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Installation instructions


Unix based server reccommended. All commands are specified for Ubuntu 12.04. Provided installation process was tested on Ubuntu 12.04.

You can use standard installation instructions from here.
The differences are:

  • proxy server used (current procedure is for nginx)
  • current procedure is for advanced users
  • after standard installation you will need to perform following additional actions to intgrate with oracle hosted jira.

Installation process

  1. Install rmv on your system, details can be found here

  2. Install ruby with rvm (1.9.3 recommended)

  3. Install bundler: rvm 1.9.3 do gem install bundler

  4. Install git on your system, details can be found here

  5. Create directory to hold the application code (will be reffered to as APPS)

  6. CD to $APPS

  7. Clone source code of the application: git clone

  8. CD to $APPS/tarantula

  9. Install required ruby gems to run the app:
    if you do not plan to integrate Tarantula with oracle hosted jira
    bundle install --without development oracle_enabled
    if you plan to integrate Tarantula with oracle hosted jira
    install oracle development libraries with oracle instant client
    bundle install --without development make sure that bundle install finishes successfully

  10. Install mysql

  11. Provided you have mysql user with admin privileges => user:secret

  12. add following lines to $APPS/tarantula/config/database.yml:

    <% get_socket = lambda{ ["/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock",   
                            detect{|p| File.exists?(p)} } %>     
        adapter: mysql2  
        database: tarantula  
        username: user  
        password: secret  
        host: localhost   
        encoding: utf8  
    socket: <%= %>       
  13. run following command to finish tarantula installation (assuming you are in $APPS/tarantula)
    RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake tarantula:install => follow instruction

  14. run following command to start delayed jobs:
    RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake tarantula:jobs:work (assuming you are in $APPS\/tarantula)

  15. test your installation trying to start server with following command (assuming you are in $APPS/tarantula)
    RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails s
    Proceed to next steps if everything is OK

  16. install nginx server on your system

  17. install nginx passenger module with following command: passenger-install-nginx-module

  18. configure nginx to use passenger module with adding following commands to your nginx.conf:

      http {   
          passenger_root /path/to/rvm/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p286/gems/passenger-3.0.18;  
          passenger_ruby path/to/rvm/.rvm/wrappers/ruby-1.9.3-p286/ruby;  
          passenger_default_user your_server_user;  
          passenger_default_group your_server_group;  
          include       mime.types;  
          default_type  application/octet-stream;  
          sendfile        on;  
          keepalive_timeout  65;  
        server {  
          listen 80;  
          root $APPS/tarantula/public;   # <--- be sure to point to 'public'!  
          passenger_enabled on;  
          charset utf-8;  
  19. navigate to nginx listening port and test your installation

P.S. it is recommended to create a capistrano task to automate server code update