- upgraded from Material UI 0.20 to Material UI 3.x
- upgraded build system and most libraries used
- upgraded from IPFS 0.27 to IPFS 0.34
- added support for IPFS Companion's window.ipfs feature
First release! This is a preview release not ready to be used seriously.
- visit any existing IPFS folder
- create new files from hash or text
- create folders
- download files on click
- navigate inside a folder and up the parent directory
- delete, move, rename, copy files and folders
- clear button to quickly start over
- quick sharing via URL
- remember the user's last visited folder
- (critical) staying open a couple of minutes (even idling) leads to memory hog, high cpu usage and quickly browser tab crash
- many javascript errors outputted by ipfs in the browser console
- when a directory is loaded, the app starts analyzing its items to figure out their size, if they are a folder and other information. At the moment this process locks the browser when the folder is too big.
- downloads don't work on firefox (missing Streams API)
- no tests
- not yet optimized or polished visually