Release activities check-list for minor releases:
- Run code inspections (fix typos, Kotlin issue, fix code formatting)
- Write missed KDocs
- Generate new documentation using Dokka and deploy it with gh-pages branch
- Add new release section to the
- Update tutorials according last code changes
- Update README.MD according last code changes
- Make release branch
- Make last commit with release tag (v0.1.1 for example) to the release branch
- Run tests and build artifacts on TC for the commit with the release tag
- Deploy artifacts on MavenCentral based on the commit with the release tag
- Check artifacts' availability on MavenCentral
- Update project TFHelloWorld with new dependency to the released artifact
- Move examples from the KotlinDL project to the separate branch of TFHelloWorld and run them as tests
- Run TFHelloWorld on different OS (Windows, Ubuntu, macOS)
- Make fatJar from TFHelloWorld project and run on independent Amazon instance