vagrant + ansible scripts for creating a sandbox with Sailpoint IdentityIQ
- Java 11
- Tomcat 9
- Oracle 18c XE or 21c XE
- IdentityIQ (TODO)
(optional) vagrant-vbguest (see Troubleshooting section in case of problems)
identityiq.war version 8.1
at least 32 GB of disc space
- ~6 GB for Oracle docker image itself (wil be saved as .tar file in current directory)
- ~17 GB for VirtualBox image, if Oracle docker image was loaded from .tar file (~26 GB for Virtualbox image, if Oracle docker image was built from scratch)
plenty of time (on my AMD Ryzen5 2600 it takes 795 seconds alone to build the Oracle docker image)
Start image with
vagrant up
If something was changed in Ansible scripts rerun provisioning the image with
vagrant provision
Image could be stopped with
vagrant halt
And complete removed, if something was messed up with
vagrant destroy --force
Reference for Vagrant CLI options (
##Troubleshooting Q: I get constantly errors like 'An error occurred during installation of VirtualBox Guest Additions' or version missmatch of installed VirtualBox guest extension and installed VirtualBox version.
A: You may need to downgrade installed vagrant-vbguest plugin
Check which version is installed
vagrant plugin list
If it is newer than v0.21 uninstall vagrant-vbguest plugin and install v0.21
vagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest --plugin-version 0.21