From 995ac4b6027e3b4be4a8ce0405cd83f54b5404ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Evan Hsu Date: Sun, 8 Jan 2023 18:09:08 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Recognize new category called Entrees. Also add unit tests and updated mockApiResponse. --- | 7 +- TitanSchoolsClient.js | 123 +- jest.config.js | 195 + package-lock.json | 6071 ++++++++++++++++++- package.json | 5 +- test/integration/api-response-shape.test.js | 43 + test/unit/TitanSchoolsClient.test.js | 98 + test/{ => unit}/mocks/mockApiResponse.js | 2630 ++++---- 8 files changed, 7725 insertions(+), 1447 deletions(-) create mode 100644 jest.config.js create mode 100644 test/integration/api-response-shape.test.js create mode 100644 test/unit/TitanSchoolsClient.test.js rename test/{ => unit}/mocks/mockApiResponse.js (70%) diff --git a/ b/ index 9abc442..7fb1cca 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ # MMM-TitanSchoolMealMenu + A module for the MagicMirror framework that retrieves a school meal menu from the Titan Schools API ( --- @@ -20,14 +21,15 @@ Add this to your MagicMirror `config.js`: updateIntervalMs: 3600000, // Optional: Milliseconds between updates; Default: 3600000 (1 hour) numberOfDaysToDisplay: 3, // Optional: 0 - 5; Default: 3 recipeCategoriesToInclude: [ - "Main Entree", + "Entrees", "Grain" // , "Fruit" // , "Vegetable" // , "Milk" // , "Condiment" // , "Extra" - ] + ], + debug: false // Optional: boolean; Default: false; Setting this to true will output verbose logs }, }, @@ -69,4 +71,3 @@ You can also track multiple school menus by listing the module multiple times in #### 3. Use your browser's developer tools to inspect a request to the `/FamilyMenu` endpoint. The `districtId` and `buildingId` will be present as query string parameters on these requests. ![Use developer tools to inspect a network request](./docs/step3.png) - diff --git a/TitanSchoolsClient.js b/TitanSchoolsClient.js index 1982f07..e3f2998 100644 --- a/TitanSchoolsClient.js +++ b/TitanSchoolsClient.js @@ -16,13 +16,16 @@ class TitanSchoolsClient { ); } + this.debug = config.debug === true ? true : false; + this.requestParams = { buildingId: config.buildingId, districtId: config.districtId }; this.recipeCategoriesToInclude = config.recipeCategoriesToInclude ?? [ - "Main Entree", + "Main Entree", // Maybe deprecated? + "Entrees", "Grain" // , "Fruit" // , "Vegetable" @@ -33,22 +36,22 @@ class TitanSchoolsClient { this.client = axios.create({ baseURL: "", - timeout: 8000 + timeout: 30000 }); } async fetchMockMenu() { - const data = require("./test/mocks/mockApiResponse"); + const data = require("./test/unit/mocks/mockApiResponse"); return this.processData(data); } /** * Fetches menu data from the TitanSchools API and formats it as shown below * - * @param string startDate + * @param Date startDate (Optional) A Date object that specifies which day the menu should start on * @throws Error If the TitanSchools API responds with a 400- or 500-level HTTP status * - * @returns An array of meals shaped like this: + * @returns An array of meals shaped like this (starting on {startDate} and including {config.numberOfDaysToDisplay} days): * [ * { "date": "9-6-2021", "label": "Today" }, * { @@ -80,19 +83,28 @@ class TitanSchoolsClient { async fetchMenu(startDate = null) { let params = { ...this.requestParams, - startDate - }; - - if (startDate === null) { - console.log("Using today as startDate"); // If no startDate was provided, use today's date // API requires date to be formatted as: m-d-Y (i.e. 12-5-2021) - const now = new Date(); - params.startDate = `${ - now.getMonth() + 1 // javascript month is 0-indexed :facepalm: - }-${now.getDate()}-${now.getFullYear()}`; - } else { - console.log(`Using ${startDate} as startDate`); + startDate: this.formatDate(startDate ?? new Date()) + }; + + if (this.debug) { + if (startDate === null) { + console.debug("Using today as startDate"); + } else { + console.debug(`Using ${startDate} as startDate`); + } + + // Log the outbound API request + this.client.interceptors.request.use((request) => { + console.debug( + `Sending API request: ${JSON.stringify({ + url: request.url, + params: request.params + })}` + ); + return request; + }); } try { @@ -118,23 +130,74 @@ class TitanSchoolsClient { } } - processData(data) { - const menus = => { + /** + * + * @param Date dateObject A Date object + * @returns string A date string formatted as m-d-Y (1-9-2023) + */ + formatDate(dateObject) { + return `${ + dateObject.getMonth() + 1 // javascript month is 0-indexed :facepalm: + }-${dateObject.getDate()}-${dateObject.getFullYear()}`; + } + + /** + * Takes in a raw response body from the TitanSchools API and outputs a normalized array of menus by date. + * Since the TitanSchools API has the potential to change without warning, this function will isolate breaking + * API changes and output normalized data that the rest of the functions can assume to be correct. + * + * @param Object apiResponse The response body from the TitanSchools API. + */ + extractMenusByDate(apiResponse) { + const menus = => { // The titank12 API has several possible values for the ServingSession, // including "Breakfast", "Lunch", "Seamless Summer Lunch", "Seamless Summer Breakfast". const breakfastOrLunch = menuSession.ServingSession.match(/breakfast/i) ? "breakfast" : "lunch"; + const menusByDate = menuSession.MenuPlans[0] (menuForThisDate) => { + // Just for logging/troubleshooting, keep track of all the recipes in this menu and note which ones get + // intentionally filtered out. + const recipesToLog = { + all: [], + filteredOut: [] + }; + + const recipeCategories = menuForThisDate.RecipeCategories.filter( + (recipeCategory) => { + recipesToLog.all.push(recipeCategory.CategoryName); + + if ( + this.recipeCategoriesToInclude.includes( + recipeCategory.CategoryName + ) + ) { + return true; + } else { + recipesToLog.filteredOut.push(recipeCategory.CategoryName); + return false; + } + } + ); + + if (this.debug) { + console.debug( + `The ${breakfastOrLunch} menu for ${ + menuForThisDate.Date + } contains the following categories: ${recipesToLog.all.join( + ", " + )}, but ${recipesToLog.filteredOut.join( + ", " + )} were filtered out because they're not included in the config.recipeCategoriesToInclude array.` + ); + } + return { date: menuForThisDate.Date, breakfastOrLunch, - menu: menuForThisDate.RecipeCategories.filter((recipeCategory) => - this.recipeCategoriesToInclude.includes( - recipeCategory.CategoryName - ) - ) + menu: recipeCategories .map((recipeCategory) => { return (recipe) => recipe.RecipeName @@ -148,6 +211,20 @@ class TitanSchoolsClient { return menusByDate; }); + if (this.debug) { + console.debug( + `Menus extracted from the TitanSchools API response: ${JSON.stringify( + menus + )}` + ); + } + + return menus; + } + + processData(data) { + const menus = this.extractMenusByDate(data); + const upcomingMenuByDate = upcomingRelativeDates().map((day) => { // day = { date: '9-6-2021', label: 'Today' }; // Possible labels: 'Today', 'Tomorrow', or a day of the week const breakfastAndLunchForThisDay = menus.reduce( diff --git a/jest.config.js b/jest.config.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a55cf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/jest.config.js @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +/* + * For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit: + * + */ + +module.exports = { + // All imported modules in your tests should be mocked automatically + // automock: false, + + // Stop running tests after `n` failures + // bail: 0, + + // The directory where Jest should store its cached dependency information + // cacheDirectory: "/private/var/folders/fv/8_vtk49j6sj9dnyvnw4pvt5r0000gn/T/jest_dx", + + // Automatically clear mock calls, instances, contexts and results before every test + // clearMocks: false, + + // Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test + // collectCoverage: false, + + // An array of glob patterns indicating a set of files for which coverage information should be collected + // collectCoverageFrom: undefined, + + // The directory where Jest should output its coverage files + // coverageDirectory: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings used to skip coverage collection + // coveragePathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // Indicates which provider should be used to instrument code for coverage + coverageProvider: "babel" + + // A list of reporter names that Jest uses when writing coverage reports + // coverageReporters: [ + // "json", + // "text", + // "lcov", + // "clover" + // ], + + // An object that configures minimum threshold enforcement for coverage results + // coverageThreshold: undefined, + + // A path to a custom dependency extractor + // dependencyExtractor: undefined, + + // Make calling deprecated APIs throw helpful error messages + // errorOnDeprecated: false, + + // The default configuration for fake timers + // fakeTimers: { + // "enableGlobally": false + // }, + + // Force coverage collection from ignored files using an array of glob patterns + // forceCoverageMatch: [], + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once before all test suites + // globalSetup: undefined, + + // A path to a module which exports an async function that is triggered once after all test suites + // globalTeardown: undefined, + + // A set of global variables that need to be available in all test environments + // globals: {}, + + // The maximum amount of workers used to run your tests. Can be specified as % or a number. E.g. maxWorkers: 10% will use 10% of your CPU amount + 1 as the maximum worker number. maxWorkers: 2 will use a maximum of 2 workers. + // maxWorkers: "50%", + + // An array of directory names to be searched recursively up from the requiring module's location + // moduleDirectories: [ + // "node_modules" + // ], + + // An array of file extensions your modules use + // moduleFileExtensions: [ + // "js", + // "mjs", + // "cjs", + // "jsx", + // "ts", + // "tsx", + // "json", + // "node" + // ], + + // A map from regular expressions to module names or to arrays of module names that allow to stub out resources with a single module + // moduleNameMapper: {}, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings, matched against all module paths before considered 'visible' to the module loader + // modulePathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Activates notifications for test results + // notify: false, + + // An enum that specifies notification mode. Requires { notify: true } + // notifyMode: "failure-change", + + // A preset that is used as a base for Jest's configuration + // preset: undefined, + + // Run tests from one or more projects + // projects: undefined, + + // Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest + // reporters: undefined, + + // Automatically reset mock state before every test + // resetMocks: false, + + // Reset the module registry before running each individual test + // resetModules: false, + + // A path to a custom resolver + // resolver: undefined, + + // Automatically restore mock state and implementation before every test + // restoreMocks: false, + + // The root directory that Jest should scan for tests and modules within + // rootDir: undefined, + + // A list of paths to directories that Jest should use to search for files in + // roots: [ + // "" + // ], + + // Allows you to use a custom runner instead of Jest's default test runner + // runner: "jest-runner", + + // The paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing environment before each test + // setupFiles: [], + + // A list of paths to modules that run some code to configure or set up the testing framework before each test + // setupFilesAfterEnv: [], + + // The number of seconds after which a test is considered as slow and reported as such in the results. + // slowTestThreshold: 5, + + // A list of paths to snapshot serializer modules Jest should use for snapshot testing + // snapshotSerializers: [], + + // The test environment that will be used for testing + // testEnvironment: "jest-environment-node", + + // Options that will be passed to the testEnvironment + // testEnvironmentOptions: {}, + + // Adds a location field to test results + // testLocationInResults: false, + + // The glob patterns Jest uses to detect test files + // testMatch: [ + // "**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)", + // "**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[tj]s?(x)" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all test paths, matched tests are skipped + // testPathIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/" + // ], + + // The regexp pattern or array of patterns that Jest uses to detect test files + // testRegex: [], + + // This option allows the use of a custom results processor + // testResultsProcessor: undefined, + + // This option allows use of a custom test runner + // testRunner: "jest-circus/runner", + + // A map from regular expressions to paths to transformers + // transform: undefined, + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all source file paths, matched files will skip transformation + // transformIgnorePatterns: [ + // "/node_modules/", + // "\\.pnp\\.[^\\/]+$" + // ], + + // An array of regexp pattern strings that are matched against all modules before the module loader will automatically return a mock for them + // unmockedModulePathPatterns: undefined, + + // Indicates whether each individual test should be reported during the run + // verbose: undefined, + + // An array of regexp patterns that are matched against all source file paths before re-running tests in watch mode + // watchPathIgnorePatterns: [], + + // Whether to use watchman for file crawling + // watchman: true, +}; diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 48d1a22..905acfe 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -1,58 +1,6065 @@ { "name": "magic-mirror-module-titanschoolmealmenu", - "version": "0.1.0", + "version": "0.5.0", "lockfileVersion": 2, "requires": true, "packages": { "": { "name": "magic-mirror-module-titanschoolmealmenu", - "version": "0.1.0", + "version": "0.5.0", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "axios": "^0.21.3" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "jest": "^29.3.1" } }, - "node_modules/axios": { - "version": "0.21.3", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-JtoZ3Ndke/+Iwt5n+BgSli/3idTvpt5OjKyoCmz4LX5+lPiY5l7C1colYezhlxThjNa/NhngCUWZSZFypIFuaA==", + "node_modules/@ampproject/remapping": { + "version": 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"scripts": { - "test": "echo \"Write some tests\"" + "test": "jest" }, "author": "", "license": "ISC", "dependencies": { "axios": "^0.21.3" + }, + "devDependencies": { + "jest": "^29.3.1" } } diff --git a/test/integration/api-response-shape.test.js b/test/integration/api-response-shape.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ab2232 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/integration/api-response-shape.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +/** + * This test suite is intended to verify that the shape of the response + * from the Titan Schools API is being recognized and parsed correctly + * by our client library. + */ +const axios = require("axios").default; + +describe.skip("TitanSchools API response shape", () => { + let apiResponse; + const buildingId = "9017b6ae-a3bc-eb11-a2cb-82fe13669c55"; + const districtId = "93f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd"; + + beforeAll(async () => { + const client = axios.create({ + baseURL: "", + timeout: 30000 + }); + + // Log the outbound request + client.interceptors.request.use((request) => { + console.log( + JSON.stringify({ + url: request.url, + params: request.params + }) + ); + return request; + }); + + const axiosResponse = await client.get("/FamilyMenu", { + params: { + buildingId, + districtId + } + }); + + apiResponse =; + }); + + it("Gets a response", () => { + expect(apiResponse).toBeDefined(); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/unit/TitanSchoolsClient.test.js b/test/unit/TitanSchoolsClient.test.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dffad3b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/unit/TitanSchoolsClient.test.js @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +const TitanSchoolsClient = require("../../TitanSchoolsClient"); +const mockApiResponse = require("./mocks/mockApiResponse"); + +describe("TitanSchoolsClient parses API response correctly", () => { + let client; + let config = { + buildingId: "9017b6ae-a3bc-eb11-a2cb-82fe13669c55", + districtId: "93f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + numberOfDaysToDisplay: 3, + debug: true + }; + + beforeAll(() => { + client = new TitanSchoolsClient(config); + }); + + /** + * These tests confirm that the extractMenusByDate function working properly. + * It should ultimately output a collection of menus that looks like this: + * + * [ + * [ + * { date: '1/18/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'breakfast', menu: '...' }, + * { date: '1/19/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'breakfast', menu: '...' }, + * { date: '1/20/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'breakfast', menu: '...' } + * ], + * [ + * { date: '1/18/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'lunch', menu: '...' }, + * { date: '1/19/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'lunch', menu: '...' }, + * { date: '1/20/2023', breakfastOrLunch: 'lunch', menu: '...' } + * ] + * ] + * + */ + describe("extractMenusByDate() function", () => { + it("extracts breakfast and lunch separately from the raw API response", () => { + const menusByDate = client.extractMenusByDate(mockApiResponse); + console.log(menusByDate); + + // There should be one array element for breakfast menus and another containing all the lunch menus + expect(menusByDate.length).toBe(2); + + // Inspect the breakfast menus + expect(menusByDate[0].length).toBe(config.numberOfDaysToDisplay); + menusByDate[0].forEach((day) => { + expect(day.breakfastOrLunch).toBe("breakfast"); + }); + + // Inspect the lunch menus + expect(menusByDate[1].length).toBe(config.numberOfDaysToDisplay); + menusByDate[1].forEach((day) => { + expect(day.breakfastOrLunch).toBe("lunch"); + }); + }); + + it("extracts a menu (food items) for each breakfast", () => { + const menusByDate = client.extractMenusByDate(mockApiResponse); + + // Inspect the breakfast menus + menusByDate[0].forEach((day) => { + expect(day.breakfastOrLunch).toBe("breakfast"); + try { + expect( > 0).toBeTruthy(); + } catch (error) { + throw new Error( + `No breakfast menu was extracted from the API response on this date: ${JSON.stringify( + day + )}. Did the TitanSchools API change the shape of their response?` + ); + } + }); + + // Inspect the lunch menus + expect(menusByDate[1].length).toBe(config.numberOfDaysToDisplay); + }); + }); + + it("extracts a menu (food items) for each lunch", () => { + const menusByDate = client.extractMenusByDate(mockApiResponse); + + // Inspect the lunch menus + menusByDate[1].forEach((day) => { + expect(day.breakfastOrLunch).toBe("lunch"); + try { + expect( > 0).toBeTruthy(); + } catch (error) { + throw new Error( + `No lunch menu was extracted from the API response on this date: ${JSON.stringify( + day + )}. Did the TitanSchools API change the shape of their response?` + ); + } + }); + + // Inspect the lunch menus + expect(menusByDate[1].length).toBe(config.numberOfDaysToDisplay); + }); +}); diff --git a/test/mocks/mockApiResponse.js b/test/unit/mocks/mockApiResponse.js similarity index 70% rename from test/mocks/mockApiResponse.js rename to test/unit/mocks/mockApiResponse.js index 13b89f0..99950a6 100644 --- a/test/mocks/mockApiResponse.js +++ b/test/unit/mocks/mockApiResponse.js @@ -7,49 +7,56 @@ const data = { ServingSession: "Breakfast", MenuPlans: [ { - MenuPlanName: "2021/2022 K-5 Breakfast", + MenuPlanName: "K-5 Breakfast 2022/2023", Days: [ { - Date: "9/7/2021", + Date: "1/18/2023", RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "8cd11c38-c3e8-eb11-a2c9-c9e02b0c1f03", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-33", - RecipeName: "SCRAMBLED EGGS & FRENCH TOAST", - ServingSize: "3 French Sticks & 1.5 oz Scrambled Eggs", - GramPerServing: 117.65046249999999, + ItemId: "b1b0eaad-d0e8-eb11-a2ca-8f52815bbe74", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-36", + RecipeName: "EGG AND CHEESE BISCUIT", + ServingSize: "Sandwich ", + GramPerServing: 117.710674, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 227, + Value: 353, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 3, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 22, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 495, + Value: 668, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 25, + Value: 28, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 10, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ @@ -65,179 +72,237 @@ const data = { "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "fed3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1796", - RecipeName: "APPLE", - ServingSize: "Apple", - GramPerServing: 100, + ItemId: "d699b738-9dba-ec11-8e11-e4b66e08efa4", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-205", + RecipeName: "CINNAMON WHOLE WHEAT TOAST", + ServingSize: "Slice", + GramPerServing: 53.465923543689321, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 52, + Value: 174, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 1, + Value: 206, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 24, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Meat/Meat Alternate", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "ab5b2145-36e3-eb11-a2c6-bacff064a47c", - RecipeIdentifier: "9204", - RecipeName: "MIXED FRUIT", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 126, + ItemId: "d9a2cfa5-5b0f-ed11-a7ed-d899d240e215", + RecipeIdentifier: "1335", + RecipeName: "LIL YAMI YOGURT- RASPBERRY/VANILLA", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 113.398, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 140, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 5, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 50, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 17, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + Allergens: [ + "5443911d-bbfa-eb11-a2c3-881d5bd5e776", + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "3b600e8d-16bf-eb11-a2c3-c61aac482cb3", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Fruit", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "801e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1763", - RecipeName: "JUICE, APPLE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each ", - GramPerServing: 113.398, + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Milk", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "9b1e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1764", - RecipeName: "JUICE, GRAPE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, + ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1315", + RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 83, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 130, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 13, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -245,42 +310,53 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "b61e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1523", - RecipeName: "JUICE, ORANGE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, + ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1349", + RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -288,51 +364,66 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true } ] - }, + } + ] + }, + { + Date: "1/19/2023", + RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Milk", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + ItemId: "821b0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1663", + RecipeName: "MINI CINNIS", + ServingSize: "Package", + GramPerServing: 64.920355, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 240, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 270, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 39, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ @@ -341,43 +432,53 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + ItemId: "d699b738-9dba-ec11-8e11-e4b66e08efa4", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-205", + RecipeName: "CINNAMON WHOLE WHEAT TOAST", + ServingSize: "Slice", + GramPerServing: 53.465923543689321, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 174, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 206, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 24, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], @@ -387,56 +488,55 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true } ] - } - ] - }, - { - Date: "9/8/2021", - RecipeCategories: [ + }, { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", + CategoryName: "Meat/Meat Alternate", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "71101b30-2bd5-eb11-a2c3-922e3c99d4d8", - RecipeIdentifier: "1856", - RecipeName: "CEREAL LUCKY CHARMS GF", - ServingSize: "Bowl", + ItemId: "288eec28-65fd-ec11-a7e4-e3cd2760692c", + RecipeIdentifier: "1323", + RecipeName: "CHEESE STICK, MOZZARELLA", + ServingSize: "Each", GramPerServing: 28.3495, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 60, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 3, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 200, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 23, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 7, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [ - "5443911d-bbfa-eb11-a2c3-881d5bd5e776", - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a" - ], + Allergens: ["22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00"], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true @@ -444,49 +544,57 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Grain", + CategoryName: "Fruit", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "d81b0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1134", - RecipeName: "CEREAL, CINNAMON TOAST", - ServingSize: "Bowl", - GramPerServing: 28.3495, + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 160, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 22, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ @@ -497,645 +605,103 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Fruit", + CategoryName: "Milk", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "801e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1763", - RecipeName: "JUICE, APPLE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each ", - GramPerServing: 113.398, + ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1315", + RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, + Value: 130, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 13, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true }, - { - ItemId: "9b1e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1764", - RecipeName: "JUICE, GRAPE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 83, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "b61e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1523", - RecipeName: "JUICE, ORANGE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "ab5b2145-36e3-eb11-a2c6-bacff064a47c", - RecipeIdentifier: "9204", - RecipeName: "MIXED FRUIT", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 126, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 17, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "fed3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1796", - RecipeName: "APPLE", - ServingSize: "Apple", - GramPerServing: 100, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 52, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 1, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Milk", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ - { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" - ], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [ - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" - ], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - Date: "9/9/2021", - RecipeCategories: [ - { - CategoryName: "Grain", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ - { - ItemId: "5dd3e7ec-51d4-eb11-a2c4-87353d5bc03e", - RecipeIdentifier: "1845", - RecipeName: "CHERRY FRUDEL", - ServingSize: "Frudel", - GramPerServing: 64.920355, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 210, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 1, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 260, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 36, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" - ], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ - { - ItemId: "801e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1763", - RecipeName: "JUICE, APPLE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each ", - GramPerServing: 113.398, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "9b1e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1764", - RecipeName: "JUICE, GRAPE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 83, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "b61e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1523", - RecipeName: "JUICE, ORANGE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "ab5b2145-36e3-eb11-a2c6-bacff064a47c", - RecipeIdentifier: "9204", - RecipeName: "MIXED FRUIT", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 126, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 17, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - }, - { - ItemId: "fed3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1796", - RecipeName: "APPLE", - ServingSize: "Apple", - GramPerServing: 100, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 52, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" - }, - { - Name: "Sodium", - Value: 1, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Milk", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ { ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", RecipeIdentifier: "1349", RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ @@ -1150,39 +716,46 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + ItemId: "45440544-1361-ed11-a9a4-ea72b2684e36", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-363", + RecipeName: "HOT CHOCOLATE", + ServingSize: "8 fl oz", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 150, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 3, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 220, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 24, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ @@ -1190,9 +763,7 @@ const data = { "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true } ] @@ -1200,149 +771,120 @@ const data = { ] }, { - Date: "9/10/2021", + Date: "1/20/2023", RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Grain", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "c1d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1646", - RecipeName: "POP TART, CINNAMON", - ServingSize: "Pouch", - GramPerServing: 100, + ItemId: "c19017ce-7c1d-ec11-a2c9-e329270a234e", + RecipeIdentifier: "1068", + RecipeName: "APPLE CINNAMON MUFFIN TOP", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 87.88345, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 370, + Value: 250, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 380, + Value: 150, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 75, + Value: 43, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 5, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "5443911d-bbfa-eb11-a2c3-881d5bd5e776" + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [ + "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "e4d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1647", - RecipeName: "POP TART, STRAWBERRY", - ServingSize: "Pouch", - GramPerServing: 100, + ItemId: "0a3edc51-7d1d-ec11-a2c9-e329270a234e", + RecipeIdentifier: "1069", + RecipeName: "CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFIN TOP", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 87.88345, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 360, + Value: 270, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 8, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 360, + Value: 140, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 75, + Value: 45, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" - } - ], - Allergens: [ - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "5443911d-bbfa-eb11-a2c3-881d5bd5e776", - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [], - HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ - { - ItemId: "801e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1763", - RecipeName: "JUICE, APPLE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each ", - GramPerServing: 113.398, - Nutrients: [ - { - Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "kcals", - Abbreviation: "Cal" - }, - { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, - HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" }, { - Name: "Sodium", + Name: "Protein", Value: 5, HasMissingNutrients: false, - Unit: "mg", - Abbreviation: "Na" - }, - { - Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, - HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Carb" + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -1350,128 +892,176 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "9b1e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1764", - RecipeName: "JUICE, GRAPE 4 OZ.", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, + ItemId: "d699b738-9dba-ec11-8e11-e4b66e08efa4", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-205", + RecipeName: "CINNAMON WHOLE WHEAT TOAST", + ServingSize: "Slice", + GramPerServing: 53.465923543689321, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 83, + Value: 174, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 206, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 24, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Meat/Meat Alternate", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "b61e0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1523", - RecipeName: "JUICE, ORANGE 4 OZ.", + ItemId: "d9a2cfa5-5b0f-ed11-a7ed-d899d240e215", + RecipeIdentifier: "1335", + RecipeName: "LIL YAMI YOGURT- RASPBERRY/VANILLA", ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 118, + GramPerServing: 113.398, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 140, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 5, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, + Value: 50, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + Allergens: [ + "5443911d-bbfa-eb11-a2c3-881d5bd5e776", + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "3b600e8d-16bf-eb11-a2c3-c61aac482cb3", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Fruit", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "59d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "9031", - RecipeName: "PEACHES SLICED", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 124, + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -1485,43 +1075,49 @@ const data = { Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", + ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1315", + RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 130, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 13, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], @@ -1531,12 +1127,12 @@ const data = { ], HasNutrients: true }, - { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", + { + ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1349", + RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", @@ -1546,28 +1142,36 @@ const data = { Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], @@ -1582,7 +1186,7 @@ const data = { ] } ], - AcademicCalenderId: "300f4540-8bc4-eb11-a2c7-8fde11d2b38a" + AcademicCalenderId: "d6c848b7-7daf-ec11-8e0e-db5f3ed28680" } ] }, @@ -1590,49 +1194,56 @@ const data = { ServingSession: "Lunch", MenuPlans: [ { - MenuPlanName: "2021/2022 K-5 Lunch", + MenuPlanName: "K-5 Lunch 2022/2023", Days: [ { - Date: "9/7/2021", + Date: "1/18/2023", RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { ItemId: "ca1b0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1802", + RecipeIdentifier: "8005", RecipeName: "STUFFED CHEESE BREADSTICK", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 57, + ServingSize: "2 Each", + GramPerServing: 114.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 140, + Value: 280, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 12, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 270, + Value: 540, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 15, + Value: 30, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 14, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ @@ -1647,108 +1258,110 @@ const data = { "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Grain", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "00198642-e4fe-eb11-a2ca-b179136cca43", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-46", - RecipeName: "COOKIE VARIETY", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 42.524249999999995, + ItemId: "bc5a9a87-bd2e-ed11-a805-a6765fdc4a48", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-250", + RecipeName: "HAM CHEESE SANDWICH", + ServingSize: "1 Sandwich", + GramPerServing: 145.20385, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 165, + Value: 311, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 10, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 117, + Value: 783, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 27, + Value: 40, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 18, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", - "1aa13c83-60f9-eb11-a2c3-d9e3a901fe8a", - "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true } ] }, { - CategoryName: "Vegetable", + CategoryName: "Condiment", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "30d2fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1498", - RecipeName: "MARINARA CUP", - ServingSize: "Container", - GramPerServing: 70.87375, + ItemId: "03d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1775", + RecipeName: "MUSTARD, BULK", + ServingSize: "2 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 30.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 40, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 200, + Value: 330, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 7, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: ["9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd"], + Allergens: [], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -1756,88 +1369,153 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "f9d5fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1830", - RecipeName: "CARROTS- INDV PACKS", - ServingSize: "Package", - GramPerServing: 45.3592, + ItemId: "a3cffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1641", + RecipeName: "MAYO- KEN'S GALLON", + ServingSize: "1 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 15.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 19, + Value: 40, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 4, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Fat" + }, + { + Name: "Sodium", + Value: 95, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "mg", + Abbreviation: "Na" + }, + { + Name: "Total Carbohydrate", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Pro" + } + ], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [ + "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], + HasNutrients: true + }, + { + ItemId: "d840582f-9e5f-ed11-a9a3-bb1b30df1d0d", + RecipeIdentifier: "9040", + RecipeName: "RED ITALIAN DIPPING SAUCE", + ServingSize: "1/4 cup", + GramPerServing: 62.5, + Nutrients: [ + { + Name: "Calories", + Value: 40, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "kcals", + Abbreviation: "Cal" + }, + { + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 31, + Value: 63, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 4, + Value: 5, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "59d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "9031", - RecipeName: "PEACHES SLICED", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 124, + ItemId: "60d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1773", + RecipeName: "PICKLES CRINKLE CUT", + ServingSize: "1 oz serving", + GramPerServing: 28.3495, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 60, + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 367, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [], @@ -1850,62 +1528,76 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Milk", + CategoryName: "Vegetable", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + ItemId: "fa7ebf25-24d9-eb11-a2c3-93912f83e3ae", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-15", + RecipeName: "CORN", + ServingSize: "1/2 cup", + GramPerServing: 87.686033333333341, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 60, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 9, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 2, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a" + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Milk", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", RecipeIdentifier: "1315", RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", @@ -1915,11 +1607,11 @@ const data = { Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", @@ -1934,65 +1626,72 @@ const data = { HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Condiment", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "781d0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1364", - RecipeName: "RANCH CUP", - ServingSize: "Cup", - GramPerServing: 28, + ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1349", + RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 80, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 200, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 2, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ @@ -2001,207 +1700,233 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true } ] - } - ] - }, - { - Date: "9/8/2021", - RecipeCategories: [ + }, { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", + CategoryName: "Fruit", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "794eaa45-edbf-eb11-a2c5-93d9907f4527", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-2", - RecipeName: "CHICKEN SANDWICH", + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 146.465975, + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 340, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 590, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 40, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2" + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [ + "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], HasNutrients: true } ] - }, + } + ] + }, + { + Date: "1/19/2023", + RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Vegetable", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "0135a9d2-a0c4-eb11-a2c7-8fde11d2b38a", - RecipeIdentifier: "9198", - RecipeName: "BEANS VEGETARIAN", - ServingSize: "Cup", - GramPerServing: 260, + ItemId: "b2939b90-546e-ec11-ae91-f967b47357bd", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-154", + RecipeName: "CHICKEN ALFREDO ROTINI", + ServingSize: "8.4 oz wt (8 fl oz spoodle)", + GramPerServing: 211.04645555555555, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 220, + Value: 435, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 15, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 280, + Value: 937, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 40, + Value: 51, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 29, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "400b14ce-eae4-eb11-a2c6-bacff064a47c", - RecipeIdentifier: "9037", - RecipeName: "PEARS SLICED", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 130, + ItemId: "f08bcfcd-c22e-ed11-a805-cf49f1b02111", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-251", + RecipeName: "TURKEY CHEESE SANDWICH", + ServingSize: "1 Sandwich", + GramPerServing: 150.87375, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 63, + Value: 305, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 7, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 5, + Value: 865, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 16, + Value: 39, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 19, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + Allergens: [ + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true } ] }, { - CategoryName: "Milk", + CategoryName: "Condiment", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + ItemId: "03d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1775", + RecipeName: "MUSTARD, BULK", + ServingSize: "2 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 30.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 330, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [ - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a" - ], + Allergens: [], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -2209,138 +1934,159 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + ItemId: "a3cffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1641", + RecipeName: "MAYO- KEN'S GALLON", + ServingSize: "1 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 15.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 40, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 95, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Condiment", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "93cffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1055", - RecipeName: "KETCHUP PACKET", - ServingSize: "Packet", - GramPerServing: 9, + ItemId: "60d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1773", + RecipeName: "PICKLES CRINKLE CUT", + ServingSize: "1 oz serving", + GramPerServing: 28.3495, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 10, + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 95, + Value: 367, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 3, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: ["837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a"], + Allergens: [], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Vegetable", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "781d0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1364", - RecipeName: "RANCH CUP", - ServingSize: "Cup", - GramPerServing: 28, + ItemId: "60f5b8ef-1ed9-eb11-a2c3-93912f83e3ae", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-13", + RecipeName: "GREEN BEANS", + ServingSize: "1/2 cup", + GramPerServing: 121.94160416666669, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 80, + Value: 33, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 200, + Value: 138, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 2, + Value: 3, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" @@ -2354,87 +2100,86 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Extra", + CategoryName: "Milk", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "2b9e0a76-81e5-eb11-a2c5-a50ef61f04ec", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-18", - RecipeName: "LETTUCE & PICKLE CUP", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 7.654368999999999, + ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1315", + RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 1, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 99, + Value: 130, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 0, + Value: 13, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - Date: "9/9/2021", - RecipeCategories: [ - { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "381c0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1703", - RecipeName: "ORANGE CHICKEN", - ServingSize: "4 fl oz spoodle (3.6 oz chicken & sauce)", - GramPerServing: 102.0582, + ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1349", + RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 153, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 1, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 286, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" @@ -2445,62 +2190,81 @@ const data = { HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [ + "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], HasNutrients: true } ] }, { - CategoryName: "Grain", + CategoryName: "Fruit", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "4accb7a4-5ee6-eb11-a2c9-c59ac59649a5", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-28", - RecipeName: "BROWN RICE", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 30.016191666666668, + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 104, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 0, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 21, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -2508,198 +2272,234 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true } ] - }, + } + ] + }, + { + Date: "1/20/2023", + RecipeCategories: [ { - CategoryName: "Vegetable", + CategoryName: "Entrees", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "60f5b8ef-1ed9-eb11-a2c3-93912f83e3ae", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-13", - RecipeName: "GREEN BEANS", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 121.94160416666669, + ItemId: "5b987943-6f51-ed11-9b14-a398c162ce2a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-319", + RecipeName: "LOVEABLE LUNCH W/ CHOC CHUNK COOKIE", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 110.84704500000001, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 38, + Value: 279, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 1, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 9, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 158, + Value: 744, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 4, + Value: 35, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 16, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "fed3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1796", - RecipeName: "APPLE", - ServingSize: "Apple", - GramPerServing: 100, + ItemId: "a9e2e4a0-6e51-ed11-9b14-e2fc48ffefc2", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-317", + RecipeName: "LOVEABLE LUNCH W/ SNICKERDOODLE COOKIE", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 110.84704499999998, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 52, + Value: 279, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 9, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 1, + Value: 744, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 14, + Value: 35, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 16, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], - ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], + ReligiousRestrictions: [], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Milk", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + ItemId: "bc5a9a87-bd2e-ed11-a805-a6765fdc4a48", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-250", + RecipeName: "HAM CHEESE SANDWICH", + ServingSize: "1 Sandwich", + GramPerServing: 145.20385, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 311, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 10, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 783, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 40, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 18, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], - DietaryRestrictions: [ - "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" - ], + DietaryRestrictions: [], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Extra", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + ItemId: "cf1c0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1628", + RecipeName: "COOKIE - CHOCOLATE CHIP", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 42.524249999999995, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 160, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 5, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 105, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 27, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 2, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], @@ -2707,60 +2507,58 @@ const data = { "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - } - ] - }, - { - Date: "9/10/2021", - RecipeCategories: [ - { - CategoryName: "Main Entree", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "e31a915c-f3bf-eb11-a2c5-b11bab3c9d76", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-4", - RecipeName: "HAMBURGER", + ItemId: "88e31611-62fd-ec11-a7e3-c31d1f681de0", + RecipeIdentifier: "1319", + RecipeName: "COOKIE-SNICKERDOODLE", ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 117.24, + GramPerServing: 25.51455, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 310, + Value: 104, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 6, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 347, + Value: 69, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 27, + Value: 16, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "3b600e8d-16bf-eb11-a2c3-c61aac482cb3", "f42d3f27-60f9-eb11-a2c3-c84b228403a2", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "9bf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [], @@ -2769,43 +2567,50 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Vegetable", + CategoryName: "Condiment", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "94d48e00-54e6-eb11-a2c9-d2abdd85801a", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-27", - RecipeName: "GARDEN SALAD", - ServingSize: "Cup", - GramPerServing: 36.287392, + ItemId: "03d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1775", + RecipeName: "MUSTARD, BULK", + ServingSize: "2 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 30.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 6, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 8, + Value: 330, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 1, + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [], @@ -2814,149 +2619,161 @@ const data = { "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Fruit", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "7fe2d599-73d4-eb11-a2c4-fe8cb6dc41e6", - RecipeIdentifier: "1841", - RecipeName: "PEACH CUP ZEE ZEE", - ServingSize: "Each", - GramPerServing: 127.57275, + ItemId: "a3cffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1641", + RecipeName: "MAYO- KEN'S GALLON", + ServingSize: "1 TBSP", + GramPerServing: 15.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 70, + Value: 40, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 10, + Value: 95, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 18, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - } - ] - }, - { - CategoryName: "Milk", - Color: "#000000", - Recipes: [ + }, { - ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1349", - RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 240, + ItemId: "60d0fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1773", + RecipeName: "PICKLES CRINKLE CUT", + ServingSize: "1 oz serving", + GramPerServing: 28.3495, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 120, + Value: 4, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 180, + Value: 367, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 20, + Value: 1, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [ - "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" - ], + Allergens: [], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" ], HasNutrients: true - }, + } + ] + }, + { + CategoryName: "Vegetable", + Color: "#000000", + Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1315", - RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", - ServingSize: "Carton", - GramPerServing: 236, + ItemId: "c9d6fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "9064", + RecipeName: "*CARROTS BABY PEELED", + ServingSize: "1/2 cup", + GramPerServing: 69.46, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 110, + Value: 24, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 130, + Value: 54, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 13, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 0, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [ - "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" - ], + Allergens: [], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -2966,46 +2783,56 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Condiment", + CategoryName: "Milk", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "93cffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1055", - RecipeName: "KETCHUP PACKET", - ServingSize: "Packet", - GramPerServing: 9, + ItemId: "bbd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1315", + RecipeName: "MILK WHITE 1% CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 236.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 10, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 0, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 2, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 95, + Value: 130, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 3, + Value: 13, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: ["837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a"], + Allergens: [ + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -3013,42 +2840,53 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "eecffb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1524", - RecipeName: "MUSTARD PACKET", - ServingSize: "Packet", - GramPerServing: 5.5, + ItemId: "bfd3fb0d-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", + RecipeIdentifier: "1349", + RecipeName: "MILK CHOCOLATE FF CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 4, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 86, + Value: 210, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 0, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -3056,45 +2894,51 @@ const data = { HasNutrients: true }, { - ItemId: "781d0208-39bf-eb11-a2c3-a257492f29f5", - RecipeIdentifier: "1364", - RecipeName: "RANCH CUP", - ServingSize: "Cup", - GramPerServing: 28, + ItemId: "c0d12c26-c72e-ed11-a805-cf49f1b02111", + RecipeIdentifier: "1483", + RecipeName: "MILK STRAWBERRY FF CARTON HP", + ServingSize: "Carton", + GramPerServing: 240.0, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 80, + Value: 110, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", - Value: 2, + Name: "Total Fat", + Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 200, + Value: 125, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 2, + Value: 19, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 8, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], Allergens: [ - "95f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", - "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], @@ -3106,46 +2950,58 @@ const data = { ] }, { - CategoryName: "Extra", + CategoryName: "Fruit", Color: "#000000", Recipes: [ { - ItemId: "2b9e0a76-81e5-eb11-a2c5-a50ef61f04ec", - RecipeIdentifier: "M-18", - RecipeName: "LETTUCE & PICKLE CUP", - ServingSize: "1/2 cup", - GramPerServing: 7.654368999999999, + ItemId: "f2ee4163-a9e8-eb11-a2ca-f5a2bc674b4a", + RecipeIdentifier: "M-32", + RecipeName: "FRUIT VARIETY", + ServingSize: "Each", + GramPerServing: 134.84169133865248, Nutrients: [ { Name: "Calories", - Value: 1, + Value: 81, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "kcals", Abbreviation: "Cal" }, { - Name: "Saturated Fat", + Name: "Total Fat", Value: 0, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", - Abbreviation: "Sfat" + Abbreviation: "Fat" }, { Name: "Sodium", - Value: 99, + Value: 6, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "mg", Abbreviation: "Na" }, { Name: "Total Carbohydrate", - Value: 0, + Value: 20, HasMissingNutrients: false, Unit: "g", Abbreviation: "Carb" + }, + { + Name: "Protein", + Value: 1, + HasMissingNutrients: false, + Unit: "g", + Abbreviation: "Pro" } ], - Allergens: [], + Allergens: [ + "837e728a-5ff9-eb11-a2c3-ba13b4b9148a", + "96f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "9cf76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd", + "22657378-16bf-eb11-a2c3-fc186683ca00" + ], ReligiousRestrictions: [], DietaryRestrictions: [ "a1f76ff0-2eb7-eb11-a2c4-e816644282bd" @@ -3157,21 +3013,19 @@ const data = { ] } ], - AcademicCalenderId: "300f4540-8bc4-eb11-a2c7-8fde11d2b38a" + AcademicCalenderId: "d6c848b7-7daf-ec11-8e0e-db5f3ed28680" } ] } ], AcademicCalendars: [ { - AcademicCalendarId: "300f4540-8bc4-eb11-a2c7-8fde11d2b38a", - Days: [{ Date: "9/6/2021", Note: "Labor Day" }] - }, - { - AcademicCalendarId: "8249c7a1-7de5-eb11-a2c5-ad7a513cdd3b", - Days: [{ Date: "9/6/2021", Note: "Labor Day" }] + AcademicCalendarId: "d6c848b7-7daf-ec11-8e0e-db5f3ed28680", + Days: [ + { Date: "1/16/2023", Note: "MLK/Human Rights" }, + { Date: "1/17/2023", Note: "No School All Grades/Teacher Prep" } + ] } ] }; - module.exports = data;