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Video Object Dection System


This demo uses Milvus to detect objects in a video based on a dataset of object images with known information. To get images of objects in videos, it uses OpenCV to extract video frames and then uses Towhee to detect objects in each frame. It uses YOLOV5 to detect objects in images and ResNet50 to get feature vectors of images. Finally, it can detect object and get object information easily by similarity search in Milvus. Let's have fun playing with it!


Option 1: Deploy with Docker Compose

The video similarity search with Milvus, MySQL, WebServer and WebClient services. We can start these containers with one click through docker-compose.yaml.

  • Modify docker-compose.yaml to map your data directory to the docker container of WebServer
$ git clone
$ cd solutions/video/video_similarity_search/object_detection/
$ vim docker-compose.yaml

Change line 73: ./data:/data --> your_data_path:/data

  • Create containers & start servers with docker-compose.yaml
$ docker-compose up -d

Then you will see the that all containers are created.

Creating network "object_detection_app_net" with driver "bridge"
Creating milvus-etcd                ... done
Creating mysql                      ... done
Creating video-object-detect-client ... done
Creating milvus-minio               ... done
Creating milvus-standalone          ... done
Creating video-object-detect-server ... done

And show all containers with docker ps, and you can use docker logs video-object-detect-server to get the logs of server container.

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                             PORTS                               NAMES
af9e959e3e71   milvusbootcamp/video-object-detect-server:towhee   "/bin/sh -c 'python3…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes     >5000/tcp              videoobj-search-webserver
ca3dd84b133d   milvusdb/milvus:v2.0.0-rc8-20211104-d1f4106        "/tini -- milvus run…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes     >19530/tcp            milvus-standalone
202eed71044b   minio/minio:RELEASE.2020-12-03T00-03-10Z           "/usr/bin/docker-ent…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes (healthy)     9000/tcp                            milvus-minio
ca7cb1b230ad                         "etcd -advertise-cli…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes               2379-2380/tcp                       milvus-etcd
7d588e515bc3   mysql:5.7                                          "docker-entrypoint.s…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes     >3306/tcp, 33060/tcp   video-search-mysql
d5c4b837363d   milvusbootcamp/video-object-detect-client:2.0      "/bin/bash -c '/usr/…"   20 minutes ago   Up 20 minutes (unhealthy)>80/tcp                videoobj-search-webclient

Option 2: Deploy with Source code

1. Start Milvus and MySQL

The video object detection system will use Milvus to store and search the feature vector data. Mysql is used to store the correspondence between the ids returned by Milvus and the object information (name & image path). So you need to start Milvus and Mysql first.

  • Start Milvus v2.0

    First, refer Install Milvus 2.0 for how to run Milvus with docker.

    Note the version of Milvus should be consistent with pymilvus in requirements.txt.

  • Start MySQL

    $ docker run -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=123456 -d mysql:5.7

2. Start API Server

The next step is to start the system server. It provides HTTP backend services, you can run source code or use docker image to start it.

  • Install the Python packages

    $ cd server
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install additional package if using MacOS

    $ brew install ffmpeg
    # If you are using Ubuntu, you can use
    # $ apt install ffmpeg
  • Set configuration

    $ vim server/src/

    Please modify the parameters according to your own environment. Here listing some parameters that need to be set, for more information please refer to

    Parameter Description Default setting
    MILVUS_HOST The IP address of Milvus, you can get it by ifconfig. localhost
    MILVUS_PORT Port of Milvus. 19530
    VECTOR_DIMENSION Dimension of the vectors 1000
    MYSQL_HOST The IP address of Mysql. localhost
    MYSQL_PORT Port of Milvus. 3306
    DEFAULT_TABLE The milvus and mysql default collection name. video_obj_det
    DATA_PATH The folder path of known object images to insert. /data/example_object
    UPLOAD_PATH The folder path of the video. /data/example_video
    DISTANCE_LIMIT Maximum distance to return object information. If set as "None", then no limit on distance. 0.6
    • DATA_PATH & UPLOAD_PATH: modify to your own ABSOLUTE paths for object images & video respectively
    • DISTANCE_LIMIT: change to some number so that results with larger distances will not be shown in response
    • VECTOR_DIMENSION: 1000 if using source code to run server; 2048 if using docker to run server
  • Run the code

    Then start the server with Fastapi.

    $ cd src
    $ python
  • The API docs

    Type in your browser to see all the APIs.



    Return the object image by path.


    Return the video by path.


    Check the progress when loading.


    Return the number of vectors in Milvus.


    Load images of known objects by the folder path.


    Pass in a video to search for similar images of objects detected.

  • Code structure

    If you are interested in our code or would like to contribute code, feel free to learn more about our code structure.

    │   │   Dockerfile
    │   │   requirements.txt
    │   │  # File for starting the program.
    │   │
    │   └───src
    │       │   # Configuration file.
    │       │   # Include towhee pipelines: detect object and get image embeddings
    │       │   # Connect to Milvus server and insert/drop/query vectors in Milvus.
    │       │    # Connect to MySQL server, and add/delete/query IDs and object information.
    │       │   
    │       └───operations    # Call methods in and to insert/search/delete objects.
    │               │
    │               │
    │               │
    │               │

3. Start Client

  • Start the front-end
# Modify API_URL to the IP address and port of the server.
$ export API_URL='http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:5000' # change xxx.xx.xx.xx to your own IP address
$ docker run -d -p 8001:80 \

In this command, API_URL means the query service address.

  • How to use

Visit WEBCLIENT_IP:8001 in the browser to open the interface for reverse image search.

WEBCLIENT_IP specifies the IP address that runs video_object_detection client docker.


Click UPLOAD DATA SET & enter the folder path of object images, then click CONFIRM to insert pictures. The following screenshot shows the loading process:

Note: The path entered should be consistent with DATA_PATH in


The loading process may take a while depending on data size. The following screenshot shows the interface with images loading in progress.

Only support jpg pictures.

Then click UPLOAD A VIDEO TO SEARCH to upload a video to detect objects.

Note: The video should under the UPLOAD_PATH in

Only support avi video.

The loading process may take a while. After video is successfully loaded, click Play button to play video and detected objects will be displayed with its image, name, distance (The smaller the distance the higher similarity between the object detected in video and the object image stored in Milvus).