3.0.0 (2019-07-12) +++++:w+++++++++++++
- Added operation group ServiceTasksOperations
General Breaking changes
This version uses a next-generation code generator that might introduce breaking changes if from some import. In summary, some modules were incorrectly visible/importable and have been renamed. This fixed several issues caused by usage of classes that were not supposed to be used in the first place. DataMigrationServiceManagementClient cannot be imported from azure.mgmt.datamigration.data_migration_service_client anymore (import from azure.mgmt.datamigration works like before) DataMigrationServiceManagementClientConfiguration import has been moved from azure.mgmt.datamigration.data_migration_service_management_client to azure.mgmt.datamigration A model MyClass from a "models" sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.mgmt.datamigration.models.my_class (import from azure.mgmt.datamigration.models works like before) An operation class MyClassOperations from an operations sub-module cannot be imported anymore using azure.mgmt.datamigration.operations.my_class_operations (import from azure.mgmt.datamigration.operations works like before) Last but not least, HTTP connection pooling is now enabled by default. You should always use a client as a context manager, or call close(), or use no more than one client per process.
- Model ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlDbSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ValidateMongoDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateMySqlAzureDbForMySqlSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToSourceMySqlTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateMongoDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateMySqlAzureDbForMySqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter target_setting
- Model MigrateMySqlAzureDbForMySqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter source_setting
- Model MigrateMySqlAzureDbForMySqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter migration_setting
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ValidateMigrationInputSqlServerSqlMITaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToTargetSqlMITaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputMigrationLevel has a new parameter orphaned_users_info
- Model GetTdeCertificatesSqlTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigratePostgreSqlAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToTargetAzureDbForMySqlTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model GetUserTablesSqlTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ProjectTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigratePostgreSqlAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter target_setting
- Model MigratePostgreSqlAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter source_setting
- Model MigratePostgreSqlAzureDbForPostgreSqlSyncDatabaseInput has a new parameter migration_setting
- Model GetUserTablesSqlSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToTargetSqlDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSyncCompleteCommandOutput has a new parameter id
- Model ConnectToMongoDbTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model ConnectToTargetSqlSqlDbSyncTaskProperties has a new parameter client_data
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlMITaskOutputMigrationLevel no longer has parameter orphaned_users
- Model MigrateSchemaSqlServerSqlDbDatabaseInput has a new parameter name
- Added operation group FilesOperations
- Add MongoDB support
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskInput has a new parameter collect_tde_certificate_info
- Model ConnectToTargetSqlDbTaskProperties has a new parameter commands
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskProperties has a new parameter commands
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbTaskProperties has a new parameter commands
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputTaskLevel has a new parameter database_tde_certificate_mapping
- Model ProjectTaskProperties has a new parameter commands
- Model ConnectToSourceSqlServerTaskOutputAgentJobLevel has a new parameter validation_errors
- Model SqlConnectionInfo has a new parameter platform
- Model GetUserTablesSqlTaskProperties has a new parameter commands
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbTaskOutputMigrationLevel has a new parameter migration_validation_result
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbTaskOutputMigrationLevel has a new parameter migration_report_result
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlServerDatabaseInput has a new parameter backup_and_restore_folder
- Added operation ServicesOperations.check_children_name_availability
- Added operation TasksOperations.command
- Added operation ProjectsOperations.list
Breaking changes
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlDbTaskOutputMigrationLevel no longer has parameter migration_report
- Model MigrateSqlServerSqlServerDatabaseInput no longer has parameter backup_file_share
- Model ReportableException has a new signature
- Removed operation ServicesOperations.nested_check_name_availability
- Removed operation ProjectsOperations.list_by_resource_group
- Initial stable release
- Initial Release