Subgroup 2
Lead: Michelle Barker
There has been an ongoing effort to apply FAIR principles to different forms of research software used in various ways and contexts. Examples are:
- Workflows (eg. FAIR workflows by Goble et al.)
- Computational notebooks (eg. FAIR for notebooks by Herterich)
- Research objects (eg. FAIR for research objects by Garcia-Silva et al.)
- Training materials (eg. 10 simple rules for making training materials FAIR by Garcia et al.)
These different applications pose different challenges and requirements. The task of this subgroup is to look into and make an overview of the commonalities and differences between the different use cases. The resulting overview will provide useful insights for the definition of FAIR principles for research software and the guidelines for their implementation.
- An overview of FAIR use cases applied to other contexts
- The list of commonalities, the differences and challenges in applying FAIR principles
Relevant literature will be added to the FAIR4RS Zotero Group
Please use FAIR other contexts
tag for resources relevant for this subgroup.
If you are interested in participating then please contact the subgroup leader, Michelle Barker.
We are making an inventory of examples of FAIR principles applied to different forms of research software used in various ways and contexts in the Working Document.