FIELD COUNT DESC Stranded_Rule_Code 0 Code for the strandedness rule used. 0 if data is unstranded, 1 if data is fr_firstStrand, 2 if data is fr_secondStrand. READ_PAIR_OK 10849084 Number of reads or read-pairs that pass initial filters and are processed by QoRTs. TOTAL_READ_PAIRS 10849084 Total number of reads or read-pairs found in the input file. DROPPED_NOT_PROPER_PAIR -1 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because the 'not proper pair' SAM flag is raised. DROPPED_READ_FAILS_VENDOR_QC 0 Number of reads or read-pairs that have the 'failed vendor QC' SAM flag raised. DROPPED_MARKED_NOT_VALID 0 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because marked 'not valid' DROPPED_CHROMS_MISMATCH -1 Number of read-pairs dropped because the paired reads align to different chromosomes DROPPED_PAIR_STRANDS_MISMATCH -1 Number of read-pairs dropped because the paired reads align to inconsistent strands DROPPED_IGNORED_CHROMOSOME 0 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because they align to chromosomes marked for ignoring DROPPED_NOT_UNIQUE_ALIGNMENT 0 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because they are not uniquely aligned to single genomic locus DROPPED_NO_ALN_BLOCKS 0 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because they do not have any alignment blocks (despite being marked as aligned) DROPPED_NOT_MARKED_RG -1 Number of reads or read-pairs dropped because they are not in the correct read group (or -1 if read-group filtering is not on) KEPT_NOT_UNIQUE_ALIGNMENT 0 Number of reads or read-pairs kept despite not being uniquely aligned. minObservedReadLength 51 The base-pair length of the smallest read maxObservedReadLength 51 The base-pair length of the largest read maxLegalPhredScore 41 The largest observed PHRED score. IS_SINGLE_END 1 0 if data is paired-ended, 1 if data is single-ended PREALIGNMENT_READ_CT 7014609 The number of reads found pre-alignment. Can be set using --seqReadCt or --rawfastq. -1 if unknown. BENCHMARK_MinutesOnSamIteration 4.88 The number of minutes spent on the SAM iteration step. BENCHMARK_MinutesPerMillionReads 0.45 The number of minutes per million reads spent on the SAM iteration step BENCHMARK_MinutesPerMillionGoodReads 0.45 The number of minutes per million reads that passed the initial filtering step. ReadPairs_AmbigGene 587145 Number of reads or read-pairs that map to a genomic area that includes regions covered by more than one gene. ReadPairs_UniqueGene 9514970 Number of reads or read-pairs that map to a genomic area covered by exactly one gene ReadPairs_UniqueGene_CDS 9494856 Number of reads or read-pairs that map to a genomic area covered by exactly one gene, and intersect at least partially with the coding region of that gene. ReadPairs_UniqueGene_UTR 20114 Number of reads or read-pairs that map to a genomic area covered by exactly one gene, but that only cover the UTR (non-coding) regions. ReadPairs_NoGene 746969 Number of reads or read-pairs that are not assigned to any gene. ReadPairs_NoGene_Intron 9842 Number of reads or read-pairs that are not assigned to any gene, and that occur within an intronic region of one or more genes. ReadPairs_NoGene_OneKbFromGene 723167 Number of reads or read-pairs that are not assigned to any gene, and that are within 1kb from one or more genes. ReadPairs_NoGene_TenKbFromGene 13960 Number of reads or read-pairs that are not assigned to any gene, and that are within 10kb from one or more genes. ReadPairs_NoGene_MiddleOfNowhere 0 Number of reads or read-pairs that are not assigned to any gene, and that are more than 10kb from the nearest gene Genes_Total 6692 Number of known genes Genes_WithZeroCounts 372 Number of genes with zero observed reads Genes_WithNonzeroCounts 6320 Number of genes with 1 or more observed reads AVG_GC 0.42254701779452103 Average GC fraction across all reads AggregateGenes 5993 Number of aggregate genes AggregateGenes_NoReads 121 Number of aggregate genes with 0 observed reads AggregateGenes_WithReads 5872 Number of aggregate genes with 1 or more observed reads SpliceLoci 2120 Number of splice loci observed SpliceLoci_Known 342 Number of known splice loci SpliceLoci_Known_NoReads 94 Number of known splice loci with 0 observed reads SpliceLoci_Known_FewReads 17 Number of known splice loci with 1-3 observed reads SpliceLoci_Known_ManyReads 231 Number of known splice loci with 4+ observed reads SpliceLoci_Novel 1778 Number of novel splice loci observed SpliceLoci_Novel_FewReads 1728 Number of novel splice loci observed with 1-3 observed reads SpliceLoci_Novel_ManyReads 50 Number of novel splice loci observed with 4+ observed reads SpliceEvents 90085 Number of observed splicing events (each read or read-pair that maps across a splice junction is a splice 'event') SpliceEvents_KnownLoci 81824 Number of splice events covering known SJ loci SpliceEvents_KnownLociWithFewReads 29 Number of splice events covering low-coverage known SJ loci SpliceEvents_KnownLociWithManyReads 81795 Number of splice events covering high-coverage known SJ loci SpliceEvents_NovelLoci 8261 Number of splice events covering noverl SJ loci SpliceEvents_NovelLociWithFewReads 1833 Number of splice events covering low-coverage novel SJ loci SpliceEvents_NovelLociWithManyReads 6428 Number of splice events covering high-coverage novel SJ loci StrandTest_frFirstStrand 4594162 Number of reads or read-pairs that match the fr_FirstStrand strandedness rule StrandTest_frSecondStrand 4982864 Number of reads or read-pairs that match the fr_secondstrand strandedness rule StrandTest_ambig_genesFountOnBothStrands 525089 Number of reads or read-pairs where the strandedness is ambiguous due to there being genes on both strands StrandTest_ambig_noGenes 746969 Number of reads or read-pairs where the strandedness is ambiguous due to there being no known genes. StrandTest_ambig_other 0 Numebr of reads or read-pairs where the strandedness is ambiguous due to other reasons StrandTest_STRANDEDNESS_MATCHES_INFERRED 1 1 if the strandedness appears to match the strandedness mode, 0 otherwise. NumberOfChromosomesCovered 17 Number of chromosomes with 1 or more aligned reads. deletionLoci 11058 Number of observed deletion loci insertionLoci 4948 Number of observed insertion loci deletionEventCt 12762 Number of times deletions are observed in a read insertionEventCt 9084 Number of times insertions are observed in a read highCoverageDeletionLoci 33 Number of high-coverage deletion loci. highCoverageInsertionLoci 181 Number of high-coverage insertion loci NumReadsAtMaxReadLength_R1 10849084 Number of read-1 reads at the max length. NumReadsAtMaxReadLength_R2 0 Number of read-2 reads at the max length. NumReadsTruncated_R1 0 Number of read-1 reads that are not at the max length. NumReadsTruncated_R2 0 Number of read-2 reads that are not at the max length. NumReadsTruncated_25pct_R1 0 Number of read-1 reads that are truncated to less than 25% of the max length NumReadsTruncated_25pct_R2 0 Number of read-2 reads that are truncated to less than 25% of the max length NumReadsTruncated_50pct_R1 0 Number of read-1 reads that are truncated to less than 50% of the max length NumReadsTruncated_50pct_R2 0 Number of read-2 reads that are truncated to less than 50% of the max length NumReadsTruncated_75pct_R1 0 Number of read-1 reads that are truncated to less than 75% of the max length NumReadsTruncated_75pct_R2 0 Number of read-2 reads that are truncated to less than 75% of the max length READ_LENGTH 51 The read length. COMPLETED_WITHOUT_WARNING 0 0 if complete without throwing any warnings. 1 if warnings were thrown. QoRTs_initTimeStamp 1535641810727 Time stamp for when QoRTs QC began. QoRTs_samDoneTimeStamp 1535642109000 Time stamp for when QoRTs QC finished SAM iteration. QoRTs_majorVer 1 QoRTs major version number QoRTs_minorVer 3 QoRTs minor version number QoRTs_patchVer 0 QoRTs patch version number QoRTs_compileTimeStamp 1508514997 The timestamp for when the version of QoRTs was built. COMPLETED_WITHOUT_ERROR 1 1 if QoRTs completed without errors. If QoRTs encountered an error, this file should not exist.