table implement use list style, single/multiple select, full table or row edit, paging, full table search.
version: 2017/6/24 : Recode by TypeScript.
2017/1/8 version 0.1beta website:, This is javascript implement of table that based div. Support list style, single/multiple select, full table or row edit, paging, full table search. Designed for Microsoft Edge / Google Chrome.
data bind.
search and filter.
full table edit, full row edit. text, boolean, enum, date, number, email, etc.
single select, multiple select.
sub table.
row/cell custom.
[title text] [search]
[field] * n
[body] or [nothing]
[row] * n
[cell] * n
[info] [paging]
tbl::add(array|string) push data to tail.
tbl::insert(array|string, pos) insert data to index position. if pos is undefined, insert to top.
tbl::bind([[],...]) bind data.
tbl::delete(index) delete from index position.
tbl::clear() init as new tbl.
tbl::get_related_rowid(dom) get row index from dom node in tbl/row/cell.
tbl::edit([index]) enable edit of row, or edit full table.
tbl::cancel_edit(index) cancel edit of row.
tbl::select(index) select row.
tbl::cancel_select(index) cancel select row.
tbl::select_change(func) set select changed event.
tbl::selects get array of selected row indexes.
tbl::data get related data of tbl.
tbl::dom get dom node of tbl.
tbl::edits get array of edit row indexes.
max_height max height.
page_size page size. default 0 for no paging.
data bind data.
header whether show header.
footer whether show footer. include info and paging.
info whether show info of table.
paging whether show paging bar.
title whether show title bar. include title text and search box.
caption title text.
search whether show search box.
editable enable full table edit.
select valid value:0, can't select. 1, single select. 2, multiple select.
select_change select changed event.
must_select select at least one.
format column format.
width column width. example: 100px or 20%.
input use as edit. same as html/input.
name column name of header.
uneditable switch off column edit.
editable column editable always. first than uneditable.
nancenter not a number center.
select and edit can be cross page.
input[type=radio] can't cross tbl with same name in same form or no form.
search would lost row edit state.
new tbl(document.body.children[0],{data:[["row1"],["row2"]]});
var tb = new tbl();
with (document.body) { insertBefore(tb.dom, firstChild) };
var tb = new tbl(undefined, {format:[{width:"20%"},{width:"20%"},{width:"20%"},{width:"20%"},{width:"20%"}]});
with (document.body) { insertBefore(tb.dom, firstChild) };
example 4 list style, no header, no search, no title, no footer, no paging bar. delete row, button in row, nancenter:
var tb = new tbl(document.body.children[0], {
editable: false, maxheight: "300px", header: false, title: false, footer: false, data: [[1], [2, "remove"], ["nan - not a number", "del"], [4, "del"], [5, "del"]], page_size: 100,
format: [
{ width: "90%", nancenter: true, input: {type:"text"}},
{ width: "10%", editable:true, input: { type: "button", value:"del", onclick: function () { tb.delete(tb.get_related_rowid(this));}}}
var tb_data = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 106; i++) {
tb_data[i] = [Math.random()>0.5?true:false, Math.random(), "1970-01-01", Math.floor(Math.random()*10), i, 0];
tb_data[i] = "this is group"; i++;
tb_data[i] = ["this is text"]; i++;
for (; i < 578; i++) {
tb_data[i] = [i, Math.random(), "2017-02-01"];
var tb = new tbl(document.body.children[0], {
format: [
{ width: "5%", input: { type: "checkbox", check: "true" } },
{ width: "30%", name:"name", uneditable:true },
{ width: "20%", name:"date", input: { type: "date" } },
{ width: "10%", name:"select", input: {type:"select", options:[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]} },
{ width: "20%" },
{ width: "15%", input: {type:"radio", name:"only"}}