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Image Update Automations

The ImageUpdateAutomation type defines an automation process that will update a git repository, based on image policy objects in the same namespace.

The updates are governed by marking fields to be updated in each YAML file. For each field marked, the automation process checks the image policy named, and updates the field value if there is a new image selected by the policy. The marker format is shown in the image automation guide.

The v1beta1 version of the API has the same schema and semantics as the v1alpha2 version. To migrate from v1alpha2, all that is required is to change the apiVersion field in manifests to the new version:


Note that v1alpha2 resources will be implicitly and losslessly converted to v1beta1 resources. Until v1alpha2 is deprecated, it is possible to keep using v1alpha2.

To see what has changed between the API version v1alpha1 and this version v1beta1, read the section on migration at the bottom. (If you have already migrated from v1alpha1 to v1alpha2, all you need to do is change the version, as above.)


// ImageUpdateAutomationSpec defines the desired state of ImageUpdateAutomation
type ImageUpdateAutomationSpec struct {
	// SourceRef refers to the resource giving access details
	// to a git repository.
	// +required
	SourceRef CrossNamespaceSourceReference `json:"sourceRef"`
	// GitSpec contains all the git-specific definitions. This is
	// technically optional, but in practice mandatory until there are
	// other kinds of source allowed.
	// +optional
	GitSpec *GitSpec `json:"git,omitempty"`

	// Interval gives an lower bound for how often the automation
	// run should be attempted.
	// +required
	Interval metav1.Duration `json:"interval"`

	// Update gives the specification for how to update the files in
	// the repository. This can be left empty, to use the default
	// value.
	// +kubebuilder:default={"strategy":"Setters"}
	Update *UpdateStrategy `json:"update,omitempty"`

	// Suspend tells the controller to not run this automation, until
	// it is unset (or set to false). Defaults to false.
	// +optional
	Suspend bool `json:"suspend,omitempty"`

The sourceRef field refers to the GitRepository object that has details on how to access the Git repository to be updated. The kind field in the reference currently only supports the value GitRepository, which is the default.

// CrossNamespaceSourceReference contains enough information to let you locate the
// typed Kubernetes resource object at cluster level.
type CrossNamespaceSourceReference struct {
	// API version of the referent.
	// +optional
	APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"`

	// Kind of the referent.
	// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=GitRepository
	// +kubebuilder:default=GitRepository
	// +required
	Kind string `json:"kind"`

	// Name of the referent.
	// +required
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Namespace of the referent, defaults to the namespace of the Kubernetes resource object that contains the reference.
	// +optional
	Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"`

Cross-namespace references

A ImageUpdateAutomation can refer to a GitRepository from a different namespace with spec.sourceRef.namespace e.g.:

kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
  name: webapp
  namespace: apps
  interval: 5m
    kind: GitRepository # the only valid value, but good practice to be explicit here
    name: apps
    namespace: flux-system

On multi-tenant clusters, platform admins can disable cross-namespace references with the --no-cross-namespace-refs=true flag.

To be able to commit changes back, the referenced GitRepository object must refer to credentials with write access; e.g., if using a GitHub deploy key, "Allow write access" should be checked when creating it. Only the url, ref, and secretRef fields of the GitRepository are used.

The gitImplementation field in the referenced GitRepository is ignored. All reconciliations are executed using the go-git implementation.

Other fields particular to how the Git repository is used are in the git field, described below.

The update field is described in its own section below.

The required field interval gives a period for automation runs, in duration notation; e.g., "5m".

While suspend has a value of true, the automation will not run.

Git-specific specification

The git field has this definition:

type GitSpec struct {
	// Checkout gives the parameters for cloning the git repository,
	// ready to make changes. If not present, the `spec.ref` field from the
	// referenced `GitRepository` or its default will be used.
	// +optional
	Checkout *GitCheckoutSpec `json:"checkout,omitempty"`

	// Commit specifies how to commit to the git repository.
	// +required
	Commit CommitSpec `json:"commit"`

	// Push specifies how and where to push commits made by the
	// automation. If missing, commits are pushed (back) to
	// `.spec.checkout.branch` or its default.
	// +optional
	Push *PushSpec `json:"push,omitempty"`

The fields checkout, commit and push are explained in the following sections.


The optional .spec.git.checkout gives the Git reference to check out. The .ref value is the same format as the .ref field in a GitRepository.

type GitCheckoutSpec struct {
	// Reference gives a branch, tag or commit to clone from the Git
	// repository.
	// +required
	Reference sourcev1.GitRepositoryRef `json:"ref"`

When checkout is given, it overrides the analogous field in the GitRepository object referenced in .spec.sourceRef. You would use this to put automation commits on a different branch than that you are syncing, for example.

By default the controller will only do shallow clones, but this can be disabled by starting the controller with --feature-gates=GitShallowClone=false.


The .spec.git.commit field gives details to use when making a commit to push to the Git repository:

// CommitSpec specifies how to commit changes to the git repository
type CommitSpec struct {
	// Author gives the email and optionally the name to use as the
	// author of commits.
	// +required
	Author CommitUser `json:"author"`
	// SigningKey provides the option to sign commits with a GPG key
	// +optional
	SigningKey *SigningKey `json:"signingKey,omitempty"`
	// MessageTemplate provides a template for the commit message,
	// into which will be interpolated the details of the change made.
	// +optional
	MessageTemplate string `json:"messageTemplate,omitempty"`

type CommitUser struct {
	// Name gives the name to provide when making a commit.
	// +optional
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Email gives the email to provide when making a commit.
	// +required
	Email string `json:"email"`

// SigningKey references a Kubernetes secret that contains a GPG keypair
type SigningKey struct {
	// SecretRef holds the name to a secret that contains a 'git.asc' key
	// corresponding to the ASCII Armored file containing the GPG signing
	// keypair as the value. It must be in the same namespace as the
	// ImageUpdateAutomation.
	// +required
	SecretRef meta.LocalObjectReference `json:"secretRef,omitempty"`

The author field gives the author for commits. For example,

        name: Fluxbot

will result in commits with the author Fluxbot <>.

The optional signingKey field can be used to provide a key to sign commits with. It holds a reference to a secret, which is expected to have a file called git.asc containing an ASCII-armoured PGP key. If the private key is protected by a password, you can specify the same in the secret using the passphrase key.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: signing-key
  namespace: default
  git.asc: |
  passphrase: <private-key-passphrase>

The messageTemplate field is a string which will be used as a template for the commit message. If empty, there is a default message; but you will likely want to provide your own, especially if you want to put tokens in to control how CI reacts to commits made by automation. For example,

      messageTemplate: |
        Automated image update by Flux
        [ci skip]

The following section describes what data is available to use in the template.

Commit message template data

The message template is a Go text template. The data available to the template have this structure (not reproduced verbatim):

// internal/controller/imageupdateautomation_controller.go

// TemplateData is the type of the value given to the commit message
// template.
type TemplateData struct {
	AutomationObject struct {
      Name, Namespace string
	Updated          update.Result

// pkg/update/result.go

// ImageRef represents the image reference used to replace a field
// value in an update.
type ImageRef interface {
	// String returns a string representation of the image ref as it
	// is used in the update; e.g., "helloworld:v1.0.1"
	String() string
	// Identifier returns the tag or digest; e.g., "v1.0.1"
	Identifier() string
	// Repository returns the repository component of the ImageRef,
	// with an implied defaults, e.g., "library/helloworld"
	Repository() string
	// Registry returns the registry component of the ImageRef, e.g.,
	// ""
	Registry() string
	// Name gives the fully-qualified reference name, e.g.,
	// ""
	Name() string

// ObjectIdentifier holds the identifying data for a particular
// object. This won't always have a name (e.g., a kustomization.yaml).
type ObjectIdentifier struct {
	Name, Namespace, APIVersion, Kind string

// Result reports the outcome of an automated update. It has a nested
// structure file->objects->images. Different projections (e.g., all
// the images, regardless of object) are available via methods.
type Result struct {
	Files map[string]FileResult

// FileResult gives the updates in a particular file.
type FileResult struct {
	Objects map[ObjectIdentifier][]ImageRef

These methods are defined on update.Result:

// Images returns all the images that were involved in at least one
// update.
func (r Result) Images() []ImageRef {
    // ...

// Objects returns a map of all the objects against the images updated
// within, regardless of which file they appear in.
func (r Result) Objects() map[ObjectIdentifier][]ImageRef {
    // ...

The methods let you range over the objects and images without descending the data structure. Here's an example of using the fields and methods in a template:

    messageTemplate: |
      Automated image update
      Automation name: {{ .AutomationObject }}
      {{ range $filename, $_ := .Updated.Files -}}
      - {{ $filename }}
      {{ end -}}
      {{ range $resource, $_ := .Updated.Objects -}}
      - {{ $resource.Kind }} {{ $resource.Name }}
      {{ end -}}
      {{ range .Updated.Images -}}
      - {{.}}
      {{ end -}}

Commit Message with Template functions

With template functions, it is possible to manipulate and transform the supplied data in order to generate more complex commit messages.

kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
  name: flux-system
      messageTemplate: |
        Automated image update

        Automation name: {{ .AutomationObject }}

        {{ range $filename, $_ := .Updated.Files -}}
        - {{ $filename }}
        {{ end -}}

        {{ range $resource, $_ := .Updated.Objects -}}
        - {{ $resource.Kind | lower }} {{ $resource.Name | lower  }}
        {{ end -}}

        {{ range $image, $_ := .Updated.Images -}}
        	{{ if contains "1.0.0" $image -}}
        		- {{ $image }}
        	{{ else -}}
        		[skip ci] wrong image
        	{{ end -}}        
        {{ end -}}        
        name: fluxcdbot

There are over 70 available functions. Some of them are defined by the Go template language itself. Most of the others are part of the Sprig template library.


The optional push field defines how commits are pushed to the origin.

// PushSpec specifies how and where to push commits.
type PushSpec struct {
	// Branch specifies that commits should be pushed to the branch
	// named. The branch is created using `.spec.checkout.branch` as the
	// starting point, if it doesn't already exist.
	// +optional
	Branch string `json:"branch,omitempty"`

	// Refspec specifies the Git Refspec to use for a push operation.
	// If both Branch and Refspec are provided, then the commit is pushed
	// to the branch and also using the specified refspec.
	// For more details about Git Refspecs, see:
	// +optional
	Refspec string `json:"refspec,omitempty"`

	// Options specifies the push options that are sent to the Git
	// server when performing a push operation. For details, see:
	Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"`

If .push is not present, commits are made on the branch given in .spec.git.checkout.branch and pushed to the same branch at the origin. If .spec.git.checkout is not present, it will fall back to the branch given in the GitRepository referenced by .spec.sourceRef. If none of these yield a branch name, the automation will fail.

If .push.refspec is present, the refspec specified is used to perform the push operation. An example of a valid refspec is refs/heads/branch:refs/heads/branch. This allows users to push to an arbitary destination reference.

If .push.branch is present, the specified branch is pushed to at the origin. The branch will be created locally if it does not already exist, starting from the checkout branch. If it does already exist, it will be overwritten with the cloned version plus the changes made by the controller. Alternatively, force push can be disabled by starting the controller with --feature-gates=GitForcePushBranch=false, in which case the updates will be calculated on top of any commits already on the push branch. Note that without force push in push branches, if the target branch is stale, the controller may not be able to conclude the operation and will consistently fail until the branch is either deleted or refreshed.

If both .push.refspec and .push.branch are specified, then the reconciler will perform two push operations, one to the specified branch and another using the specified refspec. This is particularly useful for working with Gerrit servers. For more information about this, please refer to the Gerrit section.

Note: If both .push.refspec and .push.branch are essentially equal to each other (for e.g.: .push.refspec: refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main and .push.branch: main), then the reconciler might fail to perform the second push operation and error out with an already up-to-date error.

In the following snippet, updates will be pushed as commits to the branch auto, and when that branch does not exist at the origin, it will be created locally starting from the branch main, and pushed:

        branch: main
      branch: auto

In the following snippet, updates and commits will be made on the main branch locally. The commits will be then pushed using the refs/heads/main:refs/heads/auto refspec:

        branch: main
      refspec: refs/heads/main:refs/heads/auto

To specify the push options to be sent to the upstream Git server, use .push.options. These options can be used to perform operations as a result of the push. For example, using the below push options will open a GitLab Merge Request to the release branch automatically with the commit the controller pushed to the dev branch:

      branch: dev
        merge_request.create: "" release


Gerrit operates differently from a standard Git server. Rather than sending individual commits to a branch, all changes are bundled into a single commit. This commit requires a distinct identifier separate from the commit SHA. Additionally, instead of initiating a Pull Request between branches, the commit is pushed using a refspec: HEAD:refs/for/main.

As the image-automation-controller is primarily designed to work with standard Git servers, these special characteristics necessitate a few workarounds. The following is an example configuration that works well with Gerrit:

        branch: main
        email: flux@localdomain
        name: flux
      messageTemplate: |
        Perform automatic image update

        Automation name: {{ .AutomationObject }}

        {{ range $filename, $_ := .Updated.Files -}}
        - {{ $filename }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ range $resource, $_ := .Updated.Objects -}}
        - {{ $resource.Kind }} {{ $resource.Name }}
        {{ end }}
        {{ range .Updated.Images -}}
        - {{ . }}
        {{ end }}
        {{- $ChangeId := .AutomationObject -}}
        {{- $ChangeId = printf "%s%s" $ChangeId ( .Updated.Files | toString ) -}}
        {{- $ChangeId = printf "%s%s" $ChangeId ( .Updated.Objects | toString ) -}}
        {{- $ChangeId = printf "%s%s" $ChangeId ( .Updated.Images | toString ) }}
        Change-Id: {{ printf "I%s" ( sha256sum $ChangeId | trunc 40 ) }}
      branch: auto
      refspec: refs/heads/auto:refs/heads/main

This instructs the image-automation-controller to clone the repository using the main branch but execute its update logic and commit with the provided message template on the auto branch. Commits are then pushed to the auto branch, followed by pushing the HEAD of the auto branch to the HEAD of the remote main branch. The message template ensures the inclusion of a Change-Id at the bottom of the commit message.

The initial branch push aims to prevent multiple Patch Sets. If we exclude .push.branch and only specify .push.refspec: refs/heads/main:refs/heads/main, the desired Change can be created as intended. However, when the controller freshly clones the main branch while a Change is open, it executes its update logic on main, leading to new commits being pushed with the same changes to the existing open Change. Specifying .push.branch circumvents this by instructing the controller to apply the update logic to the auto branch, already containing the desired commit. This approach is also recommended in the Gerrit documentation.

Another thing to note is the syntax of .push.refspec. Instead of it being HEAD:refs/for/main, commonly used by Gerrit users, we specify the full refname refs/heads/auto in the source part of the refpsec.

Note: A known limitation of using the image-automation-controller with Gerrit involves handling multiple concurrent Changes. This is due to the calculation of the Change-Id, relying on factors like file names and image tags. If the controller introduces a new file or modifies a previously updated image tag to a different one, it leads to a distinct Change-Id for the commit. Consequently, this action will trigger the creation of an additional Change, even when an existing Change containing outdated modifications remains open.

Update strategy

The .spec.update field specifies how to carry out updates on the git repository. There is one strategy possible at present -- {strategy: Setters}. This field may be left empty, to default to that value.

// UpdateStrategyName is the type for names that go in
// .update.strategy. NB the value in the const immediately below.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Enum=Setters
type UpdateStrategyName string

const (
	// UpdateStrategySetters is the name of the update strategy that
	// uses kyaml setters. NB the value in the enum annotation for the
	// type, above.
	UpdateStrategySetters UpdateStrategyName = "Setters"

// UpdateStrategy is a union of the various strategies for updating
// the Git repository. Parameters for each strategy (if any) can be
// inlined here.
type UpdateStrategy struct {
	// Strategy names the strategy to be used.
	// +required
	// +kubebuilder:default=Setters
	Strategy UpdateStrategyName `json:"strategy"`

	// Path to the directory containing the manifests to be updated.
	// Defaults to 'None', which translates to the root path
	// of the GitRepositoryRef.
	// +optional
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`

Setters strategy

At present, there is one strategy: "Setters". This uses field markers referring to image policies, as described in the image automation guide.


The status of an ImageUpdateAutomation object records the result of the last automation run.

// ImageUpdateAutomationStatus defines the observed state of ImageUpdateAutomation
type ImageUpdateAutomationStatus struct {
	// LastAutomationRunTime records the last time the controller ran
	// this automation through to completion (even if no updates were
	// made).
	// +optional
	LastAutomationRunTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastAutomationRunTime,omitempty"`
	// LastPushCommit records the SHA1 of the last commit made by the
	// controller, for this automation object
	// +optional
	LastPushCommit string `json:"lastPushCommit,omitempty"`
	// LastPushTime records the time of the last pushed change.
	// +optional
	LastPushTime *metav1.Time `json:"lastPushTime,omitempty"`
	// +optional
	ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty"`
	// +optional
	Conditions                  []metav1.Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty"`
	meta.ReconcileRequestStatus `json:",inline"`

The lastAutomationRunTime gives the time of the last automation run, whether or not it made a commit. The lastPushCommit field records the SHA1 hash of the last commit pushed to the origin git repository, and the lastPushTime gives the time that push occurred.


There is one condition maintained by the controller, which is the usual ReadyCondition condition. This will be recorded as True when automation has run without errors, whether or not it resulted in a commit.

Migrating from v1alpha1

For the most part, v1alpha2 rearranges the API types to provide for future extension. Here are the differences, and where each v1alpha1 field goes. A full example appears after the table.

Moves and changes

v1alpha1 field change in v1alpha2
.spec.checkout moved to .spec.git.checkout, and optional
gitRepositoryRef is now .spec.sourceRef
branch is now ref, and optional
.spec.commit moved to .spec.git.commit
authorName and authorEmail now and
.spec.push moved to .spec.git.push

Example of rewriting a v1alpha1 object to v1alpha2

This example shows the steps to rewrite a v1alpha1 ImageUpdateAutomation YAML to be a v1alpha2 YAML.

This is the v1alpha1 original:

kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
      name: auto-repo
    branch: main
  interval: 5m
  # omit suspend, which has not changed
    strategy: Setters
    path: ./app
    authorName: fluxbot
    messageTemplate: |
      An automated update from FluxBot
      [ci skip]
        name: git-pgp
    branch: auto

Change the API version

The API version is now


# becomes


Move and adapt .spec.checkout.gitRepositoryRef to .spec.sourceRef and .spec.git.checkout

The reference to a GitRepository object has moved to the field sourceRef. The checkout field moves under the git key, with the branch to checkout in a structure under ref.

      name: auto-repo

# becomes

    kind: GitRepository # the default, but good practice to be explicit here
    name: auto-repo
        branch: main

Note that .spec.git.checkout is now optional. If not supplied, the .spec.ref field from the GitRepository object is used as the checkout for updates.

Move and adapt .spec.commit to spec.git.commit

The commit field also moves under the git key, and the author is a structure rather than two fields.

    authorName: fluxbot
    messageTemplate: |
      An automated update from FluxBot
      [ci skip]
        name: git-pgp

# becomes

        name: fluxbot
      messageTemplate: |
        An automated update from FluxBot
        [ci skip]
          name: git-pgp

Move .spec.push to .spec.git.push

The field push moves under the git key.

    branch: auto

# becomes

      branch: auto

Overall result

The final YAML looks like this:

kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
  sourceRef: # moved from `.spec.checkout`
    kind: GitRepository
    name: auto-repo
  interval: 5m
  # omit suspend, which has not changed
    strategy: Setters
    path: ./app
    checkout: # moved under `git`, loses `gitRepositoryRef`
        branch: main # moved into `ref` struct
    commit: # moved under `git`
        name: fluxbot  # moved from `authorName`
        email: # moved from `authorEmail`
      messageTemplate: |
        An automated update from FluxBot
        [ci skip]
          name: git-pgp
    push: # moved under `git`
      branch: auto