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This website is built using Docusaurus 2, a modern static website generator.

The live version is hosted at

Getting started

It's recommended to install the Node.js packages from within a Docker container (installing npm packages can compromise your machine because it can execute arbitrary scripts). You can start the Docker container like this:

docker run -p 3000:3000 --rm -it -w /mnt -v $(pwd):/mnt node:16 /bin/bash

Install the dependencies:

$ yarn

Build the source:

First create a copy of at the root of the project and name it .env Linux: cp .env Windows: copy .env

$ yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server. You can view it now at:


To serve a finally built version (i.e. to double-check the meta tags before publishing):

$ yarn build
$ yarn serve


Create a pull-request to the main branch. All changes to the main branch are automatically published via Vercel.

Steps to publish a new post

  1. Clone the repository and switch to a new branch
  2. If the author has not published on Writings before, add their information in /content/authors.yml
  3. Create a new .mdx-file under /content/ and include the publishing date in the filename.
  4. Copy the header rows from a previous posts (for instance, this post)
  5. Edit the content on the header (also called 'front-matter').
  6. Edit the content of the Writings-post. (If you are embedding Dune Dashboards, please follow the instructions here.
  7. Add a <!--truncate--> tag around after the first paragraph. All content before that tag will be visible as a preview on
  8. Create a new topic on the forum with a summary of the post + CTA, open questions, and discussion topics to encourage conversations. Add the link in the "forum_link:"
  9. To preview, install the dependencies as described above and run yarn start
  10. Make sure the meta tags and front-matter is in order, and that the post has a nice description and image:
  • For SEO and previews/sharing, it is recommended to add an image. You can get free images from and other pages, but also consider generating an image with Dall-E and Stable Diffusion.
  • The image should be 1200x630px and less than 400kb.
  • Run images through ImageOptim, as it can significantly decrease filesize, thus speeding up page load time.
  • Think about a good introduction paragraph, as it will be used in social previews. It will either use the first part of the post, or you can manually set it with the description: ... front matter.
  1. Once satisfied, create a PR. Once the PR is merged, the Github CI system will automatically deploy it.
  2. Check the sharing meta tags using, and update the content meta tags as needed.