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Proposal for fixed length arrays

Niko Matsakis edited this page Nov 22, 2011 · 2 revisions

Fixed length arrays

It is generally acknowledged that unique vectors and strings are not working out well in practice, due to implicit copies and limitations of unique types. This proposal advances the idea of fixed length arrays in place of growable vectors. The resulting system is quite similar to O'Caml or Java: bounds-checked arrays are the basic building block and growable vectors are moved into the library.

Array creation

Arrays can be created either via literals [v1, v2, v3] or via the use of creation functions. Literals result in an array of the given size which is stored on the stack. There are two creation functions, each of which creates an array of dynamic length:

fn create_val<copy T>(size: uint, v: T) -> new [T];
fn create<copy T>(size: uint, b: block(uint) -> new T) -> new [T];

The function create_val() creates an array of a given size where each value of the array is initially equal to v. The second creates an array where the initial value of the array at index i is given by b(i).


As with vectors now, arrays can either be immutable (the default), mutable, or read-only (const). An immutable array cannot be modified by anyone. A read-only array is a reference to an array thay may be mutated by someone else.

Functions returning new arrays by value may be used to create either mutable or immutable arrays at the callers' choice. For example:

let f: [mutable int] = arr::create_val(256, 0);

Creates a mutable int array of length 256, where the initial value is 0. We could also allow unique arrays to become mutable and immutable if we wished.

References into arrays

The syntax &arr[5] can be used to take a reference into an array. This works the same as other references.

Growable vectors

Growable vectors can be implemented as a Rust library. There are some debates as to how deeply they should be built into the language itself. A proposal built entirely in Rust would be something like:

mod vec {
    type t<T> = {
        mutable data: ~[option::t<T>];
        mutable size: uint;
        mutable capacity: uint;
    fn create<T>() -> t<T>;

This has the disadvantage of requiring option types in the array. Perhaps a better choice would be to use an unsafe, opaque implementation.

Runtime implications

Returning a array by value---as done by the create_val() and create() functions---is a bit tricky. Typically, when returning an aggregate by value, the caller allocates the space and the callee fills it in. This allows the caller to decide whether the returned value shall be placed into a ref-counted box, on the exchange heap, in the stack, etc. However, because the size of an array is not known until runtime, this system does not work. Therefore, we generalize the ABI so that instead of passing in a pointer, the caller passes in either a pointer or a heap data structure, using a tagged pointer to distinguish. The callee can then either allocate the required space or use the pointer. An alternative would be to pass in two words (i.e., a Rust closure).

Unfortunately, for callees with statically sized return types, the callee cannot statically know whether it will be required to allocate space or not; the caller might be invoking the callee generically, in which case the caller cannot know whether the return type has dynamic size. Potentially this could be addressed by wrappers and the like but it is unclear if it will be a bottleneck. Monomorphization would address the problem.

As an alternative, we might make functions return via pointer by default (as today) and use the new keyword only for those cases the size of the return value is not statically known.

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