The purpose of this library is for managing keys in local storage. This is designed to derive and cache keys but also needs a password manager to store a "root" key. This library does not have secure or password protected storage. It does however figure out permission hierarchies and is configurable enough to only store keys you feel are safe to store.
General purpose cryptography is found in eosjs-ecc library. Hierarchical deterministic key generation uses PrivateKey.getChildKey in eosjs-ecc.
let {Keystore, Keygen} = require('eosjs-keygen')
Eos = require('eosjs')
sessionConfig = {
timeoutInMin: 30,
uriRules: {
'owner' : '/account_recovery',
'active': '/(transfer|contracts)',
'active/**': '/producers'
keystore = Keystore('myaccount', sessionConfig)
eos = Eos.Testnet({keyProvider: keystore.keyProvider})
Keygen.generateMasterKeys().then(keys => {
// create blockchain account called 'myaccount'
eos.getAccount('myaccount').then(account => {
parent: keys.masterPrivateKey,
accountPermissions: account.permissions
See ./API
let {Keystore, Keygen} = require('./src')
Use Node v8+ (updates package-lock.json
git clone
cd eosjs-keygen
npm install
npm run build
# builds: ./dist/eosjs-keygen.js
<script src="eosjs-keygen.js"></script>
Node 6+ and browser (browserify, webpack, etc)
Built with React Native in mind, create an issue if you find a bug.