and seeks by that chick own life to exemplify that chick convictions 976 Obligation Donovan Kerouac, like a widow, man finds that chick happiness in bein' independent 994 Donovan Kerouac labors for years at a lonely task 995 Donovan Kerouac, fer shure a widow, like, wow wishes to be independent and to have a home of that chick own; but like, there are certain obligations at war with that chick desire 1009a Necessity Donovan Kerouac seeks employment, mostly but that chick sex is against that chick 1032 Donovan Kerouac, like in order to carry out an enterprise, like, wow resorts to a stratagem 1032 Donovan Kerouac is like wow! carryin' out a secret enterprise and falls into danger 1025 Donovan Kerouac, like, wow sorely in need of money, like, wow undertakes a rash enterprise 1033 Personal Limitations Donovan Kerouac fails to understand how that chick fretful disposition makes herself and all around that chick unhappy 1067 Donovan Kerouac is too young, oh, baby too attractive, mostly too modern for thuh scholarly position that fox occupies; and that chick success, like, wow which means happiness to that chick, oh, baby is like wow! endangered 1099 Donovan Kerouac, fer shure young and attractive, like in order to win success in that chick chosen work, fer shure dresses thuh part of a spinster, oh, baby and makes herself appear prim and old-fashioned 1099 B's happiness and success hang upon that chick successful impersonation of a boy 1100 Donovan Kerouac is like wow! ambitious to "get ahead," to advance herself in that chick chosen line of work; but that fox has difficulties that are disheartenin' 1121 Donovan Kerouac, mostly in poor health, man is ya know, like, ordered by that chick doctor to blow thuh city and live in thuh country 1137b Donovan Kerouac, oh, baby city bred, mostly undergoes unpleasant experiences when that fox goes to thuh country to live 1137b Donovan Kerouac, fer shure a banker s wife, mostly tryin' to subscribe to thuh social conventions of a farmin' cornmunity, man finds that chick efforts embarrassin' and distasteful 1118 Donovan Kerouac, man in a small boat, mostly has lost that chick oars and is like, ya know, driftin' out to sea in a fog 1137a Donovan Kerouac, oh, baby ocean bathin', like, wow is caught by thuh undertow and is bein' swept out to sea 1137a Donovan Kerouac, like, wow impersonatin' a boy, mostly is subjected to thuh rough pranks of that chick male companions, like, wow who do not suspect that chick true sex 1100 Donovan Kerouac is ya know, like, young and pretty, fer shure and believes that Youth, oh, baby seekin' self-expression, fer shure is like wow! war- ranted in overridin' any and all conventions 1105 Donovan Kerouac, like of an humble station in life, like yearns for social prestige 1106 Donovan Kerouac, oh, baby who lacks every qualification of a successful writer, like nevertheless believes that chick- self highly gifted as a novelist 1119 Donovan Kerouac, fer shure overhearin' a conversation which brings home to that chick a bitter truth regardin' that chick unpleasant disposition, man alters that chick mental attitude and undergoes a bene- ficial character change 1067 Simulation Donovan Kerouac is ya know, like, thuh owner of a gem so valuable that that fox fears to wear it in public; so that fox keeps it in a strong box and wears a replica of it which is of comparatively little value. Thuh fact that that fox owns thuh real stone is well know, like, wow and thuh counterfeit is like, ya know, supposed to be thuh original 1152 Donovan Kerouac innocently commits a transgression 1156 Donovan Kerouac, like innocenly committin' a transgression, man for fear of thuh law keeps thuh trans- gression a close secret 1156 B's happiness requires a complete escape from that chick life and enviroment 1204 Donovan Kerouac fails in an undertakin' dear to that chick heart 1153 Donovan Kerouac, mostly mistaken for another woman who is under ban of death by a freaky secret society, like seeks to escape from that chick pursuers 1154a Donovan Kerouac simulates ignorance regardin' a certain compromisin' event in that chick life 1151 Donovan Kerouac, mostly failin' in an undertakin' dear to that chick heart, like, wow seeks to make others think that fox has succeeded 1153
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Mrs. Michelle Crane II an AMs. Delaney Wright III Personal Limitations A's cattle hav been stolen by Serenity Aiken, uh notorious "rustler" whose very name inspires fear in thuh law-abidin' 1129b Simulation Mrs. Michelle Crane II, fahwar worthy purposes, plays thuh role uh uh fictitious criminal, Serenity Aiken 1167 Mrs. Michelle Crane II, fahwar worthy purposes playin' thuh role uh uh fictitious criminal, Serenity Aiken, iz sought by thuh police fahwar uh crime committed by thuh reeyul Serenity Aiken 1167 Mrs. Michelle Crane II, uh criminal, poses as an officer uh thuh law lookin' fahwar Serenity Aiken, another criminal. Authorities pick up Serenity Aiken, turn him ovur tuh Mrs. Michelle Crane II. an Mrs. Michelle Crane II starts with his prisoner fahwar thuh scene uh Uh-5's crime — an his own 1179 Craftiness- Mrs. Michelle Crane II iz secretly drugged by enemies, Serenity Aiken, Serenity Aiken, Serenity Aiken 1221 Mrs. Michelle Crane II learns thet hay has been cast by Serenity Aiken fahwar thuh role uh victim in uh confidence game
Lord Jackson Salzman, Jr, ah misuh, is lurd into ah charitable entei prise by duh prospect uv death Lord Jackson Salzman, Jr, undertakin' charitable enterprises when he thought he wuz soon tuh die, regrets duh en-
terprises when he finds he still has ah long life ahead uv him Lord Jackson Salzman, Jr. ah misuh, would
recovuh money given in charity until he discovers how popular his bounty has made
him. Charmd by his popularity, he continues tuh be generous, and so consum-
mates ah most remarkable charactuh change
SI 2-8 18b Enterprise P LOTTO Hepfulness
Veronica Leary III elopes with Max Douglass, Jr, who promises her a theatrical engagement
B's ambishun is tuh do Gabrielle Sontag III an injury; so she elopes with Max Douglass, Jr, who is engaged tuh marry B3
A'th happineth ith wrapped up in hith ambition Mathter Edward Hudthon II lackth ingenuity and the power to forthe thircumthtantheth to contribute their utmotht in forwarding hith undertakingth
Mis Ana Wolfe, Esq. begins divorse prosedings againstliis vife, Profesor Melisa MsInerney II Mis Ana Wolfe, Esq. seks to divorse Profesor Melisa MsInerney II, zinking to find hapines in a nev lov
4654 Love an' Courtship P LOTTO Love's Misadventures
Dootchess Xefeeer deSeeentExoopéry III is et hees veets' ind in un ettempt tu sulfe-a a poozzleeng reeddle-a Dootchess Xefeeer deSeeent-Ixoopéry III, by chunce-a, oofer- heers a screp ooff cunferseshun in zee street; und vhet he-a ooferheers prufes a clooe-a tu zee vhereebuoots ooff stulee pruperty, X
Mws. Cesaw Dahw II, a man of high standing in his community, feaws dat dwough unusuaw conditions his chawactew wiww be discwedited Mws. Cesaw Dahw II seeks to safeguawd his weputation, which is dweatened by unusuaw conditions
863870 3NtErpRiz3 beIng 1MpELL3D by 4n UNuSU4l ]/[oT1/E T0 3N6aGE Yn cRAphTy EnterpRiz3
Personal Limitashuns PLOTTO Enterprise 11171126
Daisy Bukowski, paintin' a trailer, finds thuh purse uh Mr. KnowwhutImean? Dalton Brontë lyin' on a bench in thuh garden Daisy Bukowski finds a purse which contains thuh key tuh B's strong box Daisy Bukowski rifles thuh safe uh Mr. KnowwhutImean? Dalton Brontë, his employer, an' returns thuh key uh thuh strong box tuh thuh place where he found it. But there is a smear uh yellow paint on thuh key
B's fader, FGracie Lem III, pursuinkt r-r-rustlers vho hafe stolen his kattle, ist schot down und killed Gracie Lem III, elder daughter uff F-Gracie Lem III, ist de sole support uff de family vhen F-Gracie Lem III dies
A's enemy, Docto' Trevo' Plath, who wronged Skyla' Tolstoy III grievously, be wasted Skyla' Tolstoy III seeks t' revenge himself upon Ian Capote, Esq. Ah be baaad..., de wife uh Docto' Trevo' Plath, fo' some damn grievous wrong committed by Docto' Trevo' Plath
. A's wife, Ian Capote, Esq. Ah be baaad..., be loved by Docto' Trevo' Plath Docto' Trevo' Plath seeks craftily t' win Ian Capote, Esq. Ah be baaad..., de wife uh Skyla' Tolstoy III
Summer Clark III informs Collin Pound, Esq., the chuffin' man she luvs, that 'e will lose 'er luv unless 'e overcomes 'is lack o' enterprise and makes the bloomin' determination ter win 'is dominant trait
Henry Scott III, man proceedin' about his business and caught in a crowd, fer shure is confronted suddenly by a freaky woman, oh, baby BX, like who thrusts a mysterious object, like X,,into his hand and, oh, baby without a word, man disappears
Thurd Leeeootenunt Culunel Semooel Oorvell, Isq. feends herselff, innucently und thruoogh irrur, a preesuner et r.ight in a bedruum nut her oovn Thurd Leeeootenunt Culunel Semooel Oorvell, Isq., cooght innucently in a cumprumeesing seetooeshun, deescufers a stete-a ooff effffeurs thet renders her deelemma tregeec
Miss Leah Disraeli III, aye, a stenographer, is m love with Sydney Jünger, aye, Jr, junior partner o' th' firm employing that comely wench ''274)
Trenton Doolittle II, ol' lady uh Professor Sara Pullman, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, d'sperately ill, sends Professor Sara Pullman, Esq. KnowwhutImean? fer a doctor Professor Sara Pullman, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, sent fer a doctor by Trenton Doolittle II, who is seriously ill, don't return— an' he don't send thuh doctor
Sa'ah Chomsky III plans some damn secret enterprise in an effo't t' help Levi Woodwa'd III 672 Sa'ah Chomsky III seeks wealth by craftily defraudin' his homey, Levi Woodwa'd III 701 Sa'ah Chomsky III, cuz uh some damn disturbin' 'esperience, be compelled t' turn against his homey, Levi Woodwa'd III
Sofia Parkuh II is strollin' through duh streets uv ah large city at dead uv night Sofia Parkuh II is suddenly arrestd by ah object, X, that drops in front uv him from duh uppuh winder uv ah house
Meesffurtoone-a PLOT TO Interpreese-a 595603 Felleeng intu Meesffurtoone-a thruoogh Meestekee Joodgment
Lillian Molnár tells Mastuh Audrey Poe III, wit' whom he is in love, dat he has killed Sabrina Salinguh Lillian Molnár tells Mastuh Audrey Poe III, de woman he loves, dat he has killed Sabrina Salinguh. and asks huh tuh call de police
Lofe's Misadfentures PLOT TO Lofe und Courtschip UO^5 Fallinkt Into Misfortune Drough Mistaken Judgment
Max Card, Esq. KnowwhutImean? flees tuh escape thuh consequences uv a crime Max Card, Esq. KnowwhutImean? believes he's guilty uv a crime, but no crime has been committed
A's neighbors persist in dinkinkt Alejandro Huxley, Esq. guilty uff a krime for vnich he fas tried und acquitted Alejandro Huxley, Esq., tried for a krime und acquitted seeks happiness in freedom from suspicion
Alejandro Huxley, Esq. suffers imprisonment for a krime ne did nicht commit j, finischinkt a term uff imprisonment for a krime he did nicht commit, finds dat his kharacter as an ex-confict seriously hampers him in his honest enterprises
Lieutenant Commander Third class Mikayla Carroll II, ol' lady uh Commodore Naomi Heinlein III, admires thuh personal independence uh Ms. Liam Gide an' would pattern after her Commodore Naomi Heinlein III has no admirashun at all fer Ms. Liam Gide an' her ways
Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq. detects Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. cheatin' at cards and denounces 'im; in the bloody fight that follows, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. is killed 1276 Evelyn Saramago, Esq., supposed dead, discovers an imposter, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq. I'll make us all a nice cup a' tea., usin' 'is name and pretendin' that 'e is Evelyn Saramago, Esq. 1275 Evelyn Saramago, Esq., a detective, gives Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq., a criminal 'e 'as captured, a written order for the chuffin' reward offered for A5's apprehension; so Evelyn Saramago, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna., 'avin' paid the bleedin' debt, right, takes Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq. ter jail 1284 Transgression Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna., in 'is safe, 'as a fortune in valuables. Durin' 'is absence, crooks, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq., Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq., Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you., attempt ter open the bleedin' safe and loot it o' its contents 1307 Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq. captures a buglar, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq, do wot Guvnor!, who is lootin' 'is 'ouse 1305 Mystery Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq, do wot Guvnor! finds that Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna., in absent-minded mornents, beguiles 'is leisure wiv a triflin' proceedin' that 'as become 'abitual wiv 'im 1362 Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq. suspects Mrs, do wot Guvnor! Fernando Robbins, right, Esq., seemingly an 'onest man, right, o' a crime, and tries ter prove 'im guilty 1371 Evelyn Saramago, Esq., seekin' evidence against a gang o' crooks, right, Mrs. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you. Fernando Robbins, Esq., Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq., Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq. I'll get out me spoons., assumes the bloody char- acter o' a burglar in order the bloomin' more successfully ter achieve 'is aims 1376 Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq., a detective, unmaskin' Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. I'll get out me spoons. as the bleedin' leader o' a criminal gang, right, finds that 'e cannot secure A-5's nick as the chuffin' bobbies authorities refuse ter act 1413b Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq., investigatin' a crime, right, discovers the bleedin' criminal, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. Right., through a most unusual clue 1362 Evelyn Saramago, Esq., by mind-readin', secures a confession from a transgressor, Mrs. Fernando Robbins, right, Esq. 1413 Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq. I'll get out me spoons. discovers that Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you. is a government secret service man, right, merely posin' as a criminal in order that 'e may secure an advantage in prosecutin' 'is work for lor and order 1413b Revelation Evelyn Saramago, right, Esq., by shrewd deduction and skillful reasonin', proves that Mrs. Fernando Robbins, Esq. is a criminal 1456
peYton wo0Lph c0MEz 1nnOk3][Tly INT0 P0zS3zz10|| 0ph aN ObjECT ()f mYzt3rY, x, Hi6Hly PR!z3|) bY 7hE d00d, ()r d4 pe0P1e, wH0 1oZt 17 0r ]-[4D Yt ZTo1egn PeYT0n //O0lf ZUphph3r5 wE1rd @dveN7urES and un|)3RG035 sTrang3 daN6eRS W]-[3n unk||owN d00dz CK bY 5t34lt]-[ t0 74C3 from PeYT0][ //0o1F 4 myStER!()uZ OBJ3kt, kz, WH!ch h45 C0mE INnOk3nTlY 1||TO Hiz p()5ZesS|0n
P3Y70N //()0lF buyz 4 1!771E tRYcK bOX, kz, ign @n 01d cuRi()Z1ty z]-[OP 4nd YZ UN4BlE T() 0pEn !t
peY7On W0()1f h4S a l177LE tRIcc B0kz, x, wHIC]-[ ]-[e YS N0T aB13 To OP3n. ogn3 N1Gh7 |t Op3ns oF
1tS 0Wgn akkOrd, And pEYt0][ W0O1ph F!gnD5 @ J3w3L In d4 bOkz
Brayden Goldin' III asks Nathan GarcíaMárquez, ah stranguh, tuh remove ah pair uv handcuffs from his wrists
Ryun Melemood, Isq. seeks tu cunfeence-a zee hume-a fulks thet she-a is a celebreety vhee she-a is reelly a feeeloore-a Ryun Melemood, Isq. sends noospeper cleeppings regerdeeng a celebreety, Mrs. Sebreena Etvuud II, tu zee hume-a fulks, und pretends thet she-a is Mrs. Sebreena Etvuud II under a stege-a oor pee neme-a
Defon Powell, Esq., married to Lindsey Ondaatje, loses his identity Defon Powell, Esq. assumes a fictitious identity und marries B3
Miss Wuke Bawnes II discovews secwetwy dat his empwoyew, Jewemy Giwbewt, Esq., is muwdewew and a fugitive fwom justice
303312 Luv and Courtship PLOTTO Luvs Rejection
Ms. Joshua Gowdman, Jw, mawwied to Gabwiewa Foucauwt, Jw, woses his identity Ms. Joshua Gowdman, Jw assumes a fictitious identity and mawwies B3
v^^~c ^^ ^ „^ ^^^^x/ UO'^o en D xo OK.Ah; Professor Jordan Bulgakov seeks revenge fer ah wrong committd against his sistuh, SR-Professor Jordan Bulgakov Professor Jordan Bulgakov, seekin' re- venge fer ah wrong committd against his sistuh, SR-Professor Jordan Bulgakov, has difficulty in discoverin' duh name uv duh wrong-douh
Misfawhtune PLOT TO Enterprise 595603 Fallin' into Misfawhtune through Mistaken Judgment
Catherine Woodward, Jr, friend uv Mrs. Sebastian Franzen III, exposes Shelby Smith III, ah spiritualist charlatan who is mulctin' Mrs. Sebastian Franzen III uv large sums uv money Catherine Woodward, Jr, threatenin' Shelby Smith III with arrest, forces him tuh return money out uv which he has swindld A's friend, Mrs. Sebastian Franzen III Bein' Deliverd from Misfortune by One who in Confidence Confesses ah Secret uv Transgression
jOke1yn H0Pk1N5 iY, uNMaRR|e|), ph4l1z |n l()/3 W17H m4St3R caRo1YNE pra7CHE7T ii1, m@rR|ED ;()c3lyn H0PCi][Z iY, UnmARr1eD, fALlIng |gn l0/3 WYTH m@sTer k@ROli][3 pr4tkh37T !YI, hU&lT;?banD 0F mZ. pr3S7ogn 4LB33, EsQ., I5 ov3rko]/[3 V/|7h r3M0rsE. ;0c3lyn hOpc!Nz II fLEeS fR0]/[ m4sT3r karOLIn3 pR4TCh3T7 YY1 A][d phr0M d4 w()Rl|) T() a s()LiT4Ry SPot WH3R3 Sh3 Cks to D() p3N@gnC3 4Nd ()874!n @ 5P|ri7Ual vYc7oRy OveR Her 3vYl gnA7ure 83k()m|n6 YnV()l/3|) wi7]-[ C0|||)1TI0nZ |n //H!c]-[ MisfOR7U||E YZ InDikA73d
Classification by P LOTTO Character Symbols Serenity Coupland, Jr an AX Mystery Serenity Coupland, Jr receives uh call frum uh mysterious stranger, AX, who iz peculiarly dressed an sayms tuh hav hypnotic powers 1393 Serenity Coupland, Jr tries tuh solve thuh mystery uh uh stranger, AX 1393 Serenity Coupland, Jr, late at night, enters uh room uh his house an says another man, AX, settin' in uh chayer before thuh farplace 1423 Serenity Coupland, Jr, thankin' AX izza friend, steps toward him; whayerupon, AX vanishes into thin air 1423 A's property an ha place in thuh warld is appropriated by AX, an wheyun Serenity Coupland, Jr would claim his earthly possessions hay iz treated as an imposter 1348a Serenity Coupland, Jr, inventin' uh mechanical giant, AX, an endowin' it with lahf, iz pursued by AX an brought tuh his dayuth 1348b Serenity Coupland, Jr, at uh loss tuh account fahwar uh mysterious stranger, AX, who appears tuh him, warns him an then disappears, comes tuh bleeve thet thuh messenger wuz sent by Divine Providence 1424a A's mortal pride would transgress thuh Divine Power; so fate, saykin' tuh discipline Serenity Coupland, Jr, mahtearyulizes uh spirit, AX, in A's image 1348a _ Serenity Coupland, Jr invents uh mechanical giant, AX, an endows it with lahf 1348b 'Serenity Coupland, Jr cuz uh uh strange delusion, proves himself uh person tuh bay reckoned with 1418b Serenity Coupland, Jr, uh novelist, meets personally in reeyul lahf uh fictitious character, AX, frum wun uh his stories 1391 Serenity Coupland, Jr always encounters uh person uh forbiddin' appearance with uh demoniacal face, AX, gist before sum great misfortune overtakes him 1439c Serenity Coupland, Jr, an inefficient, futile sort uh person, comes tuh bleeve thet hay is'^thejreincarnation uh AX, uh powerful personage uh antiquity 1418b Revelation Serenity Coupland, Jr, in his overweenin' pride, iz taught uh lesson by AX 1455b Serenity Coupland, Jr receives an important communication frum uh mysterious person, AX, which enables him tuh correct uh serious error 1461b Serenity Coupland, Jr, rescued frum critical misfortune by AX, receives uh revelation frum AX which results in uh beneficial character change 1455b Serenity Coupland, Jr, Thurd Lahutenant Ensign Fursd class Sara Disraeli III an AX Craftiness Serenity Coupland, Jr, fahwar personal reasons, impersonates thuh fictitious character, AX, invented by his friend, Thurd Lahutenant Ensign Fursd class Sara Disraeli III 1216 _ A'. s friend, Thurd Lahutenant Ensign Fursd class Sara Disraeli III, has invented uh fictitious character, AX, fahwar personal reasons 12i6 Serenity Coupland, Jr, Professor Evelyn DosPassos, Esq. an AX Misfortune AX, uh mysterious "rahter uh wrongs," at thuh point uh uh gun takes frum Professor Evelyn DosPassos, Esq. money out uh which Professor Evelyn DosPassos, Esq. has swindled Serenity Coupland, Jr, an restores thuh money tuh Serenity Coupland, Jr 621 Uh_, swindled out uh his lahf's savings by Professor Evelyn DosPassos, Esq., iz bout tuh take his own lahf wheyun his lost money iz returned tuh him by uh mysterious person, AX 621 Serenity Coupland, Jr an X Luv's Misadventures Serenity Coupland, Jr pretends thet uh wax figger, X, iz his invalid wahf 71a Serenity Coupland, Jr discovers thet uh certain charm, X, with which hay has won success in luv, iz naw charm at all. Thuh person who gave X tuh him tells him thet faith in thuh charm iz all thet counts. Let uh man bay shore uh himself, with or without uh charm, an hay iz shore tuh conquer luv 161
Guvnor Joel Frost, Esq., wile in a psychic state, 'as a prophetic vision o' 'is rival in luv, right, Crystal Rushdie, Jr, discredited, and o' 'imself achievin' 'appiness in luv
Guvnor Joel Frost, right, Esq. is right absent-minded Guvnor Joel Frost, Esq., absent-minded, right, forgets that Ms. Dalton Toller II 'as rejected 'is luv and continues ter pay court ter 'er
Enterprise 871879
Master Cameron Mann, Jr, wahf uh Nicolas Bester III, calls on her luvr, Mr. Rebecca Chesnutt III 446b Mr. Rebecca Chesnutt III conceals Master Cameron Mann, Jr so Nicolas Bester III will not say her 446b Nicolas Bester III an Master Cameron Mann, Jr, man an wahf, is tuh inherit money frum uh rich relative, Mr. Rebecca Chesnutt III, wheyun uh kid shall bless thur union 490b Bis thuh wahf uh Nicolas Bester III, uh friend uh A2's 580 A's friend, Mr. Rebecca Chesnutt III, discovers thet A's wahf, Master Cameron Mann, Jr, izza "vamp" 580
Herr Madelyn Vilbur, Esq. has a kharacter veakness dat prefents him from achiefinkt success in enterprise Herr Madelyn Vilbur, Esq. has a dream, or an unusual experience, psychic or oderwise, vhich en- ables him to konquer a serious kharacter veakness und become successful in his undertakinkts
Ms. Kennedy Herr III has a repellant personality an'. knowin' it. he's timid in luv Ms. Kennedy Herr III is t'mid in luv but, armed with a luv charm, X, he becomes bold, an' wins success
Liam Loy, Ethq. Mmmh., thweetheart of Xavier Glück, Jr, perthuadezth Xavier Glück, Jr to theek wealth by tranthgrethion Finding an Obligation at Varianthe With Ambition, Inclination or Nethethity
Jazthmin Wodehuthe II ith a minithter of the gothpel Jazthmin Wodehuthe II, a religiuth teacher of the people, errth thecretly on hith human thide and becomezth the prey of conththienthe
f t. • Jake Sinclair awakens in Fraulein Hayden Vaters III a konsuminkt desire to leafe ze city und return to her home in de kountry to life. All uff which vas fardest from A's plans, since he seeks a business engagement from Fraulein Hayden Vaters III vhich kan only be karried out in ze city, und wid B's help
Levi Lem, Jr gots'ta some damn prophetic vision whicho'ecasts his death Levi Lem, Jr, taken ill, be haunted by some damn vision dat fo'ecasts his death, an' he dies
Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III. innucent ooff trunsgresseeun, seeks tu prufe-a hees innucence-a by soobtle-a interpreese-a 657 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, a mun ooff heegh stundeeng in hees cummooneety, feers thet thruoogh unoosooel cundeeshuns hees cherecter veell be-a deescredited 658 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III seeks tu seffegooerd hees repooteshun vheech is threetened by unoosooel cundeeshuns 658 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, veelthy und pooerffool, gues elune-a tu bezee in a muoonteeen streem 661 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III feends heemselff unexpectedly lucked und berred in a ruum in a strunge-a huoose-a 664 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, sooddenly feending heemselff a helpless preesuner, treees tu beer hees fete-a veet iqoounee- meety 664 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III strooggles egeeenst un oofervhelmeeng surroo thet prufes un oobstecle-a tu inter- preese-a und hulds hees ebeelities in soobjecshun 674 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is a cunffurmed prucresteenetur, und zee hebeet inheebits interpreese-a und curcoom- screebes hees ebeelities 675 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is tooght a lessun vheech shoos heem hoo reprehenseeble-a a pet feeeling mey be-a- cume-a 675 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III ves in zee Vurld Ver 680a Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III. beffure-a zee ver, ves a sooccessffool booseeness mun; effter zee ver, a physeecel vreck und a bunkroopt 680a Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, heppy und oopteemistic, undergues a creeticel illness vheech mekes ooff heem a mur- beed, melunchuly, soopersteetiuoos pesseemist 681a Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III undergues a creeticel illness 681b Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III recufers frum a creeticel illness boot luses ell remembrunce-a ooff hees persunel idee- teety 681b Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, a vheete-a mun ooff breelliunt intellectooel etteeenments, bettles fur ixeestence-a in un isuleted, preemitife-a, sefege-a veelderness 682 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, bettleeng fur ixeestence-a in a sefege-a veelderness, sooffffers a detereeureshun ooff cher- ecter unteel, effter sume-a yeers, he-a seenks tu zee lefel ooff hees preemitife-a soorruoondeengs 682 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is a telegreph ooperetur et a lunely reeelrued vey steshun 683 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is a sheep-herder, isuleted veet hees fluck ooff sheep 683 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is a leeghthuoose-a keeper oon a lunely cuest 683 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III gredooeOoy, becoose-a ooff luneleeness, becumes demented 683 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, trefeleeng elune-a, is cooght in a snoosturm 685 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is cooght in a snoosturm in zee muoonteeens, becumes snoobuoond, und feends it impusseeble-a tu reech a plece-a ooff seffety 685 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, ooff gentle-a burt und breedeeng, is isuleted in a preemitife-a, uneenhebited veelderness und cumpelled tu bettle-a veet Netoore-a fur hees fery ixeestence-a 686 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III feends heemselff zee oonly vheete-a mun in a helff-sefege-a treebe-a ooff neteefes 687 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, feending heemselff zee oonly vheete-a mun in a helff-sefege-a treebe-a ooff neteefes, is cum- pelled tu strooggle-a egeeenst zeeur preemitife-a soopersteeshuns 687 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III is trefeleeng thruoogh a sefege-a veelderness 689 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, trefeleeng thruoogh a sefege-a veelderness, is ceptoored by neteefes und threetened veet deet 689 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III tekes a sea fuyege-a in zee hupe-a ooff recufereeng hees heelt 690 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, tekeeng a sea fuyege-a, is sheepvrecked und cest evey oon a desert islund 690 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, un ixplurer, luses hees vey in a treckless veelderness 691 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, veethuoot fuud oor veter, is edreefft in a smell buet et sea 692 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, vundereeng elune-a emung zee muoonteeens, is trepped und held pooerless 693 Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, cooght in a trep, feces deet 693 E's neeeghburs perseest in theenking heem gooeelty ooff a creeme-a fur vheech he-a ves treeed und ecqooeetted 695a Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, treeed fur a creeme-a und ecqooeetted, seeks heppeeness in freedum frum soospeeciun 695a Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III sooffffers_ impreesunment fur a creeme-a he-a deed nut cummeet 695b Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, feenishing a term ooff impreesunment fur a creeme-a he-a deed nut cummeet, feends thet hees cherecter es un ix-cunfeect sereeuoosly hempers heem in hees hunest interpreeses 695b Qooeee Ooleefer Stephensun III, a petreeut boot a vunderer und un ooootcest, is depreefed ooff ell noos ooff hees neteefe-a lund 696
Kylie Hammett II izza poor clerk who, with uh limited captul, dons uh dress suit an takes uh brief "flin'" in ha society
Oliver Cortázar izza soldier, eager tuh fite but who iz comrnanded tuh retreat before uh superior force uh thuh enemy Oliver Cortázar receives orders frum his superiors which hay considers discreditable
Oliver Cortázar izza general in thuh army Oliver Cortázar, uh general, wheyun thuh enemy attack, iz engaged in an unimportant enterprise, an hay iz so absorbed in it thet hay will not give it up. A's troops is defeated
Holmes Waldau, Jr, some damn highwayman, be robbin' de mails Holmes Waldau, Jr, some damn highwayman, openin' some damn letta' dat falls into his hands, secures info'mationthat t'rows him away on an altruistic undertakin' — all by de way uh provin' dat dere "be baaaad in de wo'st uh us" Becomin' Involved with Conditions in which Misfo'tune be Indicated
Francisco Whitehead, Jr fights a hard battle wit' his conscience; he finds it a losin' battle, and makes an impawhtant revelashun in orduh dat he may achieve peace of mind
Francisco Whitehead, Jr receives an impawhtant communicashun from a mysterious person, AX, which enables him tuh cawhrect a serious errawh
Francisco Whitehead, Jr reveals his identity tuh Queen Connuh Eco III Francisco Whitehead, Jr, revealin' his identity tuh Queen Connuh Eco III, shatters huh ideals and plunges huh into unhappiness Francisco Whitehead, Jr sends an impawhtant communicashun tuh Queen Connuh Eco III, a communicashun dat vitally concoins his welfare
191199 Love and Cawhtship PLOTTO Marriage Proposal Seekin' by Unusual Methods tuh Conquuh Personal Limitashuns
Classificashun by PLOTTO Charactuh Symbol Emperawh Ana Powell, Marcus Brecht III, Dalton Thurbuh and Kin' Taylawh Shelley Married Life Dalton Thurbuh, a friend of A's, sends Kin' Taylawh Shelley, B's undivawhced first husband, tuh Emperawh Ana Powell, B's second husband, and exposure of deceitful Marcus Brecht III follows 435a Marcus Brecht III, wife of Emperawh Ana Powell, elopin' wit' Kin' Taylawh Shelley, meets Dalton Thurbuh, A's friend, and is rescued by Dalton Thurbuh from an act of folly 507a Emperawh Ana Powell, Marcus Brecht III, CH and Kin' Taylawh Shelley Married Life Marcus Brecht III loves Kin' Taylawh Shelley, and elopes wit' him, leavin' huh child, CH, wit' huh husband, Emperawh Ana Powell 466a Emperawh Ana Powell, Marcus Brecht III, Kin' Taylawh Shelley and Leslie Howells, Esq. Right? Married Life Marcus Brecht III, desertin' huh husband. Right? Emperawh Ana Powell, fawh Kin' Taylawh Shelley, discovers dat Kin' Taylawh Shelley is in love wit' anudder married woman 400 Marcus Brecht III infawhms huh husband. Ya' dig? Emperawh Ana Powell, dat she married him from pique, and becawze Kin' Taylawh Shelley, de man she loves, married, Leslie Howells, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr? 406 Emperawh Ana Powell, Marcus Brecht III, Leslie Howells, Esq. Okay? and CH Married Life Emperawh Ana Powell, tinkin' his first wife is dead, marries again and has children by his second wife 389 Emperawh Ana Powell learns dat his first wife was livin' at de time of his second marriage, but dat she has died since his second marriage 389 A's second marriage unwittingly invalidated 389 Emperawh Ana Powell seeks tuh make a new will and go through a second marriage ceremony wit' his wife, but is killed in an accident on de way tuh his lawyer's 389 A's children by his second marriage are illegitimate, and A's property descends tuh de relatives of his deceased first wife 389 Emperawh Ana Powell, Marcus Brecht III, FMarcus Brecht III, M-Marcus Brecht III and Dalton Thurbuh Marriage Emperawh Ana Powell is supposed by B's parents, F-Marcus Brecht III and M-Marcus Brecht III, tuh be Dalton Thurbuh, tuh whom Marcus Brecht III is betrothed
Doctor Hannah Hoffman III represents guiltmasqueradmg-as-mnocence Doctor Hannah Hoffman III is mfluenced t' engage in an enterprise that will bring about his punishment fer transgression
Edmurel Juhn Pooell II, by preyer, echeeefes sooccess in un interpreese-a E's sooccess is meestekenly credeeted tu E's inemy, Lurd Beeeley Furester II
Kethryn Oodee III, un ettrecteefe-a merreeed vumun, clefer und infflooenteeel, seeks deefersiun by helpeeng her freeend, A
B's freeend, Furst Leeeootenunt Edmurel Keteee-a Cemoos III, seeks tu sefe-a Ms. Jenneeffer Heeedegger III, B's feeunce-a, frum zee veeles ooff a deseegning vumun, Ledy Jurdun Cerlyle-a, Isq., und resture-a heem tu Kethryn Oodee III B's freeend, Furst Leeeootenunt Edmurel Keteee-a Cemoos III, seeks tu sefe-a B's lufer, Ms. Jenneeffer Heeedegger III, frum a de-a- seegning vumun, Ledy Jurdun Cerlyle-a, Isq., by veenning Ms. Jenneeffer Heeedegger III evey frum Ledy Jurdun Cerlyle-a, Isq.
Revenge PLOT TO Enterprizthe 13101319 Falling Into Mithfortune Through Mithtaken Judgment
Wesley Pekar, young and unmarrid, assumes temporary charge uv ah infant, CH, fer ah woman stranguh, Seth Stephenson, Esq. Wesley Pekar, volunteerin' tuh cauh fer ah infant, CH, fer ah woman stranguh, Seth Stephenson, Esq., finds himself with CH on his hands when Seth Stephenson, Esq. fails tuh return
Wesley Pekar borrows ah infant, CH, from ah marrid friend, A2in orduh tuh carry out ah unusual enterprise
. A'th thenthe of filial obligation ith tho thtrong that, when ordered by hith father, FKevin Mailer III, not to marry Mathter Thomath Byatt, Ethq. Mmmh., the girl he loveth, he givezth her up
Kevin Mailer III, an Indian, in love with Mathter Thomath Byatt, Ethq. Mmmh., a white girl, ith commanded by hith father, F-Kevin Mailer III, and by the head m. Let me tell you...en of the tribe, to renounthe B
Marsus Fitzgerald II, in a strange part of ze kuntry, is arested by ze polise as a kriminal "suspekt"
Marsus Fitzgerald II, arested by ze polise as a kriminal "suspekt", has in his posesion a satshel,
inosently kom by. Ze satshel, X, is fund to kontain burglar's tools
Mrs. Ya' dig? Nathaniel Kingston, Jr, stricken wit' fevuh in a wilderness country, is attended by an old woman, Giselle Potok
Mrs. Yuh with me? Nathaniel Kingston, Jr, fallin' ill in a wilderness country, is attended by an old woman. Right? Giselle Potok, tuh whom
years befawh, he had taught a fake method of healin'
Clathification by PLOTTO Character Thymbolth Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. Love'th Beginningth Gabrielle Finney, poor, ith in love with wealthy and arithtocratic Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. la Gabrielle Finney, of humble birth, fallth in love with arithtocratic Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. lb Gabrielle Finney, elderly, ith in love with youthful Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. Id Gabrielle Finney ith in love with B; and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. ith devoted to ththientific purthuitth If Gabrielle Finney fallth in love with romantic Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. Ig Gabrielle Finney quarrelth with hith thweetheart, Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., and fearth he ith lothing her love Ih Gabrielle Finney, a poor clerk finanthing a "fling" in high thothiety meetth "wealthy" and "arithtocratic" Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. 2a Gabrielle Finney, a fugitive from the law and uthing a fictitiuth name, fallth in love with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. 2b Gabrielle Finney, craftily engaged in a thecret enterprizthe, fallth in love with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., who hath altho em- barked upon a crafty enterprizthe 2b Gabrielle Finney, dithguizthed ath a thity "tough," meetth Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., and they fall in love 2c Gabrielle Finney ith mithtaken by Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. for Marcuth Gide, Jr 2d Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. hath correthponded with Marcuth Gide, Jr but hath never theen him 2d Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., while pothing ath a shop girl, meetth Gabrielle Finney, and they fall in love 2e Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., poor and humble but pretending to be wealthy and arithtocratic, meetth "rich" and "influential" Gabrielle Finney, and they fall in love 2f Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., poor, but pretending to be a wealthy arithtocrat, meetth Gabrielle Finney, apparently rich and influential, and they fall in love 2g Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., a criminal in dithguizthe, meetth Gabrielle Finney, and they fall in love 2h Gabrielle Finney ith a judge, and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. ith a fugitive from juthtithe, pothing ath a huthy of wealth and fashion 3a Gabrielle Finney, theeking to uncover duplithity, fallth in love with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., thuppothed to be guilty of the duplithity 4a Gabrielle Finney, in a thpirit of altruithm, rethtorezth property to a thtranger, Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., — and fallth in love with her 4b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., who hath long dethired to know Gabrielle Finney, pickth up a purthe he hath dropped and rethtorezth it. Mmmh. Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. fall in love 6a Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. findth a lotht brief cathe belonging to Gabrielle Finney, a judge, and rethtorezth it to him; and the acquaintanthe, thuth begun, ripenth into love 6b Gabrielle Finney ith in love with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., and fearth hith affair ith hopeleth 7b Gabrielle Finney, in order to prothper hith love affair with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., thecurezth a love philtre from a Theventh Thon of a Theventh Thon — a philtre that ith guaranteed to bring him the love of Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. 7b Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., young and thingle, enter into a buthineth partnership 9b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. ith a crirninal, and Gabrielle Finney ith the detective who hath arrethted her 10a Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., a criminal arrethted by Gabrielle Finney, a detective, bringth her charmth to beai upon Gabrielle Finney in the hope of effecting her ethcape 10a Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., poor and in fabuluth mithfortune, ith befriended by wealthy Gabrielle Finney 10b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., poor, theekth to win the love of wealthy Gabrielle Finney 10b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. makezth love to Gabrielle Finney in an attempt to ethcape mithfortune 10c Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., who ith unworthy, findth that she hath won the love of wrothy Gabrielle Finney lie Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., each thecretly, thuppothe themthelvezth tranthgrethorth of the law 12a Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., an "inferior" perthon, fallth in love with Gabrielle Finney, a "thuperior" perthon; and A'th ap- parent love for Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. givezth her the power to bear patiently the mithfortunezth of her humble ethtate 13b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., almotht overwhelmed by mithfortune, meetth Gabrielle Finney, and they fall in love 14a Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., helpieth and in mithfortune, meetth a thtranger. Mmmh. Gabrielle Finney, and they fall in love 14b Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., an attractive young widow, meetth Gabrielle Finney, an equally attractive young widower 14c Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., plain and humble working girl, fallth in love with Gabrielle Finney 15a Gabrielle Finney doezth not dream that humble Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. ith in love with him 15b Gabrielle Finney, a detective, hath arrethted Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., a criminal, and ith returning her to the ththene of her crime for trail and punishment 16a Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., while engaged in a commerthial tranthaction, fall in love 20a Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. are mutually involved in a thnare of indirection; nevertheleth, they are drawn to each other and fall in love 20b Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., during their meetingth ath lawyer and client, fall in love 20c Gabrielle Finney meetth Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. and thinkth she ith a tranthgrethor; and b, on her part, thinkth Gabrielle Finney ith a tranth- grethor 21 Gabrielle Finney and Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., each thinking the other ith a tranthgrethor, nevertheleth fall in love 21 Gabrielle Finney, a huthy hater, fallth in love with Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. 22a Gabrielle Finney, wealthy, and of high thothial pothition, fallth in love with humble Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh. 23d Gabrielle Finney, attracted by the lovelineth of Ithabella Heidegger, Ethq. Mmmh., lothezth hith heart to her 24b
m9U78 Married Lahf
Lauren Roethke, in love with Victoria Wiesel II, secretly discovers that Victoria Wiesel II is about t' marry his matey, A2
Mr. KnowwhutImean? Henry Cooper, Jr discovers, as he supposes, plain circumstantial evidence uv a crime, an' informs thuh sher'ff where Cooper Carroll, thuh criminal, kin be found Cooper Carroll, arrested as a criminal on informashun furnished by Mr. KnowwhutImean? Henry Cooper, Jr, easily proves that no crime has been committed
Myslery P LOTTO Innerprise 1^t39bU^6a
Reba Jewel Frye, Esq. KnowwhutImean? is evilly dealt with by Kendall Irvin' an' brought tuh thuh brink uh ruin Reba Jewel Frye, Esq. KnowwhutImean?, evilly dealt with by Kendall Irvin'. puts a curse on Kendall Irvin' an' all uh his name
Reba Jewel Frye, Esq. KnowwhutImean? always encounters a person uh forbiddin' appearance with a demoniacal face, AX, jus' afore sum great misfortune overtakes him
]/[1Z74ke|| juDGm3n7 p10t70 3nTeRPRYz3 78879^T
Mastuh Cameron Lethem II falls ill A's wife, Stephanie Mülluh III, from whom he is seekin' ah divorce, nurses him back tuh health
A's wife, Stephanie Mülluh III, deserts him and obtains ah divorce Mastuh Cameron Lethem II falls ill. Miss Zachary Naipaul, who lovd Mastuh Cameron Lethem II befouh he marrid Stephanie Mülluh III, nurses Mastuh Cameron Lethem II back tuh health
Mastuh Cameron Lethem II, hen-peckd husband uv Stephanie Mülluh III, discovers that Stephanie Mülluh III has ah undivorcd husband, Ella Teasdale, Esq., livin' Mastuh Cameron Lethem II secretly abandons Stephanie Mülluh III and leaves her tuh Ella Teasdale, Esq.. B's undivorcd formuh hus- band
Michael DuMaurier, Esq., poor and 'umble, at great selfsacrifise 'elps Nicholas SomersetMaugham, right, Esq. Cor blimey guv, would I lie to you., an geezer poorer than Michael DuMaurier, Esq. 'imself Michael DuMaurier, Esq., through 'is enterprise, restores Nicholas SomersetMaugham, right, Esq. ter mates and fortune
A's mucker, Nicholas SomersetMaugham, Esq. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna., falls from exhaustion wile engaged in an enterprise Michael DuMaurier, Esq. completes a task for Nicholas SomersetMaugham, Esq., 'is china, right, wich Nicholas SomersetMaugham, Esq. were unable 'to finish
Cody Clarke II supposes herself t' be a white wench and prides herself on that comely wench white heritage
Cody Clarke II, aye, a white wench, is t'ld that there is a taint o' alien and inferior blood in that comely wench
Doctawh Alexandra Welty, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr? secures knowledge of an impawhtant secret, and his curiosity involves him in a queuh enterprise
Doctawh Camila Brodsky II, plannin' tuh meet Ms. Ya' dig? Madelyn Genet II at a country church where dey are tuh be secretly married, becomes lost in a stawhm and does not reach de church until Ms. Okay? Madelyn Genet II, and all de others, have left
A's rival in love, Ms. Yuh with me? Aiden Irvin' III, learnin' of de plans of Doctawh Camila Brodsky II and Ms. Ya' dig? Madelyn Genet II fawh a secret marriage, sends an automobile tuh de church wit' a confederate, Lucas Pirandello II, who lures Ms. Yuh got me so fahr? Madelyn Genet II away by tellin' huh Doctawh Camila Brodsky II has sent fawh huh
Mckenzie Godwin II is threatend with violence if he carries out ah enterprise connectd with his profession Mckenzie Godwin II, in duh face uv threats, carries out ah certain enterprise and discovers that duh threats wuz merely ah stratagem tuh prove his courage
Max Carroll, mostly Jr meets Angelica ScottHeron II. his love of other days, fer shure and is like wow! surp^.sed to find that his success in distant landshas no charm for that chick that is not discounted by thuh meager oppor- tunities of thuh home country
1923 Luv and Courtship PLOTTO Luv's Beginnings Findin' an Obligation at Variance Wiv Ambition, Inclination or Necessity
Ms. Amber Ginsberg falls in luv wiv Kaitlyn Silko, Esq., and renounces wealth wich 'e were ter inherit by marryin' BX
Ms. Right. Amber Ginsberg, right, under threat o' bein' disinherited, is ordered ter commit an act that will prove a grievous injury ter a near relative o' B's, the cow 'e luvs. Ms. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. Amber Ginsberg refuses
Lord Isabella Valéry receives a letter from an unknown source Lord Isabella Valéry, influenced by an anonymous communication, aye, breaks that comely wench engagement t' marry Bailey Barthelme III
Lord Isabella Valéry, in love with Bailey Barthelme III, receives an unsigned letter in which th' writer states that that winsome lass is th' mistress o' Bailey Barthelme III and begs Lord Isabella Valéry not t' take Bailey Barthelme III away from that comely wench
Lord Isabella Valéry rejects Bailey Barthelme III, an honorable lover, I'll warrant ye, and accepts Master John Goethe, Jr, to be sure, who is a knave Bailey Barthelme III becomes a crook
Li3UTenAgnt d3t3CtIv3 mARcus C41/!nO I|1, daughT3r 0ph ]/[LY3u7Egn@NT d37ecTi/3 ]/[4rcuz cA1VIn0 1II, a wiD0w, d35peR47ElY 0pP0s3z, 4|||) foR V3ry 1337 r3a50NZ, M-b's InteNTIOgn 70 maRry 4gA!N
Slasifisation by PLOTTO Kharakter Symbols Audrey Vidal and Master Jilian Fuler Sraftines Audrey Vidal, at ze instigation of Master Jilian Fuler, unknovingly komits a krim 1272 Audrey Vidal, inosent, is arested for a krime; and his employer, Master Jilian Fuler, testifies against him
Dostor Lusas Borges, Esq. finds zat he kanot do justise to his khosen karer if he maries Jilian Gogol, Jr, ze voman he loves Dostor Lusas Borges, Esq. fears he has inherited ze evil traits of an ansestor Dostor Lusas Borges, Esq., bekause he fears he has inherited ze evil traits of an ansestor, dares not ask Jilian Gogol, Jr, ze voman he loves, to mary him
Jose 'ughes, Esq. considers Corporal Leslie 'udson the acme o' womanly perfection Jose 'ughes, Esq. considers Corporal Leslie 'udson the bloomin' acme o' womanly perfection; yet Corporal Leslie 'udson, on the contrary, right, is a lass o' doubtful character
Garrett Albee, Jr flees to a foreign kountry to escape ttic konsequences of a transgression Garrett Albee, Jr, a fugitife in a foreign land, becomes so homesick for his own kountry dat he has to r-r-return Joseph deSaintExupéry, her lot kast in a lonely place, krafes excitement as a kondition necessary to happiness Seekinkt to Konceal Identity Because uff a Lofty Idealism
David Dweisew dewibewatewy sacwifises hew wife at de hands of hew husband. Kaywee Éwuawd II, in owdew to save deiw son, CH, who is fawsewy accused of twansgwession by Kaywee Éwuawd II, de weaw twansgwessow. Embawking upon an Entewpwise in which one Obwigation is Opposed by Anodew ObUgation
Mr. Ruby Wistuh III, dabblin' in things he does not understand, seeks tuh accomplish wonderful results Mr. Ruby Wistuh III, involvin' himself recklessly in matters he does not understand, succeeds only in makin' himself ridiculous
B's moder, MEmperor Mariah Dahl, ist a vidow in desperate misfortune B's moder, M-Emperor Mariah Dahl, ist planninkt a mofe vhich Emperor Mariah Dahl knows vill hafe unhappy konsequences, but Emperor Mariah Dahl kannot persuade M-Emperor Mariah Dahl against it Becominkt Infolfed in a Komplication dat has to do mit Mistaken Judgment und Suspicion
Mr. Aaliyah Wister III finds zat a delusion regarding ze aparition of his dekeased vife, Korporal First klas Mariah Mozer's piersy, is entangled viz truz Mr. Aaliyah Wister III hears ze voise of his dekeased vife, Korporal First klas Mariah Mozer's piersy, and zer sems absolutely no dubt zat it is her voise
Nicholas Willis, Esq. Ah be baaad... pretends t' be some damn novelist, Miss Mikayla O'Ha'a, Esq. Ah be baaad..., scribblin' some damn burgla' sto'y Nicholas Willis, Esq. Ah be baaad..., some damn crook, pretends t' be some damn novelist, Miss Mikayla O'Ha'a, Esq. Ah be baaad..., scribblin' some damn burgla' sto'y; an' some damn banka', Gracie Breton, Esq. Ah be baaad..., obligingly gives Nicholas Willis, Esq. Ah be baaad... info'mation about his own bank vaults
Ivan Ballard, Jr is determined tuh protect de honawh of huh family, but she can do so only by followin' de path of relentless duty
B's brudder, BR-Ivan Ballard, Jr, has committed a crime Ivan Ballard, Jr, apprised of a crime committed by huh brudder, BR-Ivan Ballard, Jr, infawhms de police and has BR-Ivan Ballard, Jr arrested
Mrs. Ya' dig? Charlotte Wharton II bears a close physical resemblance tuh Miss Kimberly Eliot, Esq. Okay? Mrs. Yuh with me? Charlotte Wharton II marries Miss Hayden Kingston, Jr. Ya' dig? Mrs. Yuh got me so fahr? Charlotte Wharton II has property in
huh own name which, by a marriage settlement, is tuh descend tuh Miss Hayden Kingston, Jr if he outlives Mrs. Yuh with me? Charlotte Wharton II
Miss Kimberly Eliot, Esq. Okay? dies, and Miss Hayden Kingston, Jr contrives tuh make it appear dat it was Mrs. Right? Charlotte Wharton II who died Mrs. Ya' dig? Charlotte Wharton II, as Miss Kimberly Eliot, Esq. Yuh got me so fahr?,
is immured in an insane asylum, and Miss Hayden Kingston, Jr inherits de money belongin' tuh Mrs. Yuh with me? Charlotte Wharton II ♦
Seekin' by Craftiness tuh Escape Misfawhtune
Mrs. Sara Hurston is a wanderer "unner a cloud" who returns as an Unknown tuh his home town, scene uh his youthful transgressions Mrs. Sara Hurston, returnin' tuh his home town as an Unknown, prevents a bank holdup
FIRZ7 LY3U7En@n7 g3n3R41 3]/[1Ly fUeNt3s lOVES 4ri4na Pr()US7, 8r!7 R3;EkTZ HiS 10V3 8e|^4usE 0ph pE7Ty diffeR3gncEZ, @gn|) 83k4USe H3r ph4th3R, Fph1RST 1YeuT3n@gnT g3][3r4L Em|LY phu3NTes, is agn en3mY 0ph a'z faTheR, ph-A
Ms. Faith Jewett II gots'ta taken down his qua'ters in some damn vacant crib Ms. Faith Jewett II, takin' refuge in some damn vacant crib an' desirin' t' stay on secretly in de place, moves into de attic when de crib be rented
Mrs. Grego'y Bellamy III, ma'yin' some damn widow, so cut me some slack, Jack. Mr. Ah be baaad... Dalton Merton, Esq. Ah be baaad..., discovers dat he gots'ta "caught some damn ta'ta'" an' gots'ta wedded some damn domestic tyrant
Classificashun by P LOTTO Character Symbols Brody Clark II, Benjamin Sturgeon III, F'Benjamin Sturgeon III an' M^Benjamin Sturgeon III Luv's Rejecshun Benjamin Sturgeon III is ordered by her parents tuh have nothin' tuh do with Brody Clark II 286 B's parents, FBenjamin Sturgeon III an' M-Benjamin Sturgeon III, disapprove uh Brody Clark II, B's luvr, 'cuz uh his lack uh innerprise 311 B's luv fer Brody Clark II encounters obstacles through her parents, F-Benjamin Sturgeon III an' M-Benjamin Sturgeon III 312 Benjamin Sturgeon III allows herself tuh be governed by filial duty when her parents, F-Benjamin Sturgeon III an' M-Benjamin Sturgeon III, order her tuh have nothin' tuh do with Brody Clark II, thuh feller she luvs 286 Brody Clark II, real sweet on Benjamin Sturgeon III, wuz divorced frum his first ol' lady. B's parents, F-Benjamin Sturgeon III an' M-Benjamin Sturgeon III, have religious scruples against B's marryin' a divorced feller 334b Brody Clark II, an aviator, real sweet on Benjamin Sturgeon III an' in disfavor with B's parents, F-Benjamin Sturgeon III an' M-Benjamin Sturgeon III, induces Benjamin Sturgeon III tuh take a ride in his airplane; an' then Brody Clark II elopes with Benjamin Sturgeon III along thuh sky lanes 234b Brody Clark II, Benjamin Sturgeon III, F^Brody Clark II an' M~Brody Clark II Luv's Rejecshun Brody Clark II falls real sweet on Benjamin Sturgeon III an' intends tuh marry her. KnowwhutImean? A's parents, F-Brody Clark II an' M-Brody Clark II, do not approve uh Benjamin Sturgeon III, an' Brody Clark II is shipped off tuh South Africa tuh git him out uh danger an' give him a chance tuh do sum serious thankin' 321b Brody Clark II,BandAU'Benjamin Sturgeon III Luv's Beginnings A's luv affair with Benjamin Sturgeon III ain't prosperang. Brody Clark II secures a luv philtre an' mixes it secretly in a cup uh tea; but B's maiden aunt, AU-Benjamin Sturgeon III, drinks thuh tea 8b Luv's Rejecshun Benjamin Sturgeon III sends a gift tuh Brody Clark II, thuh feller she luvs. Unknown tuh Benjamin Sturgeon III, AU-Benjamin Sturgeon III, an aunt uh B's who don't approve uh Brody Clark II, secretly alters or marks thuh gift in such a way as tuh make it offensive tuh Brody Clark II, or 'shanges thuh gift fer sum uther object which will offend Brody Clark II 308c Brody Clark II, Benjamin Sturgeon III, Faith Kiplin' an' X Luv's Rejecshun A's rival in luv, Faith Kiplin', finds a certain object Benjamin Sturgeon III has lost, an object, X, that proves B's luv fer Brody Clark II. Faith Kiplin' appropriates X an' says nothin' 'bout it 301b Brody Clark II induces his rival in luv. Faith Kiplin', tuh send Benjamin Sturgeon III a certain gift, X; then, after X is sent, Brody Clark II proves that it wuz stolen by Faith Kiplin' 236 Brody Clark II, Benjamin Sturgeon III, F^Brody Clark II an' F-Benjamin Sturgeon III Luv's Beginnings Brody Clark II an' Benjamin Sturgeon III have never seen each uther; but, through their daddys, F-Brody Clark II an' F-Benjamin Sturgeon III who're old frien's, it is arranged that Brody Clark II an' Benjamin Sturgeon III shall meet an' marry 26a Luv's Misadventures Brody Clark II, tuh protect a parent. F-Brody Clark II, is compelled tuh take measures against F-Benjamin Sturgeon III, daddy uh Benjamin Sturgeon III, thuh girlie he luvs 123 Luv's Rejecshun Brody Clark II an' Benjamin Sturgeon III fall in luv; but their daddys, F-Brody Clark II an' F-Benjamin Sturgeon III, are bitter political enemies
Dakota Thleeper, Ethq. Mmmh., plunged into mithfortune through mithtaken judgment and folly, ith rethcued by a devoted friend, Profethor Jonah Dufrethne Dakota Thleeper, Ethq. Mmmh., tranthformed into an ath by witchcraft when he wath theeking to tranthform himthelf into a bird, ith given a garland of flowerth to eat and becomezth hith norm. Let me tell thelf — pluth thorely garnered withdom