REPOSITORY MIGRATED: a3fe has been migrated to michellab. This version is no longer maintained.
Automated Adaptive Absolute alchemical Free Energy calculator. A package for running adaptive alchemical absolute binding free energy calculations with SOMD (distributed within sire) using adaptive protocols based on an ensemble of simulations. This requires the SLURM scheduling system.
a3fe depends on SLURM for scheduling jobs, and on GROMACS for running initial equilibration simulations. Please ensure that your have sourced your GMXRC or loaded your GROMACS module before proceeding with the installation.
We first need to install the BioSimSpace dependencies using mamba (or conda). SOMD, which is used to run the simulations, is contained within Sire, which will be installed as a dependency of BioSimSpace.
mamba create -n a3fe -c conda-forge -c openbiosim/label/dev biosimspace
mamba activate a3fe
Now download a3fe, install, and test:
git clone
cd a3fe
pip install .
pytest a3fe
- Activate your a3fe conda environment
- Create a base directory for the calculation and create an directory called
within this - Move your input files into the the input directory. For example, if you have parameterised AMBER-format input files, name these bound_param.rst7, bound_param.prm7, free_param.rst7, and free_param.prm7. For more details see the documentation.
- Copy run and from a3fe/a3fe/data/example_run_dir to your
directory, making sure to the SLURM options in so that the jobs will run on your cluster - In the calculation base directory, run the following python code, either through ipython or as a python script (you will likely want to run the script with
or use ipython through tmux to ensure that the calculation is not killed when you lose connection)
import a3fe as a3
calc = a3.Calculation()
- Check the results in the
directories (separate output directories are created for the Calculation, Legs, and Stages)
Copyright (c) 2023, Finlay Clark
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.1.