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CDK for deploying single-node and multi-node OpenSearch cluster with OpenSearch Dashboards

This project enables user to deploy either a single-node or a multi-node OpenSearch cluster. There are two stacks that get deployed:

  1. OpenSearch-Network-Stack: Use this stack to either use an existing Vpc or create a new Vpc. This stack also creates a new security group to manage access.
  2. OpenSearch-Infra-Stack: Sets up EC2 Auto-scaling group (ASG) (installs opensearch and opensearch-dashboards using userdata), cloudwatch logging, load balancer. Check your cluster log in the log group created from your stack in the cloudwatch.

Getting Started

  • Requires NPM to be installed
  • Install project dependencies using npm install from this project directory
  • Configure aws credentials


Available context parameters

In order to deploy both the stacks the user needs to provide a set of required and optional parameters listed below:

Name Requirement Type Description
contextKey Optional string A top-level key that the rest of the parameters can be nested within for organized configuration. This is used to parse config from a specific key in the cdk.context.json or in the context block in the cdk.json file.
distVersion Required string The OpenSearch distribution version (released/un-released) the user wants to deploy
securityDisabled Required boolean Enable or disable security plugin
adminPassword Optionally required string This value is required when security plugin is enabled and the cluster version is greater or equal to 2.12.0
minDistribution Required boolean Is it the minimal OpenSearch distribution with no security and plugins
distributionUrl Required string OpenSearch tar distribution url
cpuArch Required string CPU platform for EC2, could be either x64 or arm64
singleNodeCluster Required boolean Set true for single-node cluster else false for multi-node
serverAccessType Required string Restrict server access based on ip address (ipv4/ipv6), prefix list and/or security group. See Restricting Server Access for more details.
restrictServerAccessTo Required string The value for serverAccessType, e.g.,, pl-12345, sg-12345. See Restricting Server Access for more details.
dashboardsUrl Optional string OpenSearch Dashboards tar distribution url
vpcId Optional string Re-use existing vpc, provide vpc id
securityGroupId Optional boolean Re-use existing security group, provide security group id
cidr Optional string User provided CIDR block for new Vpc. Defaults to
managerNodeCount Optional integer Number of cluster manager nodes. Defaults to 3
dataNodeCount Optional integer Number of data nodes. Defaults to 2
clientNodeCount Optional integer Number of dedicated client nodes. Defaults to 0
ingestNodeCount Optional integer Number of dedicated ingest nodes. Defaults to 0
mlNodeCount Optional integer Number of dedicated machine learning nodes. Defaults to 0
dataInstanceType Optional string EC2 instance type for data node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts for available options. E.g., -c dataInstanceType=m5.xlarge
mlInstanceType Optional string EC2 instance type for ml node. Defaults to r5.xlarge. See options in lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts for available options. E.g., -c mlInstanceType=m5.xlarge
jvmSysProps Optional string A comma-separated list of key=value pairs that will be added to jvm.options as JVM system properties.
additionalConfig Optional string Additional opensearch.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch.yml overwriting duplicate keys e.g., --context additionalConfig='{"": ["CN=*, OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE", ", OU=SSL, O=Test, L=Test, C=DE"], "": false}'
additionalOsdConfig Optional string Additional opensearch_dashboards.yml config parameters passed as JSON. Please be aware that this JSON merges with original opensearch-dashboards.yml overwriting duplicate keys. e.g., additionalOsdConfig='{"": "true"}'
suffix Optional string An optional string identifier to be concatenated with infra stack name.
networkStackSuffix Optional string An optional string identifier to be concatenated with network stack name.
region Optional string User provided aws region
account Optional string User provided aws account
dataNodeStorage Optional string User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb
mlNodeStorage Optional string User provided ebs block storage size. Defaults to 100Gb
useInstanceBasedStorage Optional boolean Pass true to mount instance based ssd nvme volume and use the same for running OpenSearch, defaults to using current EBS implementation.Make sure to select appropriate ec2 instance type for data node as these are not available on all ec2 instance types.
use50PercentHeap Optional boolean Boolean flag to use 50% of physical memory as heap. Defaults to 1GB. e.g., --context use50PercentHeap=true
isInternal Optional boolean Boolean flag to make network load balancer internal. Defaults to internet-facing e.g., --context isInternal=true
enableRemoteStore Optional boolean Boolean flag to enable Remote Store feature e.g., --context enableRemoteStore=true. See Enable Remote Store Feature for more details. Defaults to false
storageVolumeType Optional string EBS volume type for all the nodes (data, ml, cluster manager). Defaults to gp2. See lib/opensearch-config/node-config.ts for available options. E.g., -c storageVolumeType=gp3. For SSD based instance (i.e. i3 family), it is used for root volume configuration.
customRoleArn Optional string User provided IAM role arn to be used as ec2 instance profile. -c customRoleArn=arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<ROLE_NAME>
customConfigFiles Optional string You can provide an entire config file to be overwritten or added to OpenSearch and OpenSearch Dashboards. Pass string in the form of JSON with key as local path to the config file to read from and value as file on the server to overwrite/add. Note that the values in the JSON needs to have prefix of opensearch or opensearch-dashboards. Example: -c customConfigFiles='{"opensearch-config/config.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/config.yml", "opensearch-config/role_mapping.yml":"opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles_mapping.yml", "/roles.yml": "opensearch/config/opensearch-security/roles.yml"}'
enableMonitoring Optional boolean Boolean flag to enable monitoring and alarms for Infra Stack. See InfraStackMonitoring class for more details. Defaults to false e.g., --context enableMonitoring=true
certificateArn Optional string Add ACM certificate to the any listener (OpenSearch or OpenSearch-Dashboards) whose port is mapped to 443. e.g., --context certificateArn=arn:1234
mapOpensearchPortTo Optional integer Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch. e.g., --context mapOpensearchPortTo=8440 Defaults to 80 when security is disabled and 443 when security is enabled
mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo Optional integer Load balancer port number to map to OpenSearch-Dashboards. e.g., --context mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo=443 Always defaults to 8443
loadBalancerType Optional string The type of load balancer to deploy. Valid values are nlb for Network Load Balancer or alb for Application Load Balancer. Defaults to nlb. e.g., --context loadBalancerType=alb
  • Before starting this step, ensure that your AWS CLI is correctly configured with access credentials.

  • Also ensure that you're running these commands in the current directory

  • Next, install the required dependencies:

npm install
  • First, run CDK bootstrap.
  • You need to provide all the required context parameters in the command
cdk bootstrap aws://<aws-account-number>/<aws-region> --context securityDisabled=false \
--context minDistribution=false --context distributionUrl='' \
--context cpuArch='x64' --context singleNodeCluster=false --context dataNodeCount=3 \
--context dashboardsUrl='' \
--context distVersion=2.3.0 --context serverAccessType=ipv4 --context restrictServerAccessTo=
  • Now you are ready to synthesize the CloudFormation templates:
cdk synth "*" --context securityDisabled=false \
--context minDistribution=false --context distributionUrl='' \
--context cpuArch='x64' --context singleNodeCluster=false --context dataNodeCount=3 \
--context dashboardsUrl='' \
--context distVersion=2.3.0 --context serverAccessType=ipv4 --context restrictServerAccessTo=

Alternatively, you can use the contextKey to provide the configuration.

For example, to synthesize the CloudFormation templates using a context key:

cdk synth "*" --context contextKey=devConfig

You would include the configuration in your cdk.json file like this:

// cdk.json
  "context": {
    "devConfig": {
      "securityDisabled": false,
      // ...

This approach allows you to manage multiple configurations easily by defining different context keys for each environment.

Sample command to set up multi-node cluster with security enabled on x64 AL2 machine

Please note that as of now we only support instances backed by Amazon Linux-2 amis.

cdk deploy "*" --context securityDisabled=false \
--context minDistribution=false --context distributionUrl='' \
--context cpuArch='x64' --context singleNodeCluster=false --context dataNodeCount=3 \
--context dashboardsUrl='' \
--context distVersion=2.3.0 --context serverAccessType=ipv4 --context restrictServerAccessTo=

Interacting with OpenSearch cluster

After CDK Stack deployment the user will be returned a load-balancer url which they can use to interact with the cluster.

Sample commands

curl -X GET "http://<load-balancer-url>/_cluster/health?pretty" for OpenSearch

To interact with dashboards use port 8443. Type http://<load-balancer-url>:8443 in your browser.

For security enabled cluster run curl -X GET https://<load-balancer-url> -u 'admin:admin' --insecure The security enabled dashboard is accessible using http on port 8443

Restricting Server Access

Please note the load-balancer url is internet facing and can be accessed by anyone.

To restrict access please refer Client IP Preservation to restrict access on internet-facing network load balancer. You need to restrict access to your OpenSearch cluster endpoint (load balancer).

Below values are allowed:

serverAccessType restrictServerAccessTo
ipv4 all ( or any ipv4 CIDR (eg:
ipv6 all (::/0) or any ipv6 CIDR (eg: 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334)
prefixList Prefix List id (eg: ab-12345)
securityGroupId A security group ID (eg: sg-123456789)

Enable Remote Store Feature

Remote Store feature provides an option to store indexed data in a remote durable data store. To enable this feature the user needs to register a snapshot repository (S3 or File System) which is used to store the index data. Apart from passing enableRemoteStore flag as true the user needs to be provide additional settings to opensearch.yml, the settings are:

1. opensearch.experimental.feature.remote_store.enabled: 'true'
2. cluster.remote_store.enabled: 'true'
3. opensearch.experimental.feature.segment_replication_experimental.enabled: 'true'
4. cluster.indices.replication.strategy: SEGMENT

The above-mentioned settings need to be passed using additionalConfig parameter. Please note the experimental settings are only applicable till the feature is under development and will be removed when the feature becomes GA.

Check logs

The opensearch logs are available in cloudwatch logs log-group opensearchLogGroup/opensearch.log in the same region your stack is deployed. Each EC2 instance will create its own log-stream and the log-stream will be named after each instance-id.

Access EC2 Instances

All the ec2 instances are hosted in private subnet and can only be accessed using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager

Port Mapping

The ports to access the cluster are dependent on the security parameter value and are identical whether using an Application Load Balancer (ALB) or a Network Load Balancer (NLB):

  • If security is disable (HTTP),
    • OpenSearch 9200 is mapped to port 80 on the LB
  • If security is enable (HTTPS),
    • OpenSearch 9200 is mapped to port 443 on the LB
  • OpenSearch-Dasboards 5601 is always mapped to port 8443 on the LB (HTTP) Change the port mapping using context variables mapOpensearchPortTo and mapOpensearchDashboardsPortTo . See available context parameters) for more details


To delete a particular stack use the command:

cdk destroy <stackName> <pass all the context parameters>

To delete all the created stacks together use the command:

cdk destroy --all <pass all the context parameters>


See developer guide and how to contribute to this project.

Getting Help

If you find a bug, or have a feature request, please don't hesitate to open an issue in this repository.

For more information, see project website and documentation. If you need help and are unsure where to open an issue, try forums.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Amazon Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ, or contact with any additional questions or comments.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.