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EUDI rQES CSC library

âť— Important! Before you proceed, please read the EUDI Wallet Reference Implementation project description


Table of contents


This is a Swift library, targeting JVM, that supports the Cloud Signature Consortium API (version 2) protocol.

Interactions between the library, the caller and the RSSP


Caller The application that is using the library to interact with the RSSP
Lib This library
RSSP The Remote Signing Service Provider
Remote SCA A remote component that is responsible for hash calculation and signature embedding

Get RSSP information

Caller ->> Library: Request RSSP information
activate Library
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the RSSP URL
Library ->> RSSP: call /info endpoint<br/>
activate RSSP
Note left of RSSP: (Check CSC API section 11.1)
RSSP ->> Library: Return info
deactivate RSSP
Library ->> Caller: Return info
deactivate Library
Note left of Library: Outputs: <br/>1) the RSSP information

Service authorization

Authorization Code flow

Caller ->> Library: Initiate service authorization
activate Library
Library ->> Caller: return authorization URL
deactivate Library
Note over Caller,Library: At this the Caller is responsible<br/>to open the authorization URL<br/> in a browser. <br/>After the authorization is complete, <br/>the Caller must obtain<br/> the authorization code
Caller ->> Library: provide authorization code
activate Library
Library ->> Authorization Server: Use token endpoint to exchange<br/> auth code for access token
activate Authorization Server
Authorization Server ->> Library: return access token
deactivate Authorization Server
Library ->> Caller: return access token
deactivate Library

Authorization Code flow with Pushed Authorization Requests (PAR)

Caller ->> Library: Initiate service authorization
activate Library
Library ->> Authorization Server: push authorization request
activate Authorization Server
Authorization Server ->> Library: return request uri
deactivate Authorization Server
Library ->> Caller: return authorization URL
deactivate Library
Note over Caller,Library: At this the Caller is responsible<br/>to open the authorization URL<br/> in a browser. <br/>After the authorization is complete, <br/>the Caller must obtain<br/> the authorization code
Caller ->> Library: provide authorization code
activate Library
Library ->> Authorization Server: Use token endpoint to exchange<br/> auth code for access token
activate Authorization Server
Authorization Server ->> Library: return access token
deactivate Authorization Server
Library ->> Caller: return access token
deactivate Library

Credentials list

Caller ->> Library: Request list of credentials
activate Library
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the service access token
Library ->> RSSP: call /credentials/list endpoint<br/>
activate RSSP
Note left of RSSP: (Check CSC API section 11.4)
RSSP ->> Library: Return credentials list
deactivate RSSP
Library ->> Caller: Return credentials list
deactivate Library

Credentials info

Caller ->> Library: Request information on credential
activate Library
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the service access token
Library ->> RSSP: call /credentials/info endpoint<br/>
activate RSSP
Note left of RSSP: (Check CSC API section 11.4)
RSSP ->> Library: Return credential information
deactivate RSSP
Library ->> Caller: Return credential information
deactivate Library

Credential Authorization flow

Caller ->> Library: Initiate credential authorization
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the credential<br/>2) the document to be signed<br/>3) the service access token
activate Library
Library ->> Library: Calculate document hash
Library ->> Caller: return prepared authorization URL
deactivate Library
Note over Caller,Library: At this the Caller is responsible<br/>to open the authorization URL<br/> in a browser. <br/>After the authorization is complete, <br/>the Caller must obtain<br/> the authorization code
Caller ->> Library: provide authorization code
activate Library
Library ->> Authorization Server: Use token endpoint to exchange<br/> auth code for access token
activate Authorization Server
Authorization Server ->> Library: return access token
deactivate Authorization Server
Library ->> Caller: return access token
deactivate Library

Credential Authorization flow with remote SCA

Caller ->> Library: Initiate credential authorization
activate Library
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the credential<br/>2) the document to be signed<br/>3) the service access token
Library ->> Remote SCA: request hash calculation
activate Remote SCA
Remote SCA ->> Library: return hash
deactivate Remote SCA
Library ->> Caller: return prepared authorization URL
deactivate Library
Note over Caller,Library: At this the Caller is responsible<br/>to open the authorization URL<br/> in a browser. <br/>After the authorization is complete, <br/>the Caller must obtain<br/> the authorization code
Caller ->> Library: provide authorization code
activate Library
Library ->> Authorization Server: Use token endpoint to exchange<br/> auth code for access token
activate Authorization Server
Authorization Server ->> Library: return access token
deactivate Authorization Server
Library ->> Caller: return access token
deactivate Library

Document signing

Caller ->> Library: request signing
activate Library
Note left of Library: Inputs: <br/>1) the credential<br/>2) the document to be signed<br/>3) the credential access token
Library ->> RSSP: /signHash
activate RSSP
Note left of RSSP: (check CSC API section 11.10)
RSSP ->> Library: return digital signature
deactivate RSSP
Library ->> Library: embed digital signature to document
Library ->> Caller: return signed document
deactivate Library


The released software is an initial development release version:

  • The initial development release is an early endeavor reflecting the efforts of a short timeboxed period, and by no means can be considered as the final product.
  • The initial development release may be changed substantially over time, might introduce new features but also may change or remove existing ones, potentially breaking compatibility with your existing code.
  • The initial development release is limited in functional scope.
  • The initial development release may contain errors or design flaws and other problems that could cause system or other failures and data loss.
  • The initial development release has reduced security, privacy, availability, and reliability standards relative to future releases. This could make the software slower, less reliable, or more vulnerable to attacks than mature software.
  • The initial development release is not yet comprehensively documented.
  • Users of the software must perform sufficient engineering and additional testing in order to properly evaluate their application and determine whether any of the open-sourced components is suitable for use in that application.
  • We strongly recommend to not put this version of the software into production use.
  • Only the latest version of the software will be supported

Use cases supported

Getting Started (UPDATED 26/11/2024)

Code Example (Walkthrough: Initializing RQES to Get Signed Documents):

To observe the full functionality of the RQES library.

Create a Swift console application, integrate the rqes library, and execute the provided code.


import Foundation

class RQESHandler {
    public static func start() async throws {
        // STEP 1: Initialize an instance of RQES to access library services
        let cscClientConfig = CSCClientConfig(
            OAuth2Client: CSCClientConfig.OAuth2Client(
                clientId: "wallet-client",
                clientSecret: "somesecret2"
            authFlowRedirectionURI: "",
            scaBaseURL: ""
        let rqes = await RQES(cscClientConfig: cscClientConfig)

        // STEP 2: Retrieve service information using the InfoService
        let infoRequest = InfoServiceRequest(lang: "en-US")
        let infoResponse = try await rqes.getInfo(request: infoRequest)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(infoResponse, message: "InfoService Response:")
        // STEP 3: Generate Wallet State and Prepare Authorization Request
        let walletState = UUID().uuidString
        let response = try await rqes.prepareServiceAuthorizationRequest(walletState: walletState)
        print("Use the following URL to authenticate: \n\(response.authorizationCodeURL)")
        print("Enter the service authorization code:")
        let serviceAuthorizationCode = readLine()!
        // STEP 4: Request an OAuth2 Token using the authorization code
        let accessServiceTokenRequest = AccessTokenRequest(
            code: serviceAuthorizationCode,
            state: walletState
        let accessTokenResponse = try await rqes.requestAccessTokenAuthFlow(request: accessServiceTokenRequest)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(accessTokenResponse, message: "Access Token Response:")
        // STEP 5: Request the list of credentials using the access token
        let credentialListRequest = CredentialsListRequest(
            credentialInfo: true,
            certificates: "chain",
            certInfo: true
        let credentialListResponse = try await rqes.listCredentials(request: credentialListRequest, accessToken: accessTokenResponse.accessToken)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(credentialListResponse, message: "Credential List Response:")
        // STEP 6: Request the list of credentials using the access token
        let credentialInfoRequest = CredentialsInfoRequest(
            credentialID: credentialListResponse.credentialIDs[0],
            certificates: "chain",
            certInfo: true
        let credentialInfoResponse = try await rqes.getCredentialInfo(request: credentialInfoRequest, accessToken: accessTokenResponse.accessToken)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(credentialInfoResponse, message: "Credential Info Response:")
        // This loads the PDF document from the specified file name within the resources,
        // encodes it in Base64 format, and assigns it to the pdfDocument variable for further processing.
        let pdfDocument = FileUtils.getBase64EncodedDocument(fileNameWithExtension: "sample 1.pdf")
        // STEP 7: Prepare and execute a request to calculate the hash for the specified document
        let calculateHashRequest = CalculateHashRequest(
            documents: [
                    document: pdfDocument!,
                    signatureFormat: SignatureFormat.P,
                    conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel.ADES_B_B,
                    signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty.ENVELOPED,
                    container: "No"
            endEntityCertificate: (credentialInfoResponse.cert?.certificates?[0])!,
            certificateChain: [(credentialInfoResponse.cert?.certificates?[1])!],
            hashAlgorithmOID: HashAlgorithmOID.SHA256
        let documentDigests = try await rqes.calculateDocumentHashes(request: calculateHashRequest, accessToken: accessTokenResponse.accessToken)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(documentDigests, message: "Calculate Document Hash Response:")

        // STEP 8: Set up an credential authorization request using OAuth2AuthorizeRequest with required parameters
        let authorizationDetails = AuthorizationDetails([
                documentDigests: [
                        label: "A sample pdf",
                        hash: documentDigests.hashes[0]
                credentialID: credentialListResponse.credentialIDs[0],
                hashAlgorithmOID: HashAlgorithmOID.SHA256,
                locations: [],
                type: "credential"
        let details = JSONUtils.stringify(authorizationDetails)!
        let credentialResponse = try await rqes.prepareCredentialAuthorizationRequest(walletState: walletState, authorizationDetails: details)
        print("Use the following URL to authenticate: \n\(credentialResponse.authorizationCodeURL)")
        print("Enter the service authorization code:")
        let credentialAuthorizationCode = readLine()!
        // STEP 9: Request OAuth2 token for credential authorization
        let accessCredentialTokenRequest = AccessTokenRequest(
            code: credentialAuthorizationCode,
            state: walletState,
            authorizationDetails: details
        let accessCredentialTokenResponse = try await rqes.requestAccessTokenAuthFlow(request: accessCredentialTokenRequest)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(accessCredentialTokenResponse, message: "Credential Access Token Response:")
        // STEP 10: Sign the calculated hash with the credential
        let signHashRequest =  SignHashRequest(
            credentialID: credentialListResponse.credentialIDs[0],
            hashes: [documentDigests.hashes[0]],
            hashAlgorithmOID: HashAlgorithmOID.SHA256,
            signAlgo: SigningAlgorithmOID.ECDSA,
            operationMode: "S"
        let signHashResponse = try await rqes.signHash(request: signHashRequest, accessToken: accessCredentialTokenResponse.accessToken)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(signHashResponse, message: "Sign Hash Response:")
        // STEP 11: Obtain the signed document
        let obtainSignedDocRequest = ObtainSignedDocRequest(
            documents: [
                    document: pdfDocument!,
                    signatureFormat: SignatureFormat.P,
                    conformanceLevel: ConformanceLevel.ADES_B_B,
                    signedEnvelopeProperty: SignedEnvelopeProperty.ENVELOPED,
                    container: "No"
            endEntityCertificate: credentialInfoResponse.cert?.certificates?.first ?? "",
            certificateChain: credentialInfoResponse.cert?.certificates?.dropFirst().map { $0 } ?? [],
            hashAlgorithmOID: HashAlgorithmOID.SHA256,
            date: documentDigests.signatureDate,
            signatures: signHashResponse.signatures ?? []
        let signedDocuments = try await rqes.getSignedDocuments(request: obtainSignedDocRequest, accessToken: accessCredentialTokenResponse.accessToken)
        JSONUtils.prettyPrintResponseAsJSON(signedDocuments, message: "signed Documents Response:")
        let base64String = signedDocuments.documentWithSignature[0]
        // Save the decoded data to the user's documents folder
        FileUtils.decodeAndSaveBase64Document(base64String: base64String, fileNameWithExtension: "signed.pdf")


do {
    try await RQESHandler.start()
} catch {
    print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)")

How to contribute

We welcome contributions to this project. To ensure that the process is smooth for everyone involved, follow the guidelines found in


License details

Copyright (c) 2023 European Commission

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Implementation of CSC protocol (wallet's role) in Swift



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