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Eloy Villasclaras edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 1 revision

React-phaser allows hooking Phaser events to callbacks (see for example <input>). Each callback may receive event-specific data, but in all cases they will receive a context object.

The context object has the following shape:

	 /* Phaser.Game object: */
	game: {...},

    /* A map between names and react-phaser nodes: */
    nodes: {[name]: [node],...} ,

    /* Input objectsL */
    input: {
    	cursors: {...},
        keys: {...},
        pointers: [pointer1, pointer2...]


When an object has a name property:

   <sprite name="dude" ..../>

It's added to the context.nodes map. Each mapped node has these properties:

	tag: 'sprite',
    id: [An unique numeric identifier],
    obj: [Phaser.Sprite object],
    props: [current property map from the React element]


context.input is configured with the <input> node.


If <input> has property cursors={true}, context.input.cursors is a map for the cursor keys.

This object is created using method Phaser.Keyboard.createCursorKeys().


If either property keys is set, or the <input> node has any <key> children, context.input.keys is a mapping between key names and Phaser.Key objects.


<input keys={{a: React.KeyCode.A}}>
	<key keyCode={Phaser.KeyCode.B} keyName="b"/>

Will result in:

context = {
    input: {
    	keys: {
    		a: [Phaser.Key object for key A},
	    	b: [Phaser.Key object for key B}
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