This is an inofficial LaTeX beamer theme for presentations of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Note that using the KIT/Helmholtz logo requires you to be employee or student of KIT.
To use it just place the .sty
files where LaTeX can find them (e.g. your project folder) and include \usetheme{Karlsruhe}
in the preamble of your .tex
file. For a title slide at the start of each section use \usetheme[sectionslides]{Karlsruhe}
You can also use the colour theme beamercolorthemeKarlsruhe.sty
separately with other themes via \usecolortheme{Karlsruhe}
These colour aliases are available for use with \textcolor{kit-blue100}{example text}
You may also find it convenient to start with the ready-to-use example.tex
file which includes a few additional design tweaks.