defmodule ListOps do
# Please don't use any external modules (especially List or Enum) in your
# implementation. The point of this exercise is to create these basic
# functions yourself. You may use basic Kernel functions (like `Kernel.+/2`
# for adding numbers), but please do not use Kernel functions for Lists like
# `++`, `--`, `hd`, `tl`, `in`, and `length`.
@spec length(list) :: non_neg_integer
def length(list), do: do_length(list, 0)
defp do_length([_h | t], total), do: do_length(t, total + 1)
defp do_length([], total), do: total
@spec reverse(list) :: list
def reverse(list), do: do_reverse(list, [])
defp do_reverse([h | t], acc), do: do_reverse(t, [h | acc])
defp do_reverse([], acc), do: acc
@spec map(list, (any -> any)) :: list
def map(list, func), do: do_map(list, [], func)
def do_map([h | t], acc, func), do: do_map(t, [func.(h) | acc], func)
def do_map([], acc, _func), do: reverse(acc)
@spec filter(list, (any -> as_boolean(term))) :: list
def filter(list, func), do: do_filter(list, [], func)
defp do_filter([h | t], acc, func), do: do_filter(t, (func.(h) && [h | acc]) || acc, func)
defp do_filter([], acc, _func), do: reverse(acc)
@type acc :: any
@spec foldl(list, acc, (any, acc -> acc)) :: acc
def foldl([h | t], acc, func), do: foldl(t, func.(h, acc), func)
def foldl([], acc, _func), do: acc
@spec foldr(list, acc, (any, acc -> acc)) :: acc
def foldr([], acc, _), do: acc
def foldr([h | t], acc, f), do: f.(h, foldr(t, acc, f))
@spec append(list, list) :: list
def append(list1, list2), do: list1 |> reverse() |> do_append(list2)
defp do_append([h | t], list), do: do_append(t, [h | list])
defp do_append([], list), do: list
@spec concat([[any]]) :: [any]
def concat(list), do: list |> reverse() |> foldl([], &append/2)
In this exercise students need to use helper functions with a name similar to the public version.
They should name the private function the same name as the public functions,
but starting with do_
, according to the
elixir style guide.
Students frequently have solutions that time out. Normally this is because they are reversing the entire list at each iteration.
Suggest that the student implements all of these using their own reduce function.