!!! PLEASE NOTE - I no longer have the time to maintain this project. You are welcome to try to bring it up to date, but there have been changes to the Discord API since this was written so this will no longer work without updating to a newer version of discord.py - Feel free to fork this project
Discord-Mirrorbot allows for a channel that can be accessed by a user account to be mirrored elsewhere, output by a bot account.
Discord-Mirrorbot requires Python 3.6 or above installed to run.
Change current working directory to the project folder.
cd Discord-Mirrorbot
Install the requirements.
# Windows
py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
# Linux/MacOS
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Set the relevant tokens and channel IDs on lines 7, 11, 15 & 19.
7 userToken = ""
11 botToken = ""
15 sourceChannelID = ""
19 targetChannelID = ""
Finally, run the bot...
# Windows
py -3 bot.py
# Linux/MacOS
python3 bot.py
- Add support for multiple images/attachments in a single message
- Clear clutter by editing a single embed if a user sends more than one message at once
- Add a way of showing user emoji reactions to messages
- Add support for channel events such as pins, deleted messages, nickname changes etc.
GNU General Public License v3.0