My personal take on 1 Billion Row Challenge, but in Lua.
- Generate the measurements file by following the original challenge instructions.
- Have LuaJIT 2.1 installed.
- Run
luajit 1brc.lua
Env vars:
- PARALLELISM=, defaults to number of available CPU's
- INPUT_FILE=, defaults to
- Fork Join (via processes)
- Integer aggregation and serde (no floats)
- Each worker reads its chunk at once (no line by line)
- Table arrays for records instead of dictionaries
- Localize global functions for faster lookup
- Parse by iterating chars, no matches and only substring when needed
- Custom String to Number parser
MacBook Pro M2 Max, 12 cores, 64GB RAM.
luajit 1brc.lua 57.66s user 5.52s system 1091% cpu 5.787 total
- Share memory between processes, so no need to serde intermediate results
- Real threads instead of processes
- Memory map the file
- Use C standard library with FFI
- Read by line and aggregate:
419.77s user 4.80s system 99% cpu 7:04.58 total
- Read entire file:
378.67s user 4.79s system 99% cpu 6:23.51 total
- Small Lua specific optimizations:
359.55s user 4.67s system 100% cpu 6:04.21 total
- Avoid all globals:
340.31s user 4.77s system 99% cpu 5:45.08 total
- Format strings:
338.68s user 4.90s system 99% cpu 5:43.65 total
- Fork Join:
844.45s user 8.30s system 1175% cpu 1:12.56 total
- Fork Join (LuaJIT):
796.99s user 7.17s system 1182% cpu 1:08.00 total
- Find+Substr:
642.97s user 6.90s system 1179% cpu 55.107 total
- Fast and specific tonumber:
353.31s user 6.58s system 1178% cpu 30.526 total
- Workers read their chunk at once:
285.57s user 5.84s system 1153% cpu 25.263 total
- Use Find+Sub instead of Match:
96.62s user 7.01s system 1048% cpu 9.886 total
- Initialize hash size to minimize rehashes:
93.47s user 6.43s system 1052% cpu 9.489 total
- Stop GC and reduce amount of string created:
57.66s user 5.52s system 1091% cpu 5.787 total