This command invokes the login process which establishes a connection between the client and Exasol. As long as the connection is open, the user can interact with Exasol using various commands.
The login process is composed of four steps:
The client sends the
command including the requested protocol version.Request fields:
- command (string) => command name: "loginToken"
- protocolVersion (number) => requested WebSocket protocol version, (e.g., 3)
Request JSON format
{ "command": "loginToken", "protocolVersion": <number> }
The server responds with either
- "ok", in which case the login process continues in step 3, or
- "error", in which case the login process is aborted.
Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }
The client sends either an OpenID
or arefreshToken
and optionally other client information.Request fields:
- accessToken (string, optional) => OpenID access token to use for the login process
- refreshToken (string, optional) => OpenID refresh token to use for the login process
- useCompression (boolean) => use compression for messages during the session (beginning after the login process is completed)
- sessionId (number, optional) => requested session ID
- clientName (string, optional) => client program name, (e.g., "EXAplus")
- driverName (string, optional) => driver name, (e.g., "EXA Python")
- clientOs (string, optional) => name and version of the client operating system
- clientOsUsername (string, optional) => client's operating system user name
- clientLanguage (string, optional) => language setting of the client system
- clientVersion (string, optional) => client version number
- clientRuntime (string, optional) => name and version of the client runtime
- attributes (object, optional) => array of attributes to set for the connection (see Attributes)
Request JSON format
{ "accessToken": <string>, "refreshToken": <string>, "useCompression": <boolean>, "sessionId": <number>, "clientName": <string>, "driverName": <string>, "clientOs": <string>, "clientOsUsername": <string>, "clientLanguage": <string>, "clientVersion": <string>, "clientRuntime": <string>, "attributes": { // as defined separately } }
The server uses either
(see 3.) to authenticate the user. If successful, the server replies with an "ok" response and a connection is established. If authentication of the user fails, the server sends an "error" response to the client indicating that the login process failed and a connection could not be established.Response fields:
- status (string) => command status: "ok" or "error"
- responseData (object, optional) => only present if status is "ok"
- sessionId (number) => current session ID
- protocolVersion (number) => WebSocket protocol version of the connection (e.g., 1)
- releaseVersion (string) => Exasol version (e.g. "6.0.0")
- databaseName (string) => database name (e.g., "productionDB1")
- productName (string) => Exasol product name: "EXASolution"
- maxDataMessageSize (number) => maximum size of a data message in bytes
- maxIdentifierLength (number) => maximum length of identifiers
- maxVarcharLength (number) => maximum length of VARCHAR values
- identifierQuoteString (string) => value of the identifier quote string (e.g., "'")
- timeZone (string) => name of the session time zone
- timeZoneBehavior (string) => value of the session option "TIME_ZONE_BEHAVIOR"
- exception (object, optional) => only present if status is "error"
- text (string) => exception message which provides error details
- sqlCode (string) => five-character exception code if known, otherwise "00000"
Response JSON format
{ "status": <"ok" | "error">, // if status is "ok" "responseData": { "sessionId": <number>, "protocolVersion": <number>, "releaseVersion": <string>, "databaseName": <string>, "productName": <string>, "maxDataMessageSize": <number>, "maxIdentifierLength": <number>, "maxVarcharLength": <number>, "identifierQuoteString": <string>, "timeZone": <string>, "timeZoneBehavior": <string> }, // if status is "error" "exception": { "text": <string>, "sqlCode": <string> } }