If you have multi-lingual audiences for your process model you can
- translate the process model in the BPMN XML and afterwards
- render it using bpmn.io.
This example translates the following process which was modeled using I18N_KEYS:
And looks like this after translation:
Translations are authored using simple properties files
The translation is done by using XPath to find and replace names:
This translated BPMN.xml is handed out via a Simple Servlet to have as less environment requirements as possible for the example. In real-life use REST, JSF or whatever you always use for this job.
Last step is to render the model using bpmn.io:
Build it via Maven and deploy the WAR to your Camunda Installation.
Once you deployed the application access the process model via http://localhost:8080/i18n-process-model/.
Built and tested against Camunda BPM version 7.3.0.
- Use GNU Gettext to use english wording as keys and keep the original BPMN readable
- Use [CAT-Tools] (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computerunterst%C3%BCtzte_%C3%9Cbersetzung) for translation