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Future Binance API

GitHub Nuget

This library allows to you use simply an API of crypto exchange Future Binance

In this moment the library supports main methods of API and has a custom request

0. Clients

There are 3 clients: AuthClient, DefaultClient and StreamClient.

AuthClient has API-key and Secret-Key for HTTP-request.
DefaultClient will use for non-auth request(Endpoint's Market and etc...)
StreamClient will use for stream events(see 4. Stream)

Note: To set parametr "useTestnet" in true for use API of Binance Futures Testnet( Else if you use the main exchange ( then set "useTestnet" in false or just ignore it

In depending of type a constructor has another arguments:

AuthClient(string _APIKey, string _SecretKey, bool useTestnet = false)
DefaultClient(bool useTestnet = false)
StreamClient(string userListenKey, bool useTestnet = false)
StreamClient(string userListenKey, string webSocketUrl)

Create a client:

AuthClient authClient = new AuthClient("my_api_key", "my_secret_key"); // Create the client for an auth request
DefaultClient defaultClient = new DefaultClient(); // Create the client for no auth request
StreamClient streamClient = new StreamClient("listener_key"); // Create the client for stream events

You can change RecvWindow for a client

authClient.RecvWindow = 5000;

1. EndPoints

Using a client object(IClient) you can use anymore endpoint. A list of endpoints:

  1. TickerEndPoint
  2. TradeEndPoint
  3. OrderEndPoint
  4. AccountEndPoint
  5. StreamEndPoint

1.1. TickerEndPoint

DefaultClient client = new DefaultClient(true); // Create a default client
TickerEndPoint market = new TickerEndPoint(client); // Create a market endpoint

The endpoint has methods:


Fetch latest price for a symbol or symbols.

public async Task<IEnumerable<PriceTicker>> GetPriceTickerAsync()
public async Task<PriceTicker> GetPriceTickerAsync(TraidingPair symbol)


IEnumerable<PriceTicker> priceSymbols = await market.GetPriceTickerAsync();
PriceTicker priceSymbol = await market.GetPriceTickerAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT);


Fetch best price/qty on the order book for a symbol or symbols.

public async Task<IEnumerable<BookTicker>> GetBookTickerAsync()
public async Task<BookTicker> GetBookTickerAsync(TraidingPair symbol)


IEnumerable<BookTicker> bestPriceForSymbols = await market.GetBookTickerAsync();
BookTicker bestPrice = await market.GetBookTickerAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT);

1.2. TradeEndPoint

AuthClient is mandatory for this endpoint

AuthClient client = new AuthClient("API_key", "Secret_key", true); // Create an auth client
TradeEndPoint trade = new TradeEndPoint(client); // Create a trade endpoint

The endpoint has methods:


Will set a leverage for a given symbol

public async Task<Leverage> SetLeverageAsync(TraidingPair symbol, int value)


Leverage setLeverage = await trade.SetLeverageAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT, 25); // Set 25 leverage for BTCUSDT


Will set a margin type(CROSSED or ISOLATED) for a given symbol

public async Task<bool> SetMarginTypeAsync(TraidingPair symbol, MarginType marginType)


public bool changedMarginType = trade.SetMarginTypeAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT, MarginType.CROSSED); // Set a margin type CROSSED


public async Task<bool> ModifiyIsolatedPositionMarge(TraidingPair traidingPair, decimal amount, int type, PositionSide positionSide = PositionSide.BOTH)


Get history of changes margin positions. startTime and endTime have unix format

limit can contain a number at most 500

public async Task<IEnumerable<MarginChange>> GetMarginChangesAsync(TraidingPair traidingPair, int limit = 100)

public async Task<IEnumerable<MarginChange>> GetMarginChangesAsync(TraidingPair traidingPair, int type, int limit = 100)

public async Task<IEnumerable<MarginChange>> GetMarginChangesAsync(TraidingPair traidingPair, int type, long startTime, long endTime, int limit = 100)

1.3. OrderEndPoint

AuthClient is mandatory for this endpoint

AuthClient client = new AuthClient("API_key", "Secret_key", true); // Create an auth client
OrderEndPoint order = new OrderEndPoint(client); // Create an order endpoint


Will send a new order to exchange. To create an order in code, you need create an object from FutureBinanceAPI.Models.Orders namespace. Each an order has own class (See 1.3.1)

public async Task<Order> SetAsync(Orders.IOrder order)


MarketOrder marketOrder = new MarketOrder(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT, 0.100m); // Create a market order
Order newOrder = await order.SetAsync(marketOrder); // Send our market order to an exchange

Console.WriteLine(newOrder.OrderId); // We received response from exchange and will write in a console

1.3.1. Types of orders:


public MarketOrder(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity)


public LimitOrder(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal price, TimeInForceType timeInForce)


public StopOrder(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal price, decimal stopPrice)


public TakeProfit(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal price, decimal stopPrice)


public StopMarket(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal stopPrice)


public TakeProfitMarket(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal stopPrice)


public TrailingStopMarket(TraidingPair symbol, Side side, decimal quantity, decimal callbackRate)


Fetch info of order from an exchange

public async Task<Order> GetAsync(TraidingPair symbol, long orderId)


Order order = await order.GetAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT, 10000045);


Will cancel a given order or all

public async Task<Order> CancelAsync(TraidingPair symbol, long orderId)
public async Task<bool> CancelAsync(TraidingPair symbol)


Order canceledOrder = await order.CancelAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT, 10000045);
bool AreCanceledAllOrders = await order.CancelAsync(TraidingPair.BTCUSDT);

1.4. AccountEndPoint

AuthClient is mandatory for this endpoint

AuthClient client = new AuthClient("API_key", "Secret_key", true); // Create an auth client
AccountEndPoint account = new AccountEndPoint(client); // Create an account endpoint


public async Task<Account> GetAsync()
Account account = await account.GetAsync();

1.5. StreamEndPoint

This endpoint has methods for working with stream FutureBinance. You can start stream, delete strean and update stream's key

AuthClient client = new AuthClient("apikey", "secretkey");
StreamEndPoint streamPoint = new StreamEndPoint(client); // only AuthClient

To get your_listened_key you need use method:


Close old connection tokens and create a new connection with token(listenKey)

public Task<string> StartAsync()


AuthClient client = new AuthClient("apikey", "secretkey");
StreamEndPoint streamPoint = new StreamEndPoint(client); // only AuthClient
string listenKey = await streamPoint.StartAsync();


Close the connection

public void DeleteAsync()


Update the connnection's token

public void KeepAliveAsync()

Section with full description of stream located in page's bottom

2. Exception

In case of an error when requesting the exchange, an exception will be thrown FutureBinanceAPI.Exceptions.APIException

try {
    Order newOrder = await order.SetAsync(marketOrder);
} catch (FutureBinanceAPI.Exceptions.APIException e)

3. Custom requests

If a library doesn't have any methods, you can simple build your custom requests

timestamp and recvWindow will be set automatically

public Request(Client client)
public Task<string> SendAsync(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> args, HttpMethod method, string endpoint)
AuthClient authClient = new AuthClient("API_key", "Secret_key", true); // Create an auth client
DefaultClient defaultClient = new DefaultClient(true); // Create a default client

CustomRequest.Request customRequest = new CustomRequest.Request(authClient);
string response = await customRequest.SendAsync(null, HttpMethod.Get, "/fapi/v1/positionSide/dual");

Console.WriteLine(response); // Output in JSON

4. Stream

FutureBinance give an ability to listen events from their servers. And with a help this library, you can do it easily

First, create new API Client type - StreamClient. It use in conustrctor 2 parameters: listenKey and webSocketUrl

StreamClient(string userListenKey)

StreamClient(string userListenKey, string webSocketUrl)


StreamClient client = StreamClinet("listenKey");
StreamClient specificClient = new StreamClient("listenKey", "newWebSocketUrl");

Second, create Stream object. It allows you register new event-callbacks

StreamClient client = new StreamClient("listenKey");
Stream stream = new Stream(client);

stream.ConnectAsync((error) => {
    // You get created ClientWebSocket object
    Console.WriteLine('whoops..something error');

stream.Events.Add(new MarginListener((model) => {
    Console.WriteLine("event from marginListener");

A collection of Listeners:


There are a basic listeners. You can create your custom listeners. Your listener need implemented interface IEvent

Important note: you have an ability to create custom listener, but they can implemented only basic event models: StreamExpired, StreamMarginCall, OrderTradeUpdateCall, AccountUpdateCall

In this example it shows custom listener

public class MyListener : IListener
    #region Var
    public EventType Type => EventType.MARGIN_CALL;
    private Action<EventModel.StreamMarginCall> Callback { get; }

    #region Init
    public MyListener(Action<EventModel.StreamMarginCall> callback)
        Callback = callback;
    #region Methods
    public void Update(string message)
        EventModel.StreamMarginCall parsedModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventModel.StreamMarginCall>(message);
        // Here there is an ability to implemented somethings(check database, send request to api, change parsedModel and etc)
stream.Events.Add(new MyListener((model) => {