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Reasonable solutions

defmodule RomanNumerals do
  @dict [
    {1000, "M"},
    {900, "CM"},
    {500, "D"},
    {400, "CD"},
    {100, "C"},
    {90, "XC"},
    {50, "L"},
    {40, "XL"},
    {10, "X"},
    {9, "IX"},
    {5, "V"},
    {4, "IV"},
    {1, "I"}

  def numeral(number), do: do_numeral(number, "")

  defp do_numeral(0, acc), do: acc

  defp do_numeral(number, acc) do
    {arabic, roman} = @dict |> Enum.find(fn {n, _} -> n <= number end)
    do_numeral(number - arabic, acc <> roman)

Given that this solution introduces a lot of concepts, it would also be acceptable to use a cond statement like the solution below, matching for each possibility. For beginners who have the tendency to do pattern matching, this could be the first step to reach the solution above.

defmodule RomanNumerals do
  def numeral(number), do: do_numeral(number, "")

  defp do_numeral(number, acc) do
    cond do
      number >= 1000 -> do_numeral(number - 1000, acc <> "M")
      number >= 900 -> do_numeral(number - 900, acc <> "CM")
      number >= 500 -> do_numeral(number - 500, acc <> "D")
      number >= 400 -> do_numeral(number - 400, acc <> "CD")
      number >= 100 -> do_numeral(number - 100, acc <> "C")
      number >= 90 -> do_numeral(number - 90, acc <> "XC")
      number >= 50 -> do_numeral(number - 50, acc <> "L")
      number >= 40 -> do_numeral(number - 40, acc <> "XL")
      number >= 10 -> do_numeral(number - 10, acc <> "X")
      number >= 9 -> do_numeral(number - 9, acc <> "IX")
      number >= 5 -> do_numeral(number - 5, acc <> "V")
      number >= 4 -> acc <> "IV"
      number == 0 -> acc
      true -> do_numeral(number - 1, acc <> "I")

Common suggestions

Default arguments

Most students attempt to do two definitions and use the first to invoke the second with an empty string as accumulator:

def numeral(number), do: numeral(number, "")

def numeral(number, acc) do
  # ...

This can easily be condensed into a single definition with default arguments. However, it should be noted that with this approach, numerals/2 cannot be private and the API with the second argument is exposed.

def numeral(number, acc \\ "") do
  # ...

Map keys are not ordered

Some students create a map of integers to roman numerals, and then take the keys, assuming they are ordered. Such an approach would look like this:

defmodule RomanNumerals do
  @integer_to_roman %{
    1 => "I",
    4 => "IV",
    5 => "V",
    9 => "IX",
    10 => "X",
    40 => "XL",
    50 => "L",
    90 => "XC",
    100 => "C",
    400 => "CD",
    500 => "D",
    900 => "CM",
    1000 => "M"
 # ...

  def numeral(number, roman_temp) do
    |> Enum.reverse()
    |> # more code ...

While map keys most of the time seems to have a stable order, in reality they don't. The student could be pointed to the documentation of the Map module that state:

%{"one" => :two, 3 => "four"}
%{3 => "four", "one" => :two}

Key-value pairs in a map do not follow any order (that's why the printed map in the example above has a different order than the map that was created).

To get rid of the problem, the student should use an ordered data structure, like a list of tuples (see first reasonable solution), or sort the keys explicitly (but make sure it only happens once):

|> Enum.sort(&>=/2)