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681 lines (592 loc) · 15.3 KB

File metadata and controls

681 lines (592 loc) · 15.3 KB

Milvus DSL Design Doc

Field datatypes

  • Vector

Record vectors of float values

  "vector_1": {
    "type": "vector",
    "metric_type": "IP",
    "dimension": 512
  "vector_2": {
    "type": "vector",
    "metric_type": "L1",
    "dimension": 256,
    "index": {
      "type": "IVF_SQ8",
      "nlist": 8792

vector_1: vector, IP, FLAT, 16384

vector_2: vector, L1, IVF_SQ8, 8792

Vector Para Required Type Default Description
metric_type N string L2 Specify vector metric type. L1, L2, IP ...
dimension Y integer Specify vector dimension.
datatype N string float Specify vector element data type. float, integer
  • Numeric

long, integer, short, byte, double, float

  • Boolean


  • string


  • Binary


  • Object

object for single JSON objects

Parameters for fields

  • boost
  "age": {
    "type": "integer",
    "boost": 2.0
Field Required Type Default Description
Numeric N float 1.0 Mapping field-level query time boosting
Vector N float 1.0 Mapping field-level query time boosting
  • index
  "age": {
    "type": "integer",
    "index": true
  "vector_1": {
    "type": "vector",
    "metric_type": "IP",
    "dimension": 512
  "vector_2": {
    "type": "vector",
    "metric_type": "L1",
    "dimension": 256,
    "index": {
      "type": "IVF_SQ8",
      "nlist": 8792

vector_1: vector, IP, 512, FLAT, 16384

vector_2: vector, L1, 256, IVF_SQ8, 8792

Field Required Type Default Description
Numeric N boolean true Should the field be indexed
Vector N JSON {} Specify the vector index config
Vector Index Required Type Default Description
type Y string FLAT Specify index type. FLAT, IVF_FLAT, IVF_SQ8 ...
nlist N integer 16384 Specify ivf nlist.
  • null_value

Accepts a numeric value of the samve type as the field which is substituted for any explicit null valus. Defaults to null

  • store

Whether the field value should be stored and retrivable separately from the _source field. Accepts true or false(default).




PUT /my-index
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "face_img_vec": {
        "type": "vector",
        "dimension": 4,
        "datatype": "float",
        "metric_type": "L2",
        "index": {
            "type": "ivf_sq8",
            "nlist": 8792
        "boost": 1.5
      "body_img_vec": {
        "type": "vector",
        "dimension": 8,
        "datatype": "float"
      "age": {
        "type": "integer",
        "boost": 2.0,
        "index": true


GET /my-index/_mapping

The API returns the following response:

    "my-index": {
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "face_img_vec": {
            "type": "vector",
            "dimension": 4,
            "metric_type": "L2",
            "datatype": "float",
            "index": {
                "type": "ivf_sq8",
                "nlist": 8792
            "boost": 1.5
          "body_img_vec": {
            "type": "vector",
            "dimension": 4,
            "datatype": "float"
          "age": {
            "type": "integer",
            "boost": 2.0,
            "index": true
      "settings": {
        "index": {
            "creation_date": "1576134581399",
            "provided_name": "my-index",
            "uuid": "VfR0x-sIT8WP-FL6XU9kRw"


DELETE /my-index
DELETE /my-index1,my-index2
DELETE /_all

Pass Responses

    "acknowledged": true

Fail Responses

    "error": {
        "index": "my-index",
        "index_uuid": "_na_",
        "reason": "no such index [my-index]",
        "root_cause": [
                "index": "my-index",
                "index_uuid": "_na_",
                "reason": "no such index [my-index]",
                "type": "index_not_found_exception"
        "type": "index_not_found_exception"
    "status": 404
  • Explicit mappings

Fields and mapping types need to be defined before being used.

  • Index field mappings can only be initialized once

Index field mappings can only be initialized at creating index.

  • Dynamic mapping

Fields and mapping types do not need to be defined before being used.

  • Field mappings modification

Field mappings can be modified after first initialization.


Add Document

Request URL

POST /<index>/_doc

POST /<index>/_doc/<doc_id>

index Specify which index to be added

doc_id Specify the doc id of document to be added. If not specified, system will generate a unique id for this document.


If doc_id is specified and there is a document with same doc_id in system, it will update the document.

Request Payload

    "<field1>": "<value1>",
    "<field2>": "<value2>",
    "..." : "...",
    "<fieldN>": "<valueN>"

Response Contents


    "code": 0,
    "reason": "created",
    "result": {
        "_id": 87566639989444,
        "_index": "my-index",
        "_seq_no": 1,
        "_type": "_doc",
        "_version": 1,
        "_code": "0",
        "_reason": ""


    "code": "<error code>",
    "reason": "<error reason>",
    "details": [
        "_id": "<id>",
        "_index": "<index>",
        "_seq_no": 1,
        "_type": "_doc",
        "_code": "<error code>",
        "_reason": "<error reason>"
Field Scope Description
_id Success, Fail Doc id
_index Success, Fail Index name
_code Success, Fail Error code. 0 for Success
_reason Success, Fail Error reason. for Success
_seq_no Success, Fail Operation sequence number
_type Success, Fail Always _doc
_version Success doc version

Response Status & Code & Reason

Status Code Reason Description TODO
201 0 Created New Doc Created
200 0 OK Doc Updated
404 40004 IndexNotFound Specified index not found
400 41000 InvalidFieldName Invalid field name found Check field name in sync mode
400 41001 InvalidFieldValue Invalid field value found Check field value in sync mode
400 41002 InvalidFields Fields allignment check error Check fields in sync mode


Create a doc with _id=87566639989444

POST /my-index/_doc/87566639989444
  "face_img_vec": [0.29, 0.37, 0.87, 0.76],
  "body_img_vec": [0.29, 0.37, 0.18, 0.94, 0.87, 0.76, 0.45, 0.63],
  "age": 17

201 Created

  "code": 0,
  "reason": "",
  "result": {
    "_id": 87566639989444,
    "_index": "my-index",
    "_seq_no": 1,
    "_type": "_doc",
    "_version": 1,
    "_code": 0,
    "_reason": ""

404 Not Found

  "code": 40004,
  "reason": "IndexNotFound",
  "result" : {
    "_id": 87566639989444,
    "_index": "my-index",
    "_seq_no": 1,
    "_type": "_doc",
    "_code": 40004,
    "_reason": "IndexNotFound"

Batch Add Documents

Request URL

POST //_bulk

Request Payload

    "docs": [
          "_id": "<id>",
          "<field1>": "<field1 value>",
          "<field2>": "<field2 value>",
          ...: ...

Delete Document

Delete Document

Request URL

DELETE /<index>/_doc/<doc_id>

Response Contents

Success: 204 OK

    "code": 0,
    "reason": "Deleted",
    "result": {
        "_id": 87566639989444,
        "_index": "my-index",
        "_seq_no": 1,
        "_type": "_doc",
        "_version": 1,
        "_code": "0",
        "_reason": "Deleted"


    "code": 40004,
    "reason": "IndexNotFound",
    "result": {
        "_id": 87566639989444,
        "_index": "my-index",
        "_seq_no": 1,
        "_type": "_doc",
        "_code": "40004",
        "_reason": "IndexNotFound"

Response Status & Code & Reason

Status Code Reason Description TODO
204 0 Deleted Doc deleted
404 40004 IndexNotFound Specified index not found
404 40004 DocNotFound Specified doc not found Need check docid in sync mode


keyword Requried Default Description TODO
from N 0 Defines the offset from the first result to fetch
size N 10 Configure the maximum amount of hits to be returned
min_score N Infinite results below the min score cannot be returned
sort N By Score results below the min score cannot be returned Support Mode and sort by field
_source N false Specify the raw fields info in results

Single Search

Request URL

POST /<index>/_search

Request Body

Match Query

    "query": {
        "match" :{
            "<field>": {
                "query" : "<query value>",
                "analyzer": "<analyzer>"
    "query": {
        "match" : {
            "<field>": "<query value>"

Numeric Range Query

    "query": {
        "range" : {
            "<field>" : {
                "gte" : "<min_val>",
                "lte" : "<max_val>",
                "boost" : "<max_val>"

Vector Field Query

Param Requried Default Description TODO
min_score N Infinite results below the min score cannot be returned
boost N 1.0 score boost value
score_mode N sum sum, avg, max, min
nprobe N 32 Only valid for vector field with ivf index
topk N 10 vector topk
nq Y - Specify the n query for this search
query Y - query vector of shape (nq * dimension)
    "query": {
        "vector": {
            "<field1>": {
                "nprobe": "<nprobe value>",
                "topk": "<top k value>",
                "nq": "<n query value>",
                "query": [
                    [0.1, 0.2, "..."],
                "boost": "<boost value>",
                "min_score": "<min score limit>"
            "<field2>": {
                "...": "..."
            "score_mode": "sum",
            "boost": "<boost value>",
            "min_score": "<min score limit>"

Boolean Query

Occur Description TODO
must The clause (query) must appear in matching documents and will contribute to the score
must_not The clause (query) must not appear in matching documents. Clauses are executed in filter context meaning that scoring is ignored and clauses are considered for caching. Because scoring is ignored, a score of 0 for all documents is returned.
should The clause (query) should appear in the matching document.
filter The clause (query) must appear in matching documents. However unlike must the score of the query will be ignored. Filter clauses are executed in filter context, meaning that scoring is ignored and clauses are considered for caching.
  "query": {
    "bool" : {
      "must" : {
        "match" : {
            "<field1>" : {
                "query": "<query value>"
      "filter": {
        "match" : {
            "<field2>" : {
                "query": "<query value>"
      "must_not" : {
        "range" : {
          "<field3>" : { "gte" : "<min value>", "lte" : "<max value>" }
      "should" : [
        { "match" : { "<field4>" : "<query value>" } },
        { "match" : { "<field5>" : "<query value>" } }
      "minimum_should_match" : 1,
      "boost" : 1.0
  "min_score": "<min score limit>",
  "sort": ["<field1>", "<field2>"],
  "from": "<offset from first>",
  "size": "<fetch size>"

Source Filter

    "_source": false
    "_source": ["<field1>", "<field2>"]
    "_source": {
        "exclude": ["<field1>"]

Score Mode

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": {
                "match" : {"<field1>": "<query value>"},
                "match" : {"<field2>": "<query value>"},
                "score_mode": "sum",
                "boost": 2.0



    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "should": {
                "range": {
                    "age": {"gte": 18, "lte": 35},
                    "boost": 5.0
                "range": {
                    "age": {"gte": 36, "lte": 60},
                    "boost": 2.0
                "vector": {
                    "head": {
                        "nprobe": 64,
                        "topk": 100,
                        "nq": 2,
                        "query": [
                            [0.1, 0.2, "..."],
                        "boost": 5.0,
                        "min_score": 2.0

                "minimum_should_match": 1,
                "boost": 3.0,
                "score_mode": "sum"
            "filter": {
                "match": {
                    "sex": "female"
