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File metadata and controls

101 lines (79 loc) · 5.09 KB


This package provides a series of server and client-side Fluid components to provide simple user management, including:

  1. Login, logout, and "current user" mechanisms.
  2. A "signup" mechanism to allow users to create accounts themselves. Accounts must be associated with a valid email to be complete the setup.
  3. A "forgot password" mechanism that sends the user a custom link via email that can be used to reset their password.

Server Side Components

The server side components are intended to be used with a instance, and provide the REST API endpoints documented in src/docs/ Before you can use the server side components, you must set up your database with the views included in src/views (see that directory for details).

When writing your own server-side components that depend on the current user's information, the current user will always be available as part of the request.session object. The user key may change depending on your configuration, by default the user is found at request.session._fluid_user.

Client Side Components

The client-side components provided here are intended to be used with the server-side API running on the same hostname and port that hosts the client-side content. No CORS, proxy, or other mechanism is provided to handle remote lookups.

To use the client side components, set up your instance with a static handler that will serve up the contents of src/js/client, and a instance that can serve up the required template content. It is recommended that you copy the sample template content found in src/templates to your template directory and customize based on your specific needs.

For an example of both the server-side configuration and of serving up client-side content, check out the configuration of tests/js/launch-test-harness.js and tests/js/test-harness.js,


To run the tests in this package, use the command npm test.

The tests in this package make use of fluid-couchdb-test-harness. By default that package uses Docker to run the tests. To use Vagrant instead, set the environment variable FLUID_TEST_COUCH_USE_EXTERNAL to true. To use a standalone instance of CouchDB (which must run on port 25984), set the environment variable FLUID_TEST_COUCH_USE_EXTERNAL to true. For the full list of supported environments, software requirements, and configuration options, see the documentation for fluid-couchdb-test-harness.

The browser tests in this package make use of fluid-webdriver, which requires you to install the appropriate version of chromedriver (Chrome), geckodriver (Firefox), et cetera. Chrome in particular has issues when its version does not exactly match the version of chromedriver installed. For more information about the requirements for running the browser tests, see the fluid-webdriver documentation.

Migrating from Version 1 to Version 2

Version 1 of this package was designed to tightly mimic the user record structure and password encoding of early versions of CouchDB. Version 2 no longer supports this use case. To migrate from version 1 to version 2, you will need to make a few key changes to your record structure:

  1. You will need to remove the org.couchdb.user: prefix from all IDs.
  2. You will need to add the previous default value for digest ("sha1") to each record.
  3. You can safely remove the name field from all records.
  4. All other fields should remain the same.

To give a concrete example, here is a record from version 1:

    "_id":         "org.couchdb.user:sample",
    "type":        "user",
    "name":        "sample",
    "username":    "sample",
    "derived_key": "dd11a6d074786fc914cbcdbc7ec5a06ad002812a",
    "salt":        "secret",
    "iterations":  10,
    "email":       "sample@localhost",
    "roles":       ["role1", "role3"],
    "verified":    true

Here is the same record updated for compatibility with version 2 of this package:

    "_id":         "sample",
    "type":        "user",
    "username":    "sample",
    "derived_key": "dd11a6d074786fc914cbcdbc7ec5a06ad002812a",
    "salt":        "secret",
    "digest":      "sha1",
    "iterations":  10,
    "email":       "sample@localhost",
    "roles":       ["role1", "role3"],
    "verified":    true

One way to migrate all records would be to make use of the CouchDB bulk API endpoints:

  1. Take a backup of your existing user database.
  2. Download all existing records including design document(s).
  3. Convert the download format into the format used by the CouchDB _bulk_docs endpoint.
  4. Update all records as outlined above (digest, _id, name fields).
  5. Remove your existing records.
  6. Submit the updated records using the bulk_docs endpoint.